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The Christmas Tree Guy

Page 3

by Railyn Stone

  “He didn’t?” Sydnee felt herself finally breathe seeing Charlie was in one piece and he was no worse for wear as he continued to color his picture.

  “Auntie Sydnee?”

  “Yes, Sean?” She looked over to see the little boy staring at her.

  “Charlie’s really brave. That’s what my Mommy said. And she said if he did cry it was okay too, because sometimes when we get hurt, we cry.”

  “That’s right Sean. It is okay to cry when we get hurt.” Standing, Sydnee smiled, watching all three of the boys acting as if nothing had ever happened.

  “I’m so sorry Syd. I don’t know what happened. One minute, they’re playing and the next, Sean is running up the hall telling me Charlie was hurt. I feel horrible.”

  “Mon, it’s okay. Accidents happen. I’m just glad he’s alright. Is the doctor around so I can talk to him?” Sydnee could see Monica was just about as frazzled as she was, and she turned to her neighbor, placing her hand on her arm to reassure her everything was fine.

  “Yeah, I told him you were on your way, so he should be out in a few.”

  “Thanks. I can wait for him if you want to go ahead and take Sean home.” Sydnee convinced Monica they would be okay and she hugged and kissed both her and Sean before they said their goodbyes to the boys and headed out of the hospital. She watched them walk down the hallway and get on the elevator before turning to look at Charlie and Travis still busy coloring pictures.

  Just as soon as they left, the doctor appeared. Once he had filled her in on the extent of Charlie’s injury and what she needed to do to help him heal, she thanked him and gathered up Travis and Charlie and their things and walked to the reception area. As she finished the paperwork at the reception desk, she heard Travis saying hello to someone.

  “Look, Mommy, it’s the Christmas tree man.” Turning, she saw Quinn walking towards them and she smiled at Travis’s comment.

  “We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Quinn voiced, walking up to them. She was right about him being in shape underneath his coat. At the moment, he carried his jacket in his free hand and she admired the way the black compression shirt looked painted on his muscular build. The ripples beneath the black second skin just begged for her hands to reach out and touch them and she gripped the pen in her hand harder. His black track pants covered his sinewy legs and she had to fight to curb her runaway thoughts.

  Regaining her composure, she quipped as he stopped in front of her. “Hi. I can’t imagine you just hang out in hospitals for fun?”

  “Well, actually, I kind of had to come or risk the threat of bleeding out.” She watched him raise his left hand, revealing a bandage.

  “Oh wow, what happened? Are you okay?” Her eyes widened at seeing the first aid tape and gauze surrounding his olive skin.

  “Oh, yeah, nothing a few stitches and a little Vicodin won’t cure. What are you doing here?” He flashed that thousand-watt smile and she felt her insides melt.

  “My little one.” Motioning to Charlie, she admired the little boy’s resilience to the situation. “He kind of had an accident and needed a few stitches himself.”

  Kneeling in front of Charlie, Quinn acknowledged the little boy. “I guess we’ve got something in common, huh buddy?” Charlie glanced at Quinn’s hand and the bandage covering his stitches.

  “Yeah.” Charlie answered shyly, sticking close to his mother’s leg.

  “Guess what?” Not wanting to be left out of the conversation, Travis stepped closer to Quinn to give him the run-down of what happened. “Charlie didn’t even cry.” Sydnee watched as Travis boasted about how brave his brother was for not crying.

  “Wow, you’re my hero, Charlie. I was pretty close to tears when I hurt my hand today, so I’m really impressed.” Sydnee watched the little boy beam from ear to ear at hearing Quinn’s confession. Quinn turned to Travis and she could see he was making a concerted effort not to leave him out of the conversation. “So what did you do to help your brother?”

  “I made sure he was okay and that Sean went to tell Auntie Monica.”

  “Whoa, that’s pretty brave too. I mean, he needed you and you were there for him. You definitely get the best brother award in my book. That’s pretty awesome.” She smiled as Quinn held up his good hand for Travis to give him a high-five.

  “What do you say Travis?”

  “Thank you.” Sydnee watched Travis drop his head shyly, something he rarely did, and she had to admit she was impressed with Quinn’s easy approach to the boys.

