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Badboy Romance

Page 13

by Lisa Simmons

  "Well?" he boomed suddenly, causing me to flinch.

  "Yes," I said, irritation flooding through my voice at his demanding tone.

  "Yes, what? I want to hear you say it," he growled.

  "Yes, we're nothing," I said through my teeth, desperately wanting to say the opposite but unable to tell him how I really felt now that we had screamed at each other.


  My entire body was shaking with rage now, rage at him, at myself, and at the world for everything seeming to go the opposite of how I wanted. My breath came out in ragged gasps as my chest rose and fell unevenly, my glare never breaking from his as we tried to melt each other with our eyes. Even in his livid state, he was shatteringly beautiful with his burning green eyes, his dangerously sharp jawline, and deep pink lips that were currently set in a flat line. As always, the tension between us was nearly palpable, this time immensely intensified by the anger flooding between us. As much as I wanted to hit him in the face, I couldn't ignore the permanently burning want and need for him that flowed through my body, driving me absolutely insane. There were too many emotions drifting through my brain for me to process, too many feelings, too many wants and desires. Everything was blending together into one large problem that I couldn't solve. My heart ached as he glared at me, waiting for me to repeat the words that had hurt so bad to say the first time. My voice was completely devoid of emotion, flat and unfeeling, when I finally obliged him.

  "We're nothing."

  The words had barely left my mouth when his lips crashed into mine, taking me by surprise. The fury flooding through me caused my body to react before my brain did and my hands shoved into his chest, pushing him off me with all the force I could muster. His lips pulled from mine as he moved backward, his face set in an even more furious glare than it had been seconds ago, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily. My breath ripped through my teeth as I gasped, my body shaking once more. We glared at each other for a few seconds, heat practically radiating off of us before the gap between us disappeared again, our mouths crashing together and our arms tangling around each other. His hands wrapped tightly around my face, his long finger sliding roughly into my hair as he pushed his whole body against mine. My arms wound around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible as my fingers clutched onto whatever bit of him I could reach. I could hardly breath as his lips parted mine and his tongue snaked into my mouth, the kiss rough and needy and desperately hot as our heated breath mixed. I couldn't get close enough to him as his hips pushed forward against mine, his body needing the contact just as much as mine did. My tongue swiped across his as he deepened the kiss even further, his lips desperately trying to take away the hurt we had just inflicted on each other. When his hand snaked between us to press over the seam of my jeans, my knees about buckled.

  I tore my lips from his to try and catch my breath, his moving immediately to my neck where his teeth nipped and bit at my sensitive skin, his tongue running roughly over the reddened areas.

  "Take me home," I breathed, my hands clutching at the back of his head and my breath coming out in pants. He stilled at my neck for the briefest of seconds before standing up fully and grabbing my arm, pulling me down the street away from the party. My mind was dazed and cloudy as we suddenly appeared in front of his car, which surprised me. He didn't usually drive to parties.

  A light click sounded as he unlocked the car, releasing his grip on my arm to walk around to his side and throw himself behind the wheel. He watched me impatiently as I climbed into my own seat and slammed the door too hard, my buzzing muscles difficult to control in my current state. Reece started the car and peeled off the curb, clearly just as urgent to get back to his house as I was. I gasped lightly when his hand came across the seat, his fingers sliding quickly up the inside of my thigh before coming to the center between my legs. He put solid pressure down on me, causing a quiet moan to leak from my lips as my head rolled back.

  "Drive faster," I managed to say as his fingers rolled against me again, the pressure and the barrier between me and his hands driving my body absolutely wild with need. What little I could see out the window flew by as he drove, my eyes hardly managing to stay open thanks to his tantalizing touch. He had yet to speak but I knew he was pent up as well, his tense body and the way he bit his lip into his mouth giving him away. A quick glance out the window told me were almost to his house, but that didn't stop me from leaning across the seat to let my hand slide up his leg, my fingers grazing over the bulge beneath his usual black jeans. My lips found his ear, kissing it lightly before taking the earlobe between my teeth and letting my tongue run over it.

