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The Princess and her Alien Rogue: Alien Romance

Page 8

by Harmony Raines

  The words washed over her. She spoke when she was supposed to, and held out her hand to accept the ring from Johar. Her mother’s ring. Tears threatened once more, but he touched her skin and for once she let her barriers down, allowed her training to lapse. The sensations flowing from him were incredible: the thoughts in her head were of love, and children, of his protection, and in amongst it all were glimpses of his planet, of him as a child, and of his family.

  Whether he meant to send her all of that information, or if his defenses were no longer strong enough to hold himself back, she could not tell. Yet to Tallia, what passed between them in those precious moments made the bond between them deeper than any vows she would swear here today.

  “You are now joined according to our laws. You may kiss the bride.” The words were spoken loud and clear as she pushed the ring on Johar’s finger. She smiled in satisfaction. It fit; there would be no embarrassing moment of trying to jam it on his finger. Rian had told her the correct measurements, although how she knew, Tallia did not know. One of the many mysteries Rian held.

  Johar lowered his head, and she tilted her face up to meet him, standing on tiptoes, her hands on his arms as she tried to steady herself. His lips buzzed like the rest of him, and the sensation spread through her body. Johar placed his hand on the small of her back, sending a fresh wave of electricity through her body, while his lips moved against hers. This was no superficial kiss, this was a kiss that said she was his, that this was real, and she responded with passion.

  Only when they parted did she remember to breathe, along with the rest of the people gathered here, who seemed to let out a collective sigh. Or maybe that was just the women, who would like a seven-foot alien in their bed too.

  Not daring to speak, she took Johar’s arm as he led her back out of the hall. The people all seemed to be smiling and happy for her, and there were words of congratulation that she hoped were sincere.

  “Where are we going now?” he asked.

  “The banquet room,” she said, guiding him to the right.

  “How big is this place?” he asked as they walked down a long corridor, which had paintings of other kings, along with those of the Emissars who had served them.

  “Big. They kept adding to it for the first century or two.”

  “Wow,” he said as she led him through a large doorway. The huge wooden doors were flung open, and before them, dishes of every description were laid out on long tables. “We are never going to eat all that food.”

  “We aren’t supposed to. What remains is sent to the servants of the palace. So try not to eat all the food.”

  “Oh, I don’t intend to. I do not want to be so full of food that all I want to do is sleep.” He winked at her and she blushed.

  The other guests came in, with various oohs and ahhs. Leading the way, as was tradition, Tallia piled her plate with food, finding herself starving. She had been too nervous to eat this morning, and figured she might need to find her stamina for the rest of the day.

  “How long do we have to stay here?” Johar asked after his third plateful of food.

  “We can leave when we want. Most of the people here will linger all day, because of the free food and wine.”

  “Then let’s go. I have waited long enough.”

  “For what? Ohh.” She averted her eyes when she saw the desire in his eyes. “We’ve only known each other a day. It’s not exactly been too long.”

  “You have no idea,” he said, his hand brushing innocently against her breast as he put his plate down on a side table. “I want you. Now.”

  “I have to make a speech first.”

  “Then make it fast, or these people might be in for a show with their meal.”

  “A … show.” He liked to shock her; that was something she would have to get used to. But his words made her nervous, and she could not let anyone see those nerves. Pulling her barriers back up and blocking him out completely, she went to the side of the room near the window and called for quiet. All eyes turned to her.

  “Thank you all for witnessing my marriage to Johar T’Omil. This has been one of the happiest days of my life. I am sure it will only ever be overshadowed by the birth of our children.”

  “If it is a boy,” Aleck said quietly.

  “I will celebrate whatever sex our child is, Emissar. A child is a blessing, of that no one can argue.”

  She smiled magnanimously at him, and hated that his words had made her hope for a boy, when she wanted to fight for equality on the planet.

  “So I would like to raise my glass and hope you all experience the same happiness.”

  A murmur went around the room, and she smiled brightly as she walked towards Johar, staring at him as if he were a beacon in space that was guiding her home from a long voyage.

  He took her hand and said, “Now it is time to put our child in your belly.”

  Chapter Eighteen – Johar

  His words lighted a flame of desire in her eyes, which made him want her more; she could not hide her true feelings from him. She took his hand and led him from the room, towards the stairs which led to her rooms. They passed people who smiled knowingly at them, and she didn’t seem to care that they were witnessing their princess rushing to take her alien rogue to her bed. Johar couldn’t resist making a fierce face, seeing their reactions; well, if he was to be labeled a rogue, then he was damn well going to live up to it.

  She pushed her bedroom door open, breathless as she struggled to take in air, her breasts heaved, and he wanted to undress her and see her voluptuous breasts. He remembered how his hands had caressed her skin when she was in the bath. How his fingers had plunged inside her sex, and how the sweet sound of her release had filled his ears when she came.

  “Well, My Princess,” he said, and pulled her to him, holding her tightly against his chest. “Now it is time for you to do my bidding.”

  “Is that right?” she said, trying to struggle free, but he held her fast.

