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The City Center (The New Agenda Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Simone Pond

  “I need to speak with you,” Ava said. “In private.”

  “How’s that supposed to happen? We’re on lockdown.”

  “We can do a, you know, one of those things we do?”

  “Now? That could get both of us marked for questioning.”

  “We’ll be fine. They don’t care about two eighteen-year-old girls.”

  “This isn’t like in the movies, Ava. This is serious.”

  “Which is precisely why I need you.”

  “Fine. But if I get caught, you better pull your rank.”

  “Of course.”

  Ava logged off the internal system. She went to her sleep pod where she kept her digital tablet hidden; a relic from the days before that she had gotten off the dark-market. Tablets were no longer permitted on the Inside. She tucked herself inside her sleep pod and switched on the tablet. The monitor lit up. An invitation to chat popped up on the screen. Ava accepted and Delilah’s face appeared in 2D.

  “What’s so important you’re willing to break the law?” Delilah asked.

  “I saw him.”


  “The guy the reports were talking about. Him…”

  “You mean, the…”

  “Yes. I can’t go into details, but I promise to explain everything.”

  “I think your pre-grad stress is causing mental delusions,” Delilah said.

  “I’m fine. Actually I feel better than ever. I feel awake. Alive.”

  “You don’t sound fine.”

  “I need your help getting software on reading instruction.”

  “Are you serious?”


  “Ava, this doesn’t sound good.”

  “You have to trust me. Please get me the software.”

  “Fine. I’ll help, but you better fill me in later. Check your inbox in a bit.”

  Ava took a shower while she waited for the software to download. The purification water massaged her body. She thought about her encounter with Joseph. The few minutes they had together weren’t enough to make a sound assessment, but she knew there was something more to him than what the reports said. She had always suspected something was off with the information the Planners inundated them with. Her instincts told her something was off and she had learned to pay attention to the way her body reacted to things, rather than her mind. Delilah was taking longer than usual and Ava’s nervous stomach tightened up. She wanted to read the book and get to the bottom of whatever it was. Maybe there was something in there that could save Joseph from termination? Or maybe it was just a fact-finding mission. She checked the time, wishing Delilah would hurry up. The dark-market might have slowed down because of the crisis.

  Ava’s tablet dinged, letting her know she had a message. She wirelessly downloaded the reading instruction software onto her internal microchip and sat in the lounger with the book. She didn’t want to rush through the pages. They could hold valuable information that could change everything. She wanted to savor every single written word, so she waited for her heartbeat to slow down before she opened to the first page.

  This Journal Belongs to Lillian Strader

  The year the Planners set the New Agenda into motion was the worst year of my life. Worse than when my best friend moved away to San Francisco. Worse than when I fell off the jungle gym and broke both of my arms in fifth grade. And worse than getting stood up for the 9th grade homecoming dance by that jerk Brian. They advertised it as “The Repatterning” to give it a positive spin, but like all advertisers, they lied to us.

  That was the year Mom and Dad lost their jobs, my brother was drafted into the army, and my Dad and little sister contracted a deadly virus. California suffered record-breaking unemployment rates. The entertainment industry went bankrupt. The moneymakers disappeared to their homes outside of Los Angeles. In a matter of months, the rates went from single digits to an astronomical high of 83%. Big banks took over smaller banks, and then they took over the last remaining corporations, then homes. The stock market dropped lower than the historical crash of 1929, and then the market just disappeared, obliterating commerce altogether. Businesses became obsolete. Products and services all of us had been using for decades vanished into a vortex of nothingness. Only a handful of establishments survived the catastrophic economic collapse: big banking, pharmaceutical cartels and the Planners—a new division of high-level government officials who were supposed to rebuild the country, but who annihilated every last decent fiber.

