Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series)

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Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series) Page 11

by Wolfe, Scarlet

Hannah felt his hungry gaze boring into her. They dried off, and he followed her into the bedroom, both of them naked and filled with incessant desire.

  She stood frozen with her back to him, unsure of how to tell him she wanted him in her bed. Fear had taken over, and she wondered how she was ever so forward with him.

  Brett moved her wet hair away from her neck before he leaned down to kiss it. She tilted her head to give him better access as he brushed kisses down her neck.

  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything with me you’re not ready to do,” he whispered.

  She turned and picked up his hand. Holding his palm to the side of her face, she gazed up at him with a heavy longing. “Please, will you make love to me?”

  He stared down at her as water dropped from her hair onto her shapely breasts, sliding along them.

  “There’s never been anything I’ve wanted more, Hannah.” He picked her up and laid her on top of the bed.

  She saw the panic wash over his face.

  “I have a condom, but it’s in my truck.”

  “I’m on the pill, and I have some condoms. My mom bought them for me, but I swear I’ve never given a guy one, and actually, you’re the first guy to ever be in my room,” she said anxiously as she reached in her nightstand.

  He grinned. “You’re too damn sweet. You know that?” He put on the condom and was on top of her in seconds, devouring her neck as his hand skimmed the curves of her body. “You have the softest skin, and I’m going to feel every inch of it.”

  Hannah felt the twirling of her nipples between his fingers before she felt his raring, wet tongue on them. The time he took giving each of her breasts attention had her experiencing pleasure she’d never felt before.

  She could feel his craving escalate as he groaned and sucked on her nipples more aggressively. Hannah pushed her hips up toward him, raking her nails down his back as the strength of the sensation mounted.

  Brett released her harden nipple and trailed kisses down her breasts to her stomach. As good as it felt, all she could think about was her desire to feel him inside of her, so she pulled on his firm arms.

  He glided his hand down between her smooth thighs, and after inserting his fingers inside of her wet center, he moved them in and out gently. She let out a moan as her body quivered from his touch.

  “God, you’re warm, and it’s making me want to be inside of you—now.”

  “Please.” She moaned loudly.

  He grabbed hold of some of her long, wet hair bunched on the pillow and entwined his other hand into hers by her head before he sank himself into her. His body stilled.

  “Hannah, you feel amazing.” Gazing at her with passion and devotion in his blue eyes, he ebbed and flowed inside of her repeatedly, going as deep into her warmth as her body would allow.

  She tried to speak but couldn’t. Her body was seized by the ravishment released upon it, and with every plunge, she felt each layer of fibers surrounding her nerves peeling away, exposing them to the overwhelming stings of pleasure. The sensation built until Hannah closed her eyes, unable to withstand it any longer, letting it steal the oxygen from her brain.

  Colors over darkness flashed in her mind as she climaxed, compressing him between her sizzling flesh. She felt the weight of Brett’s vigorous, muscular body on top of her as he plunged inside one last time.

  He stilled and groaned as he erupted deep within her, his hand squeezing tighter around hers. She couldn’t recall anything in her life ever feeling as pleasurable. Sweat pooled between their entwined fingers, their hearts palpitating against each other.

  After they both regained their breath, she laid her head on his blazing, slick chest, and wrapped her arm around his slim waist. Both lay silent for several minutes as he ran his fingers up and down her arm.

  She propped herself up on her elbow, so she could see Brett’s face.

  “Thank you. That was amazing.”

  “Yes it was. God, Hannah you feel so incredible inside.”

  “Just to let you know, you gave me my first orgasm, and it was mind numbing. I saw colors. I’m sure sex is better to you with someone who has experience, but I’m more than willing to practice, and I’m now certain you’re an excellent teacher.”

  The serious look Hannah had become accustomed to seeing on Brett’s face became visible once again.

  “I would normally never want to know this, and I’ve never asked anyone, but how many guys have you been with, Hannah? I only ask because I have to know I didn’t hurt you. I don’t think you’d tell me if I did.”

