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WindSwept Narrows: #10 Eloise Paddington

Page 6

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Just because we…we might…please stop that,” she whispered, a shudder racing through her when his teeth found an extremely sensitive spot along her shoulder.

  “I think it proves my point,” he whispered, continuing his gentle assault. “I think we belong together, Eloise…”

  “Based on what? A…a sexual attraction…” She groaned softly even when she bit her lip to try and keep silent. “You don’t know me…”

  “Don’t I? Then give me a chance,” he moved his mouth to her ear, nibbling along the curved ridge. “I’ll stay here and mind my manners…if you’ll open your mind a little to the possibilities…we aren’t that different.”

  “You should have been married and settled a long time ago,” she told him firmly, closing her eyes and trying to think of something other than his warm breath and hinted passion.

  “I’ve never known a woman who got to me the way you do,” his hands moved to her hips, pulling her hard against him, the power and strength in his attraction more than evident.

  “That’s…a passing fancy…dive into your work…trust me, it’ll go away,” she said flippantly, despite the slightest twinge of excitement at his body’s reaction to her. Eloise rotated her hips against his cock, stroking her body just where she wanted the feeling to be.

  “Why would I want it to go away, Eloise?” Morgan raised his head slowly, meeting the confusion in the wide blue circles. “Spend time with me without wanting to toss me into the streets…why are you afraid of a relationship? Or is it me?”

  “I…uhh…I’ll get you some blankets and quilts,” she said absently, stepping out of his arms and looking around the large room. “I’ll get this other stuff out…it should have gone to the thrift shop a long time ago…” She lifted a box and carried it into the hall. Eloise pulled the closet door wide, very aware of him watching her as she lifted out some clean quilts and blankets. “We’re supposed to have some serious winds and cold this week…”

  “I’m sure I’ll manage,” he said politely. “Do you already have a man in your life, Eloise? Is that why there isn’t room for me? There’s someone your family doesn’t know about.”

  Eloise set the arm load of linens on the bed and moved to get another box from beside the bureau. She swallowed hard and carried the box to the hall to join the other one.

  “I guess I could ask your dad…I think he likes me,” Morgan commented, leaving her in the hall and striding toward the entrance. “But if it’s a deep, dark secret, then…”

  Eloise took off at a run, sliding firmly against the door to keep him from leaving. Morgan arched one eye brow. He almost laughed, she looked so fierce and determined.

  “I really would rather you did not…” Eloise pushed her head against the door with a thunk.

  “Then I guess you’re going to have to learn some communication skills,” Morgan said simply, taking one of her hands and leading her to the sofa.

  “I have extensive communication skills, thank you very much,” she said stiffly, throwing herself into the corner and glaring at him. “Obviously, they’re simply not good enough for a principal’s standards,” she snapped out.

  “Alright,” Morgan leaned over very slowly, watching her back away with each inch he moved forward. “Then tell me you aren’t attracted to me. Tell me you aren’t just a little bit curious about the possibilities of a relationship…”

  “Why do people assume that I need a relationship? I’ve been getting along quite well for a good many years,” she returned bluntly.

  “Why are you afraid of a relationship?”

  “Because I am not a payment for a debt!” She blurted out, her palm up and on her mouth the next instant.

  “A…” Morgan sat down slowly on the sofa. “Is that what you think I’m after?”

  “I know how my family thinks,” she said dully. “They feel they owe you.”

  “Huh…” he leaned back, studying her quietly for several long minutes before he pushed against the cushions, keys jangling in his hand. “I’m getting my cases out of the SUV…and I’m moving them to the back.”

  Eloise sunk a little lower on the sofa. Just because your parents approve, you have to find fault? She lifted the small pillow and put it over her face, letting loose with a long muffled scream. She heard the sounds outside and pushed against the sofa to stand up and cross to the patio doors, unlocking them and sliding them open.

