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Risk Worth Taking: Music For The Heart - Book Three

Page 28

by Faith Starr

  Her eyes widened. I tensed, unsure if I had said the wrong thing. She placed her hand on my cheek. “I love you too, Logan. I never stopped.”

  Well, fuck.

  I kissed her, a passionate kiss to express my feelings toward her.

  The ringing of the doorbell startled both of us.

  “Shit. It’s the security guys. For a minute I forgot they were coming.” I jumped off her and stumbled to my feet.

  She hurriedly sat up. “I’m going to clean up in the bathroom while you greet them.”

  “I think I should clean up to, babe. My mouth could use a little mouthwash action.” I winked.

  Her mouth fell open. “That’s disgusting.”

  “No, you’re fucking delectable, but I still don’t believe in sharing.”

  She blushed.

  On our way to the bathroom, I shouted toward the door that I’d be right there.



  Logan left the bathroom to answer the door. I hung tight for a breather. So many feelings and thoughts consumed me. I couldn’t believe he had given my song to his manager, more than grateful he’d taken it upon himself to solicit the song on my behalf. I couldn’t wait to call Camilla to find out the next steps. I prayed I’d be able to move out of my parents’ house. I didn’t want to jump the gun and get ahead of myself by thinking about the million possibilities and paths my life could take as a result of the gift he had given me.

  Logan, the love of my life, had professed his love to me. Man, his confession had put me over the edge. I was beyond happy and so giddy. Nothing could bring me down, absolutely nothing.

  With my elated state intact, I entered the living room to see two bodybuilder-type guys sitting in the loveseat across from Logan. They made him appear small, and he was anything but.

  “Here she is.” Logan gestured toward me. “Drew, this is Tyler and Chris. They work with Tomas, the security guard who helps with the band. Chris here has agreed to keep an eye on you while Tyler’s going to hang with me.”

  Taking them in, I gave a slight wave. I didn’t know their backstories. Tyler wore a dress shirt and slacks. He probably had the shirt custom-made to fit the Hulk-sized arms he had going. Damn, they were scary big. I certainly wouldn’t mess with the guy.

  Chris’s arms were equally impressive. Both men were clean-cut, hair gelled, slicked back. I didn’t know what I had expected. Maybe guys sporting wife-beater tanks and basketball shorts. These guys were totally professional.

  Logan continued to make arrangements with them. I sat next to him on the couch and listened. The band’s label agreed to cover Tyler. Logan agreed to compensate Chris, which upset me. I didn’t want Logan shelling out money on my behalf, but I also didn’t have enough dough to afford a bodyguard.

  We discussed the plan. Basically, any time I had plans to go anywhere, I’d have to let Chris know in advance, so he could come with me. The only place I could roam freely would be in my house. I had to fight on that one. I knew my parents would never allow a strange man to hang out in our home for hours on end.

  Both men would be staying at Logan’s place, since he had several guest bedrooms. Turns out Tyler and Chris were retired marines. They both carried concealed weapons.

  The reality of the situation hit me hard. This reeked of the kind of stuff I read about in gossip magazines or heard about on the evening news. In my wildest dreams, I would’ve never figured me, of all people, would require personal security to protect me from a stalker.

  After our meeting, I called Camilla. I put the phone on speaker mode, so Logan could hear the conversation. I knew nothing about the music business.

  “Drew, I wish we could have this discussion in person, but under the present circumstances, this will have to do. Legendary Records, the company that represents Steam, loves your song. You have several options. You can sell it to them, which means you’ll be relinquishing all rights once the contract is signed. Or you can have creative say in the process. I don’t know how much they’ll be willing to give an unknown but at least you’ll still have rights to the song and any profits it brings in in the future.”

  Camilla sounded like a tiger but one I definitely wanted to protect me.

  I had no clue whatsoever about right from wrong regarding the process.

  “If you ask me…”

  Which I didn’t but was glad she continued to speak because I had so many questions swirling around in my mind I couldn’t concentrate.

  “I’ve always advised Joey and Dani, the songwriters for Steam, to keep the rights to their songs. If you sign off from them, the record label can do with them what they will. You may not approve of the outcome, and your word will mean nothing.”

  Logan nodded in agreement with her words.

  “Okay. Then I’ll do that.”

  Logan would never steer me wrong and keep my best interest at heart. Deciding to keep my song gave me a sense of comfort, to know it would forever be tied to me. My songs were my babies. I wasn’t ready to let go of them so quickly.

  “Excellent decision. Do you have any other songs you could forward me?”

  Logan had only recorded the one. The others were still raw.

  He looked at me for an answer. I nodded.

  “She does. But you’ll have to give me time to work some magic in my studio.”

  “Then do it and send it to me. I’ve spoken to Mr. Epstein, the band’s attorney, and he has agreed to read through whatever contract Legendary Records offers you. Being you are a close friend of Logan’s…” He and I exchanged glances. I guess she didn’t know the status of our relationship. I now did. He loved me. I loved him. “He has agreed to take you on as a client, out of professional courtesy.”

