Book Read Free

Under the Owl Tree

Page 29

by Sara Daniell

  He kissed me. “I love you too. I’m sorry I freaked out, but we’ll be fine. We make a good team.” He looked at me seriously. “And I promise to calm down and not hover. Much.”

  I smiled. “Okay, so, Dr. Biggs is the one who delivered Millie?”

  “Well, sort of. There was a team of specialists, and Dr. Biggs was a part of it. He was a close family friend of my parents, and after everything that happened and he realized who Sam and Millie were to us, he stayed in contact and helped Elliot with Millie for the first year.”

  “Oh. Speaking of Elliot, we need to tell him about the twins.”

  “We can tell him tonight. Together. After the game.” He smiled at me then stopped. “Fuck.”

  “What?” I moved back from him.

  “I forgot we had a game with all the excitement.” He put his forehead to mine. “I should head to the school and get everything set up.”

  “Yeah, I’ll meet you there.” I looked at the time on my cell phone and smiled. Everything should be ready.

  I texted Dane as Zach got into his truck.

  Me: So, Zach is on his way NOW. And, boy, do I have some news!

  Dane: You better beat him here! Good news or bad?

  I got in the car.

  Me: Both.

  Zach waved at me to pull out first. I blew him a kiss and then headed toward the school.

  I called Zach on the way to the field and asked him to pick up some water for the team before he picked up Coach. I was trying to think of anything to keep him away so I could get there first. When I parked, I realized I was still holding the ultrasound pictures in my left hand. I smiled down at them and set them in my passenger seat. I leaned into the backseat and grabbed my backpack with my uniform and cleats. I grabbed my hat from the dash and got out.

  I ran to the field, and my mouth fell open when I saw how amazing everything looked. I saw the whole team standing in the dugout wearing Coach’s jerseys, and tears filled my eyes. When I looked at Dane, I saw he had tears in his eyes too.

  “This is going to be so perfect.” I walked over to Dane and hugged him tightly. “I sent Zach for water after he picks up Coach to bring him here. I’m gonna go change. I need to talk to you. Come with me?”

  He nodded and followed me. “What is the news?”

  We went into the locker room, and I went into a stall to change. “It’s crazy. Are you sitting down?” I took off my shirt and put my jersey on.

  He laughed. “Yeah, I’m sitting down.”

  I took off my jeans and hung them over the stall door with my shirt. I slipped on my uniform pants. “The only way I could think to keep Zach away from the field was to take an emergency trip to the doctor. Bad idea by the way. Zach was freaking out. Anyway, we found out we’re having twins.” I tucked my shirt in and buttoned my pants. I started searching my backpack for my belt. “Twins, Dane!” He was still quiet. “Dane?”

  He started laughing so hard he snorted.

  I shoved my clothes into my backpack as I walked out of the stall. I sat next to him and put on my cleats. “Insane, right? It’s so completely… incomprehensible, and I can’t wrap my head around it. Zach passed out!” I snickered.

  He laughed harder. Tears filled his eyes. He finally started taking deep breaths to calm down. “I needed that tonight. And hell yeah, it’s insane!” He put his arm around my shoulders. “It’ll be great though. You’ll have lots of help.”

  I smiled. “Thanks. My parents still have no idea I’m pregnant. Just wait until they find out.” I stood after lacing my shoes. I pulled my hair up and pulled the ponytail through the back of my hat. “Alright, are we ready for this big night?”

  He wiped his eyes and stood up. “How’s Zach handling all of this?”

  “Not good, but I think me being pregnant is helping him a little. It gives him something else to focus on. He bought books.” I laughed. “He’s been reading up on pregnancy and parenting.”

  We headed out of the locker room and back to the field. By the time we walked up, I saw Zach helping Coach to the field. Millie was tagging along behind them. I grabbed Dane’s hand and squeezed it as I watched them make their way out of the dugout. We all lined up on the field and joined hands as Coach came over. Zach and Coach looked shocked.

