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#Junkie (GearShark #1)

Page 20

by Cambria Hebert

  “You gonna stop avoiding me?” he asked.

  I guess I deserved that. The excuses I kept sending via text were pretty weak. “Yeah. I’m sorry. I just… It’s been a long week.”

  “Ain’t that the truth?”

  “Everything going okay with Joey?” I asked, wondering how much I missed.

  “You should give her a chance. She’s a really good driver. She’s actually taught me some stuff.”

  “Well, now that I know you’re not sleeping with her, I like her a little more.”

  He laughed, then said, “Gamble’s her father.”

  “No shit?” I swore.

  He nodded against my leg. “Yeah, it kind of works against her, though. That and being a girl and all.”

  “It must be hard being a woman in the world of racing,” I murmured, feeling like a dick for not giving her more of a chance. Truth was the second she stepped out of the Fastback, I was jealous of her.

  Drew made a sound of agreement. “Having a father who could practically buy anything doesn’t help either.”

  “How much longer is she hanging out?” I asked, mentally promising to spend some time with her, actually give her a chance.

  “Not sure,” he replied. “She doesn’t seem in too big a hurry to leave. ‘Course that was before I took her to a street race that ended in a car chase.”

  “Fucking Lorhaven,” I spat.

  Drew jostled the cushions when he rolled onto his back to look up and me. Our hands stayed linked, and he rested them on his stomach. “I beat him again.” The rueful smile on his face made me grin.

  “Hells yeah.” I released his hand to smack him in the chest. “That’s my guy.”

  We were both caught off guard by what I said. I called him mine. But we’d never actually discussed that. I had no idea what we were.

  Reluctantly, my eyes turned down to his face. The smile he was wearing was deep and proud. I was tired of resisting the dimple, so I ran my finger over it, caressing it softly.

  “I like this dimple,” I explained, my voice low and deep.

  “I like how your left front tooth is slightly crooked.”

  I returned his smile and chuckled a little. “That drives my mother crazy. All that money on braces and my tooth still won’t do what it’s told.”

  Drew covered my hand with his beneath the blanket and glanced away. I shouldn’t have brought up my mother. It intruded upon us. Somehow, we’d slipped into some private world tonight, where it felt safer to be how we really wanted to be together. The outside world, anything beyond what Drew and I shared, didn’t seem welcome.

  I worried for quiet moments I’d burst our bubble and it was going to end prematurely.

  “So guess what?” he said, looking up at me once more.

  All my worries instantly melted away. “What?”

  “I have a photo shoot and interview with GearShark on Monday.”

  “No shit!” I exclaimed for the second time tonight.

  Excitement sparked in his blue eyes. “Yeah, apparently, the calls Gamble has been making have seriously caused a stir in the racing world.”

  “Well, in the world of speed, word travels fast.”

  “Hopper might also have said some things to Gamble’s other drivers and dropped a few major hints to all the headquarter staff… People are talking.”

  “The pro world is going to be steamed the indies are stealing their thunder,” I mused.

  “This interview is basically going to be the first official announcement of the new racing division. Alongside my piece, Gamble is releasing a statement, and some of the sponsors he’s already got interested are all going to be mentioned.”

  “Free press for them.” I nodded, thinking how smart Ron Gamble really was. “So where and when is the interview?”

  “GearShark is sending a crew here to me. The guys down at the speedway are opening up the track for us, ten a.m. We’re going to do the shoot there at the track, and then I’ll sit down and answer some questions.”

  “Pick me up early so we can get coffee on the way,” I said. Then I thought better of it. “No, I’ll just pick you up. I’ll probably have to drag your ass out of bed.”

  “Yeah?” he seemed mildly surprised. “Don’t you have class?”

  “Fuck class,” I drawled. “This is more important. Your first big interview and it’s with GearShark, no less. It’s a national magazine, dude. A bible to all drivers.”

