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Reaper Unleashed: Deadside Reapers: Book 7

Page 7

by Cassidy, Debbie

  Yeah, not gonna happen. I stepped forward. “And I represent Eldrick, the real alpha to Rising pack. The one that brought you, the original Loup, together.”

  Ulrich snorted but didn’t try to cut me off.

  “He’s alive, despite Ulrich’s attempts otherwise. He wouldn’t want this for you. Those of you who are true to him, know this isn’t what Rising pack is about. It’s not who you are.”

  Ulrich crossed his arms over his chest. “If he feels so strongly, he should have come himself. He was too weak to fight me, and he’s too weak to fight for his pack.”

  The rogue Loup cheered, and anger simmered to life in my veins.

  “You?” I turned on him. “You, he could have put down. But you came at him with a pack of rogues in an unauthorized challenge.”

  Murmurs of alarm rippled through the crowd.

  Ulrich sneered. “He let his guard down. Bad move.”

  “No, he trusted you. That was his only mistake.” I pulled Hunter’s phone from my pocket and clicked on the recording from Eldrick. “He’s healing and can’t be here, but he has a message for his pack.”

  I expected Ulrich to attack and wrestle the phone from me, but he didn’t.

  I held up the phone and Eldrick’s calm, assured voice drifted across the room.

  “My Rising Loup. My pack. My family. I am so proud of what we have built over the decades. I am so proud of all of you. Of your strength and conviction. Now is the time to use that conviction. Ulrich will undo all that we have built and turn our city into a den of crime. I implore you to support my bloodline. I offer you my daughter Seraphina Dawn and her Tribus as your alphas.”

  The video ended.

  “Tribus?” The magistrate looked at me in shock.

  I gave him a shrug.

  Ulrich looked confused as murmurs skittered across the crowd, gaining volume.

  Yeah, the news of the Tribus was new, and our triad power chose that moment to flare, filling the air with electricity. The Loup closest to the platform moved back and my Regency pack were given a wide berth as the power whooshed outward, touching them all, shielding them and claiming them as mine.

  Ulrich wasn’t smirking any longer. “What is this?” he demanded. He grabbed the magistrate by the lapel and shook him. “Explain it.”

  “A-A Tribus…” the magistrate stuttered. “A triad. A fated mating of two alpha males to an alpha female. R-rare and powerful.”

  Ulrich released the magistrate and turned his head to look at me. “You think you have the upper hand because you have two mates?”

  It was more than that, but I wasn’t here to explain that to him. I didn’t need to. The room had felt our power and heard Eldrick’s words. It was all we needed. Ulrich may not have grasped the enormity of what we were, but the magistrate obviously had.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off me. His throat bobbed nervously, and his gaze flicked to Ulrich as if he was reassessing being here at all.

  It was time to push. “A pack is only as good as it’s alpha. A pack works when it shares common goals and ideals, otherwise you have dissention. So tell me, Ulrich, is the Rising pack really on board with you?”

  His eyes narrowed and then a slow smirk spread across his face. “You want numbers? How about this.” He faced the crowd. ”Rising pack only. Step forward if you support Seraphina Dawn.”

  There were murmurs but no one moved.

  I couldn’t believe this. They were being given a choice, and they were choosing him. I looked down at Grayson and Hunter in shock.

  Ulrich chuckled. “Your face… It’s priceless.”

  He made a grab for me, and I wasn’t quick enough to evade it. Grayson and Hunter growled in rage and then bullets rained, pinging off the ground and forcing them back.

  Ulrich squeezed my jaw, his face too close. My hand tingled, but the scythe didn’t materialize. Shit. What the fuck? The symbols above the door. Oh god. Whatever they’d done to the room was blocking my Dominus power.

  “They won’t join you,” Ulrich said. “They know better. They know what happens to those who defy me. I’m not Eldrick, and this isn’t a fucking democracy. You either fall in line or…”

  He forced my head to the side, to look out into the crowd as it parted to reveal the horror pinned to the wall at the back of the basement.

