Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) Page 7

by JK Ensley

“Yes, Mika, I am fine.”

  “Why would Master Mikage say such a thing?”

  “Mika… you’re far more innocent than your years. Hanzo has protected you well.” He sighed, tossing away the stick he’d been using to draw in the dirt. “Don’t take Mikage’s words upon your tender heart. The old ways still live within him.”

  “The old ways?” she asked, puzzled.

  He turned to the girl and wiped the tears from her cheeks before she vanished again. She hummed so he could see the pleading question still in her teary eyes. Yui took pity on the trembling little Shinobi and placed a comforting hand upon her cheek, smiling softly. Such emotional gestures were rare for him. Mika would’ve been rather wary, was she not easily able to read his thoughts of pity concerning her.

  “Mika,” Yui began. “During the old times, a Shinobi born with talent as rare as yours was feared. Men do not trust what they cannot see. It wasn’t a spoken rule or law among our people, just an understanding. Children much like you would simply, well… vanish.”

  “But Hanzo would never—”

  “No, he wouldn’t.” Yui halted her words. “And we’re all truly grateful he’s such a good man. You bless all you touch, Mika.” His smile shone in his eyes. “If you were to disappear for real, our whole village would be worse for it.”

  “Especially Saizo,” Goemon added.

  Mika glared at her younger sibling.

  “What are you saying, Goemon?” Yui huffed out a laugh. “Saizo is near to our father’s age. Surely you jest. Imagine if Father or Hanzo asked for a child’s hand.”

  “It’s not funny, Yui,” Mika whispered. “He spoke not in jest.”

  “What? Are you saying he speaks true? Saizo has asked Hanzo for your hand, then?”

  “Yes, but Father will quit denying him in a couple more years. Then Mika can move out and I will get my own room,” Goemon boasted.

  Yui turned back to Mika, clearly seeing the pain and fear obvious in the young girl’s lovely eyes before she faded away.

  Chapter 10



  “It causes worry to stir and find you gone from our bed,” Varick whispered.

  Jenevier was staring out the kitchen window when the mighty Vanir wrapped his arms around her, kissing the back of her head.

  “It’s nighttime in Ashgard, is it not?” she said.

  “Yes, my love.”

  “I miss the Moon.” She sighed. “It holds great meaning for me.”

  “Were you but able, I would wing you to it and revel in the glorious glow it would cast upon your lovely face.”

  She leaned her head back against him, melted into his comforting embrace.

  “The babe stirs within me. He wakes with the rising of the moon.”

  “Truly?” He chuckled. “Our son will one day know the moon, and the night, I promise you.” Varick smiled down at her. “I fear he’s already too much like his mother.”

  Jenevier laughed. “You fear that, do you?”

  “Yes, Princess.” He rubbed both hands over her tummy. “This little Angel boy will definitely keep our wings moving, if he is as you were.”

  Varick found he loved teasing her just as much as he loved touching her, easing her mind and his alike.

  “He speaks,” she whispered. “Always does he speak.” She tilted her head back to look up at her Guardian husband. “Yet, tonight he’s excited above normal. And… I do not share in his curiosity concerning such a thing.”

  “And what thing is this?” He placed the tip of his nose to the top of her head and gave her another quick kiss. “What could our son possibly say that would pull his mother from my comforting arms?”

  She placed her hands over his on her belly. “Many things. This night… he even answers himself—whole conversations within mine womb,” she mused. “Valencia returns from the clouds. She carries my journal.”

  “From the clouds?” Varick tensed, going rigid against her. “Such news does not ease my anxious mind nor calm my racing heart.”

  “Nor mine, my Prince.” Jenevier sighed. “She retrieved the book from another. I know not whom. Your sister’s treacherous smile is a shadow over my troubled heart. We’ve not seen the last ripple from her actions. I fear it to be a great wave when it reaches our shores.”

  “I will stand by you, always. Be it ripple or tidal wave, I will protect you.”