  Tears filled Coach’s eyes as he looked at all of us. “This means a lot to me,” he said, his voice breaking a little. Trevor and Dane walked over to help Zach with the water. I went to the dugout and grabbed Millie, Zach, and Coach’s jerseys.

  “We thought it’d be cool to all match tonight.” I turned them so that Coach could see we had his name on our backs and his high school number. I turned them back around and handed them their jerseys, kneeling to help Millie put hers on. I kissed her forehead after buttoning it up. The team came back to the dugout as the stands started filling up and the other team arrived. I walked over to Zach, handing him his clipboard and whistle.

  He smiled at me warmly. “Thanks, Tiger.”

  I smiled back. This night was going to be so full of surprises and special things, and I couldn’t wait. “So the doctor visit earlier was just a way to keep you away from the field. I was totally fine the entire day. You’ll see why as the night rolls on. But you can’t yell at me yet because I have a game to go win!” I kissed him quickly and then hurried to the field before he could answer.

  I looked in the stands and smiled when I saw my parents there. I waved, and they both waved back. I adjusted my hat, positioned my hand in my glove, and got ready to win this for Coach.

  THE ENTIRE TEAM with Coach, Zach, Millie, Quinn, Brink, and Sadie laid on the field watching the lanterns float into the sky. The entire school showed up to support Coach, and when the Glee Team came out and performed One Call Away, there wasn’t a dry eye. Even the team we beat was crying. It was amazing to see the support Coach had, and I hoped it made all of this a little easier on him, knowing we were going to keep his name alive and knowing how much he meant to every single one of us.

  Sadie was walking around, taking pictures, which was evidently one of her favorite things to do, and she was great at it. She came over to Zach and me, standing over us. I grabbed Zach’s face, pinched his cheeks together, and made kissy lips at him. We all laughed after Sadie snapped the picture. She walked off, taking pictures of the team and Coach.

  I turned my head and smiled at Zach. “I’m sorry for lying to you,” I whispered. “I just had to keep this a surprise, and when we found out you were on your way I had to think of something fast to keep you away.”

  He smiled a little. “Next time think of something else,” he teased. “But I enjoyed seeing them,” he whispered so only I could hear.

  I smiled and looked up at the lanterns that filled the sky, slowly floating upward. “Me too. We should tell everyone now. And... I’m quitting the team. I’m going to announce that too.”

  He laced his fingers with mine. “You don’t have to quit. I hate that I’m messing up all your plans.”

  I shook my head. “Not messing anything up, Zach. You’re making everything unexpected and interesting. I don’t want to risk a fall; you know how I like to slide to bases.” I laughed. “And once the school board finds out about you and me, I don’t want you to lose the coaching position you were officially given tonight. The team needs you, and Coach needs to know that you are here taking care of his team and everything he has built.” I sat up and fixed my hat. I stood and held my hand out to him so he’d stand with me.

  He took it and stood. Everyone sat up and looked at us. I waited until Dane helped Coach sit up. I winked at Millie when she smiled at me.

  “Okay, so Zach and I are a thing, a serious thing.” I smiled when everyone laughed knowingly. I wasn’t surprised that they weren’t shocked.

  I smiled at Zach. “You tell them.”

  Zach grinned. “Hales, is pregnant.” He looked down at me. “With twins.”

  “Congratulations” and other kind words filled the air as the team surrounded us and formed o
ne huge group hug. I was overwhelmed by their support. I don’t know why I expected anything less than a we-have-your-back attitude from them, but I was extremely grateful. After everyone calmed down I looked at Coach who was super quiet, with tears in his eyes. I held onto Zach’s hand as we walked over to him. I let go of Zach’s hand and hugged Coach.

  He hugged me back. “I wish I was going to get to see them,” he confessed.

  I moved back so he could hug his brother. He hugged Zach and whispered something to him. A tear slipped down Zach’s cheek, and he nodded in understanding. I wiped my cheeks as tears fell.

  “Coach, you have no idea how much you mean to me. You’ve taught me so much and that there’s more to me than this game. Tonight was awesome, but it still couldn’t even come close to showing you how much we all love and appreciate you.”

