Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 38

by Lisa Simmons

My breathing grew heavier as I realized what he was going to do, my body quickly reacting in anticipation. My hands stayed caught in his hair as he placed a series of kisses along my hipbone, his hands sliding up my thighs smoothly before gripping onto the backs of them and spreading them apart slightly. The loud whooshing of my pulse pounded in my ears, nearly drowning out the noise of his still loudly playing music. I bit my lip into my mouth involuntarily when I felt his hot breath wash over me. I chanced a glance down at him, my lips parting in a gasp when I saw his green eyes blazing into mine, watching me react to him as he often did. He smirked slightly before slipping out his tongue and dragging it up my slit, making me gasp once again. My eyes closed at the feeling, unable to handle the intensity of watching him watch me while he was on his knees. His tongue was laid out flat as he dragged it up my center again, torturously slow and devastatingly magnificent. The pads of his fingers pressed tightly into the backs of my legs as he held me firmly, stopping me from squirming and partially holding me up at the same time. His lips closed around my clit, sucking it lightly into his mouth before flicking his tongue across it. It was a good thing he was supporting me, because I was fairly certain I was going to be fully dependent on it very soon. His tongue circled around my clit again, the firm point of it carrying out the intricate movements that were quickly unraveling me. The water continued to pelt down my back, steam rising around me as his lips and tongue continued to torture me. After sucking my clit between his lips once more, he released it to drag his tongue back up my entire opening again. He dove in again to trace his tongue around my opening, teasing the edge before dipping his tongue into me. It curled upward against my walls, someone managing to slide in and out a few times, making me gasp loudly and clutch frantically at the shower bar to keep myself upright. A heavy tingling was already building in the pit of my stomach as his mouth worked against me, the sensitive nerves he was attending to shooting throbbing impulses throughout my entire body. I had trouble taking a full breath, because my lungs seemed insistent on only taking sharp, rattling breaths. My one hand remained in his hair, the strands soaked now from the shower as his tongue lapped up my slit before finding my clit again. One of his hands released the back of my leg, sliding up my inner thigh before the pads of his fingers pressed at my entrance. His teeth nipped lightly on my clit before he pushed the flat of his tongue against hit again, earning a loud moan as he slipped two fingers inside of me. His fingers curled upward, pressing easily on the sensitive spot inside me as his tongue swirled around my clit again. My chest rose and fell ridiculously quickly, the overwhelming sensation of his lips, teeth, tongue, and fingers undoing me at the seams. He flicked his tongue against me again in rhythm with his fingers, and the fire building in my stomach nearly exploded.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed, my body tense as it waited on edge for my release. Once more flick of his tongue around my clit and sharp thrust of his fingers sent the fire rocketing through my veins, engulfing me in internal flames as I hit my high. A loud, gasping moan fell from my lips and echoed around the walls of the shower as he continued his actions throughout my orgasm, only pulling his fingers from me after my body had stopped contracting around him. He pressed a light kiss over my clit before standing up to his full height, which seemed taller than usual now in comparison to where he’d been while on his knees. My hands grabbed his face immediately and pulled him to me, my lips pressing into his in a firm kiss. When I pulled back, he had a smirk on his lips and a glint in his eye. “Enjoy that, baby?” he asked, knowing perfectly well that I had. My legs felt like jelly and it was a miracle I was still standing, much less even breathing.

  “God, yes,” I answered, my voice dripping with satisfaction. He grinned smugly, clearly proud of himself. I leaned forward to press a kiss to his chest before pulling back.

  “Good,” he said simply. I raised a hand to push his hair off his forehead, flopping it back across his head. “Now finish your shower and meet me out there.”

  “You’re not staying?” I said, pouting.

  “No I already showered. I just wanted to do that,” he said, grinning once more.

  “Don’t you want me to um, return the favor?” I asked, blushing slightly. It was strange to ask- usually we just acted.