  “I wish to walk within the forest. I don’t want to be here when she arrives. You should stay and greet her, perhaps she will speak true with her brother.” She tilted her head back, looking up at him again. “Is Vittorio or Vareilious yet within the city?”

  “Vittorio has been summonsed,” he said. “Vareilious yet remains.”

  “Yes, my darling. I will, I will.” Jenevier rubbed her tummy as she spoke.

  “Does he speak to you now?”

  “He does.”

  “And you answer him?”


  Varick laughed. “Are you even of this world, Milady?”

  “I only thought I was,” she whispered absently.

  “Jenevier, it was but jest. Do not find trouble in careless words.”

  “I do not, my love.” She released a weary breath. “As the babe grows, so too does my mind. It is as it was when I visited with my own kind back in Ashgard. The whole world seems brighter and bigger, yet, I grow farther from it daily. At times, I am but a witness to the magical play going on around me. Not part of it, but exceedingly, dreadfully separate.” She turned to face him. “We speak without speaking about things you cannot see, things we should not know. I’ve never felt farther away from the little girl slipping barefoot from that cottage window than I do right now.”

  “I waited knowingly for this day, yet feared it above all others,” Varick confessed.

  She smiled. “Fear not, sweet Prince. I will ever remain at your side. Demons couldn’t drag me away. Well, not again, anyway.”

  He chuckled. “I will always rescue you, my love. Now, come. Take my hand. I shall deliver you safely unto my brother’s protective arms. Return to me the moment you know I’m alone, minus sibling. I will not see labor come upon you while I tarry with evil sister.”

  “There is yet time, my love.” She giggled softly. “We’ll not be blessed to look upon our son this day. Remove fears, sweet Prince, and set your mind to ardent task. We must know who held my journal, and to what purpose.”

  Jenevier watched until Varick’s smile could no longer be seen. Vareilious took special care with her, supporting her as they made the familiar journey through the trees.

  “What plagues your mind, little sister?”

  “Many things, Brother,” she said with a sigh.

  He waited for her to offer an explanation. She did not. “This will seem a chore if you hold your tongue, Princess,” he prodded.

  “Gratitude, Brother… for everything.”

  “Define everything.” He tried to tease a smile from her.

  Jenevier stopped and took Vareilious’s hands, turning to face the ethereal Vanir. He was suddenly uncomfortable, not an easy thing to accomplish with the Master of Emotions.

  “I have not the words I need to properly express my heart. Gratitude for everything, Brother. I value your friendship, your tutelage, your support, your devotion, your love, and especially your forgiveness. Only you know the secrets we share, Brother. Only I have ever caused your heart to grieve. Because of youth and ignorance, I moved foolishly and with regret concerning you. Yet here you are. Once again, gratitude is all I can say with this feeble mortal tongue.”

  “There’s nothing feeble or mortal about you, Milady. We’ve both suffered immeasurable loss, and have found comfort in what will always be bonded between us. I am your Guardian. I have been since the day you appeared at my gate and I tasted your fear, claiming my right to be named thusly. What we share is different than the bond you share with Varick or the one you’ve forged with Vittorio. We are the most special of all livin
g beings. We, tiny sister, are unconditional friends… unconditional.” Vareilious smiled as he kissed her forehead.

  “No matter what,” she whispered.

  “Through heaven and hell. Now, dear one, tell me why it is you’re compelled to make this journey part of your daily ritual. You’ve worn a distinct path with your swollen, weary feet. Is it for him? Is it for Apollyon you continue to force your aching body through these trees?”

  “It was, but no longer,” she admitted. “I once came here to speak my heart upon the wind in hopes my words might find his ears. No more do I carry such dreams within me. I now find comfort in the sheer vastness of such a place as this.” She reached out and touched the moss growing on the nearby tree. “Within these trees, I can no longer see Vanahirdem. I can be free to let my mind believe I’m walking anywhere I choose. Confinement is a bitter thing for my heart and a burden upon my wings. Here, I can pretend I walk through Mangladune on Ashgard, or even the beautiful Smoky Mountains I roamed while on Earth’s eighth layer.” She smiled at the recollection. “Only here, Brother, do I feel free once more.”

