For Adriano

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For Adriano Page 27

by Soraya Naomi

  “Yes, but why did you announce that?”

  “I’m the boss. I can do whatever I want, and we’ll need you there because the building is unique. This way, they’ll make keeping you safe a priority. The soldiers now know that your life is worth more than theirs,” he replies.

  That seems like a reasonable explanation.

  Luca and Adriano are suddenly riveted on something behind me, so I turn and stiffen when I’m greeted by Wade, who enters the room, grinning widely, with a black bag in his grip.

  “Gentlemen.” He then smiles at me and adds, “And lady.”

  He is actually working with the Syndicate. But in what capacity?

  The tension in the room just tripled. Luca gives Wade a stony stare, and Adriano’s lips curl up before he smacks Luca playfully on the shoulder.

  In the meantime, the other members have dispersed, so we’re alone with Wade.

  “Wade,” James says. “What have you got for me?”

  What is this about?

  And like always, it’s as if these men can read my thoughts because James comments, “Wade is our ally, Camilla. We’re working together; he provides us with equipment. So,” he asks Wade. “What do you have that can aid my operation?”

  Wade places his bag on the table and unzips it.

  I notice that each person is watching everyone else with wary eyes. All five of us. Wade catches my glance once, and nothing is missed by Adriano, because I see a frown appear for a split second.

  “I have enough earpieces for your team leaders that connect to software on Henry’s laptop so that he can easily guide and maneuver you through the halls.” Several small round objects fall through his fingers and clank on the table. “And I can arrange for the street at the back entrance of Club 7 to be blocked Saturday night without raising any unwanted questions.”

  This guy is definitely not just some regular P.I.

  “That’s perfect.” James speaks to Wade as Luca and Adriano survey the objects.

  Then James addresses me, “You have shooting classes now. You need some training or else I can’t take you Saturday. Your guard will drive you there and then home. It’ll be a long session; be patient.”

  I’ve been subjected to so many new things in the last week, and while a rush of excitement surprises me at every turn, I’m also intimidated by the speed at which these men work. There’s something unrestrained in their eyes that’s both thrilling and frightening at the same time. And now I’m being dismissed, so I wonder what else is going to be discussed among them that I can’t know.

  “I’ll see you at your house tonight then?” I say to James, yet loud enough for Adriano to hear.

  He meets my eyes and sends me a fleeting smile right before I leave.


  I’m alone with the instructor, who’s an associate of the Syndicate, in a fire hall.

  My afternoon that started with enthusiasm ends in an exasperated battle with shotguns that almost dislocate my shoulder. It always looks so easy and cool on TV, but I’m having trouble even controlling my shot the first hour.

  When the afternoon ends, Adriano messages me to meet him at Fallon’s penthouse so we can get a few minutes alone; the guard won’t come up with me. He’ll wait downstairs.



  I wasn’t surprised that James announced Cam would be part of the team, but I was taken aback that he told everyone she was his daughter, which was a smart move. Now the soldiers realize the importance of protecting her.

  I initiated all of this last night, and it’s working out perfectly so far. Now that the men are informing our entire team, I get to focus on the small addition that was made to our original plan.

  Later in the day, I’m throbbing to be alone with her, to be inside her, even for a quickie. The risk will be worth the reward.


  Our rendezvous doesn’t go entirely as planned.

  From the moment I saw Cam this morning, I’ve been sporting a hard-on. And as the elevator ascends, I’m itching to have her hands on me.

  The doors open, and she comes into view wearing a red-striped summer dress that ends below her knees in a wide skirt and sexy red heels with a bow at her ankles.

  Desperate not to waste one single moment, we crash into each other.

  “I missed you,” she whispers against my mouth.

  And I grasp her hips. “Me too.”

  Pressing our lips together, we fanatically try to extinguish the fire caused by our separation. I’ve been apart from her for too long already; any more days would be a bane to my existence.

  Between frantic kisses and my searching for bare skin to touch under her skirt, she manages to ask, “Why did James tell them I’m his daughter?”

  “So they’ll protect you.” I cover her mouth with mine while I slide her panties down her thighs.

  She pulls back to speak. “Did you know he was going to?” And she unfastens my slacks to pump my dick in her hands, making me hiss from the exquisite stimulation.

  I nod and go down, hiking up her skirt in the process and hefting one leg over my shoulder. “Every time I fuck you, I need to taste you before I shove my cock in.” I greedily suck her clit into my mouth as she grabs a fistful of my hair.

  “Adriano...” My name leaves her lips in a plead.

  My tongue flattens against her, and I’m rock-hard as I slide it inside, craving her pussy. “We don’t have much time, and I want to feel you wrapped around my cock. Now.”

  I hoist her up with my palms under her thighs, then slide them to her ass and slam her back against the wall right beside the elevator. Her legs link around my hips, and she pants as I glide her onto my cock, disappearing inside in one thrust.

  “Were you already thinking of me, Cam? You’re so wet, as if I’ve licked your pussy for hours and primed you for my cock.”

  She stares right at me with unreserved ecstasy. “I’ve been fantasizing about your tongue all night.”