  “We have all night, baby,” he said, dropping his eye in a wink before ducking his head and kissing me again. “Hurry, though,” he added with a grin before pulling back the curtain to get out. I couldn’t help let my eyes drop down to his butt, which was tiny and adorable. I grinned to myself as he disappeared and went to finish my shower.

  The second he was gone, however, I was reminded that I had decided to tell him about Jack and Samuel. Or some of it, anyway. I frowned as I scrubbed my hair, trying to decide the best approach to take. I decided just coming out and saying it would be the best option as I rinsed my hair, the water feeling considerably warmer now that Reece wasn’t here lighting me on fire. I turned off the water and stepped out, smiling as I saw the towel Reece had left out for me. I wrapped it around my body, deciding to borrow some of Reece’s clothes rather than put mine back on as I gathered them in my arms. The hallway felt cold as I walked the short distance to his room, where I was pleased to see he had only put on a pair of shorts as he laid back on his bed, flicking through his phone. He looked up when I walked in, grinning at the sight of me in a towel. I stuffed my clothes into bag I had dropped to his floor when I arrived before straightening up.

  “Clothes?” I asked, smiling at him. He grinned even wider.

  “Help yourself,” he said, nodding at his dresser. I did as he said, pulling a shirt and shorts from the drawers, tugging the shorts up under my towel before dropping it and pulling the shirt on. I heard him chuckle slightly as I hid myself from him when only minutes ago he’d been on his knees in front of me. I grabbed the towel off the floor and ran in over my hair a few times before hanging it on a hook on the back of his door. He put his phone down on his table and beckoned me forward with his finger. I grinned as I crossed the room and climbed onto his bed, sitting between his legs and facing him. My legs rested over the tops of his thighs as they framed his waist loosely. I took a deep breath, knowing if I didn’t talk to him about it now, I never would.

  “Reece,” I said, my voice sounding far more serious than I would have liked.

  “Abigail,” he returned, imitating my tone.

  “I have to tell you something,” I said, chewing on my lip as my eyes flashed up to his from where they’d been focused on his chest. He watched me closely, trying to determine how serious it actually was.

  “Okay,” he said simply.

  “It’s... about Jack and Samuel,” I told him, wincing slightly as I gauged his reaction. His face when from innocent curiosity to stony annoyance in a flash.

  I took a deep breath, steeling myself to tell him and hoping I would say it without making him angry or upset.

  “What about them, Abigail?” His tone was hard, and it was clear he had a difficult time discussing them calmly. I took another deep breath, praying this would go as smoothly as possible.

  Here goes nothing.

  "You were sent for me, too. We were made to love."

  Chapter 42

  "What about them, Abigail?" His voice was stern as he watched me closely, his hands resting on my thighs. I could feel his body tense up at the mention of Jack and Samuel. I swallowed harshly, nervous to tell him and still trying to decide how much to divulge.

  He had turned off the music at some point during the rest of my shower, so silence surrounded us. I wished he had left it on, now, because the soundless vacuum was making it difficult for me to speak.

  "Um," I started, my voice shaky as I stared determinedly back into his eyes. "I saw Samuel today."

  His jaw clenched, the muscle in his cheek twitching slightly beneath his smooth skin.


  "He wasn't very... nice," I finished lamely. That was putting it mildly.

  "What did
he want?" he asked sharply. He was clearly agitated by the thought of Samuel talking to me when he wasn't around.

  "He told me he's friends with Jack," I said slowly, treading lightly.

  "I've never heard of Jack until you," Reece said doubtfully.

  "Well he said they were friends years ago and that they are again now... Like they weren't really for a while but now they are," I said, trying to explain what I hardly understood.

  "Why?" he pressed.

  "Why what?"

  "Why are they suddenly friends again?" he said, his voice showing hints of irritation. His hands remained on my thighs but they were stiff and unmoving while he watched me closely. Annoyance and disapproval etched across his face.

  "He said that Jack needed a favor," I told him, hoping he'd have some insight. I swallowed harshly before continuing. "And I'm afraid it has something to do with you."

