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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

Page 14

by JK Ensley

  “I had a calloused, impenetrable heart. It remained such until I beheld you standing before me in that looking glass. I had denied my feelings, purposefully hid my growing love deep within my soul. Yet your smile released it. It has only just gushed forth, never to be restrained again.” He drew his face closer until his warm breath tickled her lips. “Did you not feel it, tiny Princess? Did you not feel when my knees gave way? I know you did. I know you felt it for I steadied myself upon your shoulder.” He searched her terrified eyes. “That was the moment I accepted the true reason why I brought you here, the moment I quit denying the fact that I wanted you.” He lightly circled the tip of her nose with his. “Because, sweetest Angel, I love you.”

  Her heart grew heavier with every word he confessed. She released a deep sigh and placed her hands over his at her cheeks. “Valencia has done you a grave harm, my friend. Much has happened since last I wrote in my journal.”

  He released her, standing up straight, excitement in his lovely purple eyes. “Then speak it to me now.” He beamed with anticipation. “I wish to know the whole of your story. Withhold not a single word of your life. If you retain even one secret, I fear I may burst.”

  She held her tattooed finger up, staring at it as she spoke. “Varick and I are married.”

  Musashi grabbed onto the railing, trying to support his failing legs, the wind forced from his lungs. “Noooo…” he groaned.

  “It’s true. We spoke openly about our feelings. We realized we had only been pushing the other away out of our great love and devotion to the other one’s heart. We each thought the other needed time away to heal. We mistakenly believed the best way to protect the other was to bind our hearts, bottle up our feelings. We were wrong. He is my one true love, Musashi. And I have married him, even before our son is born.”

  “But, you don’t carry Varick’s son.” He choked out the words.

  Jenevier spoke no more.

  He spent a moment, regaining his composure, finally turning back to her, tender as before.

  “Now I know I have truly loved.”

  Her questioning gaze forced him to continue.

  “It’s because of the pain.”

  “The pain?”

  “Yes, lovely flower, the pain. Never have I loved, so never have I hurt. And never have I known such pain as this.” He put his hand to his chest. “It’s as a sword, piercing me, running me through. And I’m thankful for it.”

  “Why are you thankful for such a thing? The first person you ever admitted caring for, ever admitted having feelings for, that same person crushed you with but a breath, stomped on your noble confession.”

  “No, my love. I am thankful because I know I live, I know I love, and above all things… I now know a heart can change. I’m living proof, standing flesh before you.”

  “Do not take false hope, Sire. My heart will never change where Varick is concerned.”

  “And I do not wish it to. My only wish is that one day, your heart will change where I am concerned. Love whomever your heart chooses to love, Milady, only let me count among them. That’s all I’ll ever need. I will not be selfish with you in this matter.”

  “But, Musashi—”

  He placed his finger to her lips, halting her coming words. “Fret not. If your heart never permits me within, I will remain the happiest man upon any of your layers.”

  His smile was so tender it pained her.

  “How so? Help me understand your reasoning.”

  “Because, my Princess, on this day I possessed courage I did not know I had. On this day, I confessed my love for you and you did not condemn it, nor did you bid me not to feel it. You didn’t shun me for baring my soul to you. If you never love me, then you never do. One thing’s for certain, I will never allow you to hate me. As long as you do not hate me, I can spend each day you are here with me showing you just how much happier you could be. If only you would choose to stay.”

  “This is wrong, Musashi.”

  “Then I take joy in being blissfully wrong. Promise me but one thing.”

  “I do not make promises lightly,” she said. “What is it you wish from me?”

  “Promise me this. If the day ever comes when you choose to leave Jinn, you will show mercy unto me.”

  “Mercy? How so? What is it you wish of me?”

  His smile was soft and heartbreakingly sad. “Still my beating heart.”

  She gasped. “What? Are you mad? No. Never. Don’t even say such things, Musashi.”

  Her words hurt him, the pain showing clearly in his lavender eyes. “Out of all I freely offer, you cannot give me this one thing in return?”

