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Sweet Dreams, Not!

Page 2

by Skye Lotus

  “Midnight. Moonbeam. Goldie. Clover. Twinkle.” Lottie muttered, shifting her hands over the crumpled surface of the paper.

  “Now where have I heard that before?” Sunny wondered aloud.

  “We heard it in history class. We were researching the protectors of the Universe.” Lottie said, picking the paper up.

  Star nodded slowly, remembering that class. Her history teacher, Mr. Tyler had been giving them a lecture about the protectors of the Universe.

  Once every hundred years, they would be chosen when young, in secrecy, to battle a source of evil that, over time, would reform and threaten once again.

  “This letter needs to be given to the Principal.” Star cried, leaping up. The links were so close. Everything was falling into place.

  “When?” Lottie asked.


  Principal Blackbird looked stern.

  “Where did you come across this letter?” He asked Star, looking up through his glasses.

  “Ms. Thorn asked to see me. When I arrived at the room, it was empty. This letter was lying on the ground.” Star lied, meeting his stare.

  “Well, there is no doubt that you’ve read this note, I assume?” Principal Blackbird continued, throwing the crumpled note into the bin.

  “We have. And we want to start training A.S.A.P!” Moony answered from behind Star.

  “Very well then. We’ll have to make progress somewhere secret, that no-one else knows of.” Principal Blackbird said, standing up. He walked over to a glass cabinet and shoved it aside. Behind, there was a multi-coloured vortex, twirling and spinning in circles.

  “There may be some side-affects from coming through a porthole, they say. But in your case, your powers will protect you.” Principal Blackbird called.

  Star, Moony, Sunny, Jazz and Lottie lined up, preparing to jump through the porthole.

  Star leapt into the spiral of colours, leaving the office behind.

  Star landed with a thud on some green grass. The sun was shining brightly, revealing all its splendour.

  “I’d better move.” Star thought, jumping up. Moony crashed down just behind her.

  “Get up, Moony, and watch out for the others. I almost got hit by you!” Star exclaimed, helping Moony up.

  After the others arrived, Principal Blackbird walked through the porthole and landed on both feet.

  “I practise.” He said wearily, reading the pixies minds.

  “So, how do we determine which “One” we are?” Jazz asked impatiently, tapping her foot.

  “Tests. Lots and lots of tests!” Principal Blackbird snapped, dusting himself off.

  Sunny let out a slight groan. She disliked tests more than warm milk, and warm milk was very salty on a pixie’s tongue.

  “Easy, quick ones, of course!” Principal Blackbird added.

  The girls mumbled with relief.

  “First test! Twinkle, the time-twister! We must check our watches first.” Principal Blackbird barked, nearly knocking the girls down.

  Star looked at her watch. It was the same as usual, ticking away.

  Principal Blackbird went along the line, touching each watch. He touched Jazz’s last, sorting magic through it.

  Star heard Jazz give a tiny gasp.

  Jazz’s watch was going crazy. The hour and minute hands were spinning around in opposite directions, meeting at twelve, and then back around.

  “Twinkle, you may go back to school if you wish. But I recommend you see who your friends are, and learn to call them by their names.” Principal Blackbird said, turning back to the others.

  Jazz shrugged, and slipped down onto a seat waiting for her.

  “Test Two! Goldie, the weather beam!” Principal Blackbird shouted, returning to the front.

  “Look at the sky, and take a picture of it with your Pixie Cam.”

  Star did so, along with the others. The sky was clear, with no cloud to be seen.

  “Very good. Now try and put your emotions into the picture. If you see a change in the weather in the picture, say so.” Principal Blackbird ordered, going along the line again.

  After two rounds of trying, Star gave up. She saw everyone but Sunny had crumpled up the picture.

  Sunny was concentrating like never before. Her focus was keen to find a change, to find anything. Her eyes were shining gold, as if the whole world depended on it.

  “The world does depend on this, Star. If we use the wrong people to do the job, this “Source of Evil” will strike, without anyone to fight back!” Principal Blackbird snapped, frowning deeply.

  Star frowned back. She felt irritated to have her thoughts exposed.