  “And I can never show how much all of you mean to me.” He smiled at all of us. “Thank you, guys, so much.”

  “I’m quitting the team. I think it’s best for me and the babies.” I looked at Zach. “And your brother’s sanity,” I teased. I looked at Coach again. “And I’m okay with it.”

  Zach and Coach both chuckled.

  Coach looked at me. “How are your parents handling all of this?”

  I shrugged. “They don’t know any of it yet. All they know is that Zach and I are together. My dad has been threatening to turn Zach into the board. I refuse to let that get in the way of anything so that’s also a part of the reason I’m quitting the team. If it boils down to it, I’ll quit school and homeschool myself. Zach isn’t going to lose his position here. It means too much to him, you, and the team.”

  Zach kissed the side of my head, and Coach nodded. “Now that the game’s over,” he looked at Zach, “Zach said he’d show me the finished product of the house.”

  Zach looked down at me. “I have a surprise for you too.” He grinned. “Trevor, Sadie, Dane, and I finished the house.”

  “Really? When! They’ve been with me planning this whole night like every single day!” I laughed.

  “Well, after you would fall asleep, we would all sneak out of the house,” Dane said with a laugh. “I’m so ready for this weekend. I plan on doing nothing but sleep.”

  “Amen,” Trevor and Sadie added.

  I laughed and shoved Zach’s shoulder playfully. “Sneaky, sneaky.”

  His smiled widened. “Let’s all head there.” He looked at his watch. “The pizza should be delivered by now.”

  My eyes lit up. “Pizza?”

  “Yep.” He kissed me.

  I took my hat off my head and pulled my ponytail out as we all headed to the parking lot. I got in the truck with Zach. As he drove down the road, I held his hand and played with his fingers.

  “Twins,” I whispered. I smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  He grinned. “For what?”

  “For not being careful that night.”

  He burst out laughing. “You’re welcome, Tiger.”

  I laid my hand on his shoulder and put his hand on my stomach.

  I loved that he was smiling. “I love you, Hales.”

  “I love you most.”

  I had just gotten out of the shower, getting ready for dinner with my parents. Zach and I invited them over to the cabin so they could see our home. Zach was so excited about the twins; he already ordered a set of cribs and had them set up. We decided to tell my parents as we showed them around the house.

  I hadn’t been to my parents house at all since Dad beat up Zach. It killed me that my parents and I went from talking all the time to barely saying anything. Things were just so awkward after the whole Zach and Dad thing went down. But when they came to our last game, it showed me there was hope.

  I put on my bra after getting dried off and cursed when I couldn’t clasp it in the back. It shrunk. It must have. Zach walked in and saw me fidgeting with it and laughed at my frustration.

  “See if you can get it,” I said, giving up.

  He came up behind me and helped. It was tight. “I think you’re going to have to get new ones.” He kissed my shoulder. “And that reminds me of something.” He went over to his business folder and pulled out a checkbook and a card. He walked over to me and handed them to me. I looked at the checkbook and saw Zach had added me to his account.

  “You trust me?” I asked with a smirk as I loosened the straps on my bra a bit.

  “Of course.” He smiled at me.

  “That means a lot.” I smiled but then frowned when I looked at myself in the mirror. “Why in the hell are my boobs growing before my stomach?” I was so ready to have a baby bump, but all it looked like was I ate too much food, not a true bump.

  Zach put his hands on my stomach then put his chin on my shoulder. “It’ll happen.”

  “I should finish getting ready. What time is it?”

  He moved back and looked at his watch. “Six.”

  “Crap. They’ll be here any minute.” I grabbed my shirt from the counter near the sink and pulled it over my head then brushed my hair. I followed Zach into the kitchen and helped him finish everything up. When the doorbell rang, I felt nauseous. This could go good or really bad. There would be no in-between, and I was banking on the latter part. I found Zach’s hand as we went to the door together.

