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Salvage-5: Another Mission (First Contact)

Page 7

by Brian K. Larson

  Hargrove passed the last device to Cass as she was explaining her plan to Tucker, “Commander, the Major’s right. We can still pull it off. It appears that we did catch them off guard; there’s no one around at all.”

  “They must be in some kind of energy conservation mode, or regeneration,” Tucker nodded.

  “We should hurry,” Cass finished, setting the final device on the ground. “At least we’ll have more room for any survivors now.”

  “Yeah, swell,” Tucker grimaced.

  “So, I only get the Sergeant on my team? ‘Cause Sam should stay here and guard the ships for any hostiles.”

  “Gee thanks, Commander,” Sam answered as she climbed down form Salvage-5.

  “You’re welcome, Captain,” Tucker grinned, “It’ll be much safer here for ya.”

  “Fine, fine...I’ll stay behind, like I always do.”

  Cass looked over to Sam, “Just quit pouting already, m’kay? It would be nice if you followed orders like Hargrove does.”

  Sam stuck her tongue out at Cass.

  “Okay everyone,” Tucker motioned with his hands, “Let’s all just take a deep breath. We have the plan. Let’s do it.”

  The two Marines dropped from the Salvage-5 hatch into the CSMO drive section. A quick inspection by Cass confirmed they weren’t chipped.

  The Marines and Hargrove picked up one Nuke each. Cass led them down the corridor toward the alien infestation.

  Tucker motioned for Samuels who handed Tucker one of their rail guns, “Okay, let’s go.”

  “You know the way, Sir, after you.”

  “Right, right, I do indeed know the way,” he followed Cass’s team and they all stopped at the edge of the Noosphere.

  Hargrove set his device on the ground and reached into his backpack. He took out devices that resembled spiders, and handed one to each of the group. “These are the devices that Buster created back on Earth. They will keep us hidden from the cyborgs.”

  “At least we hope so,” Tucker added, placing the contraption on his head.

  “Okay, let’s go,” Cass instructed. She aimed her weapon at the alien wall and quickly cut a hole for the two teams to cross through.

  Hargrove grabbed his Nuke and went through the entrance behind Cass. The others followed.

  Cass pointed in one direction, “We’ll go this way and set our first one.”

  “Okay, we’ll meet you all back here once you’ve set the perimeter,” Tucker added. “Come on, Samuels. The Fun House is this way.”

  The two teams moved in their separate directions. Tucker took point with his rail gun pointed in the air. Samuels took the rear position with his weapon pointed at the ground.

  After several turns, they began seeing fully developed clone cyborgs within the alien cylinders.

  “We better not stay for dinner, Tucker.”

  “Agreed. It looks like they are in a power saving mode.”

  “Let’s not make any unnecessary noise and wake the natives.”

  “There are hundreds of clones down here, Sarge.”

  “We’d be easily outnumbered if they hatch.”

  “Well, we’re almost there.”

  “This Sphere is built differently than the first one.”

  “Yes, it sure is. The DNA extraction chamber is just up ahead.”

  “At least we don’t have to go down several levels.”

  “What’s the matter, Sarge? This place gettin’ to ya?”

  “In a big way. I don’t know what it is. I can’t put my finger on it, but something’s not right.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “Isn’t your chip telling you anything?”

  “No, that’s just it. I can’t read much of anything. Not you. Not Hargrove. Not even Cass.”

  “I don’t like it, Commander.”

  “We’ll, I don’t either, but nonetheless, we‘re here,” Tucker said, entering a large open room.

  There were dozens of zero gravity chairs filled with human subjects. Samuels tossed his weapon over his shoulder, “I’ll start unhooking them on the other side of the room.”

  “Okay, I’ll start over there,” Tucker pointed.

  Samuels reached the first human fastened to the chair and quickly yelled out to Tucker, “Commander! You should see this!”

  “What is it, Sarge?” Tucker answered from across the room.

  “No, you gotta see this for yourself, Sir...Now!”

