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Alpha Fighter - Part Two

Page 10

by Ava Ashley

  “Oh, baby,” Cooper moans and I suck more intensely, teasing the base of his member with my tongue. The more I suck, and the more pleasure I give Cooper, the more aroused I become. I am wetter than a hot tub by the time he pulls me up to my feet.

  “I am going to take you now,” Cooper growls and slides into my oh-so-ready sex with a single gratifying thrust that sends my eyes rolling back in my head with ecstasy. With his member in me the whole time, he backs me up to the bed and gently pushes me onto it. He pulls out of me, then hovers, poised at my entrance, for a moment, teasing me.

  “Oh, please!” I beg. “Give me my satisfaction.”

  “Savannah,” he groans, thrusting into me and sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. “You drive me crazy.”

  I arch my back up off of the bed to kiss him passionately, his lips hot against mine. He wraps his fingers in my hair, pulling me closer to him as he kisses me, hot and heavy. That does it. We go soaring over the edge together, completely uninhibited as we yield to the pleasure and the sweet satisfaction of the perfect orgasm.

  Entirely spent, we fall to our sides, my body alive with the tingles of my sweet satisfaction, and breathe out in bliss as I curl up against Cooper on the softest of all beds. Despite all the luxury, what I love most about this trip is the 24/7 unbounded and endless time together with Cooper. I was scared, when we first started out as a real couple, that we wouldn’t make it. I was scared that it would turn out that our love was situational and that it would have lost its shine before the seasons changed. I was worried that our spark would dull. But it hasn’t. And that brings me to now, and this blissful moment. I grin to myself, thinking back on what had happened just moments before.

  Yeah, our spark has definitely not grown dull.

  Cooper shifts in the bed beside me, sliding out from where I am still lying half on top of him.

  “Is everything okay?” I murmur, eyes still half closed in post-coital bliss.

  “Everything is better than okay,” Cooper answers, bending down to give me a kiss. He reaches down and pulls on his boxers. They’re my favorite pair, a solid red cotton pair that I gave him for Christmas.

  “Oh, boo,” I pretend to pout. “Why clothes?”

  “Just these,” Cooper laughs. “I can’t do what I’m about to do naked.”

  “And what’s that?” I raise an eyebrow. “Are you going to strip for me? You might want to start with a little more than that, then...”

  “Haha, maybe later.” Cooper walks out of the room into the cavernous offshoot that the Four Seasons calls a walk-in closet.

  “What are you doing, babe?” I call. He doesn’t answer and I hear some rustling. Then, a few moments later, he emerges from the closet. His face has a surprisingly intense expression for casual after-sex lounging and his hand is closed around a black, velvet box. My breath catches in my throat, heartbeat quickening, as he walks towards the bed.

  He comes to a stop at the side of the bed, right next to me, and then lowers himself down onto one knee. It is as though time has slowed to the speed of a trickle of molasses as he lifts his hand, his fingers still closed tight around something black and cubical.

  “Savannah Santos, love of my life and the other half to make me whole,” he says. “Will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?”

  “YES!” I leap on him, but he’s still kneeling on the floor beside the bed, so I knock him over and then we are both lying on the floor, in each other’s arms, smiling like complete imbeciles.

  “A million times yes,” I say, laughing with sheer joy. Cooper gives me a passionate kiss and then, still smiling so brightly that we barely need the lights, he opens the box.

  “Don’t you even want to see the ring?” he teases. “It could have a Pop Rock on it for all you know!”

  “It could be a candy ring for all I care,” I say. “I would want to marry you anyway.” It’s true—I honestly would not even need a ring to be overjoyed by the thought of being married, for ever and ever, to this amazing man.

  But the ring still takes my breath away. It is a dazzling princess-cut diamond that is positively luminescent as it gleams in the light. He slides it onto my finger.

  “Oh, Cooper,” I breathe. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “It is nowhere near as beautiful or precious as you are,” Cooper says. Then he folds his hands over mine.

  “You are mine, Savannah,” he whispers as he leans in to give me another kiss. “You are my future Mrs. Savannah Quin.”