  He frowned. "What do you mean?"

  "Well I asked Samuel why he hated me-"

  "Damnit Abby, why? Were you trying to set him off?" he asked incredulously, cutting me off. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers before looking back up at me.

  "No," I said defensively. "I just feel like he automatically hated me for no reason."

  He sighed heavily as he tried to reign in his annoyance. I couldn't tell if it was directed at me or not.

  "What did he say?" he urged.

  "He... said it wasn't me that he hated," I started, grimacing about what I had to say next. "He said it was because of... you."

  "Me? What the fuck did I do to him?" Reece questioned, his features twisting into angry confusion.

  "I think he's jealous of you. It sounded like he resented you for getting 'whatever you want,'" I said, wincing as I repeated his words. I didn't want to have to tell Reece but it was necessary to explain Samuel' motivation.

  "He's jealous of me," Reece snorted, his voice laced with skepticism. I cringed.

  "That's basically what he said," I said, sparing him the details. "He kind of... snapped."

  "Did he touch you?" he asked suddenly, his expression intense as he released a ragged breath. I blinked at his sudden intensity.

  "No, Reece," I said calmly. He visibly relaxed.

  "He better not have," he said menacingly. I reached forward tentatively to run my thumb across the back of his hand. He flinched, and I tried not to let it hurt my feelings; he was so tense right now and I just wanted him to relax. I frowned gently.

  "So what then? He just told you he's friends with Jack and he basically hates me and that was it?" he urged, trying to keep his voice even. That was essentially the basis of what had happened, but it didn't seem to justify the feeling I had gotten from my interaction with Samuel.

  He had left me cold and scared, but not for myself. I was scared for what they could potentially do to Reece, their frequency of threatening Reece increasing along with my anxiety.

  "Pretty much, yeah, but just the way he said it all was so..." I paused, searching for the right word.

  "So what?" Reece asked patiently, somehow subduing the anger I knew still lingered beneath the surface.


  "Did he threaten you?" he asked, his sharp tone returning quickly.

  "Not me... you," I sucked in a breath as I waited for his response. His eyes stayed locked on mine and remained relatively unchanged as he watched me intently.

  "But he didn't threaten you?" he pressed urgently.


  He relaxed a little and let out a sigh of relief. "Then he can fuck off. He won't do anything to me."

  "But Reece-"

  "But what? I've already hit him once and he ran away like a little girl. He's not gonna do shit," he said, flattening his hands out against my thighs as he released the fists he had formed.

  "But what about Jack?" I asked before I realized he knew virtually nothing about anything I'd gone through with Jack since starting my relationship with him.

  "What about Jack, Abigail?" he asked, an edge to his voice. I blinked, my mind suddenly blanking out everything I'd been planning to tell him.

  "Abigail," he said firmly. "Tell me."

  "It's just... I've run into him a few times now-"

  "You what?" he spit, cutting me off again. "When?"

  "Just around..." I said vaguely. "Campus and... my apartment a few times."

  I winced as his face fell into a look I'd seen before: anger.

  "He was at your fucking apartment?" he growled.

  "Yes," I said, grimacing. Not telling him had been a mistake.

  "Why the fuck didn't you tell me, Abigail?"

  This was exactly how I was afraid he would react, and I had no one to blame but myself. Of course he would be furious that I'd hid this from him; I didn't blame him at all.

  "I don't know, I hoped he would just go away but..."

  "But what?" he snapped. I didn't like that he was getting so angry but I couldn't bring myself to say I didn't deserve it.

  "But he hasn't gone away," I finished.

  "Jesus, Abigail, how much have you been hiding from me?" he asked disbelievingly. His face was contorted in anger, confusion, and annoyance. I winced.

  "I didn't want to get you involved because I thought I could handle it," I told him honestly. I really had thought it would go away after a while, but that clearly wasn't the case.

  "Thought what would go away? You still haven't told me anything besides the fact that you've apparently been sneaking around with Jack!"