  The one remaining network aired 24-hour news reports. My brother said they were feeding us lies. We weren’t clear on the accuracy of the reports, but Mom said we could decipher the real news by reading in between the lines. The channel reported an onslaught of gun-related murders and massive shootings in public forums. The Planners forced people to hand in their guns. Anyone who refused got killed. I stopped watching the news. It was too depressing.

  Before my brother shipped off to train for the Final War, never to be seen again, he told us the economic disaster was strategically engineered. He warned us more would come.

  “The decline of civilization starts with vaporizing the economy. Then we have a civil war, then a global war so behemoth it’ll take us back to ground zero,” he said.

  He went on and on about the elite class. “Their main objective is to extinguish 90% of the planet’s population and gain absolute power.”

  At first we laughed at his inane ranting until the day he and every single male in the country ages 17−36 were sent off to undisclosed locations under the Executive Order of Conscription.

  Mom and Dad couldn’t get work anywhere, not even cleaning homes for the wealthy that remained, not even pumping gas, because gas was running out. They kept some food on the table for a little while, but we had to sacrifice other amenities. Eventually they shut off our gas and electricity. We lived by candlelight and recharged our battery-operated electronics at local drug stores, or wherever we could find outlets. We tried to sell one of our cars for extra cash, but gas prices climbed so high people stopped driving. People abandoned the cars on the sides of neighborhood streets, or along the freeway shoulders. Things reached a new low when people looted shopping malls and stores, emptying the shelves. We found a few underground surplus stores to buy the bare essentials like clean water and canned goods, but those resources trickled out.

  Crime rates skyrocketed and a new breed of Officer policed the streets, snatching up the homeless. We don’t know where they took them, but we suspected they weren’t going to a shelter. The Officers began searching foreclosed homes and removing “freeloading” families. The majority of our neighbors, in our once-safe Santa Monica community, either left everything behind and went to Emergency Crisis Camps, or the police removed them. They never returned. Since animals weren’t permitted in the camps, the police started a campaign to put down any pets left behind.

  “They won’t hurt you, Rags, I promise. I’ll run to the canyons before I let anyone put you to sleep.” I had rescued the scruffy white terrier mix when I was ten years old, and she was my best friend. She rescued me during those dark days, and I promised to never let her out of my sight.

  The Planners instituted a new security protocol: delete all records of historical and current information. They worked non-stop to retract and destroy everything from the Internet by blowing up servers. They burned down local libraries, universities and the Library of Congress. We became the non-information age; except for the media channel I couldn’t stand watching. We stopped relying on the news reports. Dad used his outlawed ham radio and discovered an underground radio station airing on pirated frequencies. The angry voices streaming into our home reported the gritty details about the treachery being inflicted by our corrupt government. They informed us of the latest regions under attack, and the fires. We learned about a new strand of a deadly airborne virus spreading so rapidly the pharmaceutical companies couldn’t provide vaccines fast enough. Health officials visited homes to give inoculations. The day t
hey arrived at our house, Mom and I were out pilfering nearby houses for food and supplies. Not long after their visit, my sister and Dad got deathly ill. Just like the underground radio station warned. The Planners created the vaccines to infect us. Hundreds of millions of Americans died. The death toll rose to unfathomable heights. And then it hit our home.

  “Bye, sis,” I sobbed, clenching her small hand.

  The law required the reporting of deaths, but when my sister passed, we buried her in the backyard. The house got quiet. I cried for my little sister who had her innocence snatched away before her first kiss, before her first dance. Rags and I stayed in bed with Mom to stay warm during those springtime months. Spring was supposed to be about rebirth. Those days were anything but. Dad remained in seclusion in his office, making lists and writing meticulous notes. He suggested we start our own journals to keep a record.

  My Dad passed on a Tuesday morning. We buried him next to my sister in the backyard.

  “Bye, Dad,” I cried, sitting next to the pile of dirt.

  “It’s time to go, my little Lillian,” Mom said, holding me close as we shivered together under the giant oak tree.

  “Are we gonna use Dad’s escape plan?” I asked.

