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Badboy Romance

Page 1

by Lisa Simmons




  Copyright © 2015 by Lisa Simmons

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real events, places, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters are over the age of 18.

  All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes, either in printed or electronic format, without the permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations used for review purposes.

  All quotations used in book are part of public domain works and translated copies existing in public domain.

  Chapter 1

  The room vibrated around me as the heavy bass pounded into the air, thick with the scent of alcohol, bodies, and smoke. Music poured throughout the house, rebounding off the walls and obliterating the potential for any actual conversation. Not that that was the point- people came to these parties for two reasons: to get drunk and to find someone to take home. As far as I could tell, everyone was off to a promising start.

  I took a gulp of my drink, letting the undertone of alcohol burn down my throat as I leaned against the wall and my eyes scanned the crowed room. My best friend, Emily, was practically screaming in my ear about something I couldn't hear, so I nodded along, pretending to know what she was saying. It was hopeless to even try, honestly. She should know better.

  Girls in ridiculously small skirts wove their way through the crowd, fishing for boys to bring them drinks and take them home. One girl with long, nearly black hair was trying valiantly to seduce two men at once; one seemed fairly interested, but the other could hardly keep his eyes focused on any one girl for more than two seconds before averting his eyes to the next specimen to come into his line of vision. I felt a little uneasy as I observed the antics going on in front of me. Sure, I had been to these parties before and was well aware of what most people did at them, but I had never really participated. Casual hook ups weren't really my thing, and I considered myself more of a relationship type of girl. Or did, until recent events had me strongly reconsidering the merits of a relationship in the first place.

  However, Emily had practically begged me to come with her, so with that in combination with the hell of a week I had endured, I had obliged. Despite my somewhat apprehensive attitude, I had to admit I was having fun. It had been a while since I'd had a drink or gone out with just the girls, all of whom besides Emily had dissipated into the crowd almost the second we stepped foot through the door, determined to succeed on their individual quests. My attention, which had been fairly unfocused up until this point, was suddenly and completely commanded by a pair of green eyes burning into mine from across the hazy, humid air collected in the room. My breath caught in my throat as I realized he was staring at me, with such an intensity I was sure his gaze was burning right through me. He stood on the other side of the room, arms crossed casually across his chest as he leaned against the arm of a couch, surrounded by a rather large group of people. There was absolutely no denying he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen; bright, burning green eyes, deep pink, full lips, angular jaw, and soft brown hair came together in the epitome of perfection as he continued to stare at me. It was if all the sound in the room were sucked into a vacuum; suddenly all I could hear was the inexplicable pounding of blood in my ears. I could feel my breath picking up its pace, chest rising and falling in shallow breaths as I felt his gaze down to my toes. Who was he and why was he looking at me like that? The only thing I was aware of was that I was dying to know the answers to those questions.

  His expression was hard to read from across the room; it appeared to be a mixture of intense curiosity, lust, possession, and a hint of amusement. Yes, definitely amusement. The smirk on his face was evident now as he took in my reaction to his unwavering scrutiny. What surprised me the most was how I was reacting to him. Everything about him screamed player: the cocky expression, the hard gaze, the casual stance, and the flock of people surrounding him. Just now, as I observed him, a girl with awful, bleach blonde extensions wound her ridiculously skinny arms around his neck, attempting to pull his attention down to her and her purposefully low cut shirt.

  I was pleased when he flat out ignored her, saying something I could neither hear nor decipher, but clearly dismissing her. Her shoulders drooped as she dropped her arms, tugging her top down and her skirt up before stalking away in a huff, clearly offended he had turned her down. Watching her stomp away, I didn't know why she was so upset; there were approximately thirty different versions of her running around, all attaching themselves to men more willing than the mysterious one across the party. She would have no trouble finding someone else to take her home. Granted, it wouldn't be this beautiful man perched on the other side of the room, which surely was cause for disappointment.

