For Adriano

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For Adriano Page 28

by Soraya Naomi

  I snatch the gun from Cam and blast him once in the heart, waving to James and Luca to escort her out of here.

  “Find one of my soldiers to help you dispose of the body and clean up,” I order the guard.

  She’s an enigma in her actions. I’m riveted, astounded, and a little turned on. I want to know what’s going on in Cam’s head, so I go in search of her.

  And I find her on the living room sofa with Luca and James.

  “Camilla, talk to me.” James looks down at her.

  “About what?”

  I smile at her incredible composure.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I feel normal,” she comments with wonder herself. “You don’t have to hover around me.”

  Pride gleams from James. “Welcome to the Chicago Syndicate, my daughter. You are an official member as of today.” And he kisses her cheek.

  Happiness crosses Cam’s face when he commends her with his gesture. This is what she wanted; to belong somewhere.

  Luca welcomes her as well, and then it’s my turn.

  And just like the first time we met, I take her hand in mine and press my lips to her skin. “Welcome.” I already welcomed her into the Syndicate a while back, knowing this was her endgame.

  A smile pulls at her lips, and we stare at each other, saying so much, yet so little, since she’s hiding behind her poise. I search her depths and observe some reservations – she’s not unscathed. She’s trying to stay strong and still thinks she needs to go through everything alone. But she has her family, in this case James, because she can’t discuss this with Alessa or Rosalia.

  And she’ll have me; after I accomplish my plan, she’ll have me forever.

  I’ll text message her as soon as I’m alone because I probably won’t see her again until tomorrow afternoon.

  Luca says to us, “We need to fine-tune the plans for Saturday.”

  “Damian will drive you to my house, Camilla,” James offers.

  Ferociousness blinds me at the prospect of those two being alone, and Cam watches me anxiously; I warn her with a hard expression.

  Luca intervenes, “I need Damian here. Another soldier will take you home, Cam.”

  “That’s fine too. We’ll talk tonight, Camilla,” James comments.

  And without the goodbye Cam and I wish for, we part once again.


  The rest of the day is filled with the division of the teams and methodically planning with Henry, who’s a godlike hacker, when which system will go offline during our attack on Saturday. That kid can get access to any program without leaving a trace.

  At two a.m., Luca and James request I stay to check on the men in the strip club while they return to their wives.

  The room is jam-packed with soldiers and barely dressed girls. Careening toward the bar, I scan the place and am pleased to see everyone’s subdued. No excessive alcohol is allowed tonight and tomorrow, but after days of training, they deserved a night to wind down.

  Damian is shoving his tongue into some girl’s mouth, and I think about the fact that I really need to get rid of him. His presence enrages me. He defied my orders, and he touched her. I will not work with a man who’s touched my girl. He’ll need to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

  A pretty redhead and Skye seek me out as I occupy a barstool.

  “Adriano, I haven’t seen you in forever. We miss you.” Skye rests her hand high on my thigh.

  I lean an elbow on the counter. I never think of you.

  “Want to have some fun?” she purrs.

  Tired because she always plays the same game, I enfold my fingers around her wrist. “No, and don’t touch me ever again.” I drop her hand from my clutch.

  She scurries away with a miserable puckered brow along with her minion.

  The only one who gets to touch me is Cam. I send her a text, hoping she’s still awake. But after an hour and no response, I gather she’s asleep or else she would’ve replied.

  I decide to drive to my loft and sleep in my own bed where Cam’s perfume lingers on my sheets.



  When you’re young, your life is filled with dreams and aspirations. Dreams of a life of prosperity and family. My dreams died long before my mother passed away and I was forced to take care of myself. Even before that, she was rarely around, but when she died, I was left in the hands of the State. My goals and ambitions didn’t even get a chance to flourish because my life demanded certain decisions at vital points that determined my future for me.

  For so many years, my life consisted of living from paycheck to paycheck and having meaningless relationships with men who couldn’t hold my attention. Then it was replaced with living in a daze, trying to survive for months in the underground Club. And even after I was free, I was still imprisoned.

  My reprieve within years of loneliness, money troubles, and running away was him, Adriano. And he still is. Even surrounded by a new family, I want to be with him more than anyone else right now.

  While I was focused on my target, I registered Adriano’s words loud and clear. I don’t know how I was able to shoot the soldier – all I did was think about my time in captivity; I vaguely remembered him manhandling one of the other girls one night, beating her up badly, then something clicked while Adriano was egging me on.

  At the time, shooting him resulted in an irresistible gratification and a feeling of taking control of my life back. Control that was stolen from me so many years ago when Fat Sal captured me.

  But now that I’m alone in bed with only my thoughts, that gratification is replaced with turmoil. The last two weeks have flown by, and with all the training and excitement, I’ve been falling asleep each night before my head even hits the pillow, but not tonight.

  I might be in over my head.

  Still, this is the choice I made, and I can't show any weakness in front of James or Adriano.

