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Dwayne: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance

Page 7

by Kathi S. Barton

  “I asked that too. But what I didn’t think of, nor did you, I think, was what are they supposed to do with it once the movie is over? That’s another thing she buys—old sets of sitcoms that have stopped. Also, food containers, like boxes of cereal, labels that had come off cans. I’m amazed at this crap.” Quincey just shook his head at it all. “While I’ve been watching her business for her, she’s had two calls for a bedroom suite from the seventies, as well as a kitchen from the eighties. While I have no idea what that would entail, the people that called didn’t even hesitate long enough to ask me prices. Just delivery dates, as well as when they had to be returned. Also, most of the rented things will be brought back to her new warehouse here instead of in New York.”

  “She’s amazing. I hope you tell her that all the time.” Dwayne said he was going to when she got back. “Good. I have to get back to the hospital. I only came home long enough to get myself a shower and clean clothes. I’ll let you know—”

  When Quincey’s cell phone went off, he said it was the hospital. Leaving him there to work on his paperwork, Quincey returned long enough to let him know that Howie was headed to surgery again. They found another blood clot in his legs. After he was gone, Dwayne decided not to tell Brit while she was away unless it was about his passing. He didn’t want to ruin her fun.

  Throughout the rest of the afternoon, one or more of his family would show up and talk to him, then leave again. When his dad showed up close to two o’clock, he yelled at him for working all the time when he had family that wanted to hang out with him. He said he was bored with Brit gone and that Jamie was with Grandma at his home.

  “No reason for you to be working, regardless of where everyone is. Besides, I have some things I want to run by you while they’re gone. I have a new rose garden going in at the new house. Also, a nice garden that your mom has been after me about. I was wondering if you’d come over and show me what goes where. I have a list of stuff she wants around the house, but I can’t make heads or tails of how to put it together so it’ll look good.”

  “I’d look to see how tall things are.” Dad looked at him oddly. “Well, I’m sure she doesn’t want the little bitty things planted in the back where they’re going to be overshadowed by the taller flowers. Are these flowers annuals or perennials?”

  “Here.” Dad handed him the list. “How do you know how tall those things are going to be anyway? Not to mention, how would you make them look good? There seems to be a lot of different colors there.” Dwayne pulled up snapdragons and saw that they could get to be about thirty inches tall. “What does that mean about them being tender?”

  “They’re perennials, but they usually can’t survive a winter and don’t come back. I’m thinking she’ll want them planted someplace that she can get to easily so she can replace them if they don’t make it. Like out around the barn you guys are having put in.” Dad nodded and watched Dwayne as he pulled up flower after flower, putting not only how tall they were when they were in full bloom, but whether they were yearly or forever plants, as Dad called them, and the color of them. “This will be a chart that Mom and you can use all the time. Like when you buy Mom flowers, you can use this list when you want to perhaps change it out for a plant that she can have around to remind her that you love her so very much.”

  “I do.” Dad blew his nose and looked at him with watery eyes. “I do love that woman to distraction. I owe you, son, for this. Every time I have me a gander at it, I’ll remember us sitting here working on it together.”

  Hugging his dad, Dwayne asked him if he wanted to order anything more than what Mom already had. Mom hadn’t gotten anything on her list as yet, but the things she did want were only a touch away to be ordered on the Internet. Dad even had an account now where he could simply order Mom things and make it so all the information she wanted on whatever Dad had ordered today or in the future was right there for her to use as well.

  Dad ended up ordering everything on the list Mom had given him. In addition to that, he ordered a few things Dwayne told him went well with the plants he’d ordered. After making sure the company had his address for where to send them when the time to plant came along, Dad asked him to lunch.

  “That would be great. Having dinner with my favorite dad.” Dad glared at him, then laughed. “How about the rest of them? Or would you rather it be just the two of us?”

  “I won’t ever turn down a meal with my kids. No matter how old you all get.” Dad stood up. “I tell you what, why don’t you get that son of yours, and we’ll have us a manly time.”