  “Yes. We’re going to Temescal Canyon. There are others like us. Ones who refuse to go to the death camps, or to work on the new Los Angeles center.”

  Tears blurred the world around me. I buried my face into Rags. I didn’t want to stay behind, but I didn’t want to leave my home of fifteen years. I loved my home and the neighborhood I grew up in. But everything I loved was gone.

  We collected survival items based on Dad’s list and put as much as we could fit into two suitcases. During our packing, I found a photo of my family when my sister was a baby and a more recent one taken before my brother shipped off. I placed them in between the pages of my Bible at Psalm 23.

  The days prior to our journey we walked around the ghost town our neighborhood had become like thieves in the night, siphoning gas from abandoned cars until we had enough to get us to the Palisades. Sometimes we’d spot a person frantically pedaling by on a bike with backpacks and bags attached to every limb. They had the same instinctual sense to get the hell out.

  “Survival of the fittest,” Mom muttered under her breath.

  One night we walked for a few miles until we reached a dark alley. We stood at the back door of the underground surplus store and Mom knocked three times in a row, waited and then knocked once more. We waited in silence. After a few minutes, a burly man wearing head-to-toe camouflage opened the door and gestured for us to enter the pitch-black stairwell. I held Rags in my left arm and guided myself through the darkness with my right. We reached the dingy cellar at the bottom lit up by a few lanterns. There were rows and rows of shelves jam-packed with surplus equipment and non-perishable food.

  The large man led us down an aisle containing various sizes of guns and rifles.

  “Find one that feels comfortable and fits your body,” he told us.

  At the age of fifteen I had never seen a gun in person, let alone touched one. I put Rags down on the cement floor and studied the nearest rack. I ran my fingers along the cold barrels of the shotguns. I didn’t want to lift any of them up. I was terrified. I cringed at the idea of firing a gun, but it was clear we’d either be the hunted, or the hunters. I had no other choice.

  “It’s okay, honey. We’ll need them for protection,” Mom said.

  I lifted one off the rack. A long and heavy shotgun. I mimicked how actors held guns in the movies. A wave of intense energy surged through my veins.

  “This is the one,” I told the man.

  He patted my head and handed me a much smaller one.

  “Try this,” he said. “It’ll be easier to handle, and you can slip it into your backpack.”

  The man set out two giant backpacks and helped us transfer only the necessary items from our suitcases. He put my Bible off to the side, but I tucked it into the side pocket when he was busy writing down the route.

  “Avoid Sunset and Pacific Coast Highway. Otherwise you’ll hit the barricades. Park the car at the top of the street, and walk to the address. You’ll cut through the backyard. The entrance to the woods is behind this row of bushes.” He handed Mom a hand-drawn map. “The Temescal campsite is located a few miles up the trail. Whistle three times when you get to the top of the slope. Someone will meet you and guide you to the campsite. There will be a group gathered. From there, you’ll make the journey north.”

  The day of our escape, or “our extended camping trip” as Mom called it, we loaded the family sedan with our giant backpacks stuffed with the essentials for survival—camping gear, non-perishables, first aid, firearms and ammunition. And, of course, our journals to record everything. So we’d never forget, so that future generations would never forget. Mom pulled away from our home. I noticed tears in her eyes.

  “Bye, home,” I whispered.

  “We’re still together. Home is where your heart is, right?” She wiped away her tears and focused on the road.

  Along the eerie drive toward Pacific Palisades I stared out my window, looking at the charming homes. The yards, no longer landscaped, looked messy with tall grass and overgrown bushes. Mom bulldozed through the intersections. I turned on the radio to break the silence. The announcer read from a script.

  “Evacuations for all Westside residents are now in effect. Buses will be continuously transporting any remaining people to the emergency camps. Demolitions are scheduled to start tomorrow at noon, please be sure to arrive…”

  I turned off the radio and stared at the street corners, memorizing every sign and taking mental photographs of the neighborhood I’d never see again.