  “I’m so pumped.” I could hear the excitement in his voice. “That magazine is the bomb. My first interview and your first official job as my manager.”

  “You ready to be famous?” I asked.

  He scoffed at the idea, but I knew it was only a matter of time. The realization made my stomach twist, but I ignored it.

  “So what’s been going on with you?” Drew asked.

  “Con tried to get me tossed out of the frat.”

  My hand was ripped away from his when he jackknifed up off my lap and slammed his feet onto the floor. “What?”

  It was kinda cute the way he was all outraged. But it was unnecessary.

  “What a douche,” I cracked. “Of course, it didn’t work.”

  “He was that pissed you didn’t back him as the new president?”

  I sneered. “Now he’s out of the election completely.”

  “He still giving you a hard time?” Drew’s face darkened.

  Oh yeah. But those details weren’t welcome in this moment, not in this bubble we created. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “I got your back. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Drew leaned back against the couch, our bodies pressed together from our shoulders all the way to our feet. He leaned his head on my shoulder, and it felt so good I drifted off, even though I tried to stay awake. I wanted to remember every moment of tonight, but I was just so fucking content and his steady breathing lulled me to sleep.

  I didn’t know what time it was, just that it was very late, when he shook me gently.

  “Yeah?” I said, blinking up as he leaned over me.

  “C’mon, let’s go to bed.”

  “Bed?” I echoed. Even half asleep, I was still surprised.

  “You’re staying over tonight.” He held his hand out to me, a silent invitation.

  I looked between him and his hand, then slowly surrendered mine. He kept hold of me the entire way upstairs and down the hall.

  I hadn’t been in his room since that night months ago. But I was totally sober now.

  He went in, and I hesitated on the threshold. He glanced back over his shoulder, giving my hand a slight tug.

  “I’m not drunk this time.” I cautioned. “I won’t be forgetting anything in the morning.”

  His hand slipped away from mine and my stomach plummeted. It was for the best anyway; better to know now before I fell even deeper in love with him.

  Drew didn’t move away like I thought, though. He rotated back around, swiveled his hips in my direction, and stepped up close. It reminded me of the way I’d stepped up to him in the kitchen.

  His eyes met mine. Neither of us had to look down or up. We stood level, on even ground. Drew curled his hand around my waist. His fingers crawled across my back and rested against my spine. He moved with agonizingly deliberate intent. I remained still and let him approach.

  Our gazes remained locked together until just before our mouths touched. His eyes drifted closed first, and mine followed his lead.

  Tender isn’t a word I would ever use to describe Drew, but that’s exactly what his kiss was. He fit his lower lip between mine so his mouth enclosed around my top lip, sucking the fullness in and then releasing to come back and do it again. Our lips brushed together, like they had their own personal handshake no one else knew.

  It was everything in that moment, his lips, his breath, and the feel of his tongue slowly tangling with mine. His other hand grasped the other side of my waist and our chests came together.

was the first time our skin touched like this, the first time we were skin to skin.

  I loved the hardness of his body, the way his arm muscles flexed when he gripped me tighter. I lifted one arm and wrapped it around his shoulders so there wasn’t even a centimeter between us. Even though this was his kiss, I deepened it, and he growled into my mouth and followed my lead.

  I could feel the pounding of his heart against my chest, and I reveled in it. I knew mine likely felt the same, and I hoped he knew it beat so erratically because of him.

  Drew retreated from my mouth slowly, like it wasn’t something he wanted to do. Before pulling back completely, he sucked my tongue for one last taste.

  His thumb swiped at my lower lip when he spoke. “So you’ll remember that in the morning?”

  “I’ll remember that for the rest of my life.”

  He grunted like my answer satisfied him. “Good.”

  After that, I let myself be pulled into the room. It smelled like him in here, and I took a deep breath. He didn’t bother with the light, and I smacked my shin on the end of the bed.

  “Shit!” I growled and reached down to rub the spot.

