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Under the Owl Tree

Page 20

by Sara Daniell

  I nodded and chewed on the inside of my cheek. “Do we act like friends still, or do we act like a couple? Zach is going to flip.” My heart started beating so hard. I missed Zach terribly, but the new feelings I was having for Dane were confirmation that I needed to move on. “I think I might puke. Are we crazy? How slow do we need to take this? What if Zach hates us? I can’t let him hate you! You’re his brother now. Oh my gosh, what if we get married? I’ll be Zach’s sister-in-law!”

  “Hales, deep breaths. We tell Zach and Elliot first. And we’re not crazy, okay? Just deep breaths.”

  I nodded and got out of the truck. I followed Dane out to the deck where everyone was gathered, and on cue, they all started singing happy birthday to him.

  Coach held up a small box. “Mine first.”

  I saw Zach, and for a moment and our eyes met. His eyes roamed my body, but he quickly stopped and looked away. Dane opened his present, and his mouth fell open. He pulled out a set of keys.

  “Are you kidding me?” he asked with a bright smile.

  Zach smiled a little then disappeared. A few moments later, he came around the back of the house in a brand-new truck with a large bow on it. He parked it and got out. Dane hugged Elliot tightly then hurried over to the truck. Zach handed him the spare key, said something to him quietly, then hugged Dane.

  Trevor came over and put his arm around my waist. “So all of our gifts totally suck now.”

  “Yeah, they do! What the hell?” I laughed. “How are you holding up?”

  He shrugged. “Been better, but I’m glad I have all of you. I talked to Sadie earlier, and she’s doing okay too. I just keep telling myself I only have to get through this school year, and then we will be together at college.”

  Millie came over and smiled up at me. She had a large, stuffed owl in her arms. “It’s like my mommy. Do you think Uncle Dane will like it?” she asked me quietly.

  “He’s going to love it!” I squatted down to hug her.

  She giggled then launched herself at Dane. He picked her up, and she handed him the owl. Tears came to his eyes. “Best present ever,” he whispered to her, making her giggle and hug him tightly.

  He put her down, and she ran off. I watched as Zach played with her.

  “Did you see my truck?” Dane asked me excitedly.

  “It’s so slick! We’re going to be riding in style at Tulane!”

  Quinn whistled to get everyone’s attention. “Food is ready! Help yourselves! Happy birthday, Dane. We love you so much!”

  Music started to play, and all the guys rushed into the house. Zach motioned for Dane to come to him. He talked to him and handed him a wrapped gift. Dane looked at him in shock before hugging him. Zach said something else and then walked out in the yard with Millie. Dane walked back over to me as he opened the box.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  Inside the box were a set of keys and a picture of a small house. “It’s a place for me to stay while I go to college. Zach bought me a small, two-bedroom house!” he said in shock as he looked at me.

  “Holy shit!”

  He smiled. “You want to be my roomy?” he asked with a shocked laugh.

  I looked at Zach as he talked to Millie in the yard. I looked at Dane. “Duh!”

  He hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Now I’m going to go eat before they eat it all. You coming?”

  “Do you think I should talk to Zach? I feel like I should be the one to tell him, but if you want to do it together, we can. And do you promise me we’re not taking things too fast? One minute we’re best friends, and now we’re a couple?”

  “I think we’re fine, Hales. I will talk to him with you if that’s what you want, but I think he’d rather just hear it from you.”

  “Okay. Can you bring Millie in with you?”

  He nodded and called Millie over, leaving Zach and me alone.

  I walked out into the yard, and once I was standing in front of him, I did my best to smile.

  “Hey, stranger.”

  He nodded stiffly and put his hands in his pockets. “Hey.”

  “We’re not doing a very good job at being friends, ya know?” My heart broke all over again being this close to him, but this was all for the best. We never would have worked.

  “I know.” He kept his eyes off mine.

  “Are you and Coach doing okay?”

  He shrugged. “We’re fine.”

