Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) Page 8

by JK Ensley

  “Do you believe she’s old enough to make such a decision on her own, Milord?” Hinata asked.

  “Milady, I give you my word. If Mika should ever become sad or wish to return to you, I will bring her personally. I will be her guardian henceforth, but I will not let her marry without Hanzo’s favored consent. She’ll be protected by my own swords and kept pure until you give blessed sanction for her to wed whom she so desires. No man shall touch her, this I vow.”

  Musashi was staring directly into Saizo’s magical eyes as he spoke. Hanzo took note of the action and the intent behind his Emperor’s words.

  “Then, the only thing remaining is Mika’s wishes.” Hanzo smiled sadly at the humming little girl. “Come, child. Speak with us. Say true your heart in this matter.”

  Mika took his hand, and together with Hinata, they went into their home, leaving the whole of the Iga village standing speechless… as Saizo and Musashi’s gazes remained locked with one another.

  “Yui, do you need to speak with your father?” Musashi asked without looking at him.

  “Yui is a man. The choice is his alone.” Orochimaru spoke without emotion.

  “Then what say you, Master Yui?”

  “I would be honored to always serve you, Milord.” Yui bowed low.

  “Very good, Master Hand. Make ready for our departure.”

  “You said my brother was joining your party. Where is he?” Orochimaru asked.

  “Master Mikage will attend me when he makes ready. He won’t be accompanying us this day,” the Emperor answered flatly.

  Musashi’s body swayed as a force slammed into him, invisible arms embracing his waist. He looked up to Hanzo and a teary-eyed Hinata as he bowed low to them, reverently. Turning his attention back to Saizo, who was staring intently at the young girl clinging tightly to the Emperor, Musashi sent him a scalding glare.

  “Come, dear child. You will ride with me.” He waved a hand toward the remaining ninja. “Gratitude to you all. Train hard, Goemon. I will come for you when the time is right.”

  Mika’s presence was only noted by the villagers as Musashi took hold of a non-existent hand, leaving them without another word.

  “I thought you said it was wrong to want to kill someone without cause,” Mika whispered.

  Musashi sat her upon his horse and mounted behind her. He placed a protective arm around her waist, pulling her back against him.

  “My thoughts were not without cause, little one. I very well may have to destroy him one day. He desires you more than I had anticipated. He may come for you. On that day, he will die.”

  “Promise you’ll never give me to him.”

  Emperor Musashi leaned down, whispering in the timid girl’s ear. “I will give you to no one. You are mine… now and always.”

  He nudged the horse into a gallop and they were soon too far away as to be seen by anyone except perhaps Goemon.

  “Does Mikage already tend to your desires, Sire?” Yui asked.

  “He does. I have the two of you to thank for all of it. Mikage is a secret I wasn’t expecting to find. Gratitude will be shown you for my good fortune, dear friends.”

  They spoke of many interesting things upon their journey. Musashi spoke of great opponents and even greater feats. Mika told him of the ancient clans and their bitter rivalry. The moons were already overhead on the third night when their new home came into view.


  The palace was more plush and exquisite than Mika had ever dreamed possible. Emperor Musashi presented Yui with a grand room adjacent to his own. Mika marveled at its size. It was larger than their whole house back in Iga. The Emperor told Yui to rest and make himself at home, his job as Hand wouldn’t begin until the morrow.

  The innocent young girl was skipping, bouncing invisible circles around Musashi as he left Yui, heading for his own quarters. The Emperor had made Yui and Mika swear they would never reveal her presence at the palace or even mention her name around anyone else save them alone. She was always to remain invisible but never allowed to leave Musashi’s side for even a moment. For this reason, Mika would go about barefoot and she must remember never to speak or to touch anything where others may see and have cause to fear. She was to be his greatest prize, his supreme secret, and his most priceless asset.

  Armed guards moved to open the great doors of the Emperor’s chambers. Mika hurriedly tiptoed in behind him. She was in awe. When the doors closed, she released a quiet gasp, humming so Musashi could look upon her, as per his request. She marveled at the vast treasures and golden furnishings. She carefully ran her fingers across the opulent coverings and crawled into the center of the enormously oversized feather bed.