  I've been somehow searching for myself by Adriano’s side and within the Syndicate, but maybe I'm actually losing myself completely in the process? Because in my mind, I’m desperately trying to justify my actions of today. Adriano was right, just one less soldier to eliminate on Saturday. I believe he’s pushing me to learn and make snap decisions, life or death decisions; since that’s what our life will be when we run. Or is he just diverting everyone’s attention by having me pledge in?

  I’m an official member of the Syndicate, the organization that reigns deep down in the underworld of drugs and murder. Yesterday, Adriano and I were talking about running, yet today, I’m pledged in by the same man.

  He said that he’s setting things in motion. Does that mean that we’ll be here for a while? I’m not going to bombard him with questions until after Saturday because I need him to concentrate. But after that, I’ll demand answers and to be involved with making decisions since this concerns us both.

  Rolling over in my bed, I check my phone screen. It’s midnight and no message from Adriano. James also hasn’t arrived home, so they must still be working.

  Exhaustion finally overtakes me. During the night, the gunshot keeps ringing in my head while my spirit slays all the demons in my life in unsettling dreams.


  It hasn’t been difficult to transition from a life of complete solitude to a chaotic existence.

  It hasn’t been difficult to accept that I’m part of the Mafia, which can overpower anyone in Chicago and is often at war with its enemies.

  It hasn’t been difficult to accept Adriano back into my life; that’s been my highlight.

  It has been difficult to keep up with these men as they go over the schedule for tomorrow’s attack on Club 7.

  And it has been impossible to keep up with the pace at which this organization works. Yesterday, I killed a man, but I haven’t had a second to let anything sink in.

  Without even having spoken to Adriano, I show up at the Syndicate’s headquarters for the meeting. The teams are all in the living room. More men than
yesterday, many similar faces though.

  Adriano and Luca are drilling us like sergeants.

  But for the first few seconds, I take in Adriano’s presence as I lean against the entryway on the side with the other soldiers. Adriano always has women gawking at him – myself included. He’s distinguishably dressed today in his grey slacks and navy blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and never looks tired; neither do Luca or James, for that matter. They’re always sharp and observant.

  Luca’s drawing with a marker on the floor plan on the table. “When Team Adriano goes down with the first five teams, ten teams will contain the upper area. If for any reason you need to abandon your position, you call it in to Henry.”

  Adriano continues, “We won’t all be connected this time – the operation is too big, and that would create disorder. The team leaders will each have an earpiece and will be able to communicate with all the other leaders. Downstairs, getting to Capo John is your first mission. Fat Sal is to be taken by any means, dead or alive. There’s an unknown exit; team two is assigned to locate it since that’s where Fat Sal will attempt to escape from. My team will split up, and three soldiers will continue to search for John while Cam and I find Santino. I’ll be in contact repeatedly with all the leaders. If Cam identifies an area not shown on this map, I will call it in and expect back-up within minutes, so team five should be near Cam and me – always.”

  People nod, but I’m busy trying to figure out who’s on what team. At one point, I realize that all the details aren’t important: my task is to stay with Adriano.

  A question from the audience, “It’s a maze down there; what if we lose our team?”

  Adriano answers, “Memorize the location of the dance club and fight club. If you get separated, you head back to one of the main floors and kill anyone who gets in your way.”

  He zeroes in on me with a furrow between his brows, and it’s the first time this afternoon that he’s acknowledging my attendance. Then his voice deepens, and there’s a strange expression on his face as he addresses everyone in the room, “Your other priority is keeping Cam safe.”

  He successfully puts me in the spotlight, yet no one looks at me with contempt.

  “If at any time Cam is separated from me, she’s your number one priority,” he insists, and no one disputes him. “So teams one through five, come forward. Do a final check of your gear. Ensure you have enough ammunition.”

  Luca carries on, “Teams six through fifteen to me.”

  Feet shuffle, and the mob breaks apart.

  I’m on team one with Adriano, so I just walk up to him at the table where a line of soldiers is forming to accept an object similar to a plastic bracelet, and then they turn right and go down the hall toward the back of the house.

  I step forward, and he charms me with a wink, waving me over next to him. “Come here. You stay with me.”

  As I join him, he caresses my hand and squeezes it once in encouragement or comfort, I’m not sure which, without anyone noticing, propelling that familiar tingle straight to my lower stomach.

  The line thins, and when the last man gets his band, Luca comments, “I’m going upstairs to James. Join me in five.” Effectively granting us five minutes alone.

  Well, as alone as we can be at the moment. The house is anything but deserted, so we can’t touch. People keep climbing stairs and going outside.

  “I didn’t get a chance to message you today because it’s been hectic.” Adriano folds the floor plan.

  “I know... It’s okay.” I want him to concentrate on his job. And I honestly feel as if I’m living in a stupor sometimes; I also need to stay focused. Anything else, I push to the back of my mind, so I just stare at him.

  His shirt doesn’t hide the shape of his muscled back and thick biceps. A memory of him roughly driving into me pops up.