  “You didn’t hurt me, and I shouldn’t have shared about my lack of experience. You’ll get all weird again about the age thing.”

  “Hannah, we just exchanged bodily fluids. I think we’re past that.”

  She glanced away from him.

  “Say it, Hannah. You’re really worrying me,” he said sharply.

  “OK, OK ... you’re the third guy and the third time.”

  “That’s not many. I have to say I’m glad, but I would’ve been gentler with you had I known.”

  “I swear it felt great. My first time was in high school, and it was quick and did not feel good. Then ... I know this is not going to be a shock to you after what you’ve witnessed from me, but this past winter it happened at a party with someone I didn’t know. We were both very drunk. Luckily, he was really cool about it and didn’t spread it around to everyone.

  “I barely remember it, it was not enjoyable and meant nothing to me. I was devastated the next day, and then to make matters worse, someone leaked pictures of me drinking, so my parents were really upset with me. I didn’t drink again until Olivia’s party, so it didn’t take much for me to get drunk.

  “Nick wasn’t at the party when I ended up with the stranger, and then he was out of town for Olivia’s bash, so I think that’s why he became so protective the night you pushed him out of the way. I’m very grateful he wasn’t at Olivia’s party, or I wouldn’t have met you, and that would be a travesty,” she said, grinning.

  “Considering how forward you were with me, I thought you were more experienced.”

  “I was forward because I liked you the minute I met you. Anyway, that stuff is all in the past, and you showed me today how wonderful sex can be. I feel safe with you. I mean ... you even held my hand. What more could a girl ask for?”

  Brett reached up and ran his fingers through her wet hair. “I didn’t plan to hold your hand, and I’ve never done that before, but you’re different, Hannah. You’re special, and that was the best sex I’ve ever had. I mean it—the best. I could never get enough of you, and I love that I’m the first to pleasure you, too.”

  Hannah thought of the call from her mother about the audition in Los Angeles. She wasn’t about to leave Brett.

  He knocked her elbow out from under her and rolled over on top of her.

  She gazed up at him and giggled as she twisted his messy, damp hair between her fingers.

  “So ... have you done other sexual things?”

  “No, nothing else.”

  “I guess you don’t get summer break after all, shortcake because I have a ton of things to teach you,” he said with a sly grin.

  “Well, I think we should practice sex again right now.”

  Hannah pressed her eager lips to his, feeling nothing but love and joy in her heart.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I brought you some tea.”

  “Shit, Hannah. I can’t get work done when you parade around here in your bikinis. Do they even make them any smaller? I’m almost a week behind, and I don’t recall you enjoying the hard bed of my truck, which is where you’re going to be again if you don’t stop with the teasing.”

  “Sorry, but it’s miserably hot now.” Hannah looked around at the landscaping. “The yard is amazing. I can’t believe you turned it into something so beautiful.”

  “Thanks, we haven’t even put the water garden in yet. It’s going to look good.”

  “Would you care if I went to Chelsea’s tonight?”

  “Hannah, I hope I haven’t given you the impression that you have to ask my permission.”

  “No, I was just being courteous.”

  “I’ve stayed over almost every night for two weeks now. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved every single minute of it, but I know we need to spend time with our friends. Why don’t you stay in my room tomorrow night? I know I don’t have the luxuries you have here, but I think we need to break in my bed,” he said as he took his glove off to grab her butt and kiss her.

  “You’re bad, but sure. I’ll do something nice for your friends, like bring dinner, but I have to harass Dylan.

  “He still calls me every day and asks me when I’m letting him drive my car, when I’m coming over to see him and if I’m tired of you yet. Then he starts cackling like a fool, so it’s time for paybacks.”

  “He better cut that shit out. He’d steal you from me in a heartbeat if he could.”

  “He’s a better friend than that, and he knows you’d break his arms. Anyway, you’re the man that was made for me.” She tiptoed to kiss him on the lips.