  As Principal Blackbird passed Sunny by, Star saw the picture change. Clouds by the thousand were gathering, preparing for a storm.

  “Go join Twinkle, Goldie. Watch your friends with her.” Principal Blackbird demanded, shooing Sunny away.

  “Make that Goldie.” Star thought, washing away the name she’d known.

  “Test three! Clover, the lucky charm.” Principal Blackbird yelled, snapping his fingers. A huge obstacle course appeared, waiting to be tripped over.

  “If you complete this course without touching an obstacle, you are Clover! On your marks, get set, GO!” Principal Blackbird shouted.

  Star raced along at top speed. She looked over her shoulder to see how her friends were doing. A monster was chasing each of them from behind, snapping their jaws.

  “What pleasing motivation!” Star growled, jumping over a pit. Somehow, she slipped, and she fell back in the water, hitting her head on the sharp rocks. Star looked over to Moony’s pit. She had managed to trip as well.

  “How? I landed perfectly...” Star thought furiously.

  Then it hit her.

  Pure luck.

  Lottie is Clover.

  “Finished! Clover, go sit with the others!” Principal Blackbird’s voice drifted through the air, stronger than ever.

  Star felt behind her head. There was no mark.

  “Hurry up, Star! Test Four! Moonbeam, the shape shifter!” Principal Blackbird shouted from a distance.

  Star flew over, puffed and tired. Her thoughts were racing.

  “This test will be relaxing, Star, so I suggest you stop raging about this.” Principal Blackbird barked when Star arrived.

  Star frowned. She didn’t like it when her thoughts were said aloud.

  “Maybe that’s how Moony felt.” Star thought, turning her irritation on herself.

  “Focus! Now, I’m going to pair you with a dangerous creature that would probably kill you, unless you were the type of animal yourself. See yourself as the animal, and try to morph into it.” Principal Blackbird’s instructions seemed pretty clear to Star.

  “But what if the person who isn’t Moonbeam gets hurt?” Star snapped, glaring up at him.

  “You will both have force-fields. Begin!”

  Star was shocked to see a tiger appear in front of her. It bared its teeth angrily and hissed.

  “See yourself as the animal! FOCUS!” Principal Blackbird’s voice roared in her mind, blocking out the tiger’s hiss.

  Star looked at the tiger, and then closed her eyes.

  “See the animal as yourself!” Principal Blackbird thundered again.

  Star opened her eyes.

  “I don’t need to.” Star said, relaxing herself.

  Star had somehow seen Moony turn into a tiger in her mind. She had seen it clearly, and believed it to be real.

  And she was right.

  Moony was growling back at the tiger in front of her, telling it to back off.

  Star was filled with relief. But somewhere inside that relief, mingled a strange feeling of disbelief.

  She was “Midnight”.

  “Moonbeam and Midnight, you may take a seat with your friends.” Principal Blackbird said, pointing to two seats.

  Star sat down, slightly uncertain of what would happen next.

  “Let’s begin with the telling of your powers
. Twinkle. You can stop time, start it, change it, you can even destroy it. But I recommend you don’t.

  Goldie, you can make the weather change, just by your mood. If you were angry, you’d be conjuring up a storm, so watch how you feel.

  Clover, your luck can be bad luck or good. You have the option to make things go faster and slower, change their mood and change how they look.

  Moonbeam, you can change form into anything. You could be an armchair, for example. You can also speak other languages, such as cat speak, like you did today.

  Midnight, you will lead your friends on. You have excellent skills in fighting. But your most powerful gift is making wishes come true. Do not misuse this power. There will be dire consequences.”

  Principal Blackbird ended on a very negative note.

  “Well, go along now. The dinner bell should ring soon.” He added on, preparing to walk through the porthole.

  “Wait! We just had breakfast! How can it be dinner bell? What consequences?” Wait!” Star cried, running after him.

  Principal Blackbird turned around, his eyes practically freezing Star on the spot.

  “Time goes much quicker when you enter a porthole.”

  Principal Blackbird turned around again, facing the vortex. Suddenly, he morphed into a raven, gliding through the porthole swiftly.