  A small bedside lamp clicked on. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” I grumbled and moved around to the far side of the bed.

  Drew flung the covers back, and I crawled in. I was drowsy; sleep still had ahold on me. Or maybe it was just the way he kissed.

  When my head hit the pillow, I sighed, and he laughed lightly. “Comfortable?”

  “This bed is better than mine,” I murmured.

  “That’s because I sleep in it.”

  “Probably,” I said around a yawn.

  The mattress dipped a little with his weight, and the blankets ruffled when he pulled them up and adjusted his pillow. The light clicked off with a distinct sound, and he settled against the sheets.

  “Where’s your car?” he asked.

  I rolled toward him, seeking out his face in the dark. “At Omega. I took a cab to the bar.”

  “Don’t go back there, frat boy,” he whispered.

  “Never.” I promised. I lifted my arm, turned onto my back. “Come here.”

  He was soundless as he slid across the sheets. His body was almost as long as mine, and we pressed together almost completely. Drew’s head lay on my shoulder; the scruff on his jaw tickled my skin. I tucked an arm around him, keeping him close, and he tossed one leg up over mine, hooking us together.

  “You know you can’t leave here until I drive you.”

  My mouth kicked up in a half smile. “I’m in no hurry to leave.”

  “I kinda want to stay here like this all weekend.” It sounded like a whispered confession.

  “Me, too,” I whispered back.

  The feel of his fingertips lightly caressing my abs was kinda blissful, and it made me hard (yes, again), but there was no rush to do anything about it. The last thing I wanted to do was move too fast with Drew and ruin what was happening.

  But I didn’t want to sleep, it seemed like an awful waste of time with him, so I fought as gallantly as I could. Sleep came anyway; it pulled me down deep.

  A little while later when he rolled over, my body followed his.

  When morning dawned and I opened my eyes, I half expected to find his side of the bed empty, with nothing but a pillow indent to prove I hadn’t been dreaming.

  Drew was still there. We spooned together with his ass nestled firmly against my front.

  It was proof this really wasn’t a dream.

  Even dreams couldn’t be this good.


  He was hard.

  I obviously knew all about waking up with a morning wood, but I’d never woken up to one poking me before.

  I lay there with my eyes closed for a while, just taking in the feeling of his big body wrapped around mine. It was different than what I was used to, and I waited for the awkwardness to assault me. Now that the sun was up, I thought I might feel different.

  I worried I might feel regret.

  I didn’t.

  In fact, it was hard to think at all with the distraction of Trent’s rigid cock pressed against my ass.

  I wiggled a little, pressing against it just a little bit more. His hips thrust forward, and I smiled to myself.

  So I did it again.

  His arm, which was thrown over my waist, moved, and the next thing I knew, his hand was around my own morning wood.

  “What are you doing, frat boy?” I rumbled.

  “If you can tease me, so can I.” His voice ruffled the hair on the back of my head and caused goose bumps to race over my scalp.

  I wiggled back against him, and his grip tightened around my shaft. It felt good, so I thrust into his hand for another pump.

  Trent lifted one of his legs over both of mine, which changed the position of his cock, and I groaned a little. The pressure of him right up against me was fucking good.

  His leg was like a weight holding me in place as he rubbed and stroked my cock through my shorts. I couldn’t help but roll my hips in rhythm to his strokes, and he joined in, thrusting gently against me, rubbing his length between us.

  We rocked together for a while, until it just wasn’t enough. Until I wanted his hands on my bare skin. “Trent,” I pleaded, hoping he understood the need.

  His fingers slid to the waistband of my shorts, but he paused. “This okay?”

  “Do it,” I growled.

  His laugh was throaty when his hand dove beneath my boxers and brushed over the head of my swollen erection. The skin-on-skin contact was so good and it made me moan. He stroked what he could and continued to rock back and forth against me with his length, but my clothes and position were just too restrictive. I wanted more stroking, more of everything.