  When I returned my gaze to where he had been standing, I was disappointed to see that he was gone. I quickly scanned the crowd, searching for his tall frame but being careful not to be too obvious. He was nowhere to be found.

  "Abigail!" I was ripped out of my daze at the sound of Emily shouting my name.

  "Sorry, what?" I half-shouted above the throbbing music.

  "I asked if Jack was coming," she replied, eyes finally pulling away from the spectacle around us to look at me, eyebrows raised. My heart pounded angrily.

  "I fucking hope not," I growled, eyes searching the room now for a different figure, this time praying I wouldn't see him. I didn't. Thank god.

  I did, however, feel my stomach drop when I made eye contact for the second time with the mysterious dark haired guy. This time he was alone, helping himself to a drink all while holding my gaze. Suddenly feeling brave from my flash of anger, I decided something. Whatever his game was, I wasn't going to let him have control. He had my attention, and I was going to find out who he was. "I'm gonna get another I drink," I told Emily without looking at her, brushing past her shoulder.

  "Oh, great, grab me one too, will you?" she asked. I waved my hand at her, acknowledging her but hardly hearing her, request already forgotten. My mind was very busy focusing on something else. Someone else, specifically. She could find her own drink.

  He didn't drop my eye contact as I wove through the bodies packed into the house, some dancing, some groping each other, some just in my way, frankly. He looked slightly surprised when he realized I was walking to him, but quickly covered his expression with another amused smirk. His eyes continued to burn a hole right through me.

  When I reached him, I was surprised to discover how tall he was. He towered over me, his wide shoulders narrowing drastically to his slim hips as he observed me, full lips quirking up to one side. I came to a stop a little over a foot in front of him. So he could hear me, I told myself, not because I was weirdly drawn to him.

  "Who are you?" I asked bluntly, not bothering with any pointless small talk.

  "Reece. Who are you?" he shot back, raising an eyebrow at me. He seemed impressed at my direct approach.

  "I'm Abigail."

  I was surprised when he stepped closer to me, closing the small space between us as he leaned into it. He slid his hand up my neck before his fingers tangled in the back of my hair and pulled my ear to his lips.

  "Nice to meet you, Abigail," he murmured, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. I stopped myself from shivering, but couldn't ignore the chemical tingling radiating from wherever he had touched me. Who the hell was this guy?

  He pulled back, letting his hand fall from my neck, grazing my collarbone on the way but didn't step back from me.

  "You were staring at me," I stated, shocked at my own bold behavior yet impressed at the same time.

  "I happen to find you ex
tremely attractive," he replied, showing no signs of embarrassment or uncertainty. His eyes seared into mine as he spoke, his jaw clenching closed after the words slipped past his beautiful, plump lips. Damn he was attractive. He knew it.

  I didn't care.

  There was something so feral about him, so magnetic, that I couldn't help but want to rip his clothes off and discover what was surely a perfect body beneath the layers of fabric. Usually I hated this type- cocky, arrogant, probably a jerk with loads of girls falling at his feet, but I couldn't find anything besides intense desire for him, which was growing stronger by the second. "What if I said the same thing to you?" I said bravely, tilting my head back slightly to look up at him.

  "Do you?" he asked sharply.

  "Do I what?"

  "Find me attractive?"

  "Yes," I replied honestly, determined to hold his solid gaze.

  "Let's go," he said, deep voice rumbling from the very pit of his chest. He didn't wait for me to reply before grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd. People parted for him, allowing more than enough space for him to move his large frame through, tugging me along in tow. I caught more than one jealous stare from girls as we glided through the party.

  What are you doing, Abigail?

