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Badboy Romance

Page 41

by Lisa Simmons

  Already I could tell the difference from our previous times, the lack of condom fully letting me feel him and the heat of his skin inside me. His breathing was ragged as his chest expanded and contracted, the feel of being together in such a way overwhelming him just like it was me. His hips shifted backward before he pushed forward, driving slowly into me again.

  "Oh god, Abby," he breathed, dropping his forehead to mine. His breath washed over my face as he let himself be overcome with whatever he was feeling. My legs wound around his back, drawing him closer to me as my hands stayed tangled in his hair. He rolled his body slowly over me as he slid languidly in and out of me, the pace slower than ever before but more fulfilling than I ever remembered.

  "You feel so good, baby," he breathed, his voice tight and low as he pushed himself deeper into me. I struggled to draw enough breath to speak, but his devastatingly slow pace had managed to steal any strength my lungs held. All I managed to return was a strangled moan, my hands leaving his hair to rake down his back in hopes of expressing how I was feeling. His skin was hot beneath my fingertips, and I could feel every single muscle in his back flexing and relaxing as his hips rocked deliberately into mine.

  "God, Reece," I finally managed to say. My voice sounded weak and breathless but I didn't care as I absorbed the slow roll of his hips. He moved deeper and deeper inside of me with every thrust, and the roll of his hips spread up his entire body. He dipped between my legs, his hips rocking into me first before his chest rolled in rhythm with his thrusts. The unhindered feel of his length inside me was something so gloriously beautiful I thought I would pass out before I even reached my high.

  To really allow him to feel me, free and uncovered, was something I had thought about for a while now. It was something I had never done before, not even with Jack, despite being on birth control. There was so much more to allowing that than simple fear of STDs or pregnancy; there was something so emotional about it, the desperate and necessary need for love and trust making it feel like something much more intense than just not using a condom.

  I loved Reece, I trusted him, and I wanted him to be the only one to feel me like this. I knew he wouldn't betray my trust or do anything to hurt me, and this was something I wanted to give him to show him how much I loved him. I wanted to be with him, completely, and I wanted him to be the only one.

  The muscles in his back flexed again as his entire body rolled on top of me, the slow dip of his hips between my legs driving him deeply into me. Every inch that slid into me seemed torturous and deliciously perfect all at the same time, the nerves he hit absolutely burning with need for him. My entire body tingled as he moved above me, his leisurely pace feeling anything but despite it's slow progression. The pace was slow, yes, but it was so deliberate and emotional that I felt every single movement down to my bones.

  Pressure built in the pit of my stomach as he pushed impossibly deeper into me, his lips reconnecting with mine to kiss my in rhythm with his body. My hands roamed across his back, feeling the tightness of his muscles as he held himself over me. They contracted and expanded in time with the slow roll of his hips, and my body fought to hold on to any type of control that I was quickly losing.

  My legs tightened around his waist, drawing him, if possible, even tighter against me. He somehow managed to maintain the rocking of his hips into me, my body rising off the mattress to meet him as he drove into me. He hit impossibly deep, the pressure inside me expanding quickly and causing my lips to break from his as a moan fell from them. His lips moved to my neck once more, continuing their gentle assault as I struggled to breathe.

  My hands clutched at his back while mine arched even further against him, the collision of his hips against mine never increasing their pace but driving me closer and closer to the edge. This was, without a doubt, Reece showing me that he loved me. This was his way of proving his love for me, proving he could be gentle and loving and tender while he was with me. His actions were deliberately designed to make me feel good and make me feel how much he loved me.

  This was, absolutely, Reece making love to me.

  "I love you so much," I breathed, my voice quiet and shaky because of the continual way Reece rocked into me. My eyes squeezed shut as a whine left my lips, the depth of his intrusion stealing all the strength from my body. One of my arms locked around his neck, my elbow crooking behind it as I pulled him to me so I could kiss him again. His lips connected with mine for a brief second before he mumbled against them.

