Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series)

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Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series) Page 10

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  Although different in many ways, Brett saw that Hannah had went through some of the same struggles all kids experience. He listened to her speak and could see how mature and intelligent she was. Some of the time she talked, he found himself staring at her mouth when she smiled and her eyes that were so full of wonder.

  She’s infectious with her sweetness, her happiness and her gorgeous looks. Why does she have to be Lorna’s daughter?

  Hannah took him back to her room when they were finished eating. He felt anxious about going back there until Hannah opened two doors off of her bedroom.

  They opened up to a sitting room equipped with a large flat screen TV, sofa and chair. He also noticed a small refrigerator. The room had pictures of Marilyn Monroe on the walls and photos of her mother singing.

  “Do you want to hang out in here?” she asked.

  “Sure.” Brett tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

  They sat on the couch and talked for an hour, discussing college and their friends.

  “You’re stories are hilarious and hard to beat, especially the ones about Dylan and Cody,” Hannah said, giggling.

  “You’re really mature. I’ve been a real ass about the age thing. Here I thought you needed all this protecting. I see you’re independent and are used to being alone.

  “If you kept alcohol out of your system, you wouldn’t need me at all,” Brett said, smirking.

  “That’s not true. OK, I probably shouldn’t drink, but I need you. I didn’t realize how lonely I was until I met you. People looking in don’t see the drawbacks to this lifestyle. I’m torn often because I want to be in the entertainment business, but when I have kids, I don’t want them growing up like I did. I want them to have stability.”

  It hit Brett that she may move away one day to be an actress. He found it distressing to think about. “I guess I should get home. I need to be back here at nine in the morning.”

  “I don’t want you to leave.” Hannah gave him a mischievous grin.

  “I don’t want to. You have no idea how much I hate to think of you alone in this enormous house. I really hate it. I feel that same need to protect you even though you don’t appear to need it.”

  “That’s not why I don’t want you to leave.” She leaned over and started kissing his neck.

  Shit, I have to get out of here. She’s too damn sweet. I’m going to end up screwing her in that bed and hurting her like before.

  “So what are you driving me home in?”

  Hannah sat back up and frowned.

  “You really play hard to get. I just want a kiss.”

  “We both know where that leads, and your bed is not far from this spot.”

  “Why is that a bad thing?”

  “I think we need to move slow, Hannah. You seemed upset today, and I don’t want to rush things and end up hurting you. Take me home, and I promise I’ll kiss you tomorrow in a different room.” He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

  “Fine. Follow me,” she said with an exaggerated sigh.

  Brett followed Hannah downstairs before she led him through a maze to the garage.

  “There’s a garage I’ll show you when we have more time. It holds my parents’ other babies. This is the one with my cars.” Hannah opened the door.

  “You have more than one?”

  “Yes, I have a BMW Z4, and I have a Land Rover for when I need the room to drive my girlfriend’s around with me.”

  Brett stood in awe of both vehicles. The BMW was calling him.

  “Here, catch.” Hannah tossed him the keys.

  “You can drive the BMW.”

  “Seriously?” Brett had a big grin on his face.


  He was still smiling when he put the car in park in front of his house.

  “That was awesome. Thanks for letting me drive. The guys will be jealous.”

  About that time, Dylan came flying out the door with Cody right behind him.

  “Hannah, is this your car?” Cody asked.

  “Yes, it’s mine.”

  “Can I please just look it over?” Dylan asked excitedly.


  The guys checked out the car while Brett hugged on Hannah.

  “I want you to sleep at my house. It’s only fair, you know, since I stayed here,” she said.

  “I’m on to your trickery, baby, and now I have to kiss you since you’re talking about me sleeping in your bed.”

  Brett felt bad for rejecting her earlier, so he gave her a short but passionate kiss.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said.

  He found her pouty face cute.

  Dylan handed her back her keys.

  “You need to let me drive this one day, chick.”

  “Sure thing, Dylan. I’ll see you all later.”

  “Hey, I gave you my number, so you better text me when you get home. I need to know you’re safe. I’ll come looking for you if you don’t,” Brett said.

  “Then maybe I need to forget to text you.”

  Brett shook his head and smiled.


  Hannah smiled back and shrugged before she got into her car.

  “Damn, Brett. I never thought about the car she might drive,” Dylan said as they walked back into the house.

  “She has a Land Rover, too, and there was another garage she didn’t show me. She said it has her parents’ babies in it.”

  “Oh, Dude, you have to find out what kind of rides are in there,” Cody said.

  Dylan nudged Brett in the side with his elbow.

  “So, did you do her after we all left?”

  “No, I didn’t do her, and I don’t plan on sharing with you if I do.”

  “If? She was in your bed ready and willing and you didn’t jump on the opportunity, and then you were alone with her in that fat house and didn’t. You’re going soft. I’m worried about you, man,” Dylan said.

  “You’re an asshole, Dylan.”