  "I'm gonna fucking crash if you keep doing that," he groaned, pulling his hand from between my legs to grip the wheel. My lips moved to the hollow below his ear, his pulse palpable on my tongue as it swiped over the smooth skin.

  "Drive careful, baby," I breathed against his neck as my hand pushed against his bulge again.

  "Fuck," he swore under his breath, swerving suddenly to pull into his driveway.

  Thank god we had finally arrived because I felt like I was going to explode. He threw the car into park and turned it off before shifting his body so he was facing me, his hand abruptly grabbing my face and pulling my lips to his. He kissed me roughly, his tongue pushing deep into my mouth as his lips sucked at mine, his hands clamped firmly on either side of my face, before he released me and jumped out of the car.

  I was left breathless in my seat before I gathered myself enough to follow him.

  My door slammed too hard again but I couldn't have cared less as I watched him swing the door to his house open and step inside. As soon as I crossed the threshold, he grabbed my arm again and pulled me down the hallway, not wasting anytime to get me to his bedroom. The door to his room slammed shut behind me as I felt his body collide with mine again, his hands running up my sides and back down again before gripping my shirt and ripping it over my head. His lips crashed into mine once more, teeth nipping lightly at my lower lip as he tugged it back only to dive in again. I could feel his palms trailing down my stomach, inching lower and lower until he reached the button of my jeans, flicking it open with ease. I had hardly taken a full breath before he had my jeans and underwear on the floor, the skin on my thighs igniting when his hand ran up it's length, circling over my hip and up my back before his nimble fingers released the clasp on my bra.

  Just like that, I was naked and he was still fully clothed, which was not okay at all. My hands slid from their grasp around his neck to hastily pull his shirt over his head, exposing his chest to me. I dove forward to let my lips wrap around the protruding collarbone, his skin warm and smooth beneath my tongue as it ran over the surface. A gust of warm air was forced from me and spread across his skin as fingers slid up my center, the slow drag of his hand causing me to hasten my efforts to get him free of his jeans. He didn't give me time, however, because before I knew what he was doing, he had me backed up and falling down to his bed, the soft down comforter cushioning my fall before his body came down over mine, his hand immediately finding my core again as his fingers slid easily inside of me. My head rolled back at the beautiful stretch and the way his palm pressed into my clit, his actions rough and needy and delightfully harsh. His lips attacked my exposed neck once more, nipping his teeth gently into my flesh before letting his tongue run over the skin. I tore at his belt, releasing it and tugging down on the remaining fabric covering his hips faster than I ever had, needing him desperately. He managed to free himself from his jeans and boxers without disconnecting his lips from my skin, his hand only briefly tearing away from me but plunging right back in as soon as he was free.

  "Jesus, stop," I breathed, wanting all of him now and too impatient to mess around with anything else.

  I could feel the hard, heavy weight of him against my thigh and knew he was ready, too. He lifted his lips from my neck and reached across my body into his nightstand, pulling a condom from the drawer. My breat
hing was harsh and ragged as he ripped open the packet and put it on, and I couldn't stop myself from letting my fingers rake down his back while my lips moved once again to his collarbone, sucking lightly and bringing blood to the surface. With no warning at all, he pushed fully into me, stretching me further than I remembered. My mouth fell open against his skin and my head fell back to the pillow, unable to hold it up anymore as he started to move his hips against mine.

  "Fuck, Abigail," he groaned, the muscles on his back straining beneath my hands.