  Now it was my turn to be annoyed.

  "I wasn't 'sneaking around with Jack,'" I said, forcing the irritation that had flashed up inside me down. I needed to stay calm and not get defensive.

  "Well that's what it sounds like because you haven't told me anything," he retorted, pulling his hands from my lap and crossing them over his chest. He leaned away from me and I tried to ignore the sting of his rejection.

  "Reece, I've told you a thousand times I don't want anything to do with him," I said evenly. "He just kept showing up places I was."

  "What did he want?" he asked sharply. He sounded as if he still didn't fully believe me.

  "He... wants me back," I told him, my voice weak in fear of his reaction.

  "Of course he does," he said. His voice was laden with sarcasm and it stung a bit. I frowned at him.

  "Obviously I don't want him back, Reece," I said, trying my best to remain calm. He was acting as if I had sought Jack out to discuss this, not the other way around.

  "So what does that have to do with me?" Reece grumbled. His brows were pulled low on his face as he glared at me.

  "Well... he said he'd do anything to get me back but it sounded more like a... threat than anything," I said slowly. I watched his face, gauging his features for a reaction.

  "He threatened you?" he said, his protective nature flaring up again.

  "Not specifically. I'm more worried about you," I said honestly. Jack was a lot of things but I didn't think he would physically hurt me. The image of him pinning me against the wall outside my apartment building flashed through my brain, however, and I started to doubt my assumption.

  "Why? Is big bad Jack going to come hurt me, too?" he said sarcastically. I winced, because that was exactly what I was afraid of.

  "Reece, I'm serious. I'm afraid that he and Samuel are planning to do something to you."

  "They're not gonna do anything, Abby," he said harshly. He seemed insulted that I thought they could hurt him when in reality I was just so worried about seeing him in danger.

  "How do you know?" I asked in exasperation. "Jack is... unstable. And frankly Samuel is an asshole so you don't know what they could do."

  I wanted him to see my side of this. I wanted him to understand that my fear for his safety was based off my love for him and not doubt of his ability to protect himself. I didn't want to see him get hurt because I loved him.

  "I'm not concerned about them.
What I am concerned about is you not telling me any of this," he said angrily. He continued to glare at me as he leaned even farther back from me.

  "I know, I should have told you," I admitted weakly.

  "You said you'd never lie to me, Abby, but you're kind of making a habit of it," he spit, referencing the night I'd told him I didn't want to be with him anymore even though I'd been lying through my teeth.

  "Technically I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you," I tried, knowing I was wrong.

  "That's bullshit, Abigail. That's a fucking lie if you leave all that out."

  He was livid now, his muscles flexed tightly across his chest. I tried not to stare at the tightness of them, my view unhindered because he was shirtless. His beautiful face was set in a deep glare, his jaw clenching and unclenching continually.

  "I know," I said quietly.

  "You promised you'd never lie," he added, digging at me even more.

  "I know," I repeated. I couldn't argue with him because I knew he was right.

  He stared at me for a while, his harsh glare making my heart thud in my chest.

  "I just... I don't know. I thought he'd leave me alone if he saw I was with you but it seems to have made it worse," I said. I held my breath as I waited for him to respond, my pulse pounding nervously in my veins.

  "You still should have told me. When did this start?" he asked sharply. I winced, knowing he wouldn't like the answer.

  "Um, pretty much since we first met," I said. He opened his mouth to reply, his face contorting with rage. "But it was before we were even anything so obviously I wasn't going to tell you. Then it just started with him trying to get me back."

  "Are you fucking kidding me, Abigail? It's been going on the entire time we've been together?!" He looked absolutely furious as he glared at he, the vein in his neck protruding from beneath his skin.

  "Reece, I just told you, it started before we were actually together, together," I said, hoping to calm him down.

  "That doesn't fucking matter, you should have told me as soon as we started getting more serious," he said, frowning deeply at me. I could practically feel the heat radiating off his skin as he grew flustered in his anger.


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