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Under the Owl Tree

Page 11

by Sara Daniell

  Zach looked into my eyes then nodded before going back to work. It didn’t take long, and he was finished. Zach grabbed up the bucket he used.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  I nodded but didn’t say anything.

  “I need to go put this stuff up.” He looked at Dane. “Quinn is cooking dinner. Call her, and let her know you’re gonna be at the house. Sadly, I have to be at the restaurant so I’ll be home late.” He shuddered.

  “Come with me,” Dane said putting his arms around my shoulders. He walked me to his truck, and I looked at Zach over my shoulder.

  “He said to bring you over if you wanted.”

  “I’ll call my mom and ask.”

  I dialed her number.

  “Hey, how was your first day?”

  “Great,” I lied.

  “Good! Your dad is working late doing some recruiting. Are you coming home soon?”

  “Actually, I was gonna go hang out at the Coach’s house.”

  She laughed. “Hales, you’ve been there so much lately. You’re going to ruin your welcome.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I was invited. I like them. The guys from the team hang out there a lot because it helps Coach Elliot deal with chemo. He likes the company.”

  “Okay but not too late. It’s a school night.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  I hung up and got in Dane’s truck.

  “You sure you’re okay?” he asked as he started driving.

  “I’m positive I will be okay.”

  My phone dinged.

  Zach: Will I get to see you tonight?

  Me: Yeah

  Zach: Good. I’m sorry about your first day.

  Me: No biggie. I’ll live. See you later.

  Zach: Deep breaths, baby. Okay?

  I read the message over again. It was the first time he had called me baby which put a huge smile on my face.

  Me: Deep breaths are for sissies. I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine. Once I find out who did it, they, however, will not be fine. ;)

  Zach: That’s my girl. :)

  I looked at Dane after putting my phone down. “It just sucks being a girl and not feeling like a girl. Does that make sense? I love baseball too much to quit, and I know I’m sacrificing a normal life, but I just wish people weren’t so cruel just because I’m doing something out of the ordinary.”

  “I get it, and we all have your back.” Dane grabbed my hand in his.

  “Can I adopt you as my new best friend?” I asked, smiling at him.

  “I thought I already was your best friend.” He gave my hand a squeeze.

  “I guess I just needed clarification.” I hadn’t stopped smiling since the 3rd text from Zach. “Should I be this happy that Zach called me baby in a text, or am I overreacting?”

  He laughed. “I was wondering what put a smile on your face so quickly. Was it the first time he called you that?”

  I nodded.

  “Then your reaction is okay.”

  I laughed. “Good to know.”

  WE GOT TO the house, and I helped Quinn in the kitchen. She was like the energizer Barbie. I had never seen a woman run around cooking such an amazing meal, to perfection I might add, in red stiletto heels. It was impressive. We had just finished cooking dinner when the front door opened and shut. I heard what sounded like Zach’s voice talking to Coach Elliot.

  “People are so unreliable. I had another cook quit and another manager. That makes five I’ve gone through! This restaurant is a pain in my—”

  “Uncle Zach,” Coach Elliot said sternly.

  “I was going to say butt!” Zach looked majorly depressed.

  Millie giggled.

  “You secretly love it,” Quinn said as she grabbed plates.

  Zach scoffed. “You’ve lost your mind.”

  “Hales, grab forks, please.” Quinn smiled and headed to the table.

  “I’ll get the glasses,” Zach said as he came into the kitchen with me.

  He looked around and smiled when he noticed we were alone. He gave me a wink as he grabbed the glasses. I winked back as I grabbed forks. By the time we finished setting the table, Brink was home. His hair was a mess, which stood in contrast to his nicely-pressed suit.

  Quinn raised a brow. “Rough day?”

  He nodded and kissed her before heading up the stairs. Quinn stood and followed Brink upstairs. Dane sat next to me, and Zach sat on the other side. Coach Elliot sat across from me with Millie next to him.

  “How was your first day at school, Dane?” Coach Elliot asked as he passed me a roll.