  “Wow… Is this what heaven looks like?”

  “I know not, little one. I haven’t seen heaven.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Do you like it?”

  “Do I like it?” She fell back onto the many silk pillows. “It’s the most beautiful place in the whole world, Sire.” She sounded so much like a child when she laughed. “I believe half the village could fit in here.”

  “It pleases me greatly to know you love your new home,” he said with a warm smile.

  “Yes. Oooh, yes. I never want to leave this place.”

  “Then you will never have to.”

  “Oh, Musashi, where’s my room?” She jumped excitedly onto her knees. “When will I see where it is I shall sleep?”

  “You’re looking at it, little one.”

  “What? You mean… I’ll be living here, sleeping here… with you?”

  “Yes, always.” He inclined his head toward her. “Does this trouble your heart, tiny Princess? Without invitation, you crawled into my sleeping arms back in Iga. Is the palace any different? Besides, I loved the way your body felt curled up against my chest. Never have I known such a feeling.”

  “I couldn’t help myself.” She blushed and tried to hide her face. “I felt safe in your strong arms,” she whispered.

  “We need each other more than we should.” Musashi smiled. “You’ll never be far from my side and I will never let you go. Does that scare you, little one?”

  “No, Musashi.” She couldn’t contain her shy little giggles. “It makes my heart race and my face feel hot.”

  “Then come. Our journey has been long. I wish now for sweet rest.”

  He pulled her to him, holding her as she curled into his massive chest.

  And there, they slept.

  Chapter 12



  “And you’re certain it wasn’t Apollyon?” Varick asked again.

  “Yes, my love. I’m certain,” Jenevier said. “We knew not these beings.”

  “I could not sense them, Brother. They were not in Vanahirdem. Only she was aware they were even watching us,” Vareilious added.

  “Is it possible you were mistaken, my love?”

  Her flat look and raised eyebrow was the only answer Varick needed.

  She sighed. “Enough of this, I wish to know what Valencia had to say. Did she bend her forked tongue and hiss lies unto you?”

  “She spoke only to swear she had taken it somewhere private so she could better read it. She would admit to nothing else and swore no ill will concerning you.”

  Jenevier rolled her eyes. “As I said… lies.”

  “Why do you harbor such ill feelings toward Valencia, tiny Angel?” Vareilious asked.

  “My son.” She absently rubbed her tummy. “He tells me of her evil intentions, Brother. Same as he tells me now how you still find me pleasing to your eyes.” She winked at him, chuckling at his now crimson cheeks. “And how you’re enticed by my swollen belly and wish to see me naked again.”

  Vareilious strangled on his tea, choking out his words. “His tongue is loosened against me already?” He coughed and then cleared his throat. “Fear not, Princess. When he draws breath, I will teach him which of my thoughts are meant for your ears… and which ones are meant to remain unspoken. I will
teach him to guard what only we boys should know.”

  “Nay, Brother. They exchange not words,” Varick said. “Their thoughts are unified as if they shared one mind.”

  “Shared one brain is probably closer to the truth.” Vareilious smirked, wrinkling his nose at her.

  Jenevier punched him in the arm. He faked tremendous pain and suffering. She only laughed, which was his intent.

  “So, doubt has been removed from me this day,” Vareilious confessed.

  “What did you doubt, Brother?”

  “If you were truly what Varick has always accused you of being.”

  “And what is that?” She chuckled mockingly. “A demon?”

  Vareilious couldn’t answer her for fear his now controlled laugh would escape right along with the tea that filled his mouth.

  “I haven’t thought you were a demon for many years now,” Varick complained.

  Vareilious could hold it in no longer. His laughter burst forth, spraying his tea across the table. “Yes, years ago. Back when you first kicked his royal ass,” he roared.

  “Perhaps I did, at that. Yet, I didn’t gut him where he laid.” She pretended to pout, batting her eyelashes, feigning innocence. “I’ve never been given proper credit for showing such great restraint.” She sent a teasing little wink toward Varick.

