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#Junkie (GearShark #1)

Page 23

by Cambria Hebert

  She kept chewing him.

  He laughed and brushed his fingertips over the hair on her head.

  He slayed me. In every possible way I could be slayed.

  I didn’t know how it happened, but somehow, some way, he did. It started as a friendship and grew from there. And now…

  Now, watching him, my chest swelled and expanded.

  Something about his gentleness, the innocence and pureness with which interacted with Nova, told me exactly what kind of man he was.

  A good one. Genuine.

  I felt lucky to love him in that moment. I understood exactly why I could. I tucked that feeling deep down inside me, because I was sure I would need it later.

  I felt a touch on my middle. I tore my eyes off the sight, and Ivy smiled at me. She patted my stomach and walked away, into the kitchen.

  Judging from the way she looked at me, I knew. If she was thinking something about me and T, whatever she saw on my face just now confirmed it.

  I walked into the room, and he looked up. “Hey, I see you survived Fashion 101.” He joked.

  “Ivy has deemed me fashionably saved.”

  He pushed back into a sitting position in front of Nova and looked at his phone lying nearby. “You got enough time to grab something to eat before we go.”

  “Did you eat?” I asked, still watching him.

  It was like my eyes were starved and he was food. Like the rest of the world was in black and white, but he was in color.

  “Nah, I was hanging with midge.”

  Ivy appeared with a mug and held it over my shoulder. “You forgot you wanted more coffee.”

  Right. “Thanks.” I grabbed it and took a sip.

  Ivy came into the room, and Nova’s eyes followed her. “Where’s your daddy?” she asked her.

  “I told him to shower. He smelled,” Trent replied.

  We all laughed, and Ivy plopped down next to her daughter. “He got up and trained with Romeo this morning.”

  “Are you going to be at pancake Sunday this week?” Rimmel asked, coming into the room, Romeo right behind her.

  Trent looked up. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “We missed you last week,” she said.

  “Sorry. Drama at Omega.”

  “What’s going on?” Romeo asked.

  Trent shook his head once. “Nothing. Same old crap. I handled it.”

  I didn’t think Con trying to toss him off of his throne was nothing, but I wasn’t going to say anything. He barely talked about the frat all weekend, other than to tell me what happened. I was starting to think there was more to it than he said.

  “I know I don’t go there anymore, but I’ll still come over there and help you smash heads if I got to,” Romeo answered.

  Trent smirked. “Thanks, man.”

  “I have to go get ready for class.” Rimmel made a face. “Last semester ‘til we graduate!”

  “Amen.” Trent replied and got up to hug Rim. She was swallowed by his size, but she didn’t seem to notice. She was used to it by now with Rome. “I’ll see ya later.”

  “Yes, come hang out this week,” she insisted, pulled back, and went up the stairs, but Romeo hung back.

  He held his fist out to me, and I pounded it out with him. “Good luck today.”


  After a few more minutes of hanging with the fam, Trent and I grabbed a quick bite out of the kitchen and hit the road.

  I had an interview to get to.


  GearShark magazine was no joke.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect when we got there, but it wasn’t what we pulled up to.

  They sent an entire team to set up for the photo shoot and interview. There was a photographer, his assistant, a stylist, a makeup artist, and the writer doing the article. There were also a few guys on their crew who basically just set everything up and would take it all down when we were done.

  It was more than I realized went into a magazine. Especially a car magazine. But then I found out one of the reasons: this wasn’t just an “ordinary” article.

  Drew was going to be on the cover. He was the feature story for the issue. In addition to the article and photo shoot, Gamble bought some ads in the magazine for the new division, and they were taking shots and photographs around the track for potential use.

  Joey was here. Her Skyline was freaking sweet-looking up close. And there were several other indie drivers that were well known at the speedway here and on the streets. One of them was Arrow.

  I didn’t mind him… much. He was just a kid.