  The coppery smell made sense now. It was blood. Blood of the ten eviscerated Loup hung on the wall like trophies.

  Ulrich shoved me away. “Or you fall. Simple. The Pack is mine.”

  No. Oh god. All those dead Loup. Loyal to Eldrick. Strong enough to stand up against Ulrich … They were dead.

  He’d killed them.

  He’d… Rage flared inside me like ion inferno. “I challenge you.” I glared at him. “I challenge you for alphahood of his pack,”

  “Fee, no!” Grayson cried out. “A power challenge can only be taken on by the potential alpha, not the Tribus.”

  I didn’t care. I had to do this. We didn’t have the numbers to over-power and overthrow him. This, one on one, was the only way.

  “Fee?” Grayson implored.

  I couldn’t look at him, wouldn’t break eye contact with Ulrich, If I did, I might weaken. I couldn’t weaken now.

  Ulrich ran his tongue over his teeth, looking me up and down. “You want to fight me for the alpha crown?” He grinned. “In the interests of sportsmanship, I should warn you that your Dominus power won’t work in this room. It’ll be your little Loup against mine.”

  He knew about my demon nature. Of course, he fucking did. Larson would have told him. So, the symbols above the door and around the room, were specifically for me.

  “Well?” Ulrich said. “Do you officially challenge.”

  “Fee, no.” Hunter this time.

  If I backed down now what example would I be setting to the frightened Rising pack Loup? If I backed down now, the Loup world would pay the price. I had to do this.

  I met his gaze. “I officially challenge you.”

  Was that a flicker of respect in his flint eyes? “Well, well…I was going to keep you for breeding pups, but a feisty thing like you might just make more of an addition to the new regime than just a womb. Once I break you in, of course.”

  Rage spiraled through me. “Not if I break you first.”

  Part of me, the rational human part screamed at me that this was insane. He was twice my size, stronger than me and without my Dominus power I had only the Loup strength to rely on, but the Loup, the alpha, the one that wanted—no, needed—justice stood tall and stretched, ready to do whatever it took to bring this fucker down.

  He might be big.

  He might be strong.

  But I was fast, and I had skills.

  I was distinctly aware of the cacophony of sound around me, the crowd, my pack, my mates. There was definite unease.

  Ulrich grabbed the magistrate by the nape and hauled him toward us. “You hear this magistrate? A challenge. You’ll officiate.”

  The magistrate gave me a look that said are you insane? But he nodded. “Human or Loup form?”

  Ulrich grinned. “I’ll let my future queen decide.”

  I recalled his spikes. “Human.”

  Ulrich released the magistrate and cracked his knuckles. “Good choice.”

  Oh shit. Had I just made a mistake?

  No time to dwell now.

  The crowd moved back to clear a circle. Ulrich jumped off the platform and strode into it rolling his shoulders.

  Grayson shoved a rogue wolf out of the way to reach me. “We need to go. Now,” he said. “We can fight our way out.”

  “No, I have to do this. They need to see me stand up to him.”

  Hunter joined us. “Fee, please. Ulrich is insane. He won’t hold back.”

  I lifted my chin and gave him my most wicked smile. “Neither will I.”

  I reached up to touch their cheeks and warmth flooded my limbs.

  “Good,” Ulrich boomed. “Say your goodbyes.”

nbsp; I gave him the finger and the rogues around us jeered. Ulrich chuckled, held up his hand and beckoned me forward.

  I took a deep breath and entered the ring.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Let’s see them,” the Loup says

  I sigh. “See what?”

  “Your wings. You’re one of them celestials ain’t you?”


  “So, go on then. Show us your feathers.” He cackles to himself, impressed by his non-existent wit.


  “I could shoot you, ya know.” He points his gun at me.

  “I know.”

  “You think I won’t?”

  “Honestly, I don’t care.” All I care about is Fee.

  Did Grayson make it back? Did they find out about the ceremony? Are they going to be in time to stop Ulrich?