  Mrs. Savannah Quin. I really like the sound of that.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Cooper - Six more months later...

  We have looked at over a hundred houses now, but I am not settling for less than perfect for my perfect wife. And our little one.

  I look over at Savannah, who is resting a hand on her beautiful bump—our beautiful baby bump—and glowing with health and beauty in the warm, autumn sun. So much has changed in the past year and I am happier than I could have ever imagined that I would be. I look over to my other side, where Nate is pushing his pimped-out Ferrari of a baby wagon with one arm and has his other arm wrapped around Nikki. Would I have ever guessed that Nate and Nikki, Wolf and Lily, and Savannah and I would ever become a tight-knit group of couple friends, all raising—or soon to be raising—our little ones together?

  But I have come to realize that with Savannah, anything is possible. She makes me want to train harder, fight smarter, and be not only even more successful, but an all-around better man. All without saying a word. It’s like somehow her beauty and her warm, giving nature have spread from my personal home life into all aspects of my life, making an already successful career catch fire in such an explosion of success that Vlad and I have had to start a second gym, as partners, where I coach my own select one or two students when I am not training, fighting, giving interviews, or spending time house-hunting for my new family with my wonderful wife.

  “Baby, I think this is it,” Savannah says, her face lighting up as she points at the next house on the street. God, that woman is radiant. And she is all mine.

  I have been with her for over a year now, and married for several months, but I only find her more entrancing with each passing day. Every moment I spend with her makes me fall more and more in love with her, even though I have long since passed the point where I thought I could not be any more in love with someone. I am deeply grateful for every moment that I spend with her and am even thankful for all of the hardships that I have faced, even being betrayed by Sarah, because they made it possible to be with this one woman who is perfect for me.

  “Cooper,” she laughs. “Stop looking at me for a minute and look at the house! You already know what I look like!”

  “I do,” I say, smiling. “And I know I like looking.” Good-natured jokes aside, I do take a look at the house. It isn’t the biggest house that we’ve seen, or the fanciest, or the most unique, but there is something that just looks right about it. It just looks homey. I cannot put my finger on what it is, but I like it. “I can see our little boy running down that driveway,” I say, squeezing Savannah to my side.

  “Or girl,” she corrects, rubbing her small bump.

  “Or girl,” I agree. Savannah smiles back up at me and I kiss the top of her head.

  “Helloooooo!” The real estate agent showing the house comes bustling out the front door and down the front steps to wave to us from the head of the driveway. “Come on up!” She is a petite bottle-blond with an enormous bust and hips that don’t quit, and would definitely have been my type before Savannah. But now, she can’t hold a candle to my darling. I am so far from interested, because the only woman I am attracted to anymore these days is my stunning, wonderful Savannah. I give Savannah a kiss on the top of her beautiful head and hug her a little closer. Sometimes I still really can’t believe that a woman so perfect is not only real, but mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I can hardly be
lieve my good fortune. Here I am, touring this beautiful house with my loving husband, Cooper, and our good friends, Lily, Wolf, Nikki, and Nate. Who would have ever guessed that we would be friends, much less good ones? Or that I would be happily married to the man of my dreams, with our beautiful baby growing in my womb?

  I have moments like this, where everything feels unreal in the best possible way, all the time. Sometimes it is when I have a return client come into The Ink Joint, where I am now the head tattoo artist and manager five days a week, to show me the healed final outcome of my work. Sometimes it is when I am lying, curled up against Cooper, on the couch and watching a movie or chatting. Sometimes it is when we take a walk or a jog together, or when we spoon in bed, or when we have wake-up-all-the-neighbors wild sex. Lately, it has often been when we go to the gynecologist or shop for the home of our new and growing family. How did my life turn so far around and become this wonderful, beautiful, impossibly delightful thing?

  I can’t resist, as I often I can’t. As soon as the real estate agent disappears into the walk-in closet of yet another bedroom in this house, I stand up on my tip-toes and give Cooper, my husband, a kiss.