  “Would you look at me?” I snapped a little. He was being short and kind of an asshole. “I know this isn’t the easiest thing, but we both have to act like adults. You know this was all for the best, Zach. You and your brother need each other right now, and I refuse to come between that. He needs you more than ever.”

  He looked at me, and I saw that his eyes were bloodshot. “What do you want me to say, Hales?” His voice was low. “I know we have to act like adults. I’m trying to do that.” He looked toward the house when Quinn called his name.

  “We need more ice; can you go run and get it?”

  “Yeah, give me a sec.” He looked at me again.

  “I got into Tulane,” I said, changing the subject. My hands had started shaking a little as I got closer to telling him that Dane and I kissed, and we’re going to try to be a couple.

  Zach looked back at me; he didn’t look like the news surprised him at all. “Congrats. I’m glad you got in. You probably won’t finish college before they’re trying to pull you into the majors.”

  “You knew already, didn’t you?”

  “I should go get ice, Hales. Quinn gets cranky when something doesn’t get done in a hurry,” he said, completely ignoring my question. He gave me a small smile. “Go enjoy the party.”

  “Wait. I need to tell you something.” Tears filled my eyes.

  His smile faded. “By the look on your face, it’s not good news. At least not good news for me.”

  I started fidgeting with my necklace. I couldn’t meet his eyes. “I kissed Dane tonight.” My heart felt like it was in my throat.

  “You guys have decided to date, haven’t you?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes. We’re going to try it. I’ve never dated anyone besides you, Zach. I miss you like crazy, but I need to figure out exactly who I am. I’m at a good place with my parents right now, and they approve of Dane. I don’t have to hide with him. And… You need to be with someone your age. You need someone who is at the same point in their life as you, someone who can push you forward instead of hold you back.”

  “Dane’s a good guy. You two belong together.” He started to walk off but stopped. “I need to go get ice.” He was trying to hide the hurt in his voice. “You can’t really call what we did dating since we never actually went on a date. I hope it works out for you. He’s a better guy than I am.”


  “I need to go.” He walked toward the front of the house.

  I walked out to the Owl Tree and sat on the swing. I stared off into the woods that were lit up from the full moon. I wasn’t hungry, and I didn’t want to be around everyone.

  I heard a crunch of leaves and looked up to see Dane. “You okay? I saw Zach leave.”

  “Just numb.” I smiled at him a little. “You should be hanging out with everyone. It’s your party.”

  The Owl Tree was mine and Zach’s place. I couldn’t be there and Zach not be there with me. I stood and walked out to the yard, and Dane followed.

  “I want you to come in there with me. It’s not a party without you.” He gave my hand a squeeze. “How did it go?”

  I held his hand tightly and walked with him. “He looks terrible. I think he might have been drinking. I miss him, Dane. I just want him as a friend, but I don’t think he’s gonna go for that. I’ll be okay, and so will he. It’s just still all so fresh, ya know?”

  He nodded and kissed the top of my head. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “I hope so, Dane.”

  We walked inside the house. I let go of his hand when Trevor looked at our lace
d hands with a raised brow. I blushed.

  “Where’s Coach?” I asked.

  Trevor pointed to the couch where Coach was dozing off. “He keeps falling asleep then waking up again.”

  I saw Millie talking to Gabe and a few of the other guys about dance class. I grabbed Dane’s hand and walked him over to Coach.

  “Coach,” I said quietly.

  He gave me a smile. “Sorry.” He patted the spot next to him. “Did you ask me something?” He yawned.

  “No. Dane and I have some great news.” I smiled.

  “Yeah?” He gave me his full attention. “And what’s that?”

  “Dane and I both got into Tulane!”

  His eyes widened in shock then he smiled. “Really?”

  “Yes! And one more thing.” I looked at Dane.

  Dane smiled and nodded at me. He sat down and put his arm around my shoulders. “We’re going to try dating.”