  “Laugh, you two, go on.” He threw his hands up. “Ugh, you completely exhaust me when you’re together for any amount of time.” Varick sighed, collapsing back onto the lounge.

  “So, it’s true, then. You and the babe are doing that whole Angel thing?” Vareilious asked.

  She giggled. “Angel thing?”

  “Yes, you know.” He wiggled his fingers in front of her face and changed his voice to be mockingly scary. “Reading minds, sensing danger, knowing stuff that’s none of your business… Angel things.”

  “Yes, we’re doing Angel things.” She laughed at his extreme silliness. “But there’s so much more to it than that. I can’t explain it properly. It’s like… we just know.”

  “Ugh, I hate when Angels say that… We just know.” Vareilious raised his voice, trying to mimic Jenevier as he mocked out her words.

  She punched him again.

  Varick sighed. “Why is it you behave as a child when he comes around, my love?”

  “I know not, my Prince. He brings out the worst in me.” She smiled and shrugged her shoulders innocently.

  “I bring out the fun in you, little sister. Something in which my noble brother here is severely lacking.” He winked at her and playfully elbowed her arm.

  “I concede to you, Brother,” Varick said. “You can make her laugh. But only I can make her swoon.”

  Varick touched her knee and Jenevier couldn’t help but giggle when she saw the mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “Ugh, lovers. You’re all so sickening to us normal people.” Vareilious rolled his eyes.

  “Normal? Normal?” She laughed. “Since when has anyone ever accused you of being normal?”

  “True, but where’s the fun in that?” he boasted. “And you’ll have to admit, I’m nothing if not fun. Now, turn thoughts to more solemn things, little sister. Did you feel uncomfortable in the forest today? Do your Angel powers warn you of impending doom?”

  “Yes, this is bothersome to me as well,” Varick added. The look on his regal face was quite pensive. “Even just the eyes of an outsider shouldn’t be able to enter Vanahirdem. This isn’t a good sign.”

  “Perhaps I should go speak with Vareen,” she mused. “Strange eyes beheld us this day, yet I could not glean intent. Perhaps she’s seen something and can shed more light upon this whole affair.”

  “If Mother had seen something, I would have received word before you made it back home. But go. Speak with her,” Varick said. “She needs to be watchful of eyes such as these.”

  Jenevier’s bright smile suddenly lit up the room. “Aye, Vittorio soon returns.” She couldn’t hide the joyous effect that particular Guardian had on her. “I cannae be leaving ye just yet. My brother has much he wishes tae tell me. I’ll speak with our revered seer after his visit.”

  “I hate when you do that, Darling,” Varick complained. “Don’t mimic his vile speech, I beg you.”

  “Vittorio returns? But how do you… Oh, is that an Angel thing, too? You can now sense Vittorio?” Vareilious crossed his arms in a huff.

  “Not only Vittorio. I sense you as well, Brother. My connection with you is amplified. Not always, but it’s becoming more so. Just two nights past, I heard what you whispered to the lovely Varillum as she left your domicile.” She smiled and winked at him.

  He looked at Varick, who only nodded in return.

  Vareilious sighed and fell back into his chair. “Ugh, I hate Angels.”

  “But you love me,” she said. “You thought so just now.”

  “And that is my cue to go.” Vareilious jumped up. “When something has been settled about the eyes, let me know.” He kissed Jenevier’s hand and headed for the door.

  “Careful you don’t run headlong into your brother… Brother.” She giggled.

  Vareilious jerked the door open just as Vittorio made to enter. “Ugh, I hate Angels,” he murmured.

  “Aye, as do I, Brother.” Vittorio laughed.

  “Then your feet have betrayed you by leading you to this door,” Vareilious said as he closed it behind him.

  “Aye, that bulky warrior gets more curious with each passing day.”

  She beckoned the accented warrior closer with her wide smile and open arms. “Come in, Brother. I wish to hear all about your amazing adventures.”

  “Aye, that can wait, Milady.” He kissed her cheek. “I was all but certain I’d hear the beautiful sounds of a wee bairn upon my return.”

  “Not yet, Brother. Soon, but not this day. Come and share some rose tea with me. Let us enjoy your blessed company for a time.”