  Star’s eyes glazed over, confused. So many questions were whizzing around in her head.

  “Sometimes you never get an answer to a question, Midnight.”

  Star spun around.

  She narrowed her eyes when she saw who it was.

  Chapter 7


  “You recognise me.” Chris answered, smiling faintly. He uncrossed his arms and straightened up.

  “Stay away from us! One of your evil lemmings has done enough damage to Star!” Moony cried, stepping forward.

  “I meant no harm. I just wanted to frighten her.”

  Jamie’s voice came from behind Chris. Jamie stepped out from behind Chris, smiling icily.

  “We’re here to apologize. To forget all of this nonsense my “lemming” has caused.” Chris continued, walking forwards a few paces.

  “Stay away or I’ll...” Sunny began. Her voice drifted off as she failed to find a threat.

  “You’ll what?” Chris snickered, breaking the look of kindness and peace.

  Star looked at Chris thoroughly for the first time. He had ruffled, violet hair, his eyes were rainbow, his skin was an olive complexion and his clothes were black and rainbow.

  “You remind me of someone, Chris. Someone who lies and plots evil plans. I don’t trust you!” Star shouted, stamping forwards until they were face to face.

  “Remember me, Midnight. And do not remember me fondly. I will get what I want. No-one can stop me.” Chris snapped, scowling.

  And with that he was gone.

  “He’s like a mirror image of you, Midnight. The hair, your clothes colour, your skin, your eyes...” Moony started, when they arrived in Star’s room.

  “I’m Star, Moony. Please don’t call me Midnight!” Star cut Moony off, still angry at Chris.

  “I know you may not like Chris, Midnight, but you can’t take it out on me.” Moony replied calmly, yet slightly coldly.

  Star bit back an angry response.

  “Just get the others. I need to destroy Jamie’s power over me.” Star glowered, clenching her fists.

  “Okay, Star.” Moony half said, half squeaked, morphing into a small wood mouse and scurrying out of the door.

  “Be back at eight o’clock, Moony! Be back when it’s lights out!”

  Star lay down on her bed, filled with confidence. She’d dreamed this dream three times now. She was sure she would defeat Jamie this time.

  Star looked at her clock. It read 8:00.

  “Moony should’ve arrived by now.” Star thought restlessly, pacing the room.

  The door creaked open a notch. Star spun around in haste to see Moony. But it wasn’t her. It was Sunny.

  “Hiya, Midnight! I got Moonbeam’s message. The others are on their way.” Sunny said, slipping inside.

  Star sighed. She had to get used to being called Midnight from now on. She also had to get used to thinking of herself as Midnight.

  “Peekaboo!” Jazz leapt into the room, frightening Star out of her wits.

  “Have you seen Lottie? Or Moony?” Star asked.

  “No, I haven’t seen Clover or Moonbeam,” Jazz replied, shrugging her shoulders, “You should call them by their real names, you know.”

  “This is all so hard to get used to. Anyway, I’d rather we used our fake names at school, and save our real names for saving the universe,” Star sighed, “It’ll be safer.”

  “Star’s right.” Lottie’s voice called from behind the door. She came in swiftly, as if air carried her.

  “I’m starting to get worried now.” Star thought aloud, biting her lip.

  “Star, you’re bleeding! Stop biting your lip!” Lottie cried.

  Lottie was right. Where Star had bitten, a small drop of blood had appeared.

  “Star, your teeth... they’re...” Sunny began.

  Star moved her fingers up to her teeth.

  “Ouch!” She cried.

  Her teeth were razor sharp. They had left a mark of her finger.

  “Yes, I can make wishes come true. But vampire teeth? What’s going on?” Star wondered, rubbing her grazed finger.

  Moony walked in just then, disturbing them.

  “Oh, hi.” Moony mumbled, looking down.

  “Are you okay, Moony?” Star asked, walking over to her friend.

  “No! I got caught by that scoundrel Jamie, and tomorrow I have to see the nurse!” Moony snapped, pulling her sleeve up. On her arm were three bruises, going purple.