  Night fell quickly in winter, her hands up and on her arms as she watched him lift several large cases from the inside of the SUV to the concrete now covered with the faintest sheen of ice. Morgan moved very cautiously over the surface, delivering the three cases to the patio door. Eloise took one and wheeled it into the large bedroom.

  “You didn’t say…about a desk…maybe a cushioned chair…”

  “Where’s the storage room they talked about?” He asked quietly, watching the evasion in her expression.

  “I can show you,” she said easily. “Come with me,” Eloise led him to the inner entrance, going down a flight of stairs into the basement.

  “The twins…”

  “Are very enthusiastic,” she said with a smile. “They’re a little past eighteen. Gwen met them when they were barely six…maybe seven…they were so tiny…orphans in the middle of the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. We have friends in a variety of government places and adopted them, relocated them. They started college this past year,” she pushed open a large door and tapped the light switch.

  “You and Gwen have been running things in the family for a long time,” he guessed, walking slowly along the aisle of furniture.

  “We took to it early, I guess,” she answered with a shrug. “Gwen is very good with finances and organizing. We brainstormed a lot of changes…grew our money in various funds and stocks…”

  “Why do you believe your parents would use you to pay a debt, Eloise?” Morgan stopped near a large, old wooden desk, sitting back on the edge.

  “Because they’ve been working at setting me up for years,” she answered honestly. “They try and be subtle about it…but a girl knows.”

  “Eloise…we met because of something you did, not them,” he said carefully.

  “I realize that,” she replied. “Do you see something here you’d like in the room?”

  “Besides you?”

  “You’re not going to give up on this idea, are you?” She straightened up, head tipped and eyes narrowed.

  “Nope. I guess it comes down to who can be more stubborn,” he answered grimly. “I’ll get Ethan to help me move a few things tomorrow night.”

  “What did you want? We could probably do it now,” she told him, frowning at him. “I’m not stubborn. I’m practical. We’ve only known one another a couple days. I’m not an easy person to get along with,” she advised him loftily.

  “I’ve noticed,” he murmured. “I may have been a tad hasty,” he said with a hint of humor, standing up and moving to the old roll top desk. “This…and a good desk chair…like this one…” he sat and tested it, leaning back and turning around on the swivel seat.

  Eloise went to the hall and opened another door, walking back with a large rolling cart that she backed into the room. “We can easily manage those.”


  “I’m much stronger than I look, Morgan,” she told him, shoving things to the side to make room for the cart to fit closer to the large desk. “I think this was our grandfather’s…I remember him sitting there…all kinds of papers in the cubby holes…never did know what was in them…” She pulled the roll top down and turned the little brass key, locking it in place. “Ready?”

  Chapter Seven

  It was heavier than it looked, but after a few tries getting in sync, they had it on the cart, the desk chair upside down on the back. She stepped aside and led the way back to the apartment, this time using the elevator at the back, opening both doors wide for the cart to easily fit inside. Eloise brought out a large, thick beach towel, laying it out on the hardwood.r />
  “You’ve done this before,” Morgan commented, his voice tinted with humor.

  “Many times,” she agreed with a shrug. “Someone is always wanting to change or add or mix…I know I’m a little on the scrawny side…so I make up for it by being resourceful.”

  “Scrawny…hmm…” Morgan looked around the room, moving a few things and helping her maneuver it into the spot. Both of them were drawing in deep breaths when they fell back onto the bed. “I’m not as young as I used to be…”

  Eloise lifted her wrist and groaned. “I’ll take the cart back tomorrow. I’m going to bed…I’ve got work in the morning.”

  Morgan lifted the chair from the cart before she moved it into the hall, latching the doors in place before turning out lights. He heard a few sounds before all was silent in the large apartment. He’d find a couple small lamps tomorrow, if he could find his way back to the storage room. He had all the clothing hung up and put away when he went for water, the small noises from above catching his attention. He left the glass on the counter and climbed the stairs to the bedroom.

  Eloise lay in the center of the large bed, rumpled blankets and quilts around her because she had either kicked or flung them aside. He glanced at the clock. She’d been sleeping almost two hours. He moved without thinking, fixing the blankets and climbing into bed behind her, pulling her back against him. His arms held hers down, his other hand gently stroking over her head.