  But I was sure as hell glad Lorhaven wasn’t around. I bet it was a real thorn in his side he wasn’t here right now. He was probably dying to know what was going on.

  Such a shame he was banned from the speedway.


  From the minute we got there, people milled about. The owners of the speedway were there, mostly out of the way to observe, but occasionally they would jump in and answer questions or to show some of the crew around.

  There was a table set up near the trailer the crew brought with a whole spread of coffee, bottled water, donuts, and trays of snack food.

  Everything was outside today. The photo shoot was on the track. They had lighting set up around the Fastback, which was moved to the photo location (by me). There was also another small area where they planned to take photos of Drew, off to the side. It was set up with a large white background and floor. It too had big lights everywhere.

  Drew was swept off almost immediately. They were putting makeup on him, which he hated and I found funny as shit. I took some sneaky photos with my cell of the makeup artist doing his face and texted them to the entire family.

  He was gonna be pissed. Ha-ha-ha-ha.

  There was a wardrobe woman there who kept holding up shirts and outfits, but when I took Drew over a cup of coffee (I took pity on the guy… He was wearing foundation), the stylist was saying she loved the look he was already wearing.

  I took advantage of it and told her Ivy Forrester of People styled him this morning. Turned out the stylist subscribed to Ivy’s channel online and was totally fangirling. She declared he would just wear what he had on. Drew made sure Ivy would be listed in the credits of the shoot for her contribution. She was gonna be thrilled. Of course, he would change into something else for a portion of the shoot, so the stylist that was here would also get her credit.

  “Think he needs some mascara?” I asked the makeup girl as I pretended to scrutinize Drew’s face.

  Drew glared at me. “Don’t you have manager shit to do?”

  “Making sure you look your best on your first magazine cover is manager shit,” I replied innocently.

  The makeup artist giggled. “I was thinking maybe a little blush, too.”

  Drew blanched.

  I took out my phone and snapped another pic. Then I took a selfie with the makeup girl and the stylist. I made sure I got Drew scowling at the three of us in the background.

  Fun times.

  “You’re fired,” Drew told me when we were done taking selfies.

  “Aww, Forrester, you’d never be able to find anyone else to take my place.”

  His eyes warmed a little, and a look passed between us. I’d only been joking around, but I realized just then we’d been flirting. Both of us glanced away quickly, slightly embarrassed.

  The writer conducting the interview appeared and introduced herself to Drew and me. Her name was Emily. “So we’re going to do the photos first. Then we can sit down, and I’ll interview you while the crew gets additional pictures of the area and other drivers.”

  “Sounds good.” Drew smiled at her.

  She flushed slightly, and I knew she was attracted to him.

  “You’re all set,” the makeup artist declared and stepped back.

  Drew glanced at me. “How bad is it?”

  I grinned. But before I could say anything, the artist pushed a mirror in front of him. “You won’t even be abl
e to tell you have makeup on in the photos. This is just to make sure everything looks flawless under the lighting.”

  He really didn’t look any different. He must have agreed because he nodded and handed the mirror back. “Sweet.”

  Joey waved at us from near the Fastback.

  “They’re ready for you,” I told him.

  Joey and I hung on the sidelines as Drew was doing the shoot. You could tell he was a little nervous at first, but then he loosened up, and the photographer got a lot more relaxed.

  “He’s a natural,” Joey said, watching Drew pose.

  “Yeah, he’s made for this.”

  I felt her looking at me out of the corner of her eye. “I called him a couple times this weekend. We were supposed to drive. He never answered.”

  “Yeah?” I sipped at my coffee and pretended not to hear the question in her words.

  She wasn’t to be deterred. “He must have been pretty busy.”


  Joey made a sound and shifted a little closer. “Not gonna say anything, are you?”

  I turned my full gaze to her, my eyes bouncing back and forth between her curious ones. “Say anything about what?”

  “You and him.”

  “Me and who?” I guess I should have anticipated her questions. She was at the bar Friday night. She saw what went on when Drew saw me.