  “No. I cannot.”

  He smiled. “Then perhaps you’ve already permitted a tiny piece of me entrance within.”

  Jenevier froze. “No… no, I have not. You… you tricked me.”

  “No, my love. I did no such thing. My request was true. I will demand such from you if ever you leave. I will force your hand if I must. When the day comes, if that horrid day should ever appear, I will make certain you do not enter those clouds while I yet draw breath. Harbor not fear, little rainbow. I will not defend my life. I will give it to you freely. I only ask that you take it.”

  “You know not what it is you say, Your Highness. You’re bewitched, spellbound, an evil web has been spun across your heart, clouded your mind. You have a whole realm of people here counting on you, looking to you for guidance, depending on you for their future. Use your head and cast aside your lying heart. Your life is no longer yours to offer or sacrifice. It belongs to the masses. You are bound to them with obligatory chains, Milord, ones you have no right to break.”

  “Nay, I tore you from your home, ripped you from the arms of your beloved husband, brought you to a majestic prison to live amongst strangers only days before your child is due. I confessed to initially meaning you harm and even procured a wizard to ensure my wicked deed. I have withheld no truth from you. All of this you know. And yet, you would stay your hand at harming me? This all happened within your heart in only moments. Don’t deny the hate I saw burning in those enchanting eyes of yours when first I entered your chambers. It’s now gone, ebbed away. And what’s replaced it? Is it compassion, pity, or a tiny spark of humanity? I know not, at least not yet. Imagine what may grow there within the weeks and months yet to come. One day you will fall in love with me, Princess. On that day, I shall become a whole man, a man worthy of such a gift. I will strive daily, without ceasing, to gain even the slightest praise from your words, the faintest smile from your lips, the tiniest sparkle in your ethereal eyes. These things shall be as gold to me. I will work hard to earn your acceptance. I will be ever diligent in making sure that flash of hate never returns. And I will gladly accept your love when you can finally admit it to yourself, Milady.”

  “Musashi, you take false hope. This dream of yours is too painful a thing for you to cling to. Release it, for both our sanity’s sake. My denial came not from love or devotion, but from hard lessons and painful wisdom earned through the lashes I bore because of my own ignorance. You see love where only compassion lives.”

  “Then, compassion be praised. I will take anything I can get and never tire of it.”

  There was no hope. Jenevier knew she couldn’t win this argument. Not this day. “You may never tire, Milord, yet I’m weary beyond standing.” She smiled faintly.

  Her admission startled him. “Apologies. Of course you are. I was being inconsiderate. Rest now. I will have your meals delivered to your chambers. Don’t push yourself, my love. The babe needs you healthy.”

  When Musashi bowed, exiting her room, Jenevier collapsed onto the enormous bed, releasing the terrified breath she’d been holding for what felt like forever.

  “What madness is this? What fresh new hell have I stumbled into?”

  She tried to rest, but could find no comfortable position. As promised, her meals were graciously delivered and much pampering was afforded her. As the sun began to set, Jene
vier found she could not pull her eyes away from the beauty—how the darkening orange and yellow glow played with the purple waves of blooming lavender, how the countless fireflies danced magically upon those flowing ripples of changing color.

  Musashi had told her true. The moons of Jinn were the most wonderful she had ever gazed upon, enchanting to a fault.

  In front of, and a bit to the side, a glorious baby moon basked in the warm glow of its exquisite mother moon. The heavenly sight brought a warm smile to her lips.

  When sleep finally claimed her, it brought with it sweet peace. That night, Jenevier’s mind wasn’t ruled by darkness.

  That night, she dreamt of Angels.

  Chapter 18



  Tony sighed, covering his face with his hands, collapsing back into his leather chair.

  “What in the holy hell is going on?” he mumbled. “Is the world coming to an end or something? If so, you people will cause me to have a heart attack before I get to witness it.”

  “You’re handling my presence better than I thought you would, Chief Delvado.”