  His hips shifted forward urgently, their pace sharp and quick as he thrust into me again. My body had no time to adjust to his size but I didn't care, the way he slid in and out of me so smoothly clouding my brain more effectively than any amount of alcohol I could ever consume. I already knew this wasn't going to last long, the desperate need in both of our bodies refusing to be subdued as we moved together. Fire burned through my veins as his hips rocked forward against mine, sending him deeper into me with every thrust. Every move he made only built up the desperation, the desire, the craving, and the need I felt for him, every inch of my body aching for him to touch me. I needed him everywhere, his hands, his lips, his tongue, all of him. One of his hands tangled with mine and pressed it into the mattress, his fingers gripping mine tightly as his lips pressed to mine. His kiss was just as urgent as his hips, his lips molding against mine smoothly as his tongue dipped into my mouth, keeping rhythm with the way he rocked his hips. He was everywhere, every bit of my body smoldering as he moved within me and above me.

  I gasped quietly when he suddenly rolled to his back, his hands on my hips pulling me with him as he managed to stay inside me the entire time. My knees came to rest on either side of his hips and he pushed even deeper into me while a quiet moan fell from my lips. His hands pushed up my thighs, over my stomach, and up to palm my breasts as my head fell back, unable to hold it up at the overwhelming feel of him on my body. His thumbs flicked lightly across my nipples once before he let his hands fall to my hips, their grip tightening there as he lifted me up slightly before letting me fall back down onto him. A groan rumbled from his throat and his lips pulled back over his teeth at the feel. I could see the muscles in his chest flexing every time he moved, whether it was to lift me over him or to bring his hips up to meet mine.

  I let my hands trail over his on my hips and down his forearms, before finally resting on his chest, my nails digging into the skin there as I shifted my hips up and down, the feel of him sliding in and out of me making it difficult to maintain the pace. One of his hands slid from my hip to allow his thumb to press down on my clit, causing my muscles to tighten around him suddenly.

  "Oh, fuck," he groaned again, his ab muscles flexing even more as he continued to push up into me. The combination of him moving inside me and the pressure on my clit was too much for me, my body quickly building up to the release I knew would hit me soon. Another circle of his thumb around my clit had me crying out and collapsing forward into his chest, our skin slamming together as my hands managed to hold me over him, most of my weight supported on his chest. His lips found mine as he continued to thrust upward, my body now useless as my orgasm quickly approached. My hips were squeezed tightly in his hands as his tongue swiped lightly across mine, the kiss deepening as always. A quiet whimper left my mouth as he managed to drive himself even deeper, the hard, deep thrust he gave pushing me over the edge as the pressure was relieved through my entire body. My arms collapsed under my weight as I fell completely onto him, my lips somehow managing to kiss him throughout my release.

  As quickly as he had flipped us the first time, he flipped us again, landing me on my back once more as he held himself over me. His forehead had a thin sheen of sweat covering it and his hair was sticking up in every direction as he moved above me, one of his hands sliding down my body, his fingers pressing into whatever inch of me they could find. He dropped his lips to mine once more as he drove himself deeper and deeper, his thrusts coming quicker and sloppier as he raced toward his own end. Our lips were pressed together, mouths open, but not kissing, both of us too overwhelmed to coordinate our movements anymore as he hit his high, his muscles tensing all over his body before relaxing and collapsing into me, the weight of him feeling comfortingly heavy as he settled over my body.

  Both of us were breathing heavily, our hair was matted, and sweat drenched both of our skin, but we were both so blissfully happy in that moment that none of it mattered. This was proof that no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't stay away from each other. Even after yelling and feeling more furious than we had in ages, we hadn't been able to stop the constantly burning need for one another. This part had been easy; the way our bodies moved together and made each other feel was the simple part. Now, after that was said and done, we would have to deal with what scared us the most: our feelings.

  "Baby we both know that the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day."

  Chapter 15

  Reece's lips pressed lightly against my lips before he rolled off me, landing on his back next to me as we both tried to catch our breath. My eyes stayed closed as I reveled in the aftershocks of my high, a blissful buzzing still searing through my body. I could feel the heat radiating off of him as his arm pressed into mine, his skin damp from sweat.