  Zach opened the door and let my parents in. Mom hugged me immediately, and Dad shook Zach’s hand. Dad squeezed my shoulder but didn’t reach out to hug me, which stung a little. We led them to the table. The kitchen, living, and dining area were all open to each other but separated by a bar. Mom looked around the large space in awe.

  “This is beautiful, you guys.” She smiled at Zach. “This is where you and Hailey are living?” Her eyes gravitated toward the large, stone fireplace, and she stared at with envy.

  “It is,” I answered and sat down next to Zach. I looked at my dad. “Say something. You’re too quiet.”

  Dad sat down after Mom took her own seat. He took a drink of the water that was near his plate. “I’m just taking it all in. You’re doing well, Hailey. I guess I was unfair and expected that you’d be struggling and running home to us by now. It’s hard, seeing you grow up. I know that I hate watching from the sidelines, and I know it’s my fault. I’m stubborn.”

  Mom smiled at Dad. “Which is where Hailey gets it from.”

  I laughed and so did Zach. I looked at Zach and nudged his foot with mine. “See, it’s genetic. Now you know where I get it from.”

  Dad looked at Zach. “I guess I owe you a proper apology. All I ask is that you put yourself in my shoes for a moment so you can understand a bit why I lost my temper. I’m not saying that what I did was okay, but in my moment of panic, as a parent, I lost it.”

  Mom spoke before Zach could. “We aren’t going to worry about that anymore. It’s in the past, and from the few conversations I’ve had with Hayley, she just wants to leave the past in the past. From this point on, we move forward, and we want to get to know you.”

  Dad nodded and smiled at me from across the table.

  Mom looked at all the food Zach and I made. “Now let’s eat, and we can discuss more after dinner.”

  Zach started passing around the food. Once he was done, he held my hand. I could tell he was nervous. We ate dinner, making small talk about all the upcoming games since we played all-year-ball. I just let Zach do most of the talking with Dad. I didn’t say much since I quit the team. I’d still be there to cheer them on and help but no more playing. Trevor was the new pitcher as of yesterday.

  When dinner was over, I was a nervous wreck. We were showing my parents around the house and getting closer to what would be the nursery. Zach was explaining all the changes that were made, walking from room to room and answering questions my parents had.

  We stopped at the door of the nursery, and I held tightly to Zach’s hand. I used my free hand to open the door and let my parents in first. Zach and I watched them walk in. Mom gasped and grabbed Dad’s arm. Dad put his hands in his pockets and look
ed at the cribs. I chewed nervously on my bottom lip, waiting for them to say something.

  Dad and Mom turned around to look at us. Tears filled both of their eyes as they looked at my stomach. They rushed over and wrapped Zach and I both in a hug.

  I cried.

  I cried so hard because it was the turning point for us. We were going to be okay, and my parents, who I loved so freakin’ much, didn’t hate me.

  “Two cribs?” Mom asked, grabbing Zach’s hand and laughing.

  Dad continued to hug me. He kissed my head and pulled back, looking at Zach, waiting for him to answer Mom.

  “Yes, ma’am. Twins.”

  Mom squealed and covered her mouth. “Did you hear that, Craig? She’s having twins!”

  Dad laughed and shook his head. He looked at Zach. “I really want to punch you in the face right now, but I promise I won’t.” Dad shocked us all when he wrapped Zach in a hug. “She’s your problem now,” he teased with tears in his eyes.

  Mom and I burst into laughter.

  After Dad moved out of the hug, he looked at Zach. “Where is the ring on her finger? You two will be getting married, right?”

  Zach and I both looked at one another, unsure of what to say.

  “We haven’t talked about it.” Zach looked at my dad.

  “We aren’t worried about that right now. I just want to focus on the twins and getting through this pregnancy.”

  Dad didn’t look too thrilled with that, but he smiled anyway. “Just as long as you two are happy.”

  Mom smiled too. “We will help in any way we can.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot.” I walked into the room and started explaining all our plans for the nursery.

  As the night came to an end, I felt so relieved that my parents were going to be involved. Zach and I walked them to their car and watched them leave. We went back inside and started cleaning everything up.


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