  “You know me so well already. Now go put on some damn clothes, so I can get my work done.”


  Hannah picked up her girlfriends in her Land Rover Saturday night. Chelsea was picked up last. Hannah looked in her rearview mirror after she pulled out of Chelsea’s driveway.

  “I’m pretty certain someone is following me. That same black car has ended up behind me after I’ve left each of your homes, and of course, their windows are tinted,” Hannah said, gripping her steering wheel tighter.

  Morgan and Jasmine turned around and looked out the back window while Chelsea glanced at her side mirror.

  “Maybe the paparazzi are hoping to catch you misbehaving while your parents are on tour,” Chelsea said.

  “You’re probably right. They haven’t had any pictures for six months when they got the ones of me drinking.”

  The black vehicle even pulled out behind her after she picked up the take out order at a restaurant. It finally drove past her after she parked in front of Brett’s house.


  Brett knocked on Matt’s door.

  “Come in.”

  “Bro, the girls will be here shortly.”

  “I think I’ll hang out in here tonight.”

  “You know Morgan’s coming over.”

  “Yeah, and she can come back here when she feels like it.”

  “I know she has stayed over a few times since the pool party. You can’t just keep her locked in your room. She’d probably like you to be social, so she can hang out with the rest of us.”

  “You know I don’t have female friends. Olivia is the only one. She’s older, and I barely see her.”

  “There’s a first for everything. They’re younger, but they’re cool. I see that now, and you need to get your ass out here, so you can get to know them. I have a feeling we’ll be spending a lot of time with them.”

  “No, you will be spending a lot of time with them.”

  “You need to cut Morgan loose if you’re going to stay this way.” Brett shut Matt’s door and went to look out the window. He saw Hannah pulling up and felt his heart race. He loved that he still got excited to see her. He swung open the door.

  “I missed you,” he said before he pulled her into a hug for several seconds. He heard the rest of the girls chuckling and realized he’d just grabbed Hannah and hugged her without letting her friends through the door.

  Chelsea was carrying the food. Brett took it from her and placed it in the kitchen. Austin and Cody were playing Xbox when they paused it and said hi to the girls.

  “I brought supper. It’s a whole spread of hot wings and sides,” Hannah said with a raised, enticing voice.

  “That’s my kind of girl,” Dylan said before he picked her up in a bear hug and swung her around.

  “Put me down, Dylan.” She began squealing.

  Brett walked back into the living room about the time Dylan was swinging her around. “Put my girlfriend down before I have to kick your ass.”

  “I’m just thanking her, dude.”

  Austin stopped his game and went to sit on the couch. Chelsea went over to him and sat on his lap.

  About that time, Matt came walking into the room. Morgan smiled and went right to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a passionate kiss before she pulled him by the arm to the kitchen.

  Jasmine plopped down on the couch next to Chelsea and Austin.

  “Someone followed us here,” she said.

  Brett was still hugging on Hannah. He pulled back from her and grabbed her shoulders.

  “Someone’s following you?”

  “It’s no big deal. It must’ve been a bored reporter who probably thought I was my mom.”

  “I don’t like it, and if that shit goes on when I’m with you, I’ll be putting a stop to it,” he said, walking to the window to look outside.

  “That’s what they live for, so you can’t do that,” Hannah said.

  Brett pulled her back into a tight hug. “You need to tell Hudson.”

  “I might be wrong.”

  “What if you’re not? It doesn’t hurt to let him check it out.”

  Hannah didn’t reply. After the group finished eating, Matt and Cody turned on the Xbox, and all but Brett had found a spot in the family room to sit down. He was still in the kitchen.

  “So, Hannah …” Dylan said slowly and mischievously.

  “What, Dylan?” she asked cautiously.

  “Has Brett taught you any of the moves the old ladies showed him, or have you been teaching him some of the freaky shit the young girls do now a days?”

  Brett glared at Dylan from the kitchen doorway. Dylan’s filter was virtually nonexistent once he had some beers in his system.