  “Hello, Varick. How do ye fare, Brother?”

  The warriors embraced as they exchanged welcoming words.

  Vittorio heralded them all of his exciting adventures, acting out many of the embellished scenes. That was Jenevier’s favorite part, how theatrical and entertaining the giant Vanir was. She listened to his fantastical tales for hours before her eyelids became too heavy to fight against.

  “Aye, yer eyes betray ye, Lass. I shall leave the remains for another day. A mother must have her rest. Ye cannae be sitting here all night listening tae me prattle on.”

  “Wait, did you forget something?” She yawned and stretched her arms, lazily. “It was on your mind the whole of your jaunt to my door, yet you mentioned it not. I’m anxious to see what it is. Don’t toy with me and make me beg for your favor, dearest Vittorio. You’re not as cruel as all that, are you?”

  “Aye, an’ just how did ye know aboot that, wee lass?”

  She pouted. “If I tell you, you’ll hate me.”

  “What’s this madness? Have yer wits left ye while I was away? How can those loveliest of lips even utter such a vile a thing as that?”

  “Because, I heard you with my own ears. You proclaimed such truth to Vareilious only a few short hours ago.”

  “I dinnae do such a thing, Princess.”

  “You confirmed your hate standing within my own door. Just there.” She pointed.

  “Nae, wee sister. Yer ears are amiss. I said only that I hate Angels.” He laughed. “I cannae hate ye, my love.”

  His laughter was met only with silence from Jenevier and Varick.

  Vittorio looked hard at them, studying Varick’s pale face. “What are ye two nae saying?” he demanded.

  “Jenevier is no mere woman.”

  “Aye, Brother, this I know.” He winked at her.

  “No, open thine ears, Warrior. Jenevier is not what we once thought. She’s different,” Varick said. “Everything about her is different.”

  “Aye, Brother… everythin’.” Vittorio closed his eyes and whispered, “The way she smells, the way she tastes, th
e way her hair feels when it brushes across yer cheek, the way her eyes sparkle when she’s excited, the angelic glow of her sleeping face, how soft her skin is, how gentle her touch feels upon yer brow.” Tiny tears gathered in the corners of his closed lids. “An’ the way ye cannae shake her from yer thoughts, nae matter how hard ye try.”

  She wiped her knuckles gently down the single moistened path upon his handsome cheek. “I love you so much,” she whispered.

  “Aye, Princess, an’ I love ye more… always.”

  Jealousy stabbed through Varick’s heart, he tried to cast it aside. “Yes, all of this is true. But it doesn’t stop there, Vittorio. The reason her mask is so dramatically different than our own, the way she’s not only God’s executioner but His divine healer as well, the way Apollyon’s heart never stood a chance against her pure innocence, the way she carries his child now, his Angel child. And… the way she knows things she shouldn’t know and speaks with a babe who is not yet born. What do all these things mean to you, Brother?”

  “By all that’s holy… yer an Angel, a bloody Angel.”

  “You always counted me thus, in more ways than one.” She smiled and squeezed his hand.

  “Nae. It’s nae true. How dare ye, Brother? How dare ye name her Angel in my presence?”

  Jenevier’s heart ached, tightening painfully in her chest. “Why do you protest so strongly, my friend? Am I any different to thine eyes, to thine own heart? Hate you Angels so badly? Forget not, dearest brother, it was an Angel which dragged you, dragged us both, from a fate far worse than hell. And you dare act thusly to me?”

  “Aye, Milady, I dinnae forget.” He lowered his head. “Let us also nae forget exactly why we ended up in such a place as Eastern Spadroon. Shabriri wouldnae have sought ye had it nae been for that damnable Angel ye love so true.”

  She felt as if he’d slapped her face. All her glowing color drained away. Vittorio had never spoken to her like this before, ever. She didn’t know he was capable of such a thing.

  “Forgive me, Brother.” Her voice trembled. “I’ll never be able to make up for the harm I’ve wrought in your life and in your heart as well.” She looked off into the distance, at nothingness and painful memories. “I hate Angels, too.” Bitter tears spilled down her cheeks.


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