  “Hey, she’s not made of glass. If anything, she’s a well-oiled machine compared to those old ladies you messed with.”

  Brett grabbed Dylan and pulled him into a headlock. Their wrestling went on for fifteen minutes in their family room until Cody and Matt finally pulled them apart.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Hannah’s hair, which had turned almost completely blonde from the sun, was flowing down her back. She had on a tight, purple tank top and very short denim shorts.

  She beamed at Brett as she walked up to him.

  “Shit, Hannah, you look hot.”

  “Thank you. I don’t think I could ever get tired of hearing that.”

  “You shouldn’t touch me. I’ll get your clothes dirty, and you look too damn good right now.”

  Hannah leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “I had acting class this morning, and I know I have to let you work, so I stayed away as long as I could. Did you happen to bring swim trunks?”

  “No, I didn’t think about bringing them.”

  “What size do you wear?”

  “A large, but why?” he asked, smiling.

  “I’m going shopping with Chelsea. I’m going to buy you a pair to leave here, so you can swim when you want, or when I want you to.” She flashed him a massive grin.

  Hannah watched as his smile disappeared, and she could tell he was in deep thought.

  “Geez, Brett, you make it really hard for me to know what you want. I don’t have to get them, but it’s not like I was trying to buy you a toothbrush to keep here.

  “I’ll just talk to you when I get back.” She walked away aggravated.

  “Hannah, wait.”

  She turned around and put her hands on her hips.

  “I thought you would need to know I only like Colgate toothpaste.” He let a small smile curve from his mouth.

  Her grin spread across her face again. Hannah was giddy with the idea of Brett staying over. She never planned on buying him a toothbrush but was thrilled when he ga
ve her the green light.

  She picked up Chelsea to go shopping and filled her in on what happened with Brett. Hannah felt her stomach knotting when she fantasized about him being in her bed.

  “He has to be a pro when it comes to pleasing a woman. You’re finally going to experience an orgasm. I know it, and I’ll be waiting to hear all the spicy details.”


  “Oh come on, I tell you mine.”

  “I know, even when I don’t want to hear them,” Hannah said.

  She got a call in the car. “Hi, Mom. You’re on speaker. Chelsea and I are going shopping. How’s the tour going?”

  “It’s going great, but I’m calling with great news for you. You know that director I gave some of your audition tapes to in LA? He called me wanting to know how to reach you.

  “He has a supporting role in a movie that he wants you to audition for. He said all he could tell me is that it’ll have big stars in it, and it could be your big break.”

  “Wow, Mom, that’s great,” Hannah said hesitantly.

  “I thought you would be more excited, sweetheart. He said the audition would be in about a month, and if you get the part, you’ll have to move out to LA.”

  “I’d have to move to LA?” Hannah asked, sounding surprised.

  “Yes, but your dad and I talked about it, and as long as you finish your college there, then we are fine with you moving. Make sure you watch for his call.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I have to go, but I’ll talk to you later. Tell Dad hi for me.” Hannah disconnected their call.

  “Oh my gosh, Chels, I didn’t expect anything like this to happen until I finished college.”

  “What are you going to do? I know you have to do what’s best for you, but I’ll be so sad if you move away. Oh, and Brett, you’re just starting to have something with him.”

  “Don’t tell him or Austin. I mean it. I don’t want him to know about this. I have no desire to move away, but I don’t know how to tell Mom. She’s really excited.”

  When Hannah got back to the house, she peaked out the window to make sure Brett was still there. She got butterflies when she saw him. She had a good feeling he would stay the night with her and could already imagine him touching her.

  Brett drove his truck around to the front of the house.

  Hannah heard the doorbell and went running.

  “Hi, come in.”

  “I can’t. I have to go home first and get a shower.”

  She smirked. “Now, don’t go thinking I’m asking you to move in or anything, but you can take a shower here.”

  Brett was standing on her porch with his hands on his hips, sweating.

  “Funny, Hannah. I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Brett, are we really back to this? You’re getting cold feet, and you’re about to push me away again. I feel it. We need to talk.”

  Hannah became very serious as she walked out of the house and sat on the porch. He sat down on the step next to her and wiped his face with his shirt.

  “If you never took women back to your house before me, then I know you showered and slept over at their place. I can’t take any more of this back and forth shit. I thought things were going to be different after staying over at your house.

  “I mean, you told me to buy toothpaste earlier, and now you don’t want to take a freakin’ shower here. I’m starting to think you still don’t want me because of who I am.”

  Hannah felt her eyes filling with tears. She didn’t want him to see her cry if it was going to be over. She didn’t want to give that to him.

  “I want more with you, Hannah, but I’ve never had a girlfriend before. I’m worried we’ll mess around, and then it won’t work out, and you’ll get hurt. Every woman I’ve been with understood from the beginning that it was just going to be physical.

  “You’re the first woman I want more with, but I don’t know if I can handle being a part of this lifestyle. I’m looking for that certainty first, and I want to know we could have a real relationship before I take more from you. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.” Brett took hold of her hand.