  “Eloise…it’ll stop in a few days,” he whispered quietly, settling down and holding her close.

  All she knew was that it was peaceful and warm. It didn’t surprise her that Morgan was in her dreams. He was strong and intelligent and he made her laugh. No, more importantly, he made her think and feel.

  Eloise snuggled down with a long sigh, wincing only a little when she tried moving her head. Pale lashes opened slowly. She lay on her side against a very warm body. Her hand stretched out, stroking over the expanse of amber coils and firm muscles.

  “Don’t move, Eloise…your hair…”

  “I’ve never slept with anyone before…I’m not used to…” Eloise tipped her head back, her tongue out to moisten her lips. “I was dreaming…wasn’t I?”

  “You were battling something,” he agreed quietly.

  “I…it’s wrong to put you…you’re very kind, Morgan…very patient,” Eloise said softly.

  “Go back to sleep, Eloise…” he relaxed when she sighed and settled back against him, both of them ignoring the long hair trapped by his arm.

  Shortly before six they both came to the realization that neither of them could sneak out of the bed because her hair had wrapped around his arm and beneath her body.

  “I think I need a haircut,” she said softly when she sensed his breathing change.

  “I’d rather you didn’t for a while…it suits you,” Morgan moved carefully when she lifted her head, waiting while he eased himself free. Eloise sat up, pulling the long hair over one shoulder.

  “Thank you…for being a gentleman,” she said as she eased to the floor, walking into her closet and frowning. What used to be empty was now full of dark suits and light colored shirts. She turned and looked at him, arms crossing her chest and toe tapping.

  “I’m about to lose my guy points…the other closet wasn’t big enough,” Morgan shoved his legs over the side of the bed and stood up with a stretch. “It’s that simple.”

  Eloise turned away, selected her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom, still shaking her head. He was determined. And she knew she was weakening. She was in the kitchen setting out some food when he came from the back of the apartment, tie hanging free and working the buttons on his shirt. He looked like a principle again, she thought with a tiny smile.

  Morgan took the coffee mug with a grateful sigh. “Thanks…”

  “You’re welcome…I…I don’t know how to thank you for stopping the nightmares, Morgan…”

  “I’m glad…”

  “Excuse me?” Eloise blinked, looking up from buckling her ankle boots in place.

  “I’m glad you’re not offering me payment, Eloise…it wouldn’t go over well,” Morgan told her, knotting his tie and checking the briefcase he’d set on the counter.

  “Offering…me? You think I would…I most certainly would not!” Came the indignant response, her cheeks flushed with heat.

  “I know,” Morgan took a step toward her, his palms up and framing her face before she could move. His kiss was slow and soft. Seductive and alluring, calling to the girl in her to respond. “I have got a dozen planning meetings and five interviews. While I normally would love talking to you, I have got to go. I’ll see you later tonight, Eloise. Be careful out there, okay?”

  “Yes…” She answered, slightly breathless. Eloise fell back on the stool at the counter, watching him leave through the patio doors, the winter winds tossing snow around him.

  Eloise was glad to bury herself in her work, between keeping the systems up and running and her contract work, she managed to lose track of time through the day. When she left a little after four, it wasn’t a surprise that her stomach was demanding some attention. A large soft pretzel quieted her stomach while she did some Christmas shopping, carrying her packages into the house and laying things out on her desk. She wrapped them and stashed them beneath the tree before drifting into the kitchen.

  An hour later she sat before her computer, frowning at the code as she ate the pasta she made, chewing thoughtfully when she heard the slamming of a car door. Eloise peered into the darkness, stepping back when the door slid open, the cold winds sweeping over her.

  “Hi…” Eloise quickly closed the door behind him with a shiver.