  “What do you think?” he asks.

  “I love it,” I admit. “It’s perfect. But—but it’s way too big for us. What do we need so many rooms and bedrooms and bathrooms for? We will only be three people. We don’t need so much space.”

  “We will only be three for a while, that’s true,” Cooper says, a mischievous twinkle in his brilliant blue eyes. “But I am planning on starting my own league of fighters with you.”

  “Ha!” I laugh, “I don’t know about that!”

  “Oh, really?” he murmurs, swooping me up off of the floor for a passionate kiss. I melt. He still has just as much ability to make me go weak in the knees with just a kiss, or even just a word or a look.

  “Mmmhmmhmm.” The real estate agent clears her throat pointedly and Cooper puts me down. I smooth my dress down over my bump and blush, like a high-schooler caught making out under the bleachers. Cooper and I just can’t keep our hands off of each other, even with my pregnancy.

  “We’ll take it,” Cooper announces.

  “Really?” I squeal, my temporary embarrassment completely forgotten in my excitement.

  “Of course,” Cooper says, bending down for a more chaste kiss this time. “What my wife wants, my wife gets.”

  “Excellent!” the real estate agent trills, rocking up onto the toes of her hot pink stilettos. I’ll just go get the paperwork for you guys and we can make this a done deal right now!”

  As soon as she is out of the room, Cooper picks me up and carries me over to the bed the decorator set out on display for the showings, pulling my dress up over my head and discarding it carelessly on the floor. “I say we buy this, too,” Cooper says, nodding at the bed before throwing me down on it.

  Here we go again. Oh, yes.

  Cooper gives me a long, passionate kiss that robs me of my breath and makes my head spin. The he gets up to go lock the bedroom door.

  “And now,” he says, coming back over to where I am still lying on the display bed, “I am going to make sweet love to you, my darling.” He leans down over me, then lowers himself down on top of me on the bed. And he does exactly as he says. Sometimes, we have lustful, wild sex and sometimes we make passionate, sweet love to each other. Whatever we do, it is always magical and wonderful and right.

  I have been lucky to have had an easy pregnancy so far and aside from the odd cravings, like peanut butter-covered pickles dipped in cookies and cream ice cream. The only real symptom that I have experienced is that I get wet if there is so much as a strong breeze and I am wearing a skirt. Cooper and I have definitely been taking full advantage of my endless horniness and, amazingly perfect husband that he is, he always runs out to the store afterwards to pick up some sardines and chocolate, or ice cream and pickles, or whatever odd foods I am craving at that particular moment.

  Cooper trails kisses down my neck, taking one of my stiff nipples gently in his mouth while massaging my sensitive, swollen pregnancy breast with his hand.

  “Oh, God,” I moan. “Oh, baby, yes.” Cooper slides his other hand between my bare legs, stroking my sopping wet sex, and simultaneously circles my nipple with his genius tongue. I feel the pleasurable pressure building below my waist and then, like a chain reaction of fireworks all lined up head to tail, my senses succumb to the explosive orgasm that rocks my body. “YESSSS!”

  As I’m coming down from my orgasm, breathing heavy and gearing up for the next one, there’s a knock on the door. “Um,” the real estate’s high-pitched voice sounds a little nervous. “Um, guys? Can I come in and get y’all to sign this?” There is no way that she didn’t just hear me come and, given that she is a grown woman with a wedding ring on her hand, there is no way that she didn’t know what that just was. And that it was a damn good orgasm, at that.

  “We’ll be down in fifteen minutes,” Cooper calls.

  “But, um,” her voice protests, uncertainly.

  “Add five percent to your commission in the interim,” Cooper calls. That gets rid of her uncertainty quickly.

  “Sure thing!” she calls back, bright and chipper as can be. “I’ll see y’all in a bit!”

  Cooper turns back to me. “Are you ready for me, baby?” he asks. He knows the answer.

  “Oh, yes,” I breathe. The he thrusts his rock-hard penis into my wet sex again and I’m rocketing off to another mind-blowing orgasm. Just as I’m on the edge, in the very deepest throes of passion and arousal, Cooper leans in close.