  “Good,” Dane said as he prepared his own plate.

  “The whole team walked me in,” I said, and Dane puffed out his chest proudly. I smiled at him.

  “That’s my little brother for ya,” Coach Elliot said proudly; then he helped Millie fix her plate.

  I gasped when I felt a hand touch my knee. I faked a cough when I realized it was Zach’s hand. Zach kept his face neutral as he used his right hand to eat.

  “I think I might have finally found a new manager.”

  Zach didn’t even make a face as his hand inched a little higher. But me, I couldn’t even hold my damn fork. I used my free hand to push his hand off my knee.

  He put it right back.

  I pushed it off again.

  Coach Elliot smiled at Zach. “Good. You need a good manager.”

  Zach huffed a little in defeat and then put both hands on the table. “Yeah. We’ll see how she does. She had the best references, but I don’t know. She was too touchy for my taste. But again, she had the best resume and work history.”

  I looked at Zach. “Touchy?”

  He shrugged and took a bite of his food. “She kept touching my arm and leg and stuff. I was rude and swatted her hand away. I think she got the idea.”

  I laughed awkwardly to hide my frustration. “Well, I’m glad you realized that it was an inappropriate time to be touchy.”

  Dane looked at Zach. “Did you hire her?”

  “Sadly, yes. Like I said before, she had the best resume. She knows what she’s doing. I might have pushed her toward one of my cooks, Tony. He might kill me.”

  Everyone laughed.

  When I finished eating, I got up and started cleaning the kitchen. Quinn and Brink never came back down so I put food on a plate for both of them.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Zach said as he came into the kitchen and started to help me clean.

  “I don’t mind.” I smiled a little.

  When we finished, he looked around. Everyone had cleared out. Including Dane. Zach smiled. “You up for an adventure?”

  “Sure,” I said, completely forgetting to look at the time.

  He took my hand in his and led me out the back door but not before turning on the lights that hung from the trees. We walked through the yard until we came to the Owl Tree.

  I sat down on Millie’s wooden swing. Zach got behind me and pushed a little.

  “I’m glad you came over.”

  “Me too.”

  “Sorry you saw my car. I wasn’t gonna say anything.”

  He stopped the swing and moved so that he was he in front of me. He knelt, making him eye-level.

  “Hales, I want to know what’s going on in your life. The good and the bad.” He tilted my chin so I was looking at him. “Don’t apologize for something that wasn’t your fault.”

  “It was just my first day, Zach. What does this mean for the rest of the year?”

  “I don’t know. I wish I did know, but I don’t. I’m hoping things will stop once they get to know you.” He kissed my nose.

  “I really miss everyone back home.”

  He sat back on his feet. “I’m sure. It’s hard starting over.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, but thankfully, I have you, Coach, Dane, Sadie, and the team.” I smiled brightly.

  He smiled then kissed me. I cupped the back of his neck as the kiss intensified. My heart started beating fast whe
n his fingers lightly brushed against my back where my shirt was rising up. His touch always did that to me. His lips moved from mine and trailed down my jawline and neck. I jumped when my cellphone rang in my back pocket.

  “It’s my dad’s ringtone,” I said breathlessly as the AC/DC ringtone sang Thunderstruck. I answered and watched Zach. “Hey.”

  “You should’ve been home an hour ago. What are you doing?”

  “Crap! I went running with Dane and lost track of time. He’s crazy about cardio too.” I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get it untangled.

  “It’s pitch dark out. You shouldn’t be running.”

  “We got to talking and just didn’t think about it. I’ll come home now.” I hung up and looked at Zach. “I gotta go.”

  Zach kissed me one more time. “Text me when you get home.”

  “I will.”

  I went and got Dane so he could bring me to the school to get my car.

  WHEN I GOT there, Dad was waiting for me on the front porch.

  “Do you have feelings for Dane?” He asked. “And don’t give me the ‘he’s gay’ bullcrap. He’s not. I asked around town.”