  “It has definitely turned winter on us,” Morgan set the case he carried on the table, shrugging out of his coat and draping it on a chair. “Sorry I’m late…”

  “I didn’t know what time to expect you,” Eloise said, returning to the plate next to her computer. “I left some in the microwave for you…it’s shells filled with cheese with marinara sauce…I don’t even know if you like that kind of thing…”

  “I’m open to new things,” amber eyes met the blue circles watching him. “I’m going to change and be right back.”

  Eloise nodded, carrying her empty plate to the kitchen and turning the microwave on to heat his dinner. She had filled her container with water and ice when she saw him enter the kitchen.

  “Do you usually cook? I thought the family thing…” Morgan followed her choice, filling a large glass with ice and water.

  “That’s on Wednesdays and Sunday breakfast and dinner,” she explained, perching on one of the stools and watching him, her mind still trying to puzzle him out. “All the quarters are outfitted like regular apartments. My requirements were an extra-large fridge and freezer and gas stove. I don’t usually cook…I buy and microwave from a truck that comes around to your house or the grocery.”

  “What are your work hours?” He asked, slicing into one of the cheese stuffed shells and tasting it. “This comes from the freezer? It’s good…”

  “They have the perfect mix of cheeses,” she agreed. “I’ll show you the catalogue…they come out every two weeks. Some stuff is good…some I can get better prices at the store,” she shrugged. “For just me, it works fine. Oh…my hours? I’m usually out of there between four and quarter after…sometimes I shop a little…”

  “You were going to show me around,” Morgan reminded her, dragging a piece of pasta and cheese through the red sauce.

  “Stop by some afternoon,” she suggested casually, a funny little tingle in her middle.

  “I’m fixing my hours to be done by three so I’ll work on dinners for us,” Morgan told her as he ate.

  “You like cooking? I don’t dislike cooking…I think I just like other things more,” she said thoughtfully, fingers moving over the keyboard and shutting down the computer. “I usually mostly snack on fruit or a salad…”

  “I like cooking,” he admitted, watching
her closely. “You look a little puzzled…”

  “My friends say it’s not you…that you’re normal for the breed,” she commented with a little frown.

  “You’ve talked to your friends about me?” He asked with a cough, draining half his water.

  “I have…they tell me it’s my…me…and it doesn’t make sense because I’m pretty sure I trust you…I simply don’t understand you,” Eloise began cleaning up the kitchen.

  “Understanding comes with knowledge and time, I think,” Morgan suggested easily. “What do you think you don’t know?”

  “But then they tell me that understanding males is worse than code language,” she said with a sigh. “And I’m honestly not so sure it’s you as much as it’s me…” She repeated thoughtfully. “Now I know you enjoy cooking, so that’s something…” She stopped when he took his plate to the sink and rinsed it, sliding it into the dishwasher before crossing the floor to turn lights off and the switch for the tree turned on.

  Eloise sighed and stared at the tree she had created with his help. She didn’t protest when he took her hand and led her to the end of the sofa where they could see the tree. He sat in the corner and tugged her to sit, turning her shoulders and leaning her across his thighs.

  “So…what else do you want to know?” Morgan watched her shift a little higher, her elbow on the arm of the sofa. He looked down at the two slim hands toying with a button on his shirt. He allowed one palm to rest against her back, the silken hair flowing across his skin. His other hand moved to her hip, the smooth fabric of her dress following the full curves.

  “I was thinking about you today. Which is somewhat puzzling to me,” she said slowly, her gaze following the line of buttons to the open throat, onto his jaw and higher until their eyes met. “I wondered how you were enjoying the planning…your interviews…”

  His lips rose in a half smile. “The interviews were productive. Abby is very good at screening and prepping paperwork before she sends us people. The planning…” He put his head back for a long minute. “I’m working with Simon to get the blueprints finished so we can break ground on construction. That’s going to happen on time. I need a dietician, a head cook, a security expert who is also good with kids. I need a physician’s assistant and a good grounds and maintenance person. I need a few office people and a truck load of good teachers,” he lifted his head to see her watching him. “I need an IT person to set up surveillance and flawless wireless.”


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