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Accidental Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 10

by Lara Swann

  I raise an eyebrow at that. “Don’t I always pass it by you first?”

  Her eyes lift to meet mine, sparkling with amusement.

  “Sure, but sometimes I wonder if you’d forget these things if I didn’t drop a reminder or two.”

  “Or three or four?”


  I shake my head as she takes the seat opposite, giving me an easy smile.

  “So how’s the new project going? I’m trying not to interfere, but I can’t deny how curious I am. I mean this is the future of us, Damien.”

  I give her a deliberate look. “It’s just a few graphics, Katy. What we are is everything behind the app - the purpose, the functionality, the platform that enables—”

  “Uhuh. You’ll have to forgive a girl for being excited by pretty new graphics, then.” She grins at me. “But that is what everyone else will think we are, Damien. You might not like it, but looks matter.”

  Unbidden, even that is enough for my mind to skip to Ava. To think about how pretty she looked this morning, but also that alluring mix of confidence and hesitation, the things she didn’t quite say and the secrets lying there under her skin…I start wondering what it is that’s really drawn me to her so much, the looks, or—

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t be the one running this project?” Katy’s teasing brings me back, just about. “I’m really not sure someone with such disinterest is the right person to judge what this agency produces…”

  “Who says anything about judging? I’m just going to go with what the hell they tell me to.” I grin back. “I’m all for leaving it to the experts when I don’t have a clue myself.”

  That’s not too far from the truth, either - sure, I’ve kept close to what they’re working on and everything they’re producing. But while I’m more than happy asking questions and trying to work out how much thought has gone into some of the suggestions and designs they’ve produced, I’m definitely not suggesting any content changes. I know when I don’t know enough, and this is definitely one of those times.

  “Mm…so you’re saying the entire brand of the company we’ve built from the ground up is going to be completely dependent on an outside agency who’s spent all of two weeks with us?” She raises her eyebrow, but there’s a sparkle in her eyes that tells me she’s more amused than anything.

  “Well, up until now our whole brand has been based on my taste, so…”

  She wrinkles her nose deliberately. “Yeah, good point, I’ve seen where that’s got us. Let’s leave it to the experts.”

  “Besides, maybe it won’t all be this one outside design agency…”

  “Oh?” She looks up, curious at the sudden change in my tone.

  It’s something I’ve been considering over the last week, but I’m surprised I’m saying anything before I’ve thought it all through. Usually I prefer going to Katy with full plans that we can start implementing immediately. As we both know, I’ve always been the ideas and tech person and she’s always been the practical logistics one.

  But I’ve started now, so I follow through with the thought.

  “I’ve been thinking about taking the Two-Bit Designs team with us to New York, when we go to meet Prestige in person and start the negotiations.” I lean forward as the half-formed thoughts in the back of my mind start taking shape. “Since our design is Thompson’s main problem with this whole deal and we were already planning to take their initial re-designs with us anyway, what if we appear with the whole team as a show of good faith? Ask for input from Prestige’s design team too and suggest they work together on it? That way, we’ll have two great design teams working on our branding and it will probably cater to the ego you said the man has.”

  Katy stares at me for a long moment.

  “That…is actually a really good idea.” She says slowly, her expression starting to light up. “That could work really well, Damien.”

  I nod, my smile gradually widening too. Sometimes talking about it is exactly what I need to work out what I’ve been puzzling over in the back of my mind.

  “It would be expensive, though, Damien…” She chews at the side of her mouth. “The flights, accommodation, we’d probably have to give some sort of food allowance too…”

  “I know.” I agree. “But we’ve got the funds available - and we’ve set enough aside to pursue this deal.”

  “It would be a good portion of that budget, we’d be betting a lot on all this working out - and no other major issues coming up that might be a better use of that money.”

  I nod again. “We would. But I think this would be worth it. It could be invaluable to have them over there with us, for that week in New York.”

  I watch her weighing it up for a minute, can almost see the wheels turning in her head, but eventually she nods and the smile comes back.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I agree, Damien. It’s a good idea - let’s do it.”

  I grin. “I’ll talk to Tina about whether that will work for the team.”

  Katy laughs as she stands up. “Oh, I don’t think you’ll have a problem with that. Who’s going to pass up a free trip to New York City?”

  “True. I’m pretty damn excited myself - I’ve never been before.”

  “Me neither.” She grins at me.

  “We’ll have to take some time to—”

  “Oh, no - we’re there to work, Damien.” She gives me the Mom look she’s obviously been perfecting and I can’t help but roll my eyes. The way she acts sometimes, you wouldn’t think I was older than her. By a few months, sure, but it still counts.

  “We can still have a little fun, you know. C’mon, even you can’t deny you want to make the most of it!”

  “Maybe a little.” She says, her smile growing wider. “It will be the first time I’ve been away from my boys and all that parenting responsibility in quite a while.”

  “Exactly.” I smile back, suddenly enthused by that idea. It will be great to have some time with Katy without the usual restraint her kids put on her. “We can—”

  “I have to get to my ten o’clock.” She interrupts, giving me an arch look. “And you have more to think about than the fun you want to have in New York.”