  “Yeah, at least I didn’t draw my gun on you, like the last guy. I swear, if you don’t find that little curly topped bundle of trouble, I’ll have to start sleeping with the lights on.”

  “What other guy?”

  “The one who looks like you. He left here about an hour ago. Said his name was Vittorio.” Tony tried to mimic Vittorio’s accent. He failed miserably. “I’m the one who’ll end up in the nut house before this is over. I’ll be looking for Angels around every corner.”

  “We’re not Angels. Tell me all you said to my brother,” Vareilious urged.

  “I said nothing. I’ve not seen that little ball of fire since she left me down in Marlow.” Tony read the worry playing out so obviously on the ethereal giant’s glowing face. “Tell me. Does the fate of the universe rest on that little lady’s head?”

  “Before this is over, I fear that may very well prove to be the truth.”


  Vareilious entered the clouds. He didn’t slow his powerful descent as he landed solidly in the royal chambers, cracking the stone floor beneath his feet.

  “You should thank the heavens, little King, she wasn’t chained in bed beside you. I’m the last creature who would offer my soul in exchange for yours. I’d take my punishment and let you rot.”

  Merodach scrambled across the bed and stood opposite the enraged warrior. When his heart slowed to a race and he halfway caught his breath, the King of Wrothdem choked out his words.

  “What’s happened to my beloved?”

  “Your beloved?” Vareilious released a cold laugh. “Your beloved is ripe with her Dark Angel’s child and simply vanished before her warrior husband’s eyes. I came to see if your itchy fingers played a role in this most horrid of deeds. It reeks of your type of deception.”

  Merodach stared at Vareilious, obvious confusion twisting his handsome features.

  “Ripe with child? Warrior husband? Who in the world are you talking… Ohh, Jenevier.”

  “Yes, Jenevier,” Vareilious huffed. “Who the hell else would I be talking about?”

  The enormous Guardian eyed him warily. Merodach felt the weight of his glare.

  “Just who is it you thought I spoke of, oh mighty King? What troublesome path do you now play upon?”

  “I play upon nothing.” He tried, unsuccessfully, to convince himself and his uninvited guest. “You woke me from a deep slumber, my wits were momentarily addled. That’s all.”

  Vareilious laughed. “And you truly expect me to believe that?”

  “I care not what you believe,” Merodach snapped.

  “Oh, but you do.” His trademark smirk was gloriously obvious. “I can taste your fear and deception from here. Do you hide my little Angel and play games with her once more?”

  “I do not. I haven’t seen nor have I spoken with Jenevier since the night of that strange healing you yourself bore witness to.”

  “And yet, you don’t even waste breath in asking me why I’d be here… seeking her within your chambers. Does she no longer own your heart?” he goaded the King. “Do you no longer wish to trace her sapphire scars, placing royal kisses upon each?”

  “Do not taunt me, Guardian,” Merodach snarled. “I offered her all I had, all I was. She needed me not. She’s not here, nor do I suspect she ever will be. Seek her elsewhere, Warrior. I do not hide your colorful little Princess.”

  “Perhaps not, yet you hide something. Your fear over me discovering your secret is a deliciously sweet thing to me. You’ve piqued my curiosity.” Vareilious produced an exaggerated sigh. “Alas, I have a much more pressing thing upon my wings at the moment. I will return and play with you on a fairer day, good King.”


  Vareilious searched Mangladune and spoke with the Elven ruler before he reluctantly left layer four empty-handed.

  He knew exactly where to go next, but in his troubled heart, he sure as hell hoped he didn’t find her upon layer two. If she were there, he feared he may not be able to convince her to leave.

  He knew she had been to Byzantha, Varick had ranted about it for weeks. But he was fairly certain she didn’t know the whole truth about that magical realm… and he feared the day she would stumble upon it.