  I don’t matter.

  He aims the barrel at my kneecap and fires. I expect pain but instead there’s a flash of light followed by a soft chink.

  I look down to see the bullet on the floor then back up at the Loup’s shocked face.

  He fires again, aiming for my chest this time, and light fills my vision, lashing out to hammer at the barrier keeping me trapped, but the bullet doesn’t touch me.

  What is this?

  What’s happening?

  Grigori have power, to heal and to fly, to jump and become invisible to human eyes, but weapons, be they bullets or blades, still cause damage to us. This is new.

  The Loup backs up and studies his gun as if the weapon is faulty.

  “This is bullshit,” he says and aims the thing at my face.

  Are all rogue Loup this stupid?

  The door behind him slams open and smacks him in the back of the head. The gun goes off, but the bullet pings off the chair behind me.

  Dean and several Regency Loup rush into the room followed by Vi, the Masterton coven witch. She makes a beeline for me, her gaze flicking up to the ceiling.

  “Fucking blood magic,” she says. “Don’t worry handsome, we’ll have you out of there in a jiffy.”


  She smiles tightly. “Doing what needs to be done. You did good, Uriel. You did good.”

  But it isn’t over. Not yet.

  * * *


  I look across the table at Jasper sipping his wine. The air is crisp and cold, but the balcony is heated by small fires on either side of us. Steak and potatoes and some vegetables I can’t identify decorate my plate. There’s a bottle of wine with a name I can’t pronounce next to a breadbasket in the center of the table.

  I’m not hungry.

  I feel odd.



  It’s not like me. I don’t get nervous. Not really.

  “You’re not hungry?” Jasper asks.

  “I just want this time with you to be over.” I sit back and cross my arms.

  “You should eat,” he says coolly. “You’ll need the energy.”

  “For fucksake, does your cock never tire?”

  “Are you telling me you don’t want it?”

  There it is, the tell-tale throb between my legs. “Fuck you, Jasper. This is some twisted shit. I mean, why are you doing this?”

  “We had a deal.”

  “A deal for seven days of fucking. We could do that back at the quarters. Why here with the fucking silk sheets and the dinners, and the,” I make a disgusted face, “conversation.”

  He looks momentarily confused, a slight frown marring his forehead. “You don’t like this?”

  Like? “What the fuck, Jasper? What I would like is to go home. To be with Fee and my friends and people I actually want to spend time with.”

  It’s harsh, I know, but being here with him like this is making me feel off, and odd, and urgh. I need to get away from him. From all this…honeymoon shit.

  My stomach flips and quivers as if something awful is about to happen.

  Jasper leans across the table, his eyes blazing with malice. “You’ll do as I fucking please. You’re mine, Cora, and don’t you—”

  I hold up my hand to cut him off. Oh god… I know this feeling. It’s muted, but I’d recognize it anywhere.

  I look up and meet Jasper’s eyes.

  “Fee’s in danger.”

  “No.” He sits back and picks up his glass.

  “No?” I push back my seat and stand. “What the fuck do you mean, no?”

  “Sit. Down.” His tone is glacial. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “Listen here, you trumped-up Casper wannabe. I agreed to this deal to save Fee. I’m not going to sit here and eat overcooked steak with you while she’s in danger.”

  He cuts into the steak and examines it. “It’s not overcooked.”

  Oh, my god. I’m going to kill him. “Fee is in danger. I have to go. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

  I jump.

  Nothing happens.

  Jasper tips his head to the side and arches a brow.

  “What the fuck?”

  He cuts a sliver of steak, pops it into his mouth and chews deliberately before swallowing. “It’s good, you should try it.”

  Panic threatens to bloom in my chest. “What did you do?”

  “Just a little enchantment to keep things in, and other things out.”

  Oh shit. Was this why my connection to Fee was muted? He was doing this? And still I’d picked up on something, which meant… “Damn you Jasper. Lift it. Lift it now. It’s bad. It’s real bad. I have to go.”