  She sighed and turned back to the shoot. We watched in silence for long minutes. “I told him to kiss you.”

  Her words were very low, barely audible. But I heard. My hand tightened around the cup, and I turned my body to fully face her. “What?”

  She nodded. “You and him. There’s more than friendship there.”

  “You seem disappointed,” I pointed out.

  She smiled. “And that’s why you don’t like me.”

  Well, fuck. It was time to stop playing dumb. “Look, I’m sorry for being kind of an ass to you when we met. It wasn’t… personal.”

  “I know,” she mused.

  “The truth?” I squinted at her, measuring her expression.

  “Please.” Her voice was dry.

  “I was jealous. You’re sexy, and you can drive better than me. Hell, you might be better than Drew, but don’t tell him I said that. Plus, you’re the daughter of a very rich man. You’re basically every man’s wet dream.”

  “Not yours.” She smiled.

  I rolled my eyes. “No. Not mine.”

  “You thought I would take him away.”

  I shook my head and glanced back at him. He was leaning up against the hood of the Mustang and looking into the camera with an intense stare. Stirrings of want tingled in my balls, and I forced my gaze back to Joey. “He’s not mine for you to take.”

  “I think we both know that isn’t true,” she said kindly.

  I shifted. “I think we both know it’s complicated.”

  Joey bowed her head, and a few dark curls caught in the breeze and floated out around her face. “I’m sure it is.” She looked back up. “Just know I’m rooting for you guys.”

  “Really?” I drew back, slightly surprised.

  She smiled. Her green eyes sparkled. “I admit if he wasn’t into you, I’d be interested. But he is, and I like having a friend that doesn’t care who my father is.”

  “How about two friends who don’t care who he is?” I asked, offering a smile.

  “Heard you called him and Hopper a pair of dicks.” All her teeth showed in the wide, silly grin that split her face.

  I laughed. “Not in those exact words.”

  “Friends?” She stuck her hand out between us.

  I grabbed it and pulled her into my chest for a hug. “Definitely. And I’m sorry I was a jealous ass,” I said into her hair.

  Joey returned the hug. “You weren’t that bad. But it’s okay. I get it.”

  When we pulled back, I glanced over at her bright-yellow Skyline. “When you gonna take me for a ride in that beast?”

  “When we’re done here this morning?” she suggested.

  “Hells yeah.”

  “We have some driving time to make up for.”

  I grimaced. “Sorry he wasn’t around this weekend.”

  Joey smiled.

  After a few minutes, Drew and the photographer moved to the other location with the white background and started taking more pictures. I could tell Drew was getting tired of smiling for the camera.

  I made a mental note to get him some fries when we were finished.

  “So?” Joey elbowed me in the side.

  “So…?” I echoed.

  “Did he kiss you?” she whispered.

  I chuckled. “I kissed him.”

  She smacked me on the arm, excited. “I knew it!” When I said nothing else, she made a sound. “And?”

  I lifted a brow. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Ugh,” she spat. “At least tell me one thing?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Would you do it again?”

  I glanced at Drew and then back at her. “Oh yeah.”

  The photo portion of the shoot wrapped up, thankfully, so Joey and I couldn’t continue our conversation. Talking about Drew and me… well, it wasn’t something I was used to or even ready to do. And while I was glad the air was clear between Joey and me and we would be friends, she wasn’t someone I’d known long enough to actually have a conversation with about this.

  Hell, she was lucky I said anything at all. Clearly, though, she knew something was up, and I didn’t get the slightest bit of judginess from her, so there was that.

  “They took like five hundred pictures of me,” Drew grumbled as he approached. “Now I know why Braeden and Romeo get so pissy with photographers.”

  I chuckled. “Better get used to it.”

  “I just want to drive.” He moaned.

  “And you will. But to drive the way you want to drive, you have to make people want to watch. You have to give them someone to root for,” Joey pointed out.

