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Accidental Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 3

by Lara Swann

  It’s not. It just makes him seem creepy. Though that might just be me. I haven’t exactly done this much.

  I shake my head again and try to turn my attention back to the menu, hoping he’ll get the hint. “Sorry.”

  “Aww, c’mon.” He leans further toward me, blocking my space, and I swallow as I look around.

  Where the hell is Vicki when I need her? She said this would be a girls’ night!

  Except, of course, I said I’d be fine.

  I’m not fine. I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.

  “You can’t dance with a guy the way you did and then totally ignore him, babe, it ain’t right.”

  I lean back deliberately and reach up to push his hand off. Screw trying to be nice.

  “I said I’m not interested. Leave me alone. Please.”

  I try to stare him down but he doesn’t seem intimidated in the slightest - and he doesn’t back off. My heart starts pounding.

  We’re in the middle of a totally open bar, right? There’s a bartender right over there. There’s nothing he can do here.

  So why are you so freaked out?!

  “Well, maybe I’ll just sit and have a couple drinks, see whether you change your mind.”

  Oh shit. What the hell can I do about that? It’s a bar. I can’t stop him from—

  He slides onto the stool beside me, one hand reaching for the menu in front of him and the other landing firmly on my leg.

  Oh hell no.

  I almost knock the stool over as I stand up abruptly, moving backward and shaking my head.

  “I’m not changing my mind, asshole.”

  I turn around and stride off - hopefully before he gets the chance to follow me - and look over to the side for the bartender. Surely, if I let him know this guy is being a dick, he’ll do something about it? Isn’t that what they’re there for?

  My head swivels around to look for him, my adrenaline-fueled feet moving faster than they should and then I finally catch sight of the bartender—when I walk headlong into someone else.

  I crash straight into his rock-solid body, my hands coming up to grab at him as I try not to land in a heap on the floor. His hands catch my arms, the collision barely impacting him at all as he steadies me.

  “Sorry!” I say quickly, slightly out of breath as I try to regain my footing. “Oh, god, I’m so sorry.”

  I shake my head, only looking up as he sets me easily on my feet again and moves back a little, letting go as he does—to see a man I can only call stunning looking back at me. Dark hair curling on top of a shockingly handsome face - chiseled features, a strong jaw…and brilliantly bright green eyes looking back at me from under an almost-imposing brow. Some voice in the back of my head tries to remind me it didn’t go so well for me the last time I swooned over beautiful eyes, but I can barely hear it.


  Whatever I’d been about to say completely disappears as all of that overwhelms me for a moment—despite everything else that’s going on.

  “Are you okay?”

  His brow creases with concern as that deep baritone washes over me and I nod dumbly.

  “Yes, yes, thank you. Sorry. I just—”

  “Hey, babe.” The voice behind me makes me wince and an arm comes around my shoulders. “Where you goin’?”

  My god, what is with this guy and taking a damn hint?!

  I shrug him off again, irritated, and whirl around.

  “I told you, I’m not damn interested. And if you don’t leave me alone, I’m going to—to—”

  My mouth moves faster than my brain and I stumble as I realize I don’t have a clue what I’m going to do.

  Tell someone?

  Yeah, how very fourth-grader of you, Ava.

  “Excuse me.”

  That deep voice comes from behind me again and I glance back over my shoulder - but he’s not talking to me. That intense gaze is now focused steadily on the guy in front of me.

  “I believe she said she wasn’t interested.”

  “Who asked you?” An irritated glance takes blue-eyed guy’s gaze away from me - and I take the moment to slip to the side, uncomfortably aware that I somehow ended up right in the middle of two guys with testosterone boiling all around me.

  How do you end up in these situations, Ava? This was meant to be a fun girls’ night out.

  “I suggest you leave.” Mr. Green Eyes ignores the question, staring intently at blue-eyed-guy.

  I start thinking I need to come up with better names, too. What if another guy with blue or green eyes suddenly joins the fray? Hell, what color eyes does the bartender have? Where is he, anyway?

  Blue-eyed-guy hesitates, and I suddenly see the difference between the two of them. He might have been intimidating to me, but Mr. Green Eyes has a couple of inches and a whole hell of a lot more muscle on him. Not to mention something else…compared to the air of power and control on the guy I just ran into, my pursuer doesn’t look like more than an idiot college kid.

  Hell, he might even be a college kid. Did I seriously kind of like dancing with him? God, what does that make me? Some kind of cougar? I left college four years ago.

  You’re an idiot, Ava. And you obviously have shit taste in men.

  He shoots me a glare, which somehow doesn’t seem nearly as intimidating as it did before.

  “Fine. You weren’t worth the trouble anyway.” He mutters, shaking his head as he turns to leave, trying to act like he was never intimidated at all.

  The moment he leaves, though, I can’t help the slight sigh of relief. This whole evening is turning out to be more trouble than it’s worth.

  “Are you okay?” That deep baritone asks for the second time and I look back, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  “Yeah, thanks. I’m sorry about…” I wave my hand, trying to indicate ‘everything’.