  He felt the same, because after a few moments, he pulled his hand free and tugged my hip. “Roll over.”

  I moved immediately and helped him pull my shorts and boxers down so I could abandon them somewhere between the covers.

  Trent grabbed my hip and jerked me forward. My lower half collided with his. My bare, hard dick rubbed against the fabric of his shorts and brushed against his covered hard-on.

  We thrust closer as our lips met in a hungry kiss. Our tongues plunged into each other as we humped each other. Trent’s hand settled over the side of my face and held me as we made out, eventually dragging down my jaw and to my neck. He sucked and bit at the skin, making me so hungry for more.

  I reached for the waistband on his boxers and started tugging at them impatiently. He let go of me long enough to abandon the fabric, allowing his own cock to spring free.

  I went for it immediately, wrapping my hand around it and going back for his lips. We kissed each other everywhere we could reach, without having to release the other’s erection. The amount of heat we generated practically sizzled my skin. We both hummed with need until both our cocks were weeping pre-cum onto the sheets.

  Trent moved first, grabbing my hips and pulling me against him. Our lower half matched up well, and we thrust into each other, bumping and rubbing our dicks together.

  “Damn,” Trent moaned and took both of us into one of his hands. He jacked us both at the same time, causing breath to hiss from between my lips. I rolled on top of him, pinning our cocks between our bodies, and kissed him fully on the mouth.

  He was moving erratically now, thrusting against me faster, so I slid down his body, kissing all the way down to his scrotum.

  “I’m not gonna last,” he groaned as I settled between his legs.

  I dragged one finger up his taint just beneath his balls, and he shuddered. So I took it one step further and licked the same area and then gently sucked one of his balls into my mouth.

  He muttered a few incoherent curses that made me feel like I was awesome, and it spurred me on. Since he was so close to orgasm, I played with his balls, kissing and sucking, and then I kissed the base of his shaft. I licked and kissed his taint a few more times, enjoying the way he trem
bled, but I didn’t go any lower.

  I wasn’t quite sure I was ready for that. Yet.

  Trent’s powerful legs were actually shaking when I finally took him into my mouth. Just the tip at first, really working it and making sure it was good and slick. Then I clamped my lips around him and slid down, settling into a steady sucking motion.

  “Now!” The word ripped out of his mouth, sounding kind of like a prayer, and with one last-minute decision, I sucked a little deeper.

  I felt him fighting it, trying to hold back and give me a minute to release his cock. But I wasn’t going to. I wanted to feel him spill across my tongue.

  On instinct, I did what I could to send him over the edge and dragged the pad of my thumb down his taint and quickly caressed his puckered hole.

  With a shout, he exploded, his warm, slightly salty cum spurted across my tongue. I drank him down as he moaned into a pillow. The sounds he made and the aftershocks jolting his body only heightened my own throbbing arousal.

  Before letting his softening dick go completely, I licked over the tip one last time. I raised my head to look at him, but all I saw was the white pillow he was pressing over his face.

  I chuckled and lifted it. “Everything okay under there?”

  “You…” His eyes dropped to my lips.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  He shot up into a sitting position and grabbed my hips. “My turn.”

  I wasn’t about to turn down a blowjob. Especially not from him. His powers of deep-throating were the stuff books should be written about.

  On second thought, I didn’t want anyone to know how fucking fantastic he was at sucking cock. That was only for me.

  I was already so worked up from the make-out session, the dry humping, and the feel of him jacking us both at the same time, I lasted less time than a virgin teenager.

  T barely had time to wrap his mouth around me before I was shooting my load right across his tongue.

  Yeah, he swallowed this time.

  Fucking almost made me hard all over again.

  We didn’t leave the house the rest of the weekend. Our phones lay abandoned somewhere we couldn’t hear them. Our clothes stayed folded on the top of the dryer. We only wore basketball shorts and each other’s hands.


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