  “Cam,” he delicately interrupts my daydream without looking at me as he continues to fold the paper. “Stop eye-fucking me, or I’ll have to bend you over this table and kill everyone who sees me sliding my cock into your pussy.”

  I smile at his crassness that’s slightly lifting the burden I’ve felt since I opened my eyes this morning as he straightens.

  “How did you sleep?” Adriano asks.

  “Fine,” I lie. “A little late because no one woke me up. Therefore, I was late to target practice and also late getting here.”

  He’s rotating a marker in his hand and completely discounts my casual manner. “You can tell me anything, Cam.”

  “I... Of course, I feel different. If that’s what you mean?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean.” He doesn’t let my eyes wander. “You need to learn to open up more. James said you’re acting as if nothing’s changed.”

  “James is a little overprotective. Do you also expect your other members to open up?” I challenge, wanting to be treated like an equal member but secretly cherishing his stern protectiveness.

  His voice drops to a whisper. “Not the way I want you to open up to me.”

  Now who’s making the sexual innuendo? Since I need him to focus too, I say, “We can discuss everything after tomorrow.”

  “After tomorrow,” he repeats in a unexpectedly despondent tone and adds, “You’re much smarter than you give yourself credit for. No one’s taught you to choose your battles wisely, but you’re doing that all on your own.”

  “Thank you.”

  Maybe I am. Mostly, I’m learning from him. He seems to pacify me by letting me find my own path; however, when he believes I’m pushing a boundary, he’s quick to block it and redirect me. Since he does give me free rein in most aspects, I rarely question or become angry at his involvement. He’s clever at making people do what he wants while thinking it’s their own choice.

  The front door bangs open, and more people enter the house, so I ask, “Can I see you alone before tomorrow?”

  Adriano shows me a disappointed look. “I don’t think so. I’m swamped, and you’re having dinner with James and Alessa. But stay here and leave with James later.” He enchants me with his signature smirk that holds an unspoken promise of temptation if he gets me alone for even two seconds.

  It’s a promise I want to cash in on, and I have to wait for my driver anyway. “I’ll wait here.”

  He takes one step toward me, but right then, we’re disturbed by one of the men.

  “Adriano, can we get another look at the plan? A few men have some additional questions.”

  “Yes, take it. I’m running upstairs for a few minutes, and then I’ll meet you in the back of the house.” Adriano sighs and continues in all seriousness with his job.


  We don’t get a second alone, but I’m somewhat enjoying myself with these men.

  Later in the day, when we’ve gone over the plan of attack ten times and everything’s set up, the girls from the strip club arrive, and apparently, the soldiers are allowed to unwind before an attack. These men celebrate before instead of after an attack.

  As Luca and Adriano speak to the entire team in the same living room, James comes up to me as I observe everyone from the entryway again.

  “Why do you celebrate the night before? Aren’t you worried they’ll be hung over tomorrow?”

  “Non, Camilla,” he replies in that Italian accent. “No excessive alcohol is permitted tonight. Celebrating beforehand is good for group morale. They rarely see each other since they’re usually working in different zones. This will help them bond.”

  “I see.”

  “Most of these men have wives and girlfriends,” he confesses. “They love women; I give them what they want: women and money, so they’re loyal to me.”

  “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  His brows shoot up, undoubtedly stunned by my blunt question. “No, I have my hands full with one woman,” he replies around a laugh. “By the way, we leave in half an hour for dinner with Alessa and Rosalia.” He notes his men with discreet authority and slinks away when he se
es that his underboss and Capo have everything under control.

  Luca and Adriano exchange words while a couple of girls hand out drinks.

  Then Adriano steps on the table with a glass in hand, and an enormous wave of enthusiasm flies through the crowd.

  The girls gape at him with a twinkle in their eyes, and I smile at his cheerful behavior under dire circumstances.



  My mood improves because Cam’s in my sight, talking with James while they view the men.

  It’s incredible that we can form a connection without even locking eyes.

  “You want me to do the speech? I’m honored,” I say to Luca while taking the stage – the coffee table – as he shakes his head slowly, already regretting his decision.

  “Men,” I state in an embellished low voice. “Fuck your wife. Your girlfriend. La tua puttana.” Your whore.

  A collective applaud erupts.

  I raise my glass into the air, waiting for them to settle. “Enjoy your night, then go home, rest, and return, ready to kill.” And I throw the drink back; one whiskey shot, then alcohol is cut off for the night.

  Swiping my mouth, I jump down, and most of the men stream upstairs to the strip club.

  One soldier’s standing a little too close to Cam, inspecting her with a little too much interest. But I watch her, and she senses it instantly.

  As he speaks to her, I make certain that she notices me going into the empty kitchen and toward the back door.

  I pull a cig from the pack with my teeth and light it as the setting sun colors the horizon red in the distance. I’m on the lawn, beside the porch, when the door opens behind me and Cam sidles up, taking the cig from my mouth.

  She turns and leans back against me. My arms snake around her waist as she takes a draw. “So, who am I? Girlfriend or puttana?”


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