  "I love you so fucking much, Abby," he said, his voice sounding similar to mine as his body robbed him of any strength. I knew from the tone of his voice he was nearing his end just as I was. The pressure in my stomach had reached an almost painful level as he drove into me again, his pace still desperately slow and deep.

  "Come with me, Reece," I begged, my voice sounding delirious from the way he was making me feel. My hands were shaking as I held onto him, and a tingling warmth flooded through my veins before I even hit my release.

  "Yes, baby," he agreed, shifting his hips forward and pressing as deeply into me as possible. One more thrust and I was done for, the pressure exploding throughout my body and enveloping me in a temporarily insane bliss. A loud cry left my lips as my body clenched around him, and I knew from the way his breathing became ragged and the way his chest tightened against my own that he had hit his high, too.

  He rocked slowly into me a few more times, riding out our orgasms together as he panted against my lips. Neither of us were kissing anymore as we were too overcome with the pleasurable fire coursing through our bodies, but we breathed in together as we rode it out. His hips slowed even more before finally stopping, his weight resting against me beautifully as he kissed me again.

  It was a slow, lazy kiss, both of us too spent from what we'd just done to put any real effort into it, but it was perfect. Sweat covered both of our bodies as we breathed in and felt each other. I had never, without a doubt, felt more loved in my entire life.

  His lips continued to mold against mine lazily while my body buzzed with the way he'd made me feel. My heart thudded erratically in my chest while my breathing started to even out, and the fire burning through my veins lingered as it incinerated me from the inside out.

  Reece made me feel so incredible in every single way possible, and I loved him so much that I could hardly put it into words. Despite everything we'd been through tonight, it was, without a doubt, absolutely perfect.

  "Kiss me like you wanna be loved... this feels like falling in love."

  Chapter 45

  My body was warm when I woke up, the human blanket of a man covering me almost completely. Reece’s arm was wound tightly around my neck, his forearm snaking between the small gap while his other was draped lazily on the pillow above my head. His breath fanned across my neck warmly because of the way his face was buried in my neck, and his thigh pushed between mine. He was still fast asleep, the gentle rise and fall of his chest telling me so. My fingers moved automatically down his back, the nails scratching lightly into his skin as he slept. The memories of last night flooded back to me and I couldn’t suppress the grin that spread across my face. The words Reece and I had exchanged, the gentle touches, and the way he’d physically shown me how much he loved me all flashed through my brain, and my heart positively swelled with love for him.

  This beautiful boy, who had been so opposed to anything resembling a relationship when I first met him, had come so incredibly far. He had figured out how to express himself, on the rare occasion that he did, he’d learned, mostly, how to behave in a relationship, but most of all, he’d learned how to love. It was completely evident to me that while it was still extremely new to him, it was just as real for him as it was for me. A sudden sharp exhale from around my neck told me he had woken up, although I wasn’t sure why. It was if his body sensed that I was no longer sleeping and had woken him up. He squeezed his arm behind my neck, hugging himself to me before his lips pushed against the holl
ow at my throat.

  “Morning,” he grumbled, easily assessing that I was awake. His voice was so deep and gravely it was almost impossible to understand him. If he realized how completely he was covering me, he didn’t show it because he made no attempts to move himself off me. “Hi,” I said, my voice leaking with the happiness I felt. Last night had been absolutely incredible, and I could still feel the after effects of it running through my veins. “How are you?”

  “Sleepy,” he murmured into my neck. I could feel his shoulders shifting beneath my palms as he readjusted himself slightly but still resting his weight on me. His shift in position allowed me to feel him pressed against my thigh, firm and very much not sleepy.