  Coach smiled softly. “Good. Just don’t let it mess up your awesome friendship, okay?”

  “About damn time,” Trevor said from behind us.

  The guys on the team were obviously eavesdropping too.

  Coach patted my knee then looked up when Brink came over to him. He whispered something in his ear, and Coach nodded. Brink left the house looking concerned. I saw the worry on Dane’s face, but Quinn came over and got everyone’s attention. I laughed when the guys all gave her their undivided attention, practically drooling. I laughed.

  “Can we bring the party outside?” She asked and grinned at Dane. “It’s time for birthday cake!”

  I hugged Coach. “Stay here and rest.”

  I got up and walked outside with Dane and the guys. I felt a tug on my hand and looked down at Millie. I picked her up as everyone sang Happy Birthday for a second time, and Quinn lit all eighteen candles on the cake. I winked at Dane when he looked at me. Soon the awkwardness would go away. Dane and I were making a great decision. We were perfect together, and I had no idea how it took us this long to figure it out.

  Dad, you’ve known Dane for a while now. Can you not act all protective?” I laughed as I held my hair back so he could help me put my necklace on.

  “Well now he’s dating my daughter, and honestly, I was hoping you’d never date.”

  I let my hair down and turned to look at him. “Well too bad.”

  We both laughed.

  “When he gets here I will have a talk with him. He’s taking my daughter out on her first date, and I have some rules to lay down.”

  I groaned. “Fair enough.”

  Dad and I walked downstairs, and Mom looked up from her magazine. “Do girls really wear their converse out on dates these days?”

  “Mom, this is me we’re talking about.”

  “And you looked so cute the other day in those wedged boots.”

  I shrugged. “It’s Dane. He knows me. If I wore those again and tried to dress all fancy, he’d know I was trying too hard. That’s what so great about him. I don’t have to try hard; I can just be myself.”

  I saw headlights out the window and smiled when I saw Dane’s truck. “Just act normal, okay? It’s still the same Dane.”

  Dane knocked on the door, and I went to get it, but Dad stepped in front of me. He opened the door and let Dane in.

  “Hey.” He smiled at me past my dad.

  Dad shook his hand. “We need to have a talk.” Dad motioned for him to follow him into the kitchen.

  I moved out of the way as they walked past and sat down by Mom.

  “This is embarrassing.”

  Mom chuckled and set her magazine down in her lap. “Just be thankful he’s being so good about this. This is hard for us both. Our baby girl is all grown up.”

  I raised a brow. “Are you crying?”

  She wiped her eyes and laughed. “Maybe. And Tulane? Do you know how proud of you we are? It’s just so much happening so fast. We aren’t ready, but we don’t have a choice. You’ll understand one day when you have kids.”

  “I guess.”

  I waited several minutes before they came back in. Dad hugged me, and then Dane and I went out to his truck.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Just your dad being a good dad.” He opened the door for me. “Nothing major, Hales.” He laughed at the face I made.

  He got in on the driver’s side and cranked up the truck.

  “Is it just me, or has the team been really weird since we announced us dating?” I moved to the middle seat so I could be close to him. I started messing with the radio.

  He laughed. “Yeah. It will take some time for them to get used to it.”

  This was the first time Dane and I had actually been able to do something alone since the weekend. School and practice kept us so busy and wore out. I smiled when he put his arm around my waist.

  “Where are we going?” I found a station I liked and turned it down low so we could still talk.

  “To that new Italian restaurant. I thought that would be better than going to Quinn’s.”

  “Sounds great.” I smiled at him. “You look great tonight.”

  He grabbed my hand, laced my fingers with his, and placed our joined hands on his thigh. “So do you. Very beautiful.”

  “I always thought you were a hottie. I just never told you that because it would’ve been weird.” I looked at the busy parking lot when he pulled into the restaurant.

  “Hey, I told you that you were hot! No fair.” He laughed. He got out and held the door open for me. “I called and got us a—” he stopped as he looked at a truck. “Umm, how about we go somewhere else?”