  We both lay in silence for a few minutes, letting our bodies come back down and our minds clear the haze that had settled over them. As the minutes passed by, my breathing slowly evened out and my thoughts started creeping back, bringing with them the uncertainty and frustration that I had felt before. We needed to really talk about whatever we were going to do, and we needed to do it tonight before we both lost our minds.

  It was clear we couldn't stay away from each other, physically, and it was becoming more and more obvious that we were both lying through our teeth when we said we were nothing more. Reece's bitter tone earlier when he had demanded I repeat the damaging phrase over and over made it clear that even though he wanted me to say it, it was a masochistic want, a pain-driven need to hear the words and hurt himself even though he knew I didn't mean them. He wanted that pain only to revel in the satisfaction when we both inevitably gave in.

  So far we had both been too stubborn to actually say almost anything real; the only truthful uttering from either of us were the ones that had occurred last night only to be negated by my abrupt flight in the morning.

  We were both either stubborn or cowardly- I wasn't sure which.

  This couldn't go on forever or we'd destroy each other.

  "Holy shit," Reece breathed quietly, his breath finally slowing down to a normal pace as well. I glanced sideways at him; it was difficult to see in the dark, but I could see the angular planes of his face and the way his hair was shoved back haphazardly, the sweat from his body clinging to the strands. His eyes were closed gently as he breathed in. He was so beautiful it hurt.

  I could hardly speak from the overwhelming amount of thoughts running through my head, so I just let out a little half laugh, agreeing with his exclamation. I desperately wanted to curl into his side and let my fingers tickle over the black ink stained into his skin, but I didn't know if I could; our 'relationship' was even more ill-defined than it had been an hour ago, any sense of boundaries I may have set this morning by leaving obliterated.

  "I'm still mad at you," he said suddenly, his voice low and quiet and lacking any actual anger. I got the sense that he meant he was still hurt rather than angry, because that's exactly what his tone implied.

  "And I'm still mad at you," I returned before deciding to throw all caution to the wind and roll into his side anyway. I shifted under his arm and let it lazily fall across my back, snuggling myself against his still hot skin. My head lay gingerly on his shoulder and I held my breath as I waited for him to shove me off. Much to my surprise, he didn't; he froze for a few seconds as if he hadn't been expecting me to touch him, but after a few moments I felt the wide expanse of his palm press
into my hip as he let his arm hug around me.


  "Are you?" he asked quietly, more of a statement than a question. His tone was so different from when we had argued outside of the party; then it had been harsh, angry, unfeeling, but now it was much calmer and gentler, like he had let some of his anger go after what we'd just done. Perhaps the physicality of our relationship had helped defuse some of the hurt rage he had been holding on to.

  "Yes, but I think it's more... hurt than mad," I said, finally admitting that it had wounded me to see him with that other girl more than just pissed me off.

  "That hurt you?" he asked with a hint of surprise. Why he was surprised was beyond me, because despite my best efforts, so far I had been pretty worthless at hiding my feelings.

  "Yeah. A lot more than I expected it to," I said quietly. My hand gingerly rose from my side to land on his stomach. Little circles were traced against his smooth skin as my fingers danced across the surface. It was easier to admit this to him when I didn't have to look into his burning green eyes.

  He remained quiet, not responding to my admission.

  "Why did you do it?" I asked, my voice dropping to an even softer volume. I knew why, but I wanted to hear him say it.

  "Why did I do what? Come on to that girl?" His voice echoed through his chest and I could feel the vibrations under my cheek.


  He was quiet again for a long time before answering. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited. "Because you left."

  I took a shuddering breath, afraid he would say that and confirm my suspicions. This really was all my fault, and I had no one to blame but myself.

  "So if I would have stayed... you wouldn't have done that?" I asked sheepishly.

  "If you would have stayed I'd have had no reason to," he responded. His response confused me; did he mean because he'd have me as in me, or he'd have me as in wouldn't need to find someone else for the time being?


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