  “Yes. I have done what you asked of me, I have stood in front of your people and promised to love and honor you. Now I will make love to you, and you will submit to me.”

  “I’m still your princess.” She struggled again, and for a moment he wanted to control her to bend him to his will. He was so much bigger and stronger than her; she would have no choice but to comply. Yet he wanted her as his equal, not a broken woman betrayed by him, as she was being betrayed by her Emissars.

  “I don’t deny that. But I want you naked and on the bed.” He released her, and began to undo the lacings on her dress. “I plan to make love to you until you don’t know what day it is or what planet you are on.”

  Her fingers trembled as she helped him with the fastenings. First her skirt fell to the floor, and he paused in undressing her to rub his hand along the length of her sex, feeling the heat beneath her clothes. “And you want the same thing. Don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she answered, and began to undo the buttons of his crisp white shirt. He put his hands over hers, and pushed them aside, then in one swift movement he gripped the white fabric and tore it from his body.

  She placed her hands on his chest, her lips pressing against his nipple, and she heard the swift intake of breath that signaled his enjoyment. “I want to kiss every inch of your body.”

  Together they removed the rest of her clothes, their fingers entwining, hands stroking, lips pressing together as they worked. He had slept with so many women, maybe even hundreds, but that had been sex, a primal need for sex. With Tallia it was more than that; he wanted to give her pleasure, to make her want him as much as he wanted her.

  By the time she was naked, he was sure that was true. Her expression was sometimes one of embarrassment as she stood before him naked, he could see the way her hands moved as they itched to cover herself, but she didn’t, she stood tall, head tilted upwards, her eyes locked with his.

  “You are beautiful.” Johar placed his palm over her breasts, touching her nipple and circling it around t
o chafe her skin, feeling the bud harden. Licking his lips to moisten them, he lowered his head, and sucked the taut bud into his mouth. Her back arched as he grazed his teeth over her nipple, and she whimpered in need.

  Licking and sucking each of her breasts in turn, while his fingers dipped into her wet sex, he aroused her until she was close to release. Only then did he stop. It took a moment for her to protest.

  “I want to be inside you Tallia, I want to feel you come around me and fill you with my seed. But I needed to be sure you were ready, sure you were willing.” He maneuvered her back towards the bed. “Are you willing?”

  “Yes,” she said her voice filled with emotion.

  “Then ask me.”

  “Ask you?”

  “Yes. I told you I wanted you to beg me to fuck you.”

  Her eyes were heavy with her arousal as she said the words, “Fuck me, Johar.”

  He chuckled. “I told you I would bend you to my will.” He lifted her up, his body nestling between her thighs as she wrapped her legs around him. Laying her down on the bed, he hovered above her, his mouth claiming hers, and he kissed her, his tongue parting her teeth, plundering her mouth, and moving in and out in a steady rhythm. Tallia sucked his tongue, her hands on his chest, and then moving lower to encircle his cock.

  Up and down she stroked him, her hand inexperienced, but ready to explore exactly what he liked, until he stopped her. “Enough. I need to be inside you.”

  “Then ask me,” she said.

  “Fuck me, Tallia.” And with that he entered her, claiming his wife in the most primal way.

  Chapter Nineteen – Tallia

  Closing her eyes, she savored every small movement as he entered her, every sensation as he flexed his hips forward, before pulling out of her again. Over and over, for what seemed like an eternity he filled her, only to pull back. His control was incredible, the tension in his body a testament to that.

  He supported himself on his elbows, keeping the bulk of his weight from crushing her. He was so big, in every way. Tallia stroked his skin, her fingers tracing the lines of his tattoos, watching them light up at her touch. It gave her something else to concentrate on when he moved inside her, now filling her to the point that she felt stretched to breaking point.

  Her breath came fast, her panic mounting. “Relax, let me in,” he whispered in her ear, his lips kissing her earlobe. Could she let her defenses down? This act was so intimate; if she let him in completely, would she ever be able to replace the barriers she had grown to depend on?

  “We are man and wife now, let me in.” He stopped moving, the head of his cock still inside her.

  “I’m scared,” she said. She had learned to depend on herself; the only other person she trusted completely was Rian, and here was a man she had known only one day asking to influence the way she felt, the way she acted. If she let him in now, would a part of her be lost forever.

  “I won’t hurt you. If you let me in, I promise to let you in too. You will know what I feel, you will know me in ways no one else can. It is a gift from the Elusive Monks. It is why they stay celibate, so that their secrets are kept forever.”

  “How do I know you aren’t telling me fairy tales?” she asked, kissing his chest, fascinated by his tattoos. It was as if his skin was alive, with a mind of its own.

  “You don’t. But at some point you will have to trust me if we are going to make you queen and get rid of the Emissars.”

  “And you will be king.”

  He chuckled. “Being king means nothing to me. If it did, I would not be here with you; I would be home on my own planet.”

  “Who are you?” Tallia asked.

  “If you really want to know. Let me in.”

  “A man of mystery,” she said.

  “You have no idea,” he said, kissing her neck and beginning to move inside her again, pushing deeper, his thrusts harder as his momentum grew stronger.