  “Freedom… that’s what you once sought in earnest. Freedom is what brought you to our gate. It’s what you and I crossed words over. It’s the very reason you still hold that most maddening of all secrets you share only with Vittorio.” He squeezed her a tiny bit for emphasis. “Freedom is a justly precious thing to you, that’s obvious. Alas, you’ve yet to truly claim it, have you, Maiden?” He didn’t wait for her answer. “I believe this freedom you long for is but a dream. All beings are accountable to something or someone. Complete freedom is a fantastical goal, but one that’s not attainable, not truly. Even the tiny creatures scurrying through these woods have obligations and duties. You are not caged, my love. Yet you are bound, as are we all. We’re bound by duty, bound by love, bound by the tiny babe stirring within you. If complete freedom is out there, I should not think it to be a glorious thing at all. The ties that bind your wings and anchors you to them, are ties worth more than all the lying promises freedom can boast.”

  She laughed. “Where has this wise warrior been hiding the whole of my life?”

  “Within thy shadow, my love. Always, gloriously, within thy shadow,” he said. “A place I never wish to be free of.”

  Jenevier ceased her steps and held fast to her Guardian’s massive arm. “…Someone watches,” she whispered.

  Vareilious moved only his wings. He stretched them forth, focusing solely upon sensing their voyeur. He concentrated until his wingtips tingled. Jenevier could feel the intense vibration from them. Her heart raced and her womb fluttered with excitement.

  “Is it him? Does your dark lover return?”

  “No, it’s not him.” She tried to focus. “There are at least two different minds… They’re not from here… Neither are they from hell… I know them not.”

  Vareilious’s growl resonated through the trees long after the prying eyes upon them had vanished. Jenevier held tight his arm as the babe within her trembled.

  She rubbed her stretched belly as she spoke calming words to the child. “There, there, my love. It’s only thine uncle. He protects you, tiny Angel. No harm will ever befall thee while thy mighty uncle still draws breath. Calm your heart, little one. We are safe.”

  The stirring within her eased. She inhaled deep, cleansing breaths, filling her lungs, washing away her own panic.

  “He hears you?”

  “He does.” She laughed softly. “He hears you as well.”

  “I scared him?”

  “You scared not only the babe, Brother. Listen. The forest itself stands frozen before you.”

  It was true. Not even the tiny creatures dared move or even breathe.

  He smiled and winked at her then. “That’s because all of creation stands in awe of the mighty Vareilious.” He puffed out his enormous chest.

  Jenevier pinched his arm.


  “Ah, the mighty Vareilious, made to cry out from but a tiny squeeze from a fragile maid.” She teased and taunted him as she sang her mocking words.

  He laughed. “Don’t proclaim thus so loudly. I do not wish for the whole city to know the hold you retain over me, little one. I do have an awesome reputation to uphold. You must leave me with at least that.”

  Had she been able to run, this is when the playful chase would’ve ensued. Instead, she was helpless toward his merciless tickling. Her infectious giggles echoed all around them.

  She seized his fingers as she tried to catch her breath. “Valencia leaves our home. Let us make our way back to a relaxing seat and a soothing cup of tea, old friend.”

  “An invitation I will never refuse, Milady.” He bowed with mocking reverence.

  She giggled.

  As they made their way back into the city proper, she could sense her beloved warrior’s mind was restless. Vareilious could never hide worry from her. They knew each other far too well to hide much of anything.

  “Give voice to troubled heart, Brother.”

  “Quit doing that, mine Angel.” He smiled, looking down at her from the corner of his sparkling eyes. “No matter how much you love me, you shouldn’t know the mind of the Master. Nor should you proclaim thus aloud,” he grumbled.

  “Well, Master, I know not who it was watching us. Yet, I felt no malice.”

  “Nor did I. I hate being ignorant in this thing, it does little to ease my anxious mind. Shall we tell Varick? Or do you no longer burden the great King of Worries with such things?” He laughed along with his words.