  I make a point of grumbling as she turns to leave, but I’m already anticipating how good this trip is going to be. It takes effort not to turn to my computer and start browsing through the best places to go in New York, the best sights to see, and what’s on Broadway while we’re there.

  Katy is right - I do have to remember the main reason we’re going over there. I just hope that’s smoother than we’re expecting and it will leave us with enough time to have a little fun, too.

  If not, though, maybe you’ll go back. Maybe after this is done, you’ll get the chance to see more of the East Coast.

  Or the rest of the States.

  Or, hell, what about the world?

  Maybe that’s why I’m feeling so restless at the moment and so easily distracted - with everything I’ve seen of Emily’s travels, it’s hard not to think about life outside of this little company I’ve started.

  I try to shake it off and focus on what I’m doing, but for the first time I actually start to consider what Katy said a week ago, about suggesting I take some time out after this deal. It’s too late for college for me, but something else?

  There might be something else I could do. Just for a bit, until this restless feeling leaves me.

  I’ve worked on this company for ten years, it probably makes sense that I’m starting to need a break.

  With that idea playing in the back of my mind, I head out of my office to find Tina.

  I wonder what Ava will think about a trip to New York City.

  I can’t help the way my mind returns to her again. It’s hard not to start thinking about the excitement of New York City - and what it will be like with the design team there too. With Ava there too.

  There’s an uneasy part of me that wonders whether that thought might have prompted more of this idea than I’
d like - but it’s a good idea. Even Katy agreed with that.

  This isn’t about Ava. It’s about the deal.

  It doesn’t even make sense that I’m secretly pleased that she’ll be coming too. There will still be absolutely nothing between us and I won’t be spending any more time with her than I do here - which is to say, pretty much no time at all. I might go out and have fun a few nights, but that won’t be with the design team - and definitely not with Ava.

  If anything, she’s just going to be an occasional distraction - which is not something I should want during the negotiations for this crucial deal.

  Yet I’m still secretly pleased at the idea she might be coming along too.

  Chapter Nine


  “New York City?! Are you kidding me?!”

  Vicki stares at me as I tell her, and I can’t help the way I’m grinning. I can’t believe it either.

  “The whole team is going. For a whole week, Vicki!”

  I’m almost jumping up and down with excitement - and it only takes another moment before she joins in, clutching at me as she squeals.

  “I can’t even—oh my god, Ava—seriously?!”

  “Seriously.” I pull her in for a quick hug and then spin away, feeling like I’m floating on air with my arms flung out. I have to be a little bit careful in her small living room, but I don’t care. “I can’t believe it—New York City, Vicki. I’ve never been anywhere but the West Coast before.”

  “Me neither. Damn, I’m so jealous. Come here, come on, tell me everything!”

  She tries to pull me back toward the couch.

  “I can’t, I can’t sit down, I’m too excited. This is the best project ever.”

  She laughs, sitting down herself anyway and watching as I bounce around the room.

  “I can’t believe how much your luck has turned, girl - the first real work you get, and it takes you all the way to New York!” She lets out another excited squeal and pulls her laptop over to her, firing it up. “Hey, we need to work out exactly what you’re going to do over there - how to make the most of all that time. Let’s look up the best attractions, restaurants, shows—”

  “No, no, no.” I interrupt, shaking my head with a slightly breathless laugh before we can get too excited. “I’m there to work, remember? It will be amazing just to be there, but I don’t know if I’ll have time for any of that—”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?!”

  “I’m sure we’ll do some things, Vicki - but I’ll be with the whole team and it’ll just be what they do. We’ll be working - c’mon, being given a trip like this, all expenses paid, we’re going to have to make it worth Indivest’s money.”

  “All expenses paid?” Her eyes light up again. “Shit, Ava, this is crazy. Why don’t my firm ever send me to fun places?!”

  “You got to go to LA that one time—”

  “I’ve been to LA dozens of times already. I want to go to New York! Think you can sneak me in somehow? I could hide away in your bag and we could—”

  I laugh, coming over to flop beside her and flinging my arm around her shoulder.

  “Sure thing, Vicks. Sure thing.”

  She grins, then shakes her head again.

  “I’m still going to make you a list of all the things I’d do if I were over there, you know. And I’m going to be so disappointed if you don’t use it at least a little.”

  “Okay, okay.” I say, then smile all over again. “I might make a list or two as well.”

  “I knew it!” She pokes me again, but doesn’t try to reach for the laptop again. “All expenses paid…hey, d’you know where you’ll be staying?”

  I shake my head. “Some hotel somewhere, I think. We’re all staying together. It’s going to be so cool - I’ve never had that sort of team thing, you know. You do all the time, team drinks and dinners and—”

  “Only every few months. And believe me, they’re boring as fuck. Who wants to spend their free time with a load of accountants?”

  I laugh. “Well, I do want to spend time with these guys. I want to be part of their team - a real part, not just a contractor, and I think it’s going to work, Vicki. It’s already working, actually.”

  “Yeah, I should think so.” She says, taking on a deliberately grumpy tone. “I barely see you anymore. You’re working later than me!”