  “But don’t you see? You already said you wanted all of me, so you’re changing your mind. Once again, you’re not sure.” Hannah knew she needed to tell him goodbye for good. Some tiny piece of her heart had to be salvaged.

  “Brett, I’ve never been in a relationship before, either, but what I can tell you with certainty is that I dove in head first for you. I’m not asking you to say you want to be with me forever, but you have to want to at least jump in, and your feet aren’t even wet.

  “I believe if you really like someone, you take a chance, and do everything in your power to make it work. Our celebrity lifestyle and wealth is obviously too much for you to deal with it, and I get it, but this is the last time you’re hurting me.

  “If you care even a little bit for me, then you should want to stop putting me through this. Stop being jealous, and let me go since you don’t want to give us a fair shot. Goodbye, Brett.”

  Hannah pulled her hand away from him and went into the house. She ran to her room and slammed the door with all the force from her anger and sadness. She was shocked at what changed between them in only a few hours.


  The second she walked away from him, he felt empty. He buried his face in his dirt and sweat covered hands as he thought about everything she said. He was doing to her the exact thing he’d done all the other times.

  He realized he didn’t dislike her lifestyle. He was afraid of it. Afraid that the type of life she led was going to cause him hurt. It was something he couldn’t control.

  What made me such a control freak?

  He was scared of giving her his heart and getting it handed back when she became a big celebrity like her mother, or when she met someone who wasn’t ordinary like himself.

  But seeing her walk away was already shattering his heart. He felt as if his whole future walked away from him. Brett jumped to his feet and prayed the door was unlocked.

  Chapter Nineteen

  He didn’t see her when he walked inside, so he ran up the stairs toward her bedroom. “Hannah, where are you?” he yelled with desperation.

  She opened her bedroom door. He saw the surprised look on her face before he grabbed it and gave her a kiss, releasing his urgency onto her lips.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you again. I’ve been afraid I’m going to get hurt because of the different lives we lead. I’ve worried you’ll move away to be an actress or you’ll want someone who’s not ordinary like me, but you walking away just now hurt me more than anything.”

  Still cupping her face, he rubbed his thumbs along her cheeks, wiping away tears.

  “I want to make it work. I don’t want to date anyone else, and I don’t want to see another man’s hands on you. I promise I’ve dove in. I want all of you, Hannah. Please say you’ll give me another chance.”

  Brett saw the sweet grin he loved spread across her face, and he was determined this time to keep it there.

  “Yes, Brett.” She threw her arms up around his sweat covered neck, and kissed him passionately for several minutes. The sultry heat that had been building between them for a month was explosive.


  “Get in the shower with me,” Hannah said, barely taking her lips off of his. She saw and felt his burning stare that showed his bottled-up desire for her. He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, standing her up in front of the shower. He quickly stripped off his shoes and clothes. Hannah’s eyes widened when she saw his large erection spring from his boxers.

  She felt his urgency slow as if he was preparing to soak in the view of every inch of her body. He pulled her tank top up over her head and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Hannah’s body shivered from the sensation of Brett’s warm lips touching her skin as he brushed kisses down her neck and along her shoulder. He leaned back up and locked his gaze with hers.

  She was
determined to show him she was a grown up, so never taking her eyes off of him she unbuttoned her denim shorts and pulled them off, leaving herself exposed in only her lace panties. She felt she was on exhibit as she watched Brett’s gaze move up and down her body.

  Her lips were gently kissed before she felt her panties being tauntingly pulled down her silky legs. She stepped out of them and closed her eyes, shielding herself from his yearning gaze that had caused her body to tremble. She felt the lift of her chin, so she slowly opened her eyes to look at him.

  “Hannah, don’t be embarrassed or scared. You’re the most beautiful creature God ever made, and I only want to make you feel good.”

  “I want you to feel good, too,” she said timidly.

  “Oh I will, baby, don’t you worry about that,” he said before they wrapped their arms around each other and kissed sensually.

  Hannah pulled away and reached into the shower to turn the water on as she tried to get her wits back.

  “Stay here.” She walked out of the bathroom and came back with bottles of men’s shampoo and body wash.

  “I bought these along with the toothpaste. I didn’t think you’d want your hair smelling like my girlie shampoo.”

  “You’re right. I only want to smell that scent when I breathe it in from your hair, which I do every time I’m close to you.”

  She gave him a glowing smile. Hannah let Brett take a shower while she stood under the water watching the thickened fibers of his muscles move as he moved. She watched the soil from the earth flow off of his body with the suds as she pondered how anyone that magnificent could want her and only her.

  The pleasure she’d already felt from their intense encounters were exhilarating, so she couldn’t fathom anything feeling better.

  When he finished showering, he pulled her tight into his arms. She ran her hands up and down his back and felt his erection getting harder against her.

  She looked up at him. “I won’t move away from you, Brett, and you’ll never be ordinary. We need to get out of this shower.”

  “I agree.”


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