  “Thanks, Camilla.” Logan spoke with sincerity.

  The enormity of this event became difficult to process. The entire situation had come out of nowhere, so much happening and so fast.

  The conversation with Camilla lasted for quite a while.

  When we hung up, I gave Logan a big smile.

  “Come on. We have a lot of work to do. Let’s go lay down some kick ass tracks.”

  Yay! I couldn’t wait to record more songs.

  “I need to go home after we’re done, though, so I can speak with my parents.”

  “No problem. Give me your phone. I’ll put Chris’s contact information in it.”

  The private security escort would start later today. If I left my parents’ house, Chris would come with me.

  The two men agreed to meet back at Logan’s at six in the evening to discuss the touring schedule. Tyler would be staying with Logan until law enforcement caught his stalker. Logan didn’t want to take any chances. Neither did I.

  This time I felt more comfortable in the studio.

  The name of the song I chose to record was “End It,” a song I had penned for him and one of my favorites. He hadn’t heard it yet.

  He got me situated with the guitar I’d used during our previous session. I strummed a few chords to warm up and he busied himself with the equipment on his desk and around the room. Content everything was to his liking, he put on and adjusted my headphones.

  “You ready, or do you want to practice some more?”

  He had such excitement in his expression. It made me happy to see his enthusiasm over something that had nothing to do with him and benefited me. Well, other than the lyrics, which he hadn’t heard yet.

  “No. I think I’m good.”

  “All right. “End It.” Take one.” He gestured for me to begin.

  First I laid down the music. Once we agreed with the sound, I recorded the vocals.

  End it, end it,

  walk away

  I’m not going to join you

  in the game you want to play.

  Send him, send him

  on his merry way

  I deserve so much more

  It doesn’t matter anyway.

  Tears slipped down my cheeks because my feelings related to thes
e lyrics had changed tremendously. I didn’t want to end things with Logan all those years ago and never wanted to again. I also had no intention of leaving him. Tears pooled in his eyes as well.

  Down the path of least resistance

  Walk down the one that feels right inside

  Keep my truth and do what’s right

  I will walk tall, hold my head up with pride.

  Be who I am

  Be who I want

  It’s all in the palm of my hand

  Ain’t nobody going to hold me back

  I’ve now got the power to stand

  This part I agreed with. I wanted to be my own person without my parents or anybody else, for that matter, holding me back, something my mom and dad tried to do for whatever insane reasons.

  My tears ceased, and I stood taller, feeling empowered by my lyrics.

  The past is behind me

  The future’s ahead

  Today I know who I am

  I’ll now forge my own path

  without you instead.

  Down the path of least resistance

  Walking down the one that feels right inside

  Keeping my truth and doing what’s right

  I’m walking tall and with pride

  Sometimes sorry isn’t good enough

  to take away someone’s pain

  I look to you and thank you,

  for all that I have gained.

  Logan had more than made up for his mistake. I believed in forgiveness and in giving second chances, in contrast to my parents. Logan deserved that, and I was grateful I had given him the opportunity to prove through his actions that he had, in fact, changed. And for the better. Still the man I forever loved but a lot wiser.

  Down the path of least resistance

  Walking down the one that feels right inside

  Keeping my truth and doing what’s right

  I’m walking tall and with pride

  Down the path of least resistance

  with my confidence fully intact

  Keeping my truth and doing what’s right

  I’m never going back

  Finished, I set the guitar down, removed the headphones, and went to Logan, sitting next to him by the computer desk.

  “Who would’ve thought me breaking your heart would make you millions?” His eyes were still wet.

  “From your mouth to God’s ears, but that’s not what I’m in this for.”

  “I know, babe. I know how it feels to do something you love. Getting paid to do it is just icing on the cake.” He smiled, but I sensed sadness as he shifted his attention toward the computer screen.

  I turned his head toward mine. “Logan, it’s in the past. I want to move forward with you.”

  A tear slipped out of his eye. I dried it.

  “I want that more than you can imagine.”

  “I know.” I nodded. “I know.”



  When we arrived at Drew parents’ house, I got a feeling of déjà vu. I used to visit it so frequently years ago. I wanted to inspect it, make sure all was copacetic, before leaving her alone.

  “I’m going to finish working on your song and meet with the security guys. Let me know what happens with your parents. If you want to escape, all you need to do is call me and I’ll come get you in a heartbeat.”

  She squeezed my hand. “I might have to take you up on that offer.”

  “It’s on the table. Come. Let’s go check out the house.”

  Everything looked clean, but it didn’t make me feel any better leaving her by herself.

  “I don’t know, babe. I have a bad feeling. Maybe I should hang out with you for a while.”

  “I’ll be fine. Besides, my parents will be home within the hour. You’ve checked every nook and cranny in this house. I feel perfectly safe.”

  “You sure?”

  She hugged me. “Yes. Thank you for watching out for me.”

  “I always will.”