  “Yeah I know, but it’s just for this project. I just want to make a good impression. Besides, it gives you plenty of time to study for that exam, right?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Just what I want.”

  “I think we’re going to be working with another team while we’re out there, too. I’ll be able to make even more contacts in the industry and this could really be the start of—”

  “Hey! You better not move to NYC on me now! Visiting, fine, but I only just got you back in Fresno. We’ve only had that one night out together!”

  I laugh, pushing thoughts of that night to the side the way I have to every time it’s mentioned.

  Why is it still so vivid? So appealing?

  “I don’t think there’s much risk of me coming back with a job offer in NYC.”

  “Good.” She says decisively, even though I know she doesn’t really mean that.

  She’d be just as thrilled as me if, at the end of all this, I do actually get a permanent job offer somewhere. Even the other side of the States.

  “Hey…” Vicki suddenly perks up again, and I can tell from the tone of her voice that what’s coming is dangerous. “Is he going to be in that hotel, too?”

  My stomach flips. That’s the one thing I’ve deliberately tried not to think about.

  “I don’t know.” I try to make it nonchalant, shrugging. “Probably.”

  She nudges me far too obviously, giving me one of those looks.

  “So Hot-Sex-Guy is going to be staying in a hotel room, just down the corridor from you…”

  “Damien.” I correct. “His name is Damien - I told you, we can’t call him that anymore. And we are absolutely not having this conversation. How many times? He’s my boss. My boss. Not Hot-Sex-Guy, not any other name you want to give him.”

  “Noo…” She says, shaking her head emphatically. “Tina’s your boss. Not him. At most he’s, like, your boss-once-removed. Definitely not the same thing. Totally means you can—”

  “No. No, no, no, no.” I interrupt, before she can finish that sentence - because I know exactly how she’d like to finish it. Far too explicitly, with far too many things that will only remind me of that stupid, damned night.

  The one that was, for a few brief moments, the best night of my life. Until it came back to bite me as the worst stroke of luck ever. Not to mention the damned tease of what that sort of pleasure could be like, to haunt me with how out of reach that is.

  “None of that. I told you, you need to stop thinking about that!”

  “You mean you need to stop thinking about that, huh?” She raises one eyebrow, smirking at me. “You only object like this when you’re trying not to think about it yourself.”

  “Ughhh…” I press my head back against the couch in frustration. “And you’re so not helping, Vicks.”

  “Maybe because what I think is—”

  “I know what you think.” I roll my eyes at her.

  I’ve heard more than enough about how much I need the sort of good sex in my life that I had that one night. And I’m not going to lie, it’s hard not to think that myself. Even if it’s totally impossible now.

  “Besides, didn’t I tell you? He’s totally over the whole thing. It’s not like there’s even a chance of it anymore - he’s not interested. I’ve barely seen him since that first day.”

  Exactly what I asked for. Damn it.

  “Mmhmm…” Vicki looks at me skeptically. “If you’re still interested, pretty sure he is too, babe. Didn’t you tell him to stay away?”

  “No, not like that. I just…”

  I don’t know what I did. I ran away, that’s for sure. I pa
nicked and blurted out how much the job mattered to me and that I basically didn’t want anything to do with him. Then I ran away.

  Not my greatest moment.

  But it worked, right?

  It worked too well. Even though that shouldn’t be possible. I should be glad that I’ve easily avoided all that potential awkwardness - or worse, someone finding out.

  In the couple of weeks since that conversation, that thing between Damien and I seems to have disappeared. He’ll come by to talk to Tina, we’ve had the occasional big group meetings, presented some of our initial designs and recommendations and…nothing.

  No reaction. Barely a glance. No hot eyes traveling over my body, no seductive comments in that deep tone, no appearing unexpectedly those few times I’ve stayed later than anyone else. Just for the work, of course. Definitely not in case he did come and find me.

  Damn it, Ava, you’re such an idiot.

  “Maybe he doesn’t like rejection.” Vicki chimes in, making me blink. “He’s a hotshot CEO, right? That’s probably why he’s avoiding you.”

  “I don’t think that’s—”

  “But a few late night drinks, a little bit of conversation…ohh, I’m pretty sure he’ll forget about that.”

  “Vicki!” I say, somewhere between a sigh and a laugh. “There aren’t going to be any late night drinks, or conversation, or any of that. I told you, we’re there to work - and I bet the CEO of Indivest is going to have better things to do in New York City than go out for drinks with his design agency.”

  “Oh, you’d be surprised how some of these corporate things can go—”

  “Not my point. Listen, just because I keep thinking about that night and it’s outrageously inconvenient knowing he’s right there in that office every day to remind me about it, doesn’t mean anything. I’m not interested. He’s not interested. That’s a pretty definite non-starter. So we can stop talking about it. There’s nothing to talk about, Vicki.”

  She gives me that skeptical look again, but finally relents. We’ve had enough conversations like this already for her to know when it’s the end. Damien might be a hot fantasy - he might be a hot fantasy I keep having, especially with Vicki to help me relive it - but that’s all he is.


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