  Dad left him sitting there with, Dwayne was sure, his mouth hanging open. His son. Jamie was already calling him Dad and his parents his grandparents, but to have someone point out that he had a son nearly had him sobbing. Christ, he thought, he was getting sappy. Reaching out to his son, he asked Jamie if he wanted to have lunch with them. It was several seconds before he answered him, and when he did, Dwayne had to sit down.

  Don’t freak out. All right? Dwayne told him he already was. Just breathe for me, Dad. In and out. I’m hurt, but not like my head was. But I hurt me, and I’m worried that you and Mom will freak out when you see it when you see us. Also—

  More than likely, we will. Where are you, and has my mom seen it yet? Dwayne told him he was in the barn, and no, Grandma hadn’t seen it yet. Can you walk? Wait, what did you mean, us? Is there someone there with you, Jamie?

  Yes. The pause had him yelling for his dad. Dad, Uncle Wesley is here too. He’s hurt. Not dead, but hurt. I was working up to it so you could come to help us and not hurt yourself getting here. Can you come here? I’m afraid for Grandma to see us. She’ll be too upset. Bring Grandda too. I think we’ll need him.

  We’re on our way. I’m going to send Quincey to you as well. Just keep an eye out for one of the tigers in the event that they will get them to you sooner. He said he wasn’t afraid of them. All right. Also, when we get there, we’ll figure out what happened that had you both hurt. Unless you know now.

  He and Dad were getting into Dad’s car as he spoke to Jamie. Not only did Jamie know what had happened, but he thought perhaps it was his fault that Wesley was hurt. He told him again that he could see him breathing and that he wasn’t dead.

  I was helping him reclean the plow. I think that’s what it’s called. I’m too upset to remember right now. Mr. Millner called and asked if Uncle Wesley could help him turn some dirt for next season. It sure is dark dirt. Dwayne told him to continue. Right. Uncle Wesley was pulling the piece to where we’d gotten it when I fell into the board. I was pushing because we thought it would be easier than me—it’s the thing that turns the dirt. When I fell back, I grabbed for Uncle Wesley and pulled him into the plow. There is a lot of blood under him. Please don’t freak out. Okay? That’ll make me freak out, and I don’t think that will be a good thing, do you?

  No. Not for anyone. Quincey told him he was nearly there. Sawyer was with Chandler, and they were pulling into the drive now. All right, son. The troops are there. You have to remain calm as well. All right?

  Yes. Dad, don’t be angry with me, all right? I love you. He told him he loved him to the depth of his heart. I surely hope so. I’m starting to hurt a lot now.

  I’m nearly there too, son. You just hang on, Jamie. I want you safe. He said he was now that his uncles were there. Grandda and I are pulling into the driveway now too. Grandma will be coming out there as soon as she sees us all there. Just tell her how much you love her, and you’ll be fine. More than fine.

  Dwayne hoped both of them were fine. He knew in his head they were both immortal, but his heart was telling him that his son was hurt and he needed him. As soon as he entered the barn, he held onto Jamie for a few minutes before he was able to let him go. Then he asked about Wesley.

  Chapter 5

  Brit kept an eye on Penny while they were in the emergency room. They wouldn’t allow her to go back to his
cubical until they had him stable, whatever the fuck that meant. When she looked at her again, Brit knew she was going to lose her shit and didn’t want that to happen to anyone.

  Taking her by the arm, she went through the doors to the rooms, yelling for Wesley just as security tried to keep her from going deeper into the room. She looked him right in the eye and spoke without raising her voice.

  “How much insurance do you have for your other half to collect when I’m finished with you?” He didn’t look as if he was understanding her, so she smiled. “Will your family that you leave behind have enough to bury you? Or will they need to tap the government for some help? Whatever they need, I want you to know I’ll gladly go to prison for putting your family in that position if you try and detain me.”