  “I love you,” Cooper whispers. “And I cannot wait to fill this house with our beautiful children.’ Then he thrusts deeper and I’m off on another orgasm.

  Life could not be more wonderful.

  Chapter Thirty

  Savannah - Six more months later...

  I am sitting on my large, wooden porch, with Lily on one side and Nikki on the other. We are sharing stories about our little ones over glasses of ice cold lemonade while our men cook steaks and brats on the grill on the other side of the porch. The babies are all happily cooing and playing with their stuffed animals and teething toys on the big blanket spread out next to us. Cooper Jr. has his father’s piercing, blue eyes and my black hair, thick and lustrous and dark as the night, even though he is still only an infant. I would say pinch me to wake me from this dream, but I never, ever want to be awoken. I don’t know what will come next, whether that be a month, a year, or a decade from now, but with Cooper by my side and Cooper Jr. in my arms, I know that I have all that I need to make it through any challenges that life may throw my way.

  “Do you think they’re going to let me put my veggie skewers on the grill?” Nikki asks.

  Lily laughs. “Veggies on their manly-man, all-meat grill? I really don’t think so.”

  “But how am I supposed to get my pre-baby body back by eating brats?” Nikki pouts, running a hand down her still ridiculously thin side. “Besides, Quintin is still nursing and he needs his vitamins. If Nate knows what’s good for him, he’s going to let me put these on there.” True to form, Nikki pulls a little cooler bag of veggie skewers out of her massive handbag, straightens her tight MILF black leather pants, and gets up to strut over to the men. Lily gives me a look and we laugh, but I am not just laughing at Nikki’s obsession with her Barbie-esque appearance and how seriously whipped Nate still is. I am also partially laughing at the absurdity of all of this. Nate is little Cooper Jr.’s godfather and Quintin is named that in honor of Cooper. Nate was, and is, incredibly grateful to Cooper for making it possible for him to be with Nikki, even though that was only a side result on Cooper’s real goal in taking down the Maneater and earning the right to marry me. He did everything he could to be the best friend possible to us and it turns out that he is actually a pretty great friend these days. We are actually planning on going on vacation together once the kids are a bit older and things have settled back into a steady
, calmer routine at Cooper’s gym and The Ink Joint.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” says Lily, breaking my reverie.

  “What is?” I ask.

  “That we all managed to put all that happened behind us,” Lily says, articulating exactly what I was thinking. “That, and we managed to start these beautiful, happy families. All of us!”

  “It really is,” I say, smiling.

  “I brought rum cake!” Bettina crows.

  “Bettina!” I exclaim, jumping up to give her a hug. “When did you get here?”

  “Just a few minutes ago. Vlad went straight over to the grill to make sure that your men aren’t messing up his meat.” Bettina chuckles, sitting down in Nikki’s temporarily abandoned chair. “Now, I won’t be having any of this cake, as I gave it a little extra punch, but I suggest you ladies enjoy it. It’s a formula night for the babies tonight, anyway, since Auntie Bettina is babysitting, and it’s been a while since you guys have had some kids-free fun!”

  “Oh, I am so excited for tonight’s fight,” Lily says, nodding emphatically. “Never tell Nate this, but Cooper is my favorite fighter to watch.”

  I laugh. “He’s mine, too, but I don’t think you’re allowed to favor Cooper,” I tease. “You know, since Nate is your brother.”

  “I know,” Lily laughs. “But your man is one-of-a-kind in the ring.”

  “Out of it, too.” I waggle my eyebrows suggestively and all three of us, even the more conservative and refined Bettina with her fifties housewife auburn bob and pearl necklace, crack up.

  “What are you ladies laughing about?” Cooper walks up to the table and bends down to plant a kiss on me. Even though we live together and see each first thing every morning and last thing every night, we always kiss each other when we first see each other again. Even if it has only been a few minutes, while I made something in the kitchen or he did some repairs around the house. Being with each other is amazing and it is always just—oh, so right.


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