  We parked down the street from the address and waited in the car all afternoon until the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. We adjusted our backpack straps securely and grabbed the smaller bags from the backseat. I shut the door of our family car one final time.

  “Bye, car.”

  The streets were dark without the glow of street lamps. I kept Rags tight on the leash and we walked toward the Adobe-style house. We pushed open the wooden gate and crossed the overgrown backyard. The swimming pool was full of swampy water and leaves, and a few lawn chairs. We got to the row of bushes at the far end of the yard and wedged ourselves through the shrubbery. Branches scraped our cheeks and tangled in our hair. On the other side we found a narrow dirt path leading into the pitch-black woods.

  “It’s a few miles to the first checkpoint,” Mom said.

  Rags squatted next to a tree leaving behind her scent, and we hiked up the hill. We trudged along slowly; it was tough lugging our equipment. I stopped every few feet to catch my breath and wipe sweat off my forehead. Mom used a tiny flashlight to illuminate the path. I followed the outline of her shadowy silhouette. Her strength and determination amazed me. I prayed for safety and comfort, but mostly for the courage to carry on. We made it to the rocks at the top. Mom looked at the map.

  “This is it,” she said, and whistled three times.

  We waited, holding hands. Rags sniffed the air. After a few minutes, a flash of light struck our eyes, blinding us. We held hands waiting for our eyes to readjust.

  “Joe sent us,” Mom called out.

  A man stepped closer toward us.

  “Mary and Lillian?”

  “That’s us,” I answered with my best brave voice.

  “I’m John. Good to have you join the group. Let’s get to camp. We’re just a few hundred yards away.”

  We walked in silence. I noticed a glowing campfire come into view. We reached the site. I couldn’t wait to set down my bags. John pointed to an empty spot under a tree where we could station ourselves. I collapsed to the ground. Every muscle burned like acid. I opened up my sleeping bag and climbed inside, pulling Rags down into the cocoon. Mom joined the group, and I fell asleep to the murmur of their voices.

  The next morning I woke up to Rags licking my cheek. It was b
efore dawn because it was still dark and silent. The air was icy cold. I scanned the campsite to assess what was going on. Mom stood next to the fire holding a mug. She talked with John. He looked strong and confident and I immediately trusted him with my life. A younger guy stood next to John. I figured it was his son because they had the same messy dark hair and warm brown eyes. They were kind eyes. I counted a total of seven people, including my Mom and me. I inched my way out of the sleeping bag, still wearing my boots. Rags and I found some bushes to pee in. Steam rose from the cold ground, warming my legs. I couldn’t wait to stand next to the fire.

  Mom waved me over. Her rosy cheeks were all scratched up from the night before. She handed me a cup of coffee and winked. That was my first cup of coffee. I didn’t care for the smell, but appreciated the warm mug in my freezing hands.

  “I’m Lillian. And this is Rags,” I said to the group standing around the fire.

  John pointed to the young guy. “This is Aaron, you’re probably the same age.” Aaron glanced up and looked at me. My stomach flipped over. He was so cute. I turned away, afraid he’d notice my cheeks blushing. I took a small sip of the piping hot coffee and gagged. The sharp bitter taste was too much, but I wanted to look mature, so I forced it down.

  “We’re going to hike north to a location where we can set up headquarters. It’s a big hike, and will take most of the day. But it’s a safe zone and only five miles from one of the plantation sites we’ll be shipped off to.”

  “Plantations?” I asked.

  “Where we’ll be put to work to supply food for the elites and their families.”

  “Why are we going to work for them? I thought we were escaping.” I was confused. Also, I wasn’t too keen on working for the elite class. The group of untouchables who owned the government. The ones behind the economic collapse. The elites were the jerks that wanted to kill off 90% of the human pestilence, as they called us, so they could have the planet to themselves. They orchestrated and initiated the plan to obliterate everything, so yeah, I didn’t want to work for them.


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