  Tucker stopped what he was doing and raced to Samuels. He gasped when he saw who was in the chair, connected to the DNA extraction apparatus, “Cass?!”

  Then the lights in the chamber came on, illuminating a squadron of cyborg-clones, led by one of the Major Gus Jameson clones, “Welcome back, Tucker.”

  * * *

  Chapter 8



  Asteroid 52 Europa

  Earth Date: 10/22/2065 11:25

  Mission Objectives:







  “Okay,” Cass said, “The last Nuke is in place.”

  “Great!” Hargrove answered, “Let’s make our way to the Commander’s position.”

  “Never mind that, I think we should get back to the ship.”

  “But what about Tucker?”

  “I gave you an order, Captain!”

  Hargrove stood with the two Marines, who were pointing their weapons at Cass.

  “What’s wrong, Captain, why the hostility?”

  “Why aren’t you concerned about finding Tucker?”

  “Stand down, Hargrove! I’m sure he’ll already be back to the ship by now. Can’t you see that going farther into the Noosphere is a really bad idea?”

  “I don’t know, Major, is it?”

  “What are you talking about, Captain?”

  “I’ve not been able to put my finger on it, but there’s something that’s just, well, off about you.”

  “Captain, put the gun down, already!”

  “No. Not until you show me your neck. Seems like you’re the only one who hasn’t been checked.”

  “I can’t believe you think I’m a clone!”

  “Show us your neck...NOW!”

  “Well, I suppose there’s no point in belaboring this charade anymore, now is there?”

  “You’re the clone, aren’t you?”

  “Yes...yes I am...and I suppose Tucker is about to discover that for himself. But alas it’s too late for him.”

  “Step away from the Nuke!”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about the Nukes. I’ve disabled them,” Cass answered, displaying three detonators in her hand.

  “When did Cass get cloned?”

  “Last mission. Your Cass never made it out. She’s in the DNA extraction unit. I was able to infiltrate your pitiful little band of mercenaries. Now I suggest you drop your weapons, Captain. You’re in way over your head here.”

  Hargrove began firing his rail gun at Cass. She raised her hands, freezing the bullets in mid-air just in front of her. Then she closed her eyes, turned up the lights with her mind, and with a shove of her hands, sent some of the suspended bullets into the two Marines. They groaned with the shot penetrating their armor vests, dropped their weapons and fell to the floor.

  “Okay, boys. You can come out now!” Cass instructed.

  A Gus cyborg clone diffused through the gray alien wall. Several other clones followed, each armed with the alien beam weapons.

  Hargrove stopped firing. The remaining suspended rounds fell to the ground like rain. He slowly laid his gun on the ground and stood upright with his hands in the air.

  “Okay, I surrender. Now what?”

  “Simple,” Cass answered with a half-smile as she lowered her hands, “We send you to the DNA extraction unit to become one of u
s. Then all of our counter parts will fly back to Earth where we’ll begin to replicate and take over Earth.”

  “You’ll never get away with this,” Hargrove snarled.

  “Oh please Captain, enough with the clichés already.”

  “You don’t know what’s happening with the Colonel. Maybe he’s killing all of your kind right now.”

  “No, I’m afraid his team was taken by surprise already. Kind of why I arranged to have our teams split up. It was an easy task once I let the core know we had arrived. Now, turn around and march!” Cass ordered, the other cyborg clones motioning with the barrels of their weapons in the direction he was instructed to move.

  * * *

  “Is it all clear, Captain?” Buster asked from a hidden compartment.

  Sam looked above her as she stood in the cargo bay of Salvage-5, “Yes, Buster, you and Slavena can come out now.”

  “What do you suppoze eez up with Major?” Slavena dropped down from the cargo bin. “She did not zeem at all upzet with the lozz of thoze Marinez.”

  “I don’t know,” Sam answered, “But that’s why Tucker asked me to get you a message to stow away with us. He said he can’t read her and she is acting a little strange.”

  “Just glad the Commander thinks we’re good to have as a backup plan,” Buster nodded.

  “Yes, he said he knows you pull your weight, Lieutenant.”

  Buster smiled, “Gosh...”

  “I’ve secured Salvage-7. Let’s gear up and head out to track Tucker down. He said if we didn’t hear from him in 30 minutes, to come lookin’ for him.”

  “Here,” Buster said, tapping the side of his special headset, “These are the bio-organic signature inhibitors. You have to turn them on for it to work. I think the Commander forgot that part.”

  “Well, let’s just hope we find everyone together or this will be all for nothing.”

  “Okay, I’m ready,” Buster said, activating the device that sat on his head.

  Slavena and Captain Rothschild followed Buster’s lead and turned on their devices.

  “Come on,” Sam motioned, “This way.”

  After several minutes, they made their way into the alien Noosphere. Sam took point, Buster held his rail gun in the middle, while Slavena brought up the rear.

  Sam raised her fist, and the group stopped. “I think I heard something,” she whispered.

  Slavena turned to cover them from behind, “I heard I think of zomething too.”

  “Slavena,” Sam again whispered, “I think you need to work on your English a little more.”

  “Da, deez eez zometing already I know.”

  “Shhh, there it is again.”

  “Ohhh,” Buster whined, “I don’t like it.”

  As they rounded the next corner, they could see the faint glow of the cyborg gestation tubes. Buster looked up at one of them and recognized the face inside, “Umm, guys...”

  “Not now, Lieutenant.”

  “, I think you better see this.” He pulled out a flashlight and shined the light on the face inside.

  Slavena and Captain Rothschild gasped in unison, “Eezz Cazz!”

  “Oh-my-god!” Sam gulped, “No wonder Tucker was uneasy.”

  They heard from a new voice in the corridor, “Da, and vith good reazon,”

  Sam trained her weapon on the cyborg-clone standing in the corridor in front of them.

  “Vladimir?” Slavena gasped.

  “Captain Glazkov!” Samantha jumped.

  “I am a zyborg-clone of Captain Glazkov, but for all intenze and purpozez, I am him.”

  The three trained their weapons on the cyborg, “Then why are you not attacking us?” Sam asked.

  “That eez becauze the Keeper zub-routine uploaded to me ven I was first cloned.”

  “A Keeper?”

  “Da, I am Keeper unit.”

  “Vhat about zee rezt of our crew?” Slavena asked, “Vhere eez moy Vladimir?”

  “Sadly, none of the rezt of the crew made it. They resizted, fighting the cyborg to very end. I was only succezzful clone before host died.”

  “Vlad? He died?” Slavena whimpered.

  “Da, I am ‘fraid zo.”

  “You’ve been here all this time?” Samantha asked, “Why haven’t the other clones killed you by now?”

  “Eez becauze of zee core programming. Zince I am only clone of my line, they are unable to deztroy me. Just like I am not able to deztroy zee lazt of one of their clone linez. Only vay eez if eez killed by azzident. I ztill have remained hidden az much az I can. Few zkirmizhez. I kill zome, but they make more az you can zee from geztation tubez.”

  “How did you survive six months with no food or water?”

  “I am zyborg-clone. I do not require food to zustain life. But enough of zee chatterbox. Vee have little time. Vee must get your peple back to your vezzel before time run away.”

  “Do you know where the others are?” Sam asked.

  “Da, they have been caught. The Cazzandra clone haz taken your Lieutenant Hargrove to the DNA extraction chamber. Colonel Peterzen and Sergeant Samuels are there as well.”

  “It’s Captain Hargrove now.”

  “Remember to me to congratulate him time eez calmer.”

  “Come on, let’s go!” Sam ordered, “Lead the way, Vlad.”

  The keeper clone nodded as he led the three toward the DNA extraction chamber.

  * * *

  Tucker’s hand went to his mouth when he saw his love strapped to one of the DNA extraction chairs.

  The Cassandra clone, accompanied by more clones led Captain Hargrove inside the chamber.

  “Step away from the host,” Cassandra ordered, the clones training their weapons at the two.

  Tucker and Samuels slowly backed away from Cass’s comatose body and moved to the center of the room.

  “W-what have you done to my Cassie?” Tucker protested. His heart pounded as adrenaline pumped through his body.

  “You haven’t guessed yet?” the Cassandra clone smirked. “Tucker, I think you’re slippin’.”

  “Tell me…”

  “Yes, Tuck? You want to know when I made the switch?”

  “Oh, I think I’ve guessed alright,” Tucker shot back, “You came back to Earth with us on our last fun-filled trip from this little shop of horrors.”

  “Very good, Tucker. So observant.”

  “Well, yeah, I was kind of thinking that’d be nice to know for sure. Oh, and by the way…”

  The Cassandra clone smiled, “Oh, it’s my turn to guess, may I?”

  “By all means, feel free.”

  “You’re going to try and tell me that there’s an assault team just around the corner, and that I should just give up?”

  “Well, no...That’s not exactly what I was thinkin’.”

  “What then? The suspense is killin’ me...”

  “The engagement is off.”

  The Cassandra clone laughed, “Well, I didn’t really expect that you’d go through with the wedding anyway...”

  “...and I think that my assault team is around the corner. So you should really just go ahead and drop your weapons because they certainly will kill you.”

  Cassandra looked around the DNA extraction chamber and then back to Tucker, “Well, I don’t see anyone, nor do I get any readings suggesting that Captain Rothschild is coming to rescue you. Even if she did, she wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  “I wouldn’t bet on that.”

  “I would. In fact, I am.”

  “Okay, last chance...”

  “Tucker, your bravado ceases to amaze me.”

  “Okay, don’t say I never warned ya.”

  “I’m waiting, Tucker,” Cassandra tapped her foot.

  “Alright!” Tucker yelled, “Now would be a good time!”

  Cassandra listened for any noise, “I think you should call to them again. I don’t think they heard you. Maybe you should yell a little louder, these corridors can be confusing without a roadmap.�

  * * *

  The Vladimir Keeper stopped and crouched just before the corner to one of the chamber entrances. The four listened to the Cassandra clone after Tucker shouted his call for help a second time, “Honestly, Tucker,” they could hear, “I really don’t know why you continue with this juvenile deception. Clearly Captain Rothschild isn’t here to come to your aid.”

  Tucker and Sergeant Samuels sat with their backs to the entrance. The Cassandra clone stood in front of them, a dozen other clones behind her.

  The Gus clone rolled his eyes, “Major, I say we get it over with and hook them into their extraction units.”

  The Vladimir Keeper whispered to Sam, “Get a clean aim on zee Cazzandra or Guz clonez. Lieutenant Clark, you make diztraction. Zlavena, zoot any of zee others you can.”

  Sam and Slavena nodded. Buster shook with his gun held tight in his hands.

  “I’ve got the perfect diversion,” Buster said. He removed his knapsack and removed a flare gun, and held it up for the others to see.

  “That’s perfect, Buster,” Sam smiled.

  “See, I do pull my own weight.”

  “Okay, okay, Buster. Just be careful where you’re aiming that thing.”

  The Vladimir Keeper smiled at Buster, and then nodded, “Nize...okay, on 3... ...1...2...3!”

  The clones in the chamber turned towards the shout from the Keeper. Tucker concentrated, using his AMP charge to raise a shield around the Sergeant. The real Cassie and Captain Hargrove were too far away.

  Buster poked his head around the corner and fired the flare gun into the ceiling, embedding the burning flare into the alien substance. The Clones opened fire on Tucker with their beam weapons, but his shield kept the energy bursts from penetrating.

  The Keeper stepped out into the opening and into the protection of Tucker’s shield. He used his hands to push the other clones with a wave of energy, sending several clones into the air. They were tossed backward and slammed into the wall behind, and then slid to the floor.

  At the same time, Sam flanked Tucker’s shield on the left, and quickly fired at the momentarily confused Cassandra clone. The rounds struck her head and chest, sending her to the ground, her arms and legs flailing. Her circuits sparked and smoldered as the now lifeless clone body died.


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