  “I guess you won’t be able to deliver many trees now.” Sydnee watched Quinn pull himself up to his full six feet something height.

  “No, but my other hand’s still free to hold coffee, if you’re interested.”

  “Quinn, you are a persistent guy. Charlie, Travis, it’s time for us to go. Tell the nice gentleman goodbye.” She shook her head at Quinn’s obvious continued pursuit to get her out on a date. She had to admit he was not one to take no for an answer.

  “Goodbye,” both Charlie and Travis rang out as Sydnee led them to the elevator.

  “Bye, guys.” Quinn grinned and waved at the little boys as he stood in the middle of the hallway watching them. “Man, this kind of rejection could be detrimental to my psyche…if I didn’t already know you were interested.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Sydnee slowly turned to face Quinn. Her eyebrows knotted as she gazed at his wickedly sly expression. She watched his eyes dance like he knew some deep dark secret she didn’t know. “What makes you think I’m interested?”

  “Oh, the fact you cared about my hand, you remembered my name and you keep smiling at me with that beautiful smile of yours. It’s evident. I’m not sure why you keep fighting it, but I figure you’ll come around and we will be having that cup of coffee soon.”

  “You’re impossible, and a little delusional.” Turning, she continued on with the boys in tow in disbelief at his flirtatious quips.

  “Maybe, but you can’t stop thinking about the possibilities.” Stepping into the elevator she turned to see him wink at her. It was something about his overly confident bravado that made her stomach flip and she had to catch her breath as the doors closed.

  “Mommy, he’s nice.” She heard Charlie say to her matter-of-factly as the elevator started its descent to the first floor.

  “Yeah, he is, Charlie.” She hated to admit it, but Quinn had no idea just how many thoughts he’d initiated in her head.


  “So, he’s okay?” Sydnee held the phone to her ear with her shoulder while juggling the keys, her purse and briefcase as the boys rambled into the house. She’d barely gotten the key in the door before Sara called.

  “Yeah, he’s going to be fine. It’s close to the hair line and they used liquid stitches, so hopefully it won’t be too bad of a scar.” She watched her boys run down the hallway like nothing had even happened. It amazed her how tough children were.

  “Thank goodness. He’s too cute for a scar, even though sometimes they can be quite sexy on a man.” Sara giggled.

  “Sara, we’re talking about my five year old here.”

  “I know. I’m just saying, when he gets older, it could be really sexy. I’ve met a couple of guys with scars. A few with tattoos, some with piercings...”

  “Okay, well, I’m going to let you go so you can reminisce.” Sydnee laughed at Sara’s preoccupation with the memories of the many, many men she’d dated.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure the little bean was okay. Does Matt know, or care?” Sydnee rolled her eyes at her friend’s mention of the twins’ father.

  “I called him and left a message like I always do when something happens with them. But I’m sure he’ll think I am ‘stalking’ him or trying to use Charlie’s injury as a way to get close to him. I called Leanne and asked her to let him know if he calls.” It was just like Matt not to answer her phone calls. He would do it all the time, even when they were married. There were numerous times when
she would call him and it was hours before she received a return call. She finally figured out all of those times she couldn’t get in touch with him was because he was with someone else. She never wanted to believe it, but it finally hit her full in the face the day she was doing laundry and found makeup on his shirt. The ensuing confrontation afterwards was not pretty. He’d gotten angry and denied everything. Said it was from a client he hugged when they had dinner, and it was nothing that should concern Sydnee. She hadn’t believed it then and had cried herself to sleep after he turned the tables and accused her of not trusting him. That night, he slept in the guest room, claiming he didn’t want to sleep beside someone who didn’t trust him.

  “He’s so freaking full of himself.”

  “I know.” She still found it amazing how distant he was; like it was her fault he left her or cheated on her. And she couldn’t believe how he just seemed to forget he was the twins’ father. “It’s funny, he’s not the only one who got stitches today.”

  “What? Did Travis or Sean get hurt too?”