  I reward her with a smile and seize her mouth as I start to hammer into her. Nails dig into my nape as she holds on to me while I bang her against the wall, her back bending, heels in a lock around me, all our clothes on – except her panties which lie on the floor – connected together in a way only she can own me.

  And the reality of how much I’ve missed her hits me. Rotating my hips, I mold the flesh of her ass and nibble my way down her throat. Her moans increase into a satisfied scream, and I watch her unravel while I drive into her hard.

  I’m not far behind; while her body is still quivering in the aftermath, I release the tension into her welcoming heat, growling in rapture when I’m rocketed into heaven. Satisfied and depleted, I rest my forehead against Cam’s, and she strokes her fingers through my hair as my heart rate slows and contentment settles in.

  She’ll do whatever I want.

  “Adriano, where are Fallon and Luca?” she utters against my mouth.

  “Fallon knows we’re here. They won’t come home, but your guard’s waiting.”

  “I did say I was only getting some makeup I left behind.”

  A sigh escapes her lips when I pull out and button my pants, leaving my shirt untucked. Bending down, I take her panties and help her slip them on.

  “What’s your plan? I can tell you’re cooking up something.” Cam looks down at me with a hand on my shoulder to steady herself while I guide the lace over her hips.

  “You have to trust me. I’m setting things in motion, yes.”

  “I want to know.” She grazes her fingers behind my ear, knowing exactly what I like, but I don’t let her deter me.

  “No, you don’t. As long as you’re in James’s house, it’s better you have plausible deniability.” I sink my teeth into her hip, and she shrieks, pushing me away. I stop her inquiry. “Don’t ask more questions. We don’t have time.” I stand so that we’re face-to-face and smooth her hair back. “How did gun training go?”

  Her mouth tilts down. “It was difficult and
frustrating the first couple of hours, but I did get better.”

  “It’s so hot thinking about you shooting in only those heels.”

  She laughs. “I was wearing clothes and flats, actually, while practicing.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t ruin my fantasy.”

  “Your fantasy is me shooting naked with another instructor?”

  I bite her nipple over the fabric. “No! In my fantasy, I’m the instructor. No one sees you naked but me.” That seems to placate her until I see apprehension, which I think is about Saturday, on her face. “You don’t have to come with us, you know?”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to go. Right now, I’m more worried about you getting lost in those passageways.”

  “So you’re going to protect me?” I tease.

  I’m still not happy about her being there, but the end justifies the means in this case. And she’ll be safe because she’s on my team – whether anyone likes it or not. I’m not compromising on that subject.

  “You’re on my team. And you’ll stay by my side. Now, before you leave, I’m going to ask you something. When James mentions me, I want you to start telling him about how you’re attracted to me. Don’t mention we fucked. As far as James knows, nothing has happened. You don’t need to emphasize that fact, but make sure you get your meaning across.”

  “As if I would say that to my father,” she retorts with mocking disgust. “So we’re telling him?”

  “No, you’re letting on that you have feelings for me. I want to know how he reacts. He’s difficult to read.”

  “I don’t understand how this will help us?”

  “You’ll understand later. Now, go back to your guard. My car’s out back, and I’ll leave after you. I’ll see you tomorrow or sooner, depending on how James reacts to your confession.”

  I bring my mouth to hers and kiss her goodbye. A goodbye that was robbed from me yesterday.

  When her body melts against mine, I growl and press the button for the elevator before I get hard again. She steps inside and touches her lips as the doors close.

  Still hot from our encounter, I’m rolling up my sleeves to my elbows when my phone vibrates in my pocket; it’s her.

  I answer, “Cam.”

  “Someone I recognize from Club 7 is staking out at the intersection.”

  “Where are you now?” I relentlessly press the elevator button, and then I’m on my way down.

  “Right outside the entrance. Still walking to the car.”

  “I’m coming down. Keep going to the car, but don’t get in. Inform your guard and talk to him until I get outside. I’m walking through the lobby now.”

  I take the back entrance, so the guard doesn’t see me coming out of The Blackhall too. My steps stride outside into the sunny afternoon. After rounding the building to reach the front entrance again, I run toward Cam, who’s still on the phone, bent down toward the passenger’s window of the black BMW.

  She spots me and hangs up.

  I walk up to them with strain coiling my muscles.

  “Hi,” she pretends to greet me and whispers in a rush, “I told the guard I called you and you were in the area.”

  Placing my hand on her shoulder in reassurance, I look through the open window to the guard behind the steering wheel. “Do you see him?”

  “Yes, sir. Blonde guy in the blue suit. He just came from around the corner. He didn’t notice that she saw him.”

  “Meet us at the second side street.” I motion in the distance to ensure he understands.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Then I snatch my handgun from the ankle holster, and after making sure no one’s behind me on the sidewalk, hide it in my waistband at the small of my back, letting my shirt fall over.

  Twining my fingers with Cam’s, I grin and pull her along. “Don’t look nervous. We’re going to bait him. And don’t look at the intersection; he’s still watching us.”

  She follows orders perfectly and just smiles and checks the window displays of the shops we pass.

  From the corner of my eye, I see the soldier cross the street with a swarm of people, and he’s now trailing behind us with several pedestrians between him and us.