  “I think you’re lying,” I teased quietly. My hands continued to pet down his back, their movements slow and languid as I took in the feel of his warm skin. His lips pressed into my neck again, this time lingering a little longer as they parted against my skin. He shifted his hips forward, pressing himself against my entrance and I was suddenly buzzing with electricity. “Hmm, maybe,” he mumbled, trailing his lips up my neck and down my jaw before kissing the corner of my lips. His eyes, despite being bleary with sleep, were an electric green in his current state. His gaze held mine as he shifted forward and pushed into me slightly, waiting for me to stop him. Like I would ever, ever stop him.

  I lifted my head from the pillow to let my lips meet his, kissing him in the early morning light. He took that as permission and shifted completely forward, pushing slowly into me until I was stretched to perfection. Our kisses remained light and feathery as he rolled his body forward slowly, the delicate movements earning a quiet moan from me. My hand clung to him, never remaining in one place for long as they trailed across his shoulders, down his sides, and around his waist over and over. His hips moved slowly, his actions lazy in the early morning but no less delicious than they had been any previous time. He didn’t let his hands roam my body, instead he kept them around my face, petting back my hair or cupping my cheeks as he held himself up on his elbows. His movements last night had been devastatingly slow and deep and burning, which resembled his actions now except lazier. His entire body didn’t move the way it had last night, but I could still feel the depth he achieved as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth against mine. His kiss reflected the leisurely pace as he held me close, our bodies tangling together in the perfect way.

  It wasn’t long until we were both nearing our end, the early morning and slow, dragging motions quickly building us both to the edge. My back arched off the mattress as a quiet whine left my throat and was immediately stifled by Reece’s lips. His hair was tangled between my fingers as I gripped it lightly, holding onto him desperately as he shifted into me one more time and released the pressure that had built in my stomach. Warmth flooded through my body, and the electric buzz I had felt the instant he had shifted on top of me seemed to intensify tenfold. My breathing was heavy and uncontrolled as I tensed around him. Only a few seconds went by before he, too, hit his high, his muscles flexing and his lips stilling against mine as he panted slightly. When he collapsed on top of me, his breathing was uneven but not gasping. I could feel the way his heart pounded in his chest like it always did after we were together, and it made me smile.

  “I love you,” I whispered. The soft strands of his hair slid past my fingers as I pet them down the back of his head. He had rested his head on my chest again, his warm breath blowing out across my skin.

  “I love you, too,” he answered softly. He kissed the skin on my chest lightly.

  We lay there for a bit longer, not speaking but exchanging gentle touches and kisses as we let our bodies come down. This was easily the best way to wake up, tangled up in him before allowing him to love me slowly, tenderly. I could definitely, without a doubt, get used to this. Reece’s rumbling stomach was the only thing that eventually got us out of bed. By that point I had realized the time and decided, once again, to skip my classes. I had already missed two and only had one left for he day, so I decided I’d much rather spend it with Reece. We crawled out of bed, lazily pulling on the minimum requirement of clothes before trudging out to the kitchen. I grabbed my phone on the way, which had someone fallen beneath Reece’s bed. I sat at the counter and scrolled through the few texts I had while Reece pulled out the necessary ingredients for cereal. Nothing fancy, but absolutely enough to get us going. I only had a few texts, two from Emily and one from Chloe. The first from Emily asked where I was and the second stated that she assumed I was with Reece and she hoped I had a great time ‘banging my brains out.’ I chuckled, knowing how she was pretty much spot on.

  Chloe’s text had just come in a few minutes ago and she had asked if I wanted to go out Friday night with her, Emily, and Luke. I had to reread the text a few times before I absorbed what it meant. Luke?

  “Are Luke and Emily a thing?” I asked Reece nonchalantly as he set a bowl down in front of me.

  “A ‘thing’?” he questioned, shooting me an amused look.

  “Yeah, Chloe just asked if I, well we I guess, wanna go out with her and those two Friday,” I explained. I watched him for any signs of recognition but all he did was shrug.

  “I dunno, like I said, he doesn’t really date but neither did I so who knows,” he said. He sounded completely uninterested in his friend’s dating life.

  “