  “Oh. Okay then.” Star said, backing away.

  “Let’s get on with this, shall we?” Jazz said, breaking the silence.

  They joined together, hand in hand, in a circle and chanted a spell.

  “Our Dreams unite together as one,

  When Nightmares are banished, our job is done!”

  Star felt herself fall as she drifted to sleep yet again.

  Chapter 8

  Star opened her eyes, alert. She was back in her Nightmare, exploring a world haunted and controlled by Jamie.

  Slowly, she got up. Her friends followed close behind, searching the world for a sign of danger.

  The shapeless form seemed to be having a day off. Nothing was in sight, apart from a crow.

  That seemed suspicious. There was only one form of life apart from them, and it was an omen of evil.

  As Star approached it, she realised it was not a crow at all. It was a bubble, black as night and pointed with spears.

  And it was opening.

  Star instantly retreated, realising that there was a high possibility that this bubble contained the perilous black mist.


  Star spun around. The black mist was curling up Jazz’s arms, pulling her away from the group.

  It had crept up on them from behind, tricking them!

  Star stood there, determined to use a spell. But she had none. Her wand was probably on the ground, outside her reach in the real world.

  But she could wish.

  Star willed with all her might for a dagger, a sword, or… something to appear, something she could harm the black wave that was engulfing her friend.

  All the others had leapt over to Jazz’s side, pulling angrily.

  “I must seem so dumb, just standing here!” Star thought furiously. She looked down, as if to scream at her feet to run to her friends sides.

  Suddenly, Star realised why. The vines had come to her first, holding her down. They were making her watch her friend die through a dream.


  Star glanced over her shoulder. There, a gleaming gold sword lay, waiting for someone to wield it. Star bent down, stretching for the sword. Star felt her fingers t
ighten around the hilt of the sword.

  It was very light. Star slashed at the mist with ease, which shrivelled back and died. Then Star turned around to help her friends.

  Jamie was looming over her. With one quick sweeping motion, he held a wand to her nose, daring her to move.

  “Don’t fight me, Midnight. If you do, I will not hesitate to kill you.” Jamie smiled mockingly.

  Star struggled to see what was going on behind Jamie. All she could see was everybody frozen in action. No-one moved an inch.

  “They’re frozen, Midnight. They can’t help you now.” Jamie continued, his eyes flickering from jungle green to sapphire blue.

  “I can see that.” Star snapped in return, baring her teeth.

  Jamie’s eyes stopped. After all the colour-changing in his eyes, they settled to a deep, mysterious aqua.

  “You didn’t destroy the source of my power, luckily. I don’t even think you realised what it was.” Jamie ignored Star’s snaky comment, as if it was a breath wasted.

  Star’s eyes widened.

  The black bubble. She had never seen what was inside. It had been opening and Jamie created a distraction so that Star didn’t see what it actually was.

  Jamie was still gloating about how poorly Star had performed. She took this chance to do something while he explained where she had gone wrong.

  “I wish your wand would disappear.” Star yelled, cutting off Jamie.

  Jamie eyes flashed in anger. He poised the wand, as if to strike.

  The dagger disintegrated in his hand. The pile of ash floated down onto Star. It lay where her heart did, showing Jamie’s perfect aim.

  Jamie was showing all the signs of being worried.

  His eyes were pale blue, and he was fiercely trying to hold Star down with trembling hands.

  “You won’t get away, Midnight!” Jamie quavered, digging his nails in for support.

  Star gave a slight smirk. She threw Jamie’s hands off her arms and leapt up. Star grabbed his arm, and with a final wave of strength, she slammed him onto his back.

  “Who’s the loser now?!” Star hissed, bending down over Jamie.

  His face was creased with pain. Star could see he was struggling to get up.

  With what time she had left, she picked up the sword and ran over to the black bubble. Inside, was a beautiful rainbow diamond, glimmering and glowing. Star hesitated to hit it, seeing its beauty. She closed her eyes, trying to regain her strength.

  When she opened them, the rainbow diamond was gone. It was replaced with a doom rock, poisoned with evil and cruelty. Star did not hesitate this time.


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