  The guard drives by and stops at the red light; Cam sees him too.

  “He’s going to the second side street to the right,” I inform as we also stop at the traffic light. “So are you. When we cross, I’m going into the first shop we see, that shoe store.” I make sure she follows my gaze to the store. “You continue at the exact same pace and turn down the side street as well. The man will follow you, but then I’ll be behind him. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she retorts with, I swear, a touch of eagerness.

  The light changes to green, and together with the rest of the pedestrians, we carry on.

  “Kiss me.” I crane my neck a little so I can check to see if the man’s still following.

  She presses her lips against mine, and I swat her ass, making a teenage boy whistle. “You continue on down the next street.”

  I turn right into the busy shoe store while watching the people pass in the security mirror that’s facing the storefront windows. The soldier goes by and peeks inside at me, and just like I suspected, he chooses to go after Cam.

  Swiveling around, I run back out and see him nearing Cam right before she turns down the designated street.

  I swing past a couple and round the corner into a street between two office towers. Just as he’s about to draw his gun, Cam reaches our guard’s car that’s waiting beside the sidewalk.

  I shift closer, and as he hears my footsteps, I run up to him, grabbing my gun and pressing it into his back. “Down, boy. That’s my girl you’re about to touch.”

  He holds up both hands and swears under his breath as Cam opens the back seat door. Then, without instruction, she opens his jacket with two fingers on the lapel and confiscates his gun from his inside pocket with a smirk.

  Fascination and arousal fly through me.

  Pushing him forward by his neck, I attempt to heave him into the car. When he objects, I hit him in the back of his head with the butt of my gun, and he falls forward onto the leather seat.

  “In the front, Cam. And watch him.”

  She sits down, pulls the hammer, and directs his own gun at him.

  I lower my aim, drag his wrists behind his back as he struggles sluggishly, and ask the guard, “Do you have cuffs or tie-wraps?”

  The guard opens the glove compartment and hands me a black tie wrap, which I lock around my captive’s wrists before I slog him up into a sitting a position.

  I jump into the back seat with our prisoner and close the door after glancing around to make sure there weren’t any witnesses.

  “To our headquarters.”


  I command the guard to deposit the guy in the basement while I get James and Luca from James’s office.

  “She called you first?” James asks, incredulous, and rushes down to the basement.

  “Yes, thankfully, since I was the only one of us in the Loop.”

  Cam and the guard are in the room with the captive who’s strapped into a metal chair, hands and feet tied and one eye that’s swelling up – guard must’ve clocked him.

  The chair grates against the concrete when he spots James and Luca.

  “Cam, who is he?” James joins her as the guard covers the prisoner’s mouth until he stops complaining.

  Seriously, why keep struggling and use your last breath when you’re already restrained?

  “He’s one of Fat Sal’s soldiers in the underground club. I definitely recognize him now.” She’s stoic in her reply.

  For the first time, I witness how Cam’s still coping with her time in captivity – despite the fact that she forgot a lot, the scars are still there. She has danced in the darkness, but the experience didn’t break her. It enforced her and brought out the Calderone Mafia gene that runs in her blood. She’s finding her identity within the Mafia, and seeing that tu
rns my dick hard. She’s craving vengeance, I can sense it.

  And so does James because he’s studying her while she shoots daggers at the prisoner.

  He hints for the guard to let go of the soldier’s mouth. “Do you know who I am?” James asks with one hand in his pocket.

  “Calderone,” he spits.

  “Do you know who she is?”


  “Do. You. Know. Who. She. Is?”

  “She’s ours,” he retorts.

  No, no, wrong answer.

  James holds his palm out to me over his shoulder. “Adriano, gun.”

  Handing over my gun from the back of my pants, I foresee where this is going to end.

  Now there will be no turning back anymore for Cam. The oath that’s about to commence will also tie her to me, forever.

  James presses my gun into her hand, then cranes his neck to me, silently ordering me to help Cam. He’s too involved to help her. She’s his weakness. He’s getting very attached to Cam; he’s always wanted his blood in the Syndicate.

  We switch places, and I move close behind her, whispering, “Every member of the Syndicate must pledge omertà, Cam. You’re required to commit murder so you can never rat us out without facing charges yourself.”

  She takes the gun and directs it between his brows, and his eyes widen as he yells, “What do you want?”

  “Is Santino still being held captive in the club?” she calmly demands to know.


  “He won’t answer. He’s of no use. Just one less soldier to kill Saturday.” My lips almost touch her cheek. “Use both hands. Kill him.”

  She extends her other arm and steadies her aim. She’s a gorgeous vision in heels, cocking my weapon.

  “Did he ever touch you while you were held captive?”

  “I don’t think so.” Her voice is robotic.

  “Did he watch while others abused you?” I hiss into her ear.

  A muscle twitches in her jaw. “Yes.”

  I have an entire speech prepared with Shakespearian dramatization for effect, but to my utter astonishment, a shot deafens us in the small room. I never expected her to shoot so fast. The bullet hits the soldier in the chest, forming a red halo. The chair falls back, and his head thuds against the wall.


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