  A smile slowly curved from her lips. “Let’s see. I haven’t shown him the Face to Face yet, but we tried the Sultry Saddle, and a couple of other things with the help of some … toys. He knows what kind of trouble he’ll be in if he shares the juicy details. Right, babe?” she said, winking at Brett.

  He knew she was making shit up, but it was still turning him on. The Xbox even went on pause as all the guys looked in her direction.

  Dylan’s mouth fell open.

  “What the hell are those?” he asked pleadingly.

  Hannah just shook her head and smiled. “I guess you’ll have to do some research.”

  “You’re killing me, Hannah, just tell me. That’s cruel, girl. I need to know this Saddle … whatever the hell you called it, but I know you’re lying about the toys. Brett couldn’t get that lucky. You’re lying, right?”

  “You’ve always dated the youngins, Dylan. Shouldn’t you already know these things?” Brett asked.

  “You’re a douche bag, Brett. I don’t know how you got a woman like her,” Dylan said, sounding irritated. “And you,” he said pointing at Hannah. “I’ll bug you until you tell me.”

  “He ain’t lyin’ there,” Cody said as he turned back around to play his game.

  “I might not know what those are, but I’ve done my share of freaky shit, and I’ve been told repeatedly that I’m awesome in bed,” Dylan said.

  “Well, now we just need to find you a partner, at least that’s what your right hand told me,” Hannah said.

  Everyone except for Dylan burst in to laughter.

  Austin pointed at him.

  “Damn, she burned you good.”

  “Hannah, if Brett wasn’t here, I’d straddle you on this floor and tickle the shit out of you.”

  “I swear that’s strike two, Dylan,” Brett said.

  He walked over to Hannah and pulled her up from her chair, wrapping her into his strong arms.

  “That was an awesome comeback, shortcake. Now, give me a kiss.”

  She wrapped her arms tight around his neck and played with his hair as their kiss turned hot. He was dyin
g to put his hands all over her because of her sexy talk, and he wanted to remind Dylan that Hannah was his.

  Brett smacked her bottom.

  “I need to take you to bed.”

  Hannah stared up at his riveting, blue eyes. “I hope not to sleep.”

  “Damn, you turn me on. I swear I want you every minute of the day,” he whispered into her ear.

  He picked her up and carried her toward the bedroom. Hannah giggled and waved at her girlfriend’s.

  “Goodnight, everybody,” Brett said without looking back.

  “You’re a douche bag, Brett. A total douche bag,” Dylan yelled.

  Once in his room, Brett yanked Hannah’s tank top off. His eyes flashed in an instance to her lacy, baby blue bra.

  “Shit, Hannah, this bra looks good on you. Please leave it on.”

  “I’m wearing the panties to match.”

  “Those have to come off,” he said.

  The passion between them was mounting as they kissed and undressed each other at the same time. Since Brett had been doing the teaching, he’d been in control of their love making thus far, so he was surprised when Hannah pushed him back onto the bed and leaned over him.

  With her hands pressed on the mattress, he saw the mind blowing view of her cleavage that was spilling from her sexy bra. “Get up in the bed—now,” she said with a demanding tone and intense gaze.

  Brett closed his eyes to calm down. He thought he was already going to come from seeing her irresistible body and hearing her erotic command.

  Damn, I can’t believe she does this to me in seconds.

  He scooted up to the head of the bed. Hannah crawled toward him, and never taking her eyes off of his, she straddled him, gently lowering herself onto his hard cock.

  “Fuck, Hannah, already?” he asked, his eyes greedy with hunger.

  Hannah smiled at him and slowly started moving up and down.

  “Your body’s already ready, baby,” Brett said, closing his eyes to revel in the warm sensation.

  Hannah licked and kissed on his neck before forcing her tongue into his mouth, probing it intensely. He stroked his thumbs across the hardened nipples showing through her bra, causing her to sit up straight.


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