  I shushed my inner thoughts. Sure, I didn't do this type of thing, but I couldn't deny the electric chemistry between us; it was nearly palpable as his hand stayed firmly connected to mine. He pulled me out of the overflowing room and through a door that led to a dark backyard. A red flag flashed in my mind as we walked into the pitch black, but was relieved when we made our way through the grass and came out between the houses to a brightly lit street. I was about to ask where we were going when he stopped abruptly along a fence in a dim patch of darkness. The fence ran along the sidewalk in front of a dark house, and he steered my back against it. He pushed his hips and chest into mine, pinning me against the wood of the fence, face inches from mine as his hands rested on either side of my head. He ground his hips into me, instantly setting my entire body on fire and causing my insides to explode. Taking in my reaction, he smirked and leaned his face closer than he had so far, hesitating an inch away from my lips, where his eyes were focused. His breath, which was surprising minty, fanned across my face through his parted lips. Again, he pressed his hips against mine, causing me to suck in a breath.

  He didn't move or speak for seconds that ticked on forever, the tension between us building up so much I thought I was going to explode. He inched impossibly closer, holding himself back from actually kissing me but connecting his body with mine in every other area possible. My chest rose heavily and my lips parted slightly, unable to stop the light pant that escaped my mouth, wanting nothing more than to smash my mouth into his. When the corner of his lips quirked up into a smirk again, I lost it. I lurched forward, crashing my lips into his across the tiny, tiny space between us. He responded immediately, apparently only been waiting for me to make the final move. His lips were soft but strong as he kissed me, capturing my lower lip between his and tugging it back before diving in again and parting my lips with his tongue, sweeping it along the inside of my mouth. His hands left the fence to slide down the sides of my body, running over my hips and curving around to my bum, squeezing roughly as he pulled my hips into his. I groaned at the pressure, quickly raising my hands up to tangle in his surprisingly soft hair and tugging at it. His hands slid off my bum to the back of my thighs, where he easily jerked me up, spreading my legs and pushing himself between them, pinning me to the fence with his hips as his large hands held me up my by thighs. Again he rolled his hips into me. I sucked in a breath around his lips, only allowing him to kiss me deeper as he pushed me into the fence. My grip on his hair never relented as our mouths exchanged heated kisses, lips and tongues moving together in perfect sync as his body worked on setting me on fire.

  I sucked in a breath when I felt one of his hands release my thigh and slide against my center, putting pressure on me over the denim of my jeans. He kneaded his hand against me, causing my thighs to tighten around him and my pulse to speed up. How he was still holding me up was a mystery to me, but I wasn't complaining. He had hardly touched me and I felt like I was about to spontaneously combust. I groaned softly as his hand curled against me, and I could feel him smirk into our kiss. As suddenly as he had pushed me into the fence, he stopped kissing me, tugging my lower lip between his teeth and pulling back before releasing. His eyes were wild and black with lust, pupils blown wide as he looked at me. With him holding me up, I was actually near his eye level now. "You coming inside?" he asked, voice low and gravely. His fingers on the hand that was holding me up were digging into my thigh, seeming to singe their way through my flesh.

  I gave only the slightest hesitation before replying. "Yes."

  I didn't know who this guy was, but I had a feeling I was in for an interesting night.

  If only I knew how much of an impact this fateful night would have on my life.

  "We've got one thing in common, it's this tongue of mine..."

  Chapter 2

  My heart was pounding in my chest, for multiple reasons, as he led me up the steps, practically dragging me with his tight grip on my wrist. Not that I was complaining. As soon as we climbed the porch, he swung me around and pushed me into the door, closing the gap between us, his hips pressing into mine as he ducked his head to let his lips attack my neck. Teeth sunk into my skin before his tongue ran over it the dull ache, soothing the gentle sting all while he dug around in his pocket for his keys. My knees almost buckled when he sucked the sensitive skin into his mouth, bringing blood to the surface and sure to leave a mark. I felt him smirk against me as I sucked in a breath when his knee worked between my legs, thigh pushing up into me and putting pressure on my core.