  A silly prideful part of me wants to say I could’ve handled it, but the truth is I was doing a terrible job of that. I’m adult enough to admit that I’m really glad someone else stepped in.

  “Don’t be.”

  His eyes linger on mine, the green there seeming to burn brightly in the dim lighting from the edges of the room, but I’m pretty sure half of that is the margaritas from earlier. Even if they seem to have mostly worn off by now.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” It comes out before I can think about it.

  I mean it in a ‘thank you’ kind of way but the moment I say it I can feel myself flushing, thinking just how hot this guy is and how many people he probably has coming onto him all the time.

  His eyes crinkle at the edges and he smiles a little.

  “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” He asks, amusement tinging his voice and warming something inside me. “Or at least, it would’ve been if I hadn’t been concerned about becoming another guy to bother you.”

  “No, um, you’re not—” I cut myself off, pretty sure all this guy has heard from me is incoherent babbling. Instead, I try to sound semi-respectable and nod toward the bar. “I just wanted to say thanks. For catching me. And then getting rid of that guy.”

  The smile tugs his lips up a little further, and I catch the slightest hint of a dimple in one corner. God, this guy has it all.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had a girl buy me a drink before.”

  “Well, there’s a first time for everything.” I grin at him and walk toward the bar again, sliding onto one of the stools.

  I don’t even glance around to see if he follows.

  Go you, Ava.

  Chapter Three


  Did I just get picked up here?

  I look over at the woman walking back toward the bar, sweet and sexy with her long blond hair cascading down her shoulders and caressing the top of her strapless, shimmery dress, and know that idea is probably just wishful thinking on my part.

  It took all of two moments for that heart-shaped face and those anxious, big blue eyes to hit every one of my buttons - but she’s alr
eady made it clear she’s not interested. No, apparently this is just a ‘thank you’. Not that it’s needed. Guys like that set me on edge, and there was no way I wasn’t going to get in the way of that - and make sure she’s okay now.

  I can’t help thinking it’s a pity that’s all this is, but the idea of her buying me a drink still amuses me - and I’m not exactly going to complain.

  I follow and slide into the seat next to her, grabbing a menu from the counter to try and distract myself from casting a gaze over her the way I want to. She also seems to be furiously studying the menu and I wonder whether she’s trying just as hard not to look at me, or whether it’s something else that—

  “What can I get you?”

  I glance up as the bartender interrupts the thought, looking back at the menu instinctively - but I already know what I want. I’ve been here for a little while now, and he made this one so well earlier.

  “Sidecar, with the Hennessy XO again please.”

  It’s splashing out a little, sure, but hey - I am celebrating this weekend. And I have absolutely no intention of the woman next to me actually paying for it.

  “I’ll have the same.” She adds, surprising me a little, but the bartender just nods and scoops up our menus before turning to make the drink.

  I finally turn to the woman beside me, giving her a small smile as our eyes meet. I can’t help the heat that flares there, and I wonder whether it’s just it’s not something I do often - drink with unknown women at the bar. I’m pretty sure it’s why most guys come to places like this, but I never quite got into that side of things.

  The partying? The staying up all night, having a good time, getting drunk and going a little wild? Yeah, I haven’t exactly been holding back since Emily left for college. That’s the first time I was really able to let loose a little and…well, let’s just say I’m making up for lost time.

  But not so much with women.

  I don’t know what it is - I mean, sure, I’ve had a few dates here and there, a couple of one night stands, but…if anything, it’s something I avoid. Maybe it’s the idea of attachment, or commitment, or responsibility that’s all too much for me now. I just feel done with all that.

  I love my little sister and I wouldn’t have traded all those years raising her for anything else - but I feel like I’ve had enough responsibility for a lifetime already. So for now, I’m going to indulge in the freedom and just enjoy being me for a while - with only myself to worry about for a while. Or mostly, anyway.

  I guess that’s been enough to limit my interest in the one-night-stands and party girls that usually accompany this kind of lifestyle.

  Until now, anyway.

  Now, as my eyes linger on the sexy-sweet face of the woman next to me, I wonder whether I’ve been missing out.

  Then again, I’m not sure I’ve been so quickly or thoroughly attracted to anyone before. There’s just something about her - I can still see the hints of the shyness and vulnerability she showed when that guy was pursuing her, enough to trigger all my protective instincts…but mixed with the kind of confidence to offer to buy me a drink and walk over here before I’d even accepted, that’s a heady combination.

  “I’m Ava.” She says after a moment, and there’s an endearing awkwardness in the way she half-looks in my direction.

  “Damien.” I nod, surprised at the sudden realization that’s the first time I’ve heard her name.

  Damn, but she’s distracting.

  The bartender sets our drinks in front of us before I get a chance to say anything else, and Ava reaches for hers with a small sigh of relief, her body subtly relaxing. It makes me smile, just a little.

  Tough day?

  I can’t help wondering.

  She roots through her handbag and pulls out a credit card, making my smile widen as I cover her hand with my own before she can pass it to the bartender. A small spark of electricity runs through me as I nod toward the bartender, and I can feel something between us shift a little, almost accidentally. Just having her soft, smaller hand under mine…

  “Put them on my tab.” I say, trying to shake off the feeling as I turn to her with a smile. “I’ll take the company, but the drinks are on me. I’m sure there’s some unwritten rule about that I don’t want to risk breaking.”