  I laughed. “Well, I thought he was. It was wrong for me to assume. But he’s a great friend and nothing more. I swear, Dad.”

  Dad didn’t look convinced. “Hales, you know our rules. We love Dane, but I just don’t want your head out of the game. You understand right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “We just want what’s best for you. Boys will always be around to try to sweep you off your feet, but your shot at baseball, especially being a girl, is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You have to show the scouts—”

  “That I’m dedicated and nothing is going to stand in my way. I know, Dad.” I smiled. “Dane is my best friend.”

  “What about Sadie?”

  “She’s not my best friend, but she’s cool.”

  Dad hugged me. “I love you, kiddo.”

  I hugged him back. “Love you too, Dad.”

  I went to my room and groaned when I saw the shipment came in from Amazon. I knew what that box was. It was a supply of energy drinks and everything else my dad would force down my throat to make sure I’m at the top of my game. I picked it up and set it on my computer desk.

  My phone from Zach dinged.

  Zach: You left your bag here.

  I plopped down in bed.

  Me: Can you give it to Dane to bring to school tomorrow?

  I stretched my pitching arm because it was aching so badly.

  Me: Oh, and my dad thinks I’m into Dane. He was waiting for me on the porch. Lol

  Zach: He had to go back to his house. I will drop it off at the office. Did you get in trouble?

  Me: No, just a warning.

  Zach: Good. I’ll watch the time better next time. Sorry, baby.

  Me: It’s not your fault. I’m going to bed. See you at practice tomorrow.

  Zach: Sweet dreams

  Me: Are you always this nice?

  Zach: lol. No, just to those I like. I’m sure I’ll act like an ass around you soon.

  Me: lol Night

  Zach: night

  I changed into a t-shirt and got into bed. I turned off my lamp, and just when I was almost asleep, it dawned on me that school was tomorrow. I didn’t want to repeat the hell I experienced today, and that was enough to keep me up tossing and turning all damn night.

  I walked into the lunchroom and sat down with the guys. A few of them must have acquired girlfriends overnight because there were some girls at our table playing touchy-feely under the table with them. I recognized one of the girls as one at the back-to-school party.


  Franco, the back catcher, opened a ketchup packet for the girl and then smiled at me.

  “Hailey, this is Cassidy Nichols. Cassidy, this is Hales.”

  I smiled and then took a bite of my celery. “Hi.”

  She stretched her hand out to me. “Head cheerleader,” she said proudly with a giggle.

  I must’ve given her a ‘look’ because Dane nudged me in the gut, and I groaned before shaking her hand. I couldn’t help it. She was one of the girls making awful comments about Zach at that stupid party.

  I forced a smile. “That’s a huge accomplishment.”

  She flipped her hair and nodded before starting to eat.

  “Really?” Dane said in a whisper.

  “What’d I do?”

  He laughed. “If you want people to like you at this school, you’re gonna have to be nicer than that.” He leaned closer to me. “Have you heard from you-know-who today?”

  “No. And until I know who wrote that crap on my car, I trust no one. I’m not making new friends until I figure these people out. I bet she was a part of the gang who painted my car,” I said quietly. “I should ask Sadie if she knows anything.”

  Dane raised an eyebrow at me. “Don’t go accusing anyone ‘til we know for sure. And she would be the person to ask. Sadie gets information about everything. I don’t know how, but she does.”

  “Cheerleaders own car paint and a lot of it. It was bubbly handwriting, just like a cheerleader’s. Just saying.” I dipped my celery in some hummus and took a bite.

  “The girl who hates stereotypes is being stereotypical? Not cool, Hales.”

  I shrugged. “I guess I am.”

  I looked at Dane oddly as I finally processed that he was in a long-sleeve shirt. He went to push up the sleeves but stopped when I saw bruises. He pulled the shirt back down. I was about to comment, but Cassidy got my attention.

  “So, Hailey, how do you like being a part of a team with these hot guys? I bet you’re like in heaven!” Cassidy said with a huge grin, but it was forced.