  He stared at her for several seconds as his hand on her arm slowly began to release. When it finally occurred to him that she wasn’t kidding him, he didn’t just release her but asked her where she was headed. That he’d make sure she got there if she didn’t hurt him.

  “Wesley Bishop. This is his wife, and he’s my brother-in-law.” Nodding once, he guided them to the room that Wesley was in. Penny went ahead of him as she turned to the man. “Thank you for your help. I want you to know I would have regretted hurting you, but I would have if it came down to that.”

  “I could see that.” He put out his hand, and she took it into hers. She knew immediately that he wasn’t human. “Vampire. Samuel. Only name I go by since I can remember. I’m very old and very powerful. I would have hurt you more should you have tried to harm me, but it didn’t come down to that, so I’m happy we can part ways as friends. You need anything, Brit, you just call my name, and I’ll be there. I have known the Bishops for a good deal longer than either you or your father-in-law.”

  “I’m Dwayne’s mate. He’s with my son.” Samuel nodded but didn’t release her hand as yet. “There is more, isn’t there? What is it so I can deal with it, please?”

  “You and Dwayne need to bond. Soon. As well as a great deal of magic, I can see things in the future that others cannot. You will need it soon too.” She asked him who was after her. “No one. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time, much like your son was today. They’ll both live, but that isn’t anything to do with me. In that, bonding will make you both safer. You, because of the powerful magic, and Dwayne’s cat will be much calmer than now, and he’ll not be so jealous. Wesley is a good man as well.”

  “They all are.” He nodded and released her hand. “You’ve done something to me. I can feel it as it moves along my skin. Is it something I need to be worried about? Or that I should kill you for?”

  He threw back his head and laughed. Smiling at him, she asked him if he laughed all that often. It didn’t seem to her like he was very good at it. Shaking her hand again, he said he wasn’t.

  “I’ve not laughed like that for a very long time. I was laughing at the fact that I just told you I could harm you, and you still think to threaten me.” He laughed again. “I should like to see you in a fight one day. However, not today. You have enough going on without me messing up your pretty face. Go to your son and husband. However, be mindful of the information I have given you, and bond soon.”

  “We will.”

  He left her there. Not like he moved down the hall and out of her sight, but simply disappeared. However, she did hear his laughter. It echoed around her like a soft blanket. His laughter, like the feeling of something warming her from his magic, was something more that he’d given her. Something powerful too.

  As she entered the room where her loves were, Jamie started telling her how sorry he was.

  “You didn’t do anything.” She sat down on the side of his bed and held onto both his and Dwayne’s hands. “You’re getting care, and you’re going to be fine. That’s all a mother can ask for in this sort of situation.”

  She put her hand on his head to pull him closer to kiss him on the cheek. The moment her fingers laced into his hair, she felt a surge of something move from her to both of them. It took her several moments to understand that they were yelling at her to wake up before she realized she’d been out. Looking at the two of them, Dwayne asked her if she was all right.

  “I met a vampire named Samuel. He said we needed to bond, and soon.” Sitting up, only just realizing she had fallen back, Brit brushed against Jamie’s leg and asked if she’d hurt him.

  “No. Not at all.” He wiggled his foot, then looked at her. “It doesn’t hurt at all. Not even a twinge.”

  “Let me have a look at it. Just so you know, when I helped to pick up my brother, I pulled something in my back. Not badly, but enough to know I picked up something I wasn’t used to anymore. It doesn’t hurt either.” After he cut away the bandage with his knife, he looked at the wound, then at her. “You healed him completely. I mean, there aren’t any stitches where they were put in either. It’s all gone. You did that, Brit.”

  “He didn’t tell me what he’d given me. Just laughed.” Dwayne told her Samuel had had a very difficult life. He’d lost not only his mate but his kiss as well, to a mob some years ago. “He didn’t tell me anything. Do you think I can heal your brother? They said he’d lost a great deal of blood and that he won’t be able to shift for a while. I’m going to go and see if I can help him.”