  She’s too fond of that red-headed little weasel Varick uses as his mask. He’d better be more careful where she’s concerned. He’s too convinced it’s his Princely wings she desires above all. Humpf, she nearly killed him over that marked up, funny looking little man once already. I’m not quite as certain as my brother, but I do know my little Angel… sharing her heart is too easy a thing for that tiny warrior. Vareilious chuckled. I fear she’s more than my brother can handle.

  “Here kitty, kitty, kitty.”

  “Why must you colorless dolts always act so condescending?”

  “Hey, Syadar, old buddy. How’ve you been doing? Still got that little flea problem?”

  The giant chocolate cat only casually glanced at Vareilious as he continued grooming his luxurious fur.

  “Is that supposed to serve as humor, Angel?” he purred.

  “I’m not an Angel.”

  “And I’m not a kitty. At least, not your kitty. Is there anything else we need to declare we’re not, or is that the point of this whole meeting?”

  “Don’t play coy with me, Syadar,” Vareilious said. “I smelled you all over her.”

  “Which her are you referring to? The possibilities are endless,” he purred.

  Vareilious could’ve sworn the giant cat smiled.

  “Play not with me, little kitty. I have not the time. Have you seen her? Has Jenevier been here?”

  “Ahh, that her. Yes, she has. She came to me in the month of our joining to uphold her promise to bear my cub.” His brown eyes sparkled as he stretched his back. “I love her madly. Did she tell you?”

  Vareilious laughed. “Now I’m certain she’s not upon this layer. There’s no way in hell my little Angel would lay with the likes of you.”

  “I know not who your little Angel would lay with. But my lovely Ajená swore a vow unto me. In front of my father, no less.”

  “You lie.”

  “Do I, now?” The gorgeous feline yawned. “She stood very near where you now stand. She vowed to everyone present that all her Months of Joining belonged only to me. She even returned to me at the appropriate time.”

  “What are you saying, Syadar? She joined with you?”

  “Alas, no. My enchanting Ajená did return, yes, but she was already with child by another. I didn’t pry.”

  “She has no idea, does she?”

  “I have no idea what it is you speak of.”

  Vareilious eyed the cat and snorted at his defiant, nonchalant air. “She has no idea who you are or what it is she’s promised to do, I’m certain of it. Will you hold the maiden to this vow even though you lied to her in obtaining it?”

nbsp; “I did not lie. I could never be false with my beautiful Ajená. She knows not the whole of it, no. She had not the time to listen, not that day. I didn’t ask it of her, Guardian. She swore the words on her own. She wasn’t coaxed.” He shuddered all over. “My fur still stands on end when I recall her brazen words. She was fierce. She left no room for doubt.”

  “She knew not what it was she said.”

  “And yet, she said it nonetheless,” Syadar purred. “You must go back and thank Prince Varick for me.”

  “Varick? What has he to do with this?”

  “His façade. Ajená is aroused by his mask of my kind. When she saw my markings, her scent increased until I was almost driven mad by it.”

  “You’re a disgusting little trickster,” Vareilious snorted.

  Syadar laughed that strange purring laugh of his. “Perhaps. I may be guilty of that one little thing.” He swished his long flowing tail. “Did I mention she traced me?”

  “Now you go too far, Cat.”

  “Oh, but it’s true. Every word of it.” He licked at one paw. “Alas, I was a perfect gentleman with my innocent little Ajená. When I was at the very brink of no return, I stayed her delicate little hands.”

  “You should be beaten for playing with her like one of your many toys,” Vareilious snarled.

  “Yes, I have many toys,” he admitted. “But none compare to my angelic Ajená.” He purred over her name. “I’ll confide the most absolute of truths, dear friend. She traced me as I have never been traced before. It was, for lack of a better word, purrrfect.” The R rolled over his tongue sensually.

  “You are vile. When I find her, I swear by all that’s holy, I’ll tell her the truth about you and your kind.”

  “Oh, promise me you will.” Syadar’s eyes were filled with a wild, mischievous sparkle. “And Vareilious, do make certain she knows all the juicy parts as well.”

  “Purr all you like, pussycat. Jenevier will never join with you. I’ll make certain of that.”


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