  “Johar,” she said, her voice higher as her impaled her on his cock, deeper and deeper. She wanted to let him in, wanted to know all of his secrets, who he was, and what he was running from. However, she was not ready to expose herself to him so thoroughly.

  He pulled out, and then lunged into her, groaning as the friction between their bodies grew more intense. Tallia tried to make him forget that she had turned him down. Using her hands and her mouth she chose to chase him to the edge of his orgasm and then plummet over with him.

  She kissed his chest, her fingers tweaking his nipples. His breath hissed, and she sucked on the taut bud, mimicking the way he had sucked and licked her. Nails digging into his back, she urged him on, his thrusts becoming harder, faster. It was working, he was reaching the point of no return.

  Johar slid his hand underneath her, holding her still while he lunged harder, his body jerking as his climax hit him and he emptied his seed into her. He cried out, and then saw she was not quite there, not quite on the brink. His mouth closed around her nipple, and he sucked it hard, his body tilting so that with each thrust he grazed her clit.

  She felt the world fall away from her, his body pressed closer to hers and she felt the buzz of static as his skin touched hers, his tattoos alive, pulses of light flickering from them. As she came, she wished she had let him in, she wished she knew the deepest, darkest secrets of this man who was filling her with his essence. But she was too afraid to let him see into her soul, too afraid to let go of everything she believed in and all she had been taught.

  When at last they were totally spent, they lay together, his arms around her, his lips leaving soft kisses along the length of her back. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking that it would be perfect if we could just stay like this forever.”

  “We could run away. I could take you as far away from here as possible. But these people will always be right next to you, a shadow in your mind. I have seen how you love Rian. And Yassa. Would you leave them to the Emissars?”

  “You’ve run. Haven’t you?” she asked, turning to look at him. Resting her chin on his chest, where his tattoos showed as a faint light across his skin. “That’s your secret. Isn’t it?”

  “Yes. I tried to outrun my fate. Tried to be something else. I know you went to your psychic to learn of the man who is meant to be your husband, and when we first met I didn’t believe it. But now, you have taught me who I should be. What I should be.”

  “Are you going to leave me?” she asked.

  “Not until we have control here. Then I will journey back to my home planet, I hope you will come too. My father would like you.”

  “Won’t he mind that I’m not seven-foot-tall with glowing skin?”

  Johar chuckled. “He might. But if he does, then we will lead a revolution there too. You will bring strength to my bloodline.”

  “If not height,” she said with a smile.

  “Let us hope our children inherit my height, and your brains.”

  “Talking of children.” He turned on to his back, and pulled her up so that she straddled him. “It is time we practiced making a child again.”

  “With me on top?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He lifted her, and guided her body so the head of his cock was pressing against her. Slowly, she lowered herself down, closing her eyes, as his cock stretched her sex. When she had buried to the hilt, she sat still for a moment, letting herself adjust to his wide girth.

  “Open your eyes, Tallia,” he said, and she did, fixing them on his as she began to move.

  Circling her hips, she moved in a rhythm, before lifting herself up and down. Once she was confident, Tallia managed to put the two movements together as if it were a dance. She rode him, taking her pleasure from him, finding what she liked and how to increase her arousal, until she teetered on the edge of the abyss once more.

  Johar’s breath quickened. He thrust his hips up into the air to impale her on his cock, one hand on her hips to keep her in place, while his other hand kneaded the soft flesh of her breast

  They worked as one, their ultimate goal to please the other. Bodies melded together, they rose and then exploded. Tallia threw her head back, and cried out, her sex throbbing and pulsing around his cock; it still wasn’t enough. She took hold of his hand and placed it over her clit. His fingers teased her, pinched her, and rubbed the sensitive bundle of nerves until she could bear it now longer. She came again, feeling wild and free, as if their lovemaking had released her inhibitions. Maybe next time she would be ready to let her barriers down, to let him in.

  Johar came, filling her with his seed, and when he was spent, he pulled her down to lie on top of him, and stroked her back, talking to her in soft tones until she fell asleep in his arms.

  Chapter Twenty – Johar

  “What time is it?” he asked, when he was awoken by Tallia shaking his shoulder. “Are you ready for me again already?”

  He opened his eyes to see Rian staring at him, her face ashen. “You have to get up and come with me,” she said.

  “What’s happened?” he asked, instantly awake and aware that the bed was empty. “Where’s Tallia?”

  “They came for her.” Rian had been crying, and he was sure she was only just holding it together now.

  “Who … the Emissars?” he asked, swinging his legs off the bed and then hunting around for his clothes.

  “Yes. She came down to the kitchens to fetch breakfast.” Rian pushed his clothes into his hands. “Hurry, they will be here soon.”

  “Slow down.” He tried to soothe her with his voice.

  “We cannot slow down; they are coming. Aleck has tried to round up the strongest guards, the best fighters.”

  “To take me out?”

  “I think they want you dead.”

  “Damn it. Can you get me a weapon?”

  “No. My Princess has ordered me to get you out of the palace and off this planet.”


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