  “No. Actually, I don’t even know why I mentioned it. You remember I told you about the guy hitting on me? Well, he was at the hospital getting stitches. Seems he had an accident at the tree lot today.” Sydnee sat at the counter in the kitchen drawing circles on the granite countertop with her fingertips. Her thoughts drifted from Matt to Quinn, and even though she knew nothing would come of the two of them, she couldn’t help thinking about Quinn’s allure. He was so sure of himself and his confidence was intoxicating. I’ve got to stop thinking about this man.

  “Well, well, well. So what happened?”

  “I’m not sure. We didn’t get very far in the conversation. He started talking to Charlie about his stitches and-”

  “No, nutsy. I’m talking about what happened between you two? Are you going to go out with him or what?” Sydnee grinned, knowing Sara was rolling her eyes at her. Anytime she called her some kind of nickname, it was always accompanied by the patented ‘Sara eye roll.’

  “No. I told you I couldn’t do that.”

  “Again, with that ‘couldn’t’ word. Syd, you really do want to go out with him.” Sydnee could hear the exasperation in Sara’s voice and she walked over to the Christmas tree. She noticed a few of the limbs were overloaded where the boys had invariably placed two or more ornaments in the same spot, and she took a moment to rearrange them. Once that was done, she sat down on the sofa, finally getting a chance to relax after the excitement of the day.

  “No, Sara, stop it.”

  “Whatever, you better jump on it girl. Sounds like he’s a persistent little cub and you know they are natural born hunters.”

  “More like stalkers.” Sydnee leaned her head back on the overstuffed cushions, closing her eyes before kicking off her shoes and propping her feet on the ottoman. She knew deep down Quinn wasn’t stalking her, but it was starting to give her an uneasy feeling that he knew where she lived, and this was the second time she’d run into him.

  “Oh, come on. I don’t think he’s crazy. And you know where he works, so I don’t think he’s Ed Gein or anything.” She must be reading my mind.

  “I know. I don’t get a weird vibe around him like that anyway.”

  “So what kind of vibe do you get?” Sara’s throaty voice floated through the receiver and Sydnee cringed, knowing she had walked right into that one.

  “Stop it. I’m getting off the phone now. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Oh, you’re no fun. You, my dear, are becoming an old maid.” Sydnee could hear her friend’s laughter resonating in her ear.

  “If I’m an old maid, then you’re an old maid, too.”

  “Nah uh, cause if that young man asked me out, I would gladly accept. Just call me Mama Cougar.” It was Sydnee’s turn to laugh as she listened to Sara’s feeble attempt to growl through the receiver and she laughed until tears rolled out of her eyes at her friend’s antics.

  “Goodnight Sara.”

  “Night sweetie. Kiss the sugar plums for me.”


  “I’m worn out.” Sara plopped down on the sofa beside Sydnee and propped her fuzzy sock clad feet on the ottoman. “I don’t know how you do it.” She watched Sydnee finish wrapping a gift for her mother-in-law only to wrap another for her brother Kellen. “How do you have the energy every day to keep up with those two, work a full-time job and be such a great friend, mom, daughter-in-law?” Sara spouted as she ticked off each title she’d given Sydnee on her fingertips.

  “You shouldn’t put an “S” on my chest just yet.” Sydnee replied, placing the gifts under the tree. She had taken the boys to pick out gifts for their grandparents, to a movie, and then back to the house for cookies and ice cream and Sara had decided to tag along.

  “Yeah, but wow. Those two never stopped talking until they fell asleep twenty minutes ago. And all of the questions. I mean, it was like a police interrogation that lasted all day long. I’m truly in awe of how you get it all done.”

  “I know. Sometimes I wonder how they come up with the ideas they have, but at least I know they are inquisitive and they aren’t going to just take things at face value.” Sara was right. Sydnee usually felt like an Internet browser by the end of the day with all of the inquiries the twins constantly hurled at her.

  “I can see why full time moms need a mommy’s day out. Whew.” Sara reached over and picked up one of the neatly stacked magazines on the side table, flipping through the pages as Sydnee returned to her seat and continued wrapping presents.

  “Oh, it wasn’t that bad. I love being with the boys all day.” It was one of the things she missed most since Matt left. “I mean, it’s nice to have some time to myself from time to time, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”

  “I know that. But, you know it’s therapeutic for you to get out with people your own age every once and a while.”