  “Jamie, will you be all right for a few minutes?” Jamie didn’t even look up from his leg and the thread, the ones that had stitched him up until he said his name again. “Are you all right, son?”

  “I’m healed. My mom did it.” Dwayne told him they’d be back in a couple of minutes, then asked if he’d be all right until then. “Yes. I’m better than fine right now. I don’t hurt at all.”

  They left him there, still talking about how he didn’t hurt. It had taken all she could muster up to leave her little boy right then. However, she needed to help anywhere she could. Westley was hurt. If she could help, she was going to do it.

  Wesley looked terrible, as pale as the sheets covering him. When she said his name, he looked up at her and smiled. Then he asked if Jamie was all right.

  “Yes. Better now. I’ve met a vampire named Samuel.” After telling them what had happened and how she’d healed Jamie, it was Penny who asked her to try and do the same for Wesley. “I can and I will if this magic works for him. However, I’d very much like for Dwayne to try. It only just occurred to me that as we share all the magic, he might well have the same thing I have. The ability to heal.”

  “Try it, son.” Saul held her hand while Dwayne put his hand on his brother’s chest. It was a couple of seconds before Westley rose up, sitting upright on the bed. The color was back in his cheeks, and he looked better. “My goodness gracious. Just have a look at him.”

  He did look better. As Dwayne started to fall backwards, unconscious, it was Westley that grabbed him. Pulling him into the bed with him, Westley pulled the gown open by ripping it. Not only was he healed, but there was a small mark on his chest that looked like a small heart. It seemed to call to her as she stood there with Saul, and she put her finger onto it. The heart meant that he was forever loved. Closing her eyes from the overwhelming feelings she got from it, she spoke to the others in the room.

  “Westley fell onto the plow trying to get to Jamie. He was going to shift and change him if it came to that. I would have been all right with that, so you all know if it were to save his life.” Westley asked her what else she could see. “When you fell on the plow, you were stabbed in the heart. It wouldn’t have killed you, but you wouldn’t have been the same man you are. Your cat, he would have died from the wound you received if you had been able to fully shift.”

  “I can feel him. I mean, I can always feel him, but he’s getting stronger as I am. You’re right, I think. We both would have been injured, and my cat, the part of me that helps me be what I am, would have died from the plow hitting him in his heart.” Pulling her hand away from his
chest, he pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. “You’re special. Even without the ability to shift, I think you’re the best of all of us right now. You saved me from certain pain for the rest of my life. I love you, Brit. I cannot ever repay you for what you’ve given me and my family.”

  When Dwayne woke up, he smiled at her. They were hugging when Jamie came into the room. Instead of coming to her, he made his way to Wesley and told him how much he loved him. The two of them were still hugging when the doctor came into the room with the paperwork for Jamie to go home.

  She was blessed, she thought. Never would she be able to look at these people the same way that she had before. They were and forever would be her family. A family, not just because she was going to marry one of them, but they were family of her heart. Which meant so much more to her.


  Dwayne had plans for this evening. As much as he wanted to go home and get a start on wooing and making love to Brit, he needed to speak to Howie. The little bit of his future that he could see had him dealing with the man that had brought him Brit. It was, he realized, the only reason he was still alive after killing his son and his family. When he woke up, Dwayne let out a long breath he’d been holding unknowingly.

  “You’re one of them Bishop men. Did you have anything to do with them taking my arm off?” Dwayne told him that was all on him. “Sure it is. That brother of yours, he cut me up bad, and I had to do something, or I’d bleed to death. What are you doing here? You gonna take more from me?”

  “No. You have absolutely nothing I want. I’ve come here to talk to you. Man, to fucking bastard. In the event you don’t get it, you’re the fucking bastard.” Howie said he thought he had it all wrong. “I don’t care. I’m here to tell you what I know of the day you killed your son and his family. Also, what you’re going to be going to prison for. If you manage in some way to get out of going to prison, I’m going to kill you.”


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