  He finally retrieved his keys from his pocket, deftly separating the correct one and unlocking the door and swinging it open, arm wrapping securely around my waist to keep me from falling through the doorframe. The pressure he put on my shoulders pushed me backward until we were through the frame, steering me backwards. A slam echoed through the entry as he kicked it shut. His chest pressed into mine, his height towering over me as he stared down at me only inches from my face.

  I was breathing heavily, my lips parted as I tried to take a full breath but failed as I lost all hope of proper function when I looked into his mesmerizing green eyes. His head ducked down again to let his teeth graze along the skin of my neck, dragging them upward until he reached my ear.

  “You still in it, Abigail?” he growled, his tongue sliding up the outer shell of my ear. He had one arm wrapped firmly around my lower back, practically holding me up while his other trailed up my leg before reaching my center and letting his fingers run over the seam of my jeans. My eyes fluttered shut at the overwhelming assault of his various advances before I regained a little control, gritting my teeth in determination. This was going to happen, and I was going to have at least some control. My hand reached forward to palm him over his jeans, putting a lot more pressure on him than I normally would have to get his attention. There was already a prominent bulge forming, and I was impressed at the size of it. “You tell me,” I breathed as I shifted my hips forward rolling my body against him, increasing the pressure between us. A deep groan rumbled from his chest, vibrating behind his rib cage as his palms slid around my hips to roughly mold against my bum, pulling me tighter against him. He bit down on my neck again before releasing it and bringing his lips back to mine, tongue dipping smoothly into my mouth.

  My hands rose to tangle in his hair, clutching at the strands as I kissed him back hungrily. With the increasing pressure and obvious need between us growing by the second, I wasn’t surprised to feel him getting harder beneath his tight, black jeans as he pressed his hips into me. My breath shot out in a harsh exhale when he suddenly pushed me backwards, my back colliding with a wall as he let his palms trail up my body, snaking under my shirt to heat the skin covering
my hip. His fingers slid down my stomach before quickly undoing my jeans. Before I could take a solid breath, his hand sunk into my jeans and his fingers dragged firmly across my center. My mouth fell open at the contact, allowing him to dip his tongue in again, rolling across mine as he kissed me. He curled his fingers against me once while his other hand gripped my neck, his thumb tilting my jaw up to his. There was nothing gentle about the way he moved, no tenderness or care, but there was a raw magnetism I felt pulling me to him that I couldn’t describe or explain. His fingers shifted, pushing my panties to the side as he dragged his thumb up my center before abruptly pushing two fingers inside me, leaving just enough space between our hips to maneuver his hand. My back arched off the wall at his touch, his long fingers curling strongly against my wall as he pushed them in and out of me. My fingers left his hair to clutch at the front of his shirt, pulling him to me to attempt to reconnect our lips. I hadn’t realized it, but he had stopped kissing me and was watching my face, taking in my changes in expression when he touched me with a dark, lustful look in his eye. He resisted my tugging, holding his face inches away from mine as he took in my parted lips, my burning eyes, and the panting breaths that were slipping from my mouth. I bit my lip as I made eye contact with him, his thumb finding my clit and circling around it heavily while his fingers continued to curl inside me. My heart was pounding my chest from the way he watched me, and I was surprised how turned on I was from it. He smirked at me as he put pressure on a point inside me, earning a gasp and my hips to jerk toward him. I leaned forward again, dodging his lips this time and ducking to let my lips close around the prominent muscle in is neck, running my tongue down his skin before sinking my teeth into it. His skin on his stomach was smooth against my palm as I slid my hand beneath his shirt, feeling his obviously defined ab muscles and letting out an appreciative hum. My fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his boxers that rose from his jeans, sliding along the silky skin as far as I could reach in the confines of his tight pants. My entire body jerked forward as he pushed another finger into me suddenly, sinking them into the knuckles. I pressed my mouth into his shoulder, biting down softly as he curled them against me. My body tensed as I fought to regain control, and I could feel my knees shaking as I struggled to stay standing.


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