  “I will keep no secrets from him… Well, no new secrets, that is.” She winked up at her protective Guardian.

  “Good girl.” He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

  When she squeezed his massive hand he noticed her intricate binding tattoo.

  “So, the old royal dog beat me out again, I see.” He held up her marked finger.

  She blushed, despite herself.

  “Fret not, Princess. Somewhere a prophecy must be written with your names upon it. I accepted as much a long time ago. Yet that knowledge and this ring remove not my love for you. Nothing could accomplish that impossible feat. Trust me.”

  Chapter 11



  “You have all been exceedingly gracious and have earned the undying respect of your Emperor,” Musashi said. “I must return to the capital now. Yet I will ask one thing more of you.”

  Hanzo and Saizo stepped forward, bowing low before him.

  “Withhold not your desires, Sire. We will do all that is possible to see them filled,” Saizo vowed.

  “As I have promised, I will not force you to stand at my side. Jinn is a peaceful land and will continue to be so. I ask now only to be surrounded by people who’ve found a place within my heart. If it is their will, I would request the company of Mika and Yui to return to my palace as trusted friends and advisers.” He looked directly at Hanzo. “This is no light request, for they shall call the palace home for all of their days. Master Mikage has already accepted my offer. In the future, I will come for Goemon as well. His talents fascinate me above all others. What say you, Elders?”

  “But, Sire,” Saizo said with a gasp. “This is an impossible request. You do not know what it is you ask.”

  “Saizo, I shall answer for my own,” Hanzo said. “Yui is a man now. If he requires guidance, it should come from Master Orochimaru. Save your concerns for council, good friend. This thing is about family.” He reached his hand out towards his wife. “Hinata and I will be the ones to answer His Grace.”

  “I haven’t asked Yui or Mika of their minds concerning this. Their desire to go or stay should be weighed with your own. I will not force them,” Musashi said.

  “Why do you wish our children, Sire?” Hinata asked, sorrow weighing down her trembling voice.

  “I will not withhold the truth from you, Milady. I desire Goemon, for one day I wish to harness a fire lizard. His talents are the o
nly ones upon the whole of Jinn that could accomplish such a feat.”

  Goemon’s proud smile was answer in itself.

  “Yet those dreams are for the future. I will not have him leave honorable parents at such an age. Our path lays a long way off, Master Goemon.” Musashi bowed slightly to the boy.

  “Send word when you’re ready, Sire. Ours will be a grand adventure,” Goemon boasted.

  “Indeed it will, my boy. As for Yui, he has shown me far more than his Shinobi skills alone. Yui is a man to be trusted with many things. I sense a loyalty in him that will only grow with time. I will appoint him as my Hand and he will sit upon my right, trusted above all others.”

  A collective gasp was heard throughout the village as a red-faced Yui remained silent.

  “As for Mika, my need for her is an unexplainable thing.” He held Hinata’s worried gaze as he tried to reassure her. “I am drawn to her innocent view of the world, but that will not prove a valuable thing for her at court. In truth, I fear her rare talents. I do not truly trust one as extraordinary as her to freely roam the world without my constant knowledge.” He noticed the slight change in Hanzo’s stance, ensuring his defensives. “Fear not. I will not harm her,” he said in a low voice. Hanzo’s shoulders relaxed. “Yet above all these things, I simply do not wish her to be parted from my side.” His resolute gaze locked with the revered Elder Hanzo’s. “I will not force Mika to leave her family. But if she wishes to go with me, I will take her… regardless of your decision or attempts to keep her here.”

  Silence fell upon them all. No one dared speak. Fear crept into a few hearts and all their minds went into a protective, defensive stance. The tension grew until the Emperor spoke once more.

  “I am not ungrateful for your generous hospitality, and… I have promised favor unto your village. Do not take my words as threat. I have withheld neither truth nor intention from you. The choice is Mika’s and Mika’s alone. If she wishes to stay, she stays. If she wishes to accompany me, she will. My swords will be unsheathed only to see her heart’s desire fulfilled.”


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