  “Got any tips for that, Miss Pro Racer?” Drew teased. Then his eyes slid to me slyly as if he were checking to make sure I wasn’t going to lose my shit.

  I wasn’t the possessive one. He was.

  Fine. Yes, I’d been jealous. But I wasn’t anymore. After all, I was the one sneaking into his bed this morning.

  I slung my arm around Joey and pulled her into my side. “Yeah, he needs all the help he can get.”

  Drew acted like he was offended, but I knew deep down he was relieved I was giving the girl a chance.

  “Just be yourself, Drew,” Joey told him. “That’s why my father likes you so much, because you’re real. That’s what’s going to sell you and this racing division. Real drivers. Real competition. No rules. Just honor.”

  The smooth rumble of an engine cut through the air, and everyone around turned to look.

  A white Corvette drove up and slid to a stop. The purring engine cut off several seconds later. Beneath my arm, Joey stiffened slightly.

  “I thought you said he couldn’t come here?” she asked Drew.

  “He’s not supposed to be,” Drew said, flat.

  I didn’t know much about what happened Friday night. We didn’t get into it beyond the little bit they told me in the car on the way from the bar. I wasn’t sure how bad the beef was, but it didn’t really matter.

  I didn’t like him.

  And he fucked with Drew, who had a damn woman in the car with him.

  That was all I needed to know.

  Lorhaven stood out of the driver’s seat and looked around curiously. He didn’t act like he was somewhere he shouldn’t be or somewhere he was unwelcome.

  Tension in the air had everyone on edge. It was like the very vibe that surrounded him screamed, I’m an asshole! Arrow appeared at his side, and his fake-blond head leaned in to say something quiet.

  Lorhaven straightened and swung his gaze to Drew. His eyes narrowed, and he started forward. I dropped my arm from around Joey and stepped forward,
planting myself between him and Drew. We weren’t doing this today.

  Not here. Not now.

  Drew was working. While he might not be all that interested about his image, I understood how important it was.

  “Well, there you are.” Lorhaven smirked. “I thought maybe Forrester took you to the pound.”

  “You’re a real joker, Lorhaven.” My tone was bored. “You know you aren’t supposed to be here.” I glanced over at the owners of the speedway. They were already halfway to us.

  “I’m banned from racing here. Placing bets here.” Lorhaven nodded. He gestured around. “The place is closed. I won’t be racing or betting today.”

  “Just sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,” Drew drawled, stepping up beside me.

  Lorhaven looked away from me. “Can’t blame a guy for being curious. Especially when my little bro is sending me some damn interesting texts.”

  “Your little bro?” Drew repeated like he was trying to put together a puzzle.

  He looked at me. I looked at him. We both grinned.

  “Bieber’s your brother?” I cracked.

  Lorhaven sighed insufferably. “I told him to lose the blond.”

  Drew and I burst out laughing.

  “Well, that explains why he always does what you tell him,” Drew mused.

  “Fuck you,” Lorhaven growled, hostility in his tone.

  The two men who owned the speedway stopped on either side of Lorhaven. “You know you aren’t supposed to be here.”

  “Cool your hemorrhoids, Earl. I’m not doing nothing,” Lorhaven muttered.

  I suppressed a laugh. Lorhaven was an asshole, but that shit was funny.

  “You’re banned from this track, son. You know that.” The other man who wasn’t Earl reminded him.

  “Excuse me. Is there a problem here?” Emily, the writer, injected herself in the conversation with the photographer hot on her heels.

  “Just another example of how the new division of racing operates,” Drew said, glancing at Lorhaven. “No rules, but lots of rivalry.”

  “This is a rival of yours?” Emily turned her dark eyes on Lorhaven.

  Lorhaven straightened. “He’s just jealous because I drive better than he does.”

  “I’m thinking the wad of cash he drove off with Friday night says otherwise,” Joey cracked, drawing all the attention her way.


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