  She wasn’t a nice person; that was easy to determine.

  I swallowed hard when I saw her purse on the table and what looked like window paint sticking out of it a little.

  I smirked evilly. “My favorite part is shower time,” I said with a pep to my voice, mocking her.

  Dane nudged me again, and I groaned.

  “You get to take showers with them?” Oblivious to my mocking, she looked furious. She looked at Franco. “Are you kidding me?”

  Franco and the rest of the guys couldn’t stop laughing.

  “We all take turns slapping each other on the ass. I even let them get a handful if they kick ass at practice, if you know what I mean,” I said motioning toward my breasts. “It’s quite fun,” I said full of sarcasm. “Oh, by the way, your paint is showing.” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She grabbed her purse and zipped it shut.

  “You better watch your fucking back, bitch.” I stood, shoved my chair under the table, grabbed my bag and lunch tray, and walked toward the trash. I threw my food away and left the cafeteria.

  “You want some company?” Dane asked as he caught up with me. He had his hands in his pockets as he walked next to me.

  “I told you,” I said looking at Dane as I made my way to class. “Those girls are bitches. Trust me on this. Every single one of you could do so much better than them.”

  “Yeah, but there aren’t a lot of options around here.” He nudged my shoulder a bit with his hand.

  “O-kay, so you’re telling me you and the rest of the guys will settle for that? Please tell me you have higher standards, Dane.”

  He looked off for a minute. “I do, but sometimes to not be talked about you have to lower them for a bit.” He looked over at me. “You’re not the only one people gossip about around here. You’re just fresh meat. They’ll go back to the others soon enough.”

  “You’re with Gwen, aren’t you? I can tell by the way she’s been with you today something is going on there.” I didn’t trust her at all.

  “Yeah. I’m with her right now. She’s the first girlfriend I’ve had since I was a freshman.” He shrugged.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I scoffed. “Never mind. Of course, you wouldn’t want to tell me because you know I wo
uldn’t approve.” I rolled my eyes when he tried to say something. “Let’s just go to class.”

  I WAITED FOR Dane by his truck after school. I decided to put the whole Gwen thing aside. It didn’t matter. When he walked over he smiled hesitantly.

  “I’m okay,” I said with a small smile.

  He let out a relieved breath. “Good. Ready for practice?”

  I took a swallow of my energy drink. “Not really.” I pointed to his arm. “Did I accidentally hit you with the ball or something? That looks terrible. I meant to say something at lunch but didn’t get a chance.”

  “Nah, I was helping move some boxes to the attic last night and bumped into a bookshelf. The bookshelf won.”

  I looked up as Zach’s truck pulled in. He got out and slammed the door hard. He was mumbling under his breath as he grabbed bags out of the back of his truck. Dane went over to help him.

  “What’s wrong?” Dane asked.

  “Stupid manager is going to be the death of me.”

  Dane laughed. “Why’s that?”

  We all started walking toward the field.

  “She won’t listen, and she keeps being touchy.”

  I cleared my throat. I smiled and took a drink of my Monster when they both looked at me.

  “I don’t have time to fire her and hire a new one. It’s a damn night—” he stopped talking when he saw Dane’s arm. “What the fuck happened to your arm!”

  Dane gave him the same story he gave me, but I could tell Zach wasn’t buying it. We made it to the field and set everything down in the dugout. Zach looked at Dane’s arm closer.

  “Zach, not here. Not right now. Please,” Dane said seriously.

  I pulled my hair back and put my glove on. Dane handed me a ball. Zach nodded, but his face took on a look I had never seen before. I knew I couldn’t press for answers so I made my way to the pitcher mound and stretched my arm. It was sore as hell, but that was to be expected. I started practice with the guys, but Dane and Zach stayed in the dugout, talking. I couldn’t focus. Something was majorly wrong with Dane from the look on Zach’s face. I threw the ball to Trevor, but none of my throws were worth a shit.


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