  I looked at the truck and noticed it was Zach’s. “Dane, we can’t avoid him forever. Let’s just go in. I’m okay.”

  He nodded and led me inside. We entered a beautiful room and were lead to a table. He pulled the chair out for me then scooted me to the table. He sat down and smiled at me.

  “This place is really nice.”

  I looked around and saw Zach at the bar with a woman next to him. The woman kept touching him, but he kept pushing her hand away. I sat across from Dane, and we ordered our drinks.

  “I guess he decided to date too.” I smiled, pretending that it didn’t sting the wound that was still healing not having him around.

  I looked at my menu. “Oooh, they have the soup I like from Olive Garden!” I set the menu down and smiled at Dane. “Soup and salad for me. What are you getting?”

  “Shrimp pasta. I love that stuff.” Dane looked toward Zach. “He’s not dating. That’s Gabe’s older sister. She must be in town. She always bugs him when she’s home.”

  “Oh. He must like it, or he wouldn’t be out with her. He has no problem saying no.” I frowned. “No more talking about him.”

  The waitress came over with our drinks, and we handed our menus after placing our orders.

  “Are you ready for our first game?”

  “Yep. I can’t wait. How about you, super star?” he teased.

  “I’m always nervous for the first game.”

  I took a drink of water. It didn’t take long for our food to be set in front of us. After we ate, we headed out but not before we were stopped by Gabe’s sister who knew Dane. Zach looked right at me as he took a shot. I furrowed my brow. This didn’t seem like Zach at all.

  “Zach told me you’re officially a Shaw! How exciting!” She was clearly tipsy and dressed in a skintight dress that showed a lot of legs and cleavage.

  It bothered me because this town talked, and now they were all seeing Zach with this girl. I held tightly to Dane’s hand. Zach laughed when he saw our hands and then turned to the bar to order another drink.

  “Dane, I’ll be out at your truck.” I let go of his hand and left so he could finish his conversation with Gabe’s sister. I hurried out to the truck and waited on the tailgate. Dane came out looking furious.

  “What?” I got off the tailgate.

  “Can you drive my truck to the house?” he asked me.

“What’s going on?”

  He held up Zach’s keys. “I’m taking his truck home.”

  “And how is he getting home?”

  “I’m going to text Brink.”

  I held my hand out for his keys. “Is this why you’re so pissed?”

  “It’s part of it.” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll explain it once we drop the truck off.” He handed me his keys.

  I nodded. “See you there.”

  I WAITED FOR Dane in his room. He was talking to Brink and Elliot downstairs. The door opened, and Dane walked in.

  “Sorry about that.” He sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him. “You want to go see a movie or watch one here?”

  I looked at my bare feet and laid down on his bed. “Your bed is comfy. I vote stay here.”

  He laughed and rifled through his movies. “What do you want to watch?”

  I laid on my side so I could look at him. For the first time, I completely checked him out. My eyes went from his head all the way to his feet. I smiled when he caught me.

  He smiled and came back over to the bed. “What were you looking at?”

  “Your hair, eyes, and lips, how your jaw is still tense from being pissed, your muscles in your arms, your ass…” I chewed on my lip. “I’m allowed to do that now, and I like what I see.”

  He blushed a little. He looked me up and down then met my eyes. “And I like what I see.” His eyes went to my lips for a second then back to my eyes. “We really should decide on a movie.”

  “Why are you in such a hurry?” I laughed.

  “Because if I don’t get up and put a movie in, I’m going to kiss you.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” My fingers lightly grazed the top of his hand. “Dane, we’re together now. You get to kiss me whenever you want.”

  He moved closer and kissed me. I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him with me as I fell to my back. He moved one of his legs so it was between mine, and one of his hands touched the bare skin of my side.

  And I liked it.

  So much.

  His hand started to move further up, but he stopped when there was a knock on the door.


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