  “And what do you suggest I do? Go to a single’s bar?” Sydnee stopped wrapping the gift in her lap and looked over at Sara with a sideways grimace.

  Lifting her head from the magazine and raising an eyebrow, Sara shook her head. “And that right there shows you’ve been out of the dating game for a while. Single’s bar? Really Syd?”

  “You know what I mean.” Sydnee smirked and threw a wad of extra wrapping paper at Sara for her sarcastic remark. She knew she hadn’t been out in a while, but she wasn’t that out of the loop. Or was she?

  “Yeah, but you could stand to get out. Take a load off and just unwind. Let that hair of yours down for a change.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t want another experience like the date I had with...what was that guy’s name? Darren, wasn’t it?” Sydnee rolled her eyes trying to think of the last guy she was set up on a date with.


  “You know, the guy Mina set me up with. I think it was one of Aaron’s friends from work or somewhere like that.” She shuddered at the thought of the date. The man was so stuck on himself. He even had the nerve to refer to himself as an ‘elite’ man and he was in high demand. He thought he was every woman’s dream. Sydnee had just wanted the date to end.

  “Oh yeah, stick in the mud? Ugh, I knew that was a bust when she said she was setting you up on a date with a friend of Aaron’s. He’s drier than dust.” Sara wrinkled her nose at Sydnee’s mention of Mina’s husband, Aaron.

  “Sara, stop it. Aaron is nice.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. He and Mina are a perfect match, if you like the social climbing, nose in the air types.” Sara continued to flip through the magazine.

  “You’re talking about your own cousin.” Sydnee laughed at Sara’s pained expression. “And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to be progressive.” Sydnee thought about Mina’s drive to be successful in everything she did. From the way she dressed, which was impeccable, to the way she carried herself. No one could deny the woman was a go-getter.

  “I know. That’s why I can say these things.” Sara lowered the magazi
ne to her lap to look at Sydnee. “No, there’s nothing wrong with progress, but she takes it to the extreme. I’ve never seen someone that comes from nothing and acts like she’s a descendant of the royal family. Blows my mind.”

  “Anyway, I don’t want another date like that. He talked about himself the entire time. It was so annoying.” Sydnee turned her attention back to the present she was wrapping.

  “Yep, that sounds like someone Mina would set you up with.” Sara finished, turning her attention back to the magazine in her lap.


  “Exactly why are you doing this?” JJ asked, as he and Quinn replaced lights around the lot.

  “What are you talking about?” Quinn looked down from his perch on the ladder at his cousin who was steadily handing up the bulbs.

  “You don’t have to do this at all. I mean it’s not like you even need to, and of all the places you could work to pick up extra money, you choose here?”

  “JJ, it’s not about the money. I’ve always helped out since we were old enough to do this. And Uncle Jack asked me. What’s wrong with that?” Quinn had worked in the tree lot for as long as he could remember, especially after his parents split. He’d spent a lot of time with JJ, and his Uncle Jack was like a second dad. He’d do anything for the old man even though he rode both him and JJ hard. He knew it was only because Jack wanted to make sure they grew up responsible and without a sense of entitlement. They were from a well off family, but if it were up to Jack, it wouldn’t be something either of the boys would be able to just think they could fall back on. Jack definitely made them work and where it wasn’t a big deal for Quinn, JJ was a little more of a slacker.

  “Yeah, he asked you to help out during the week after Thanksgiving because it’s one of the busiest weeks, but you keep coming back.”

  “Is it a problem?” Quinn stopped what he was doing to look at JJ.

  “No, man. I’m not saying that. I actually like when you are around because you take the pressure off he usually directs towards me. I’m just saying you have options. If I were you, I know I wouldn’t choose to be here. I’d be at the gym watching all those beautiful bodies in motion.” A devious smile curled on JJ’s lips and Quinn knew he was referring to Quinn’s regular job as a personal trainer, and the beautiful women that worked out at the gym. He’d caught JJ more than a few times staring through the window of the spinning classes when he came to work out with him. And he’d practically had to ban him from the pool area.


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