  Besides, I’m not about to order Hennessy and expect someone else to pay.

  The amusement helps steady me again, and I withdraw my hand before it becomes too obvious. As I look at her, though, some of the feeling lingers anyway.

  “Well, thank you, then.” She says easily. “Though you don’t strike me as someone who needs the company either.”

  “Oh really?” I ask, amused, taking a slow look around. “You see many people with me?”

  Not exactly my ideal, but I’m used to it.

  I convinced Katy to come out to celebrate with me last night, but there was no way she was going to be interested in another round tonight - not when the alternative is reading bed-time stories to her two children. And years of raising Emily and trying to somehow fit in fourteen-hour workdays didn’t exactly leave me with anyone else who might be more inclined to kick back and have a good time.

  There were a few guys at the bar who were ready to continue the good time after Katy left last night…but after the way that ended, well, it was enough to make me hesitate to invite them out again tonight.

  She follows my gaze, then laughs after a moment.

  “I guess not.” Her head tilts and I can see the curiosity there. “You came here alone?”

  I nod, even as I wonder whether she thinks that’s a strange thing. I guess most people come in groups - but I like the atmosphere anyway, the chance to drink a little and have some fun on the dance floor, or kick back in the bar and watch the little stories of people’s lives unfold in front of me. Being alone has never bothered me - if anything, sometimes it feels like a relief.

  Though tonight…it’s nicer than I would have guessed to have a little company and sit here talking to Ava.

  “Yeah.” I say, smiling easily. “I’ve heard enough about this place to want to check it out - even if everyone I know is too sensible to be out this late. Besides, I’ve got a business milestone to celebrate.”

  Sure, we celebrated yesterday. And I celebrated hard. Doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the weekend where everything feels like excitement and potential - before the reality of the actual work behind it hits me on Monday.

  “Doesn’t look like you’re here with anyone else, either.” I add, raising an eyebrow with a smile as I glance around.

  And it seems way more unusual for a pretty girl to be here all alone than for me to.

  She shakes her head, smiling back. “My best friend is out on the dance floor - where she’ll probably be all night. I came to see the bar she was raving about - that she’ll never probably step into - for a chance to rest and a drink to re-energize. She can be hard to keep up with sometimes.”

  She grins and something about it transforms her face, lighting it up from the inside. It makes me smile back, and the comment reminds me of the untouched drinks in front of us.

  “Well, we’d better fix that.” I say, turning toward them and handing her one.

  She takes a long look at it as I take the other for myself and raise it toward her, waiting until she matches the movement.

  “To your business milestone, then.” She says, before I can propose anything, and I grin as we clink them together.

  “To having someone to toast it with.” I say, and I mean it.

  Celebrating these things is much more fun with someone else.

  I take a sip, enjoying the smoky-sweet taste as it slides down my throat, burning in just the right way. Yeah, the bartenders here really know what they’re doing—

  “Hey!” Ava’s exclamation interrupts the thought, and I glance over at her as she grins. “This is pretty good!”

  I only just catch myself before bursting out laughing at the surprise in her voice.

What was she expecting?

  “You haven’t tried it before?”

  She shakes her head while I watch, slightly bemused, as she gives the drink another measuring look before taking another sip.

  She seems to weigh it up for a moment, squinting slightly.

  “This isn’t whiskey.” She finally pronounces.

  “Brandy.” I tell her, and this time I don’t stop myself laughing. “You didn’t even look at what was in it when you ordered?”

  She just shrugs, totally unperturbed as she takes another sip.

  “I figured you probably had good taste - and looks like I was right about that, too. I didn’t recognize anything on the fancy-ass menu they have here, so that seemed better than blindly guessing.”

  I raise an eyebrow at that, picking up the menu again as I try to remember whether it had seemed unusual to me, but no…everything is pretty standard.

  “This isn’t your scene?” I ask, with a small smile, curious now. “What’s your drink of choice, then?”

  “Sex on the beach.” She says immediately, and I have to fight not to wince.

  Instead, I laugh again, teasing. “Well, you definitely have bad taste then.”

  “Hey!” She objects, but she’s grinning as she retorts. “Well, maybe once I hit some business milestones of my own then I’ll be into all these fancy drinks. But until then, I’m happy being a simple girl. Simple pleasures.”

  The moment she says that, part of me forgets what we’re talking about and our gazes linger on each other for just a little too long. It seems like it’s impossible for my mind not to wander now…and by the heat in her eyes, the small flush creeping up her chest…I can’t help wondering if she’s doing the same.

  She breaks that gaze a moment later, turning back to her drink in a sweet, slightly awkward way, but it doesn’t quite break the heated tension there as I keep my eyes on her. It feels good just to drink in the sight of her.

  I take another sip slowly, feeling alcohol fuel the desire that caught at me the moment I saw her - but I don’t push it.

  Instead, I steer us easily back to the casual banter of her comment, though I’m genuinely curious as I ask about it.


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