  He explodes out of his seat and rushes me. I have no time to run before his hand is around my throat and his mouth is inches from mine.

  “When will you start living for you?” he asks, his tone a lethally soft almost caress.

  My eyes burned with tears of rage. “When I can find a way to get you off my fucking back!”

  His eyes flinch, and I swear something akin to pain lances across his face. But this is Jasper. Unfeeling, malevolent Jasper.

  He releases me suddenly and I stagger back.

  He flicks his wrist and turns away from me. “Go,” he says.

  Panic and fear course through me.


  He’s lifted the barrier.

  I make to jump then stop, guilt clawing at my chest for some inexplicable reason. ”I’ll be back.”

  “Don’t bother,” he says. “I won’t be here.”

  I make the jump to Fee.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The rogues jeered at me and cheered for Ulrich as we circled each other. My heart was racing, adrenaline flooding my system as I allowed the Loup to take over. My vision sharpened and every sense heightened. The smell of blood and sweat, fear and excitement, all mingled to create a heady cocktail.

  Ulrich’s body tightened, shoulders tensing, thighs bunching.

  He was about to charge.

  I evaded his grapple, and he turned to face me with a grin. He was playing. This was a game to him.

  But not to me.

  Every instinct in me wanted to attack, but with an opponent much bigger than me, that would be foolish. I needed to move fast and wait for the right moment to get in the jabs to his delicate areas—eyes, throat, crotch, the backs of his knees.

  I knew the score. Azazel and Grayson had trained me well.

  I channeled my mates now, body coiled and ready to strike. Ulrich charged again, but I side-stepped and leapt, bringing my arm up to connect with his throat.

  He made a gargling sound and clutched at his neck. I wanted to do more damage, but he was too quick to recover, so I put distance between us.

  His smile was gone now. Dead eyes filled with the need to do harm. He growled and charged me. I made to dodge, ducking in anticipation of his swipe, but he moved at the last minute to block me and body slammed me into the ground.

  The air rushed out of my lungs, and my vision blurred

  “Move!” Hunter shouted.

/>   I rolled in time to avoid a fist to the chest and scrambled to my feet, putting space between us, but he wasn’t letting up. I was winded and he was coming for me.

  Focus, Fee.

  I dropped and jabbed him in the stomach. Fuck it was as hard as rock. I jabbed again, aimed for his crotch this time, but he blocked. Shit. I slipped under his arm, but I didn’t make it far before he had a grip on my hair. He hauled me to him. Crushing my back to his chest, he wrapped his tank arms around me and squeezed.

  There was a sharp crack and then fire lanced through me. My scream lit up the room. Gunfire rained. Growls and snarls of rage drifted to my ears.

  My ribs. He’d broken my—

  Ulrich squeezed again

  Another crack.

  I screamed high-pitched and furious. Bastard. I bucked and threw back my head trying to connect with his face, needing to be free. I couldn’t breathe.

  “You want to submit?” His breath was hot on my ear.

  “Never.” My body was healing, knitting the bone.

  He squeezed again and several cracks punctuated the air. My vision went black as unconsciousness tugged at me.

  No. I had to fight, I had to—

  He dropped me on my front and then his boot connected with my side. Nausea rolled through me and copper filled my mouth. I spat out the blood, trying to pull myself up as my bones knit.

  “Submit,” Ulrich said.

  “Fuck you.”

  Another kick, this one so hard it lifted me off the ground and propelled me several feet across the ring.

  For a moment I was paralysed by white hot pain. Blood rushed in my ears and my heartbeat pumped an erratic rhythm. The pain was a weighted blanket, pressing me into the earth, holding me there and tearing me asunder.

  I was distantly aware of my mates calling my name. I needed to see them. I needed them. I lifted my head and the movement sent fire racing down my spine. There they were, grappling and fighting to get past a barrier of rogue Loup. Bullets pinged off the ground as a warning, but my guys were past caring. They wanted to get to me because this was it.

  This was the end.

  I wasn’t strong enough. Not alone.


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