  She touched my cheek. “And I will for you as well.”

  “Remember, I’m a phone call or text away.”

  She nodded and walked me to the door.

  “Promise me you’ll stay tight until your folks return. Don’t go outside for any reason.”

  “I promise.” She crossed her heart.

  She waved me off, blew me a kiss, then closed the door. My gut clenched. At least later I knew she’d have security watching over her. That gave me some solace.

  Back home I worked on Drew’s song for hours. It came together brilliantly, the melody phenomenal. She had another hit, a masterful songwriter to say the least. I hoped no one would ever find out who the two songs had been written about, or I might start getting hate mail instead of fan mail.

  After eating dinner with Chris and Tyler and discussing the details of their security and my upcoming tour, I isolated myself in my studio to continue mixing the song.

  Joey, Trevor, and Dani were ecstatic when I informed them about Drew’s song via telephone hours later.

  I invited them over the following day for a jam session.

  Maybe things were changing for the better. We had security measures in place, I had no doubt Drew’s songs would take off, and she’d told me she loved me. That topped everything. I only prayed her irrational parents wouldn’t take the thrill of this news away from her.

  Just when I began typing her a text, my cell rang.


  “Mr. Trimble, this is Officer Fields. We met last night when you filed a claim against a fan stalking you.”

  “And?” My heart pounded. Maybe they’d caught the psychopath.

  “I’m calling to inform you that a woman broke into Ms. Sanders’ home this evening and assaulted her.”

  What? My heart fell into the pit of my stomach. I grabbed onto the wall for support, my legs like jelly.

  “Is Drew okay?” That’s all I cared about, my number-one priority right now.

  “She was alert but confused when the paramedics took her to the hospital.”

  Paramedics? Hospital?

  What the fuck?

  “She rode to the hospital in an ambulance? What happened to her?”

  “We’re not sure yet. We’re still trying to gather information. It would be helpful if you could come down to the station to see if you can identify the intruder we found at the scene.”

  “I need to see Drew first. Did anyone else get hurt?”

  “No, it doesn’t appear as such, other than the suspect. She’s been cleared by the paramedics and will be taken to the station to begin booking procedures.”


  “Is Dr. Sanders available to speak on the phone?” Maybe he could provide more information than this guy offered.

  “He’s currently speaking with an officer.”

  Double fuck! I swiped my hand through my hair. I couldn’t breathe. A wave of lightheadedness had me sitting my ass on the couch again where I hyperventilated. Yup, I was tough as nails at the moment.

  “I’ll meet you at the station.” I disconnected the call without mentioning it would be after I saw Drew at the hospital. I had to see for myself the extent of her injuries.

  “What’s going on?” Tyler asked.

  Shit. I had forgotten he was in the room. No doubt he’d witnessed me disintegrating in front of his very eyes.

  I leaned forward, rested my elbows on my knees and buried my face in my hands, similar to what Drew had done just a few short hours ago. I inhaled slowly, exhaling in the same precise manner.

  Once I got my bearings, I filled both men in on the situation.


  I had forgotten to ask which hospital they took Drew to. There were only two local hospitals, one better and bigger, the other not a top pick. I would assume the paramedics brought her to the larger of the two. Not that it mattered. Even if I had to drive to both, that’s what I’d do. And I wouldn’t stop searching until I found her.

  “Let me drive you to the hospit
al.” Tyler already had his keys in his hand.

  “Us,” Chris chimed in. “I’m coming with.”

  Their protective services weren’t required anymore, but I didn’t rebut their request, knowing it wasn’t safe for me to be behind the wheel in my current state of worry.

  “Thanks, guys.”

  We drove to the major hospital first. The receptionist in the emergency room wouldn’t give me any information regarding Drew, stating it violated patient privacy or some shit.

  I argued with her, informing her I was Drew’s boyfriend. She shook her head, not budging whatsoever with her decision.

  There had to be a solution, and I’d find it.

  “I demand to see Drew Sanders!”

  Apparently, that one wasn’t it. The bitch threatened to call security if I didn’t keep my voice down and stop arguing with her. Fuck her. She hadn’t heard anything yet.

  Another nurse with a softer demeanor approached. The nice nurse’s eyes went wide with recognition when she saw me. She covered her mouth. “Oh my God, you’re Logan Trimble of Steam, aren’t you?”

  “In the flesh. Listen, I could seriously use your help.” Sometimes I loved playing the celebrity card, this being one of them.

  “Anything. I’m a huge fan.” She bounced up and down, giddy with joy.

  “How about this, you help me find my girlfriend, and I’ll get you a personal meet and greet with the entire band plus backstage passes and front-row seats.”

  Her jaw fell open.

  “Carol,” the other nurse snapped. “You know you’re not allowed to give out patient information.”

  “Give it a rest, Ursula. I’m not giving the man her Social Security number.”

  You tell her, Carol!

  The evil nurse shook her head in disappointment. I stood there, tall and proud. She typed on her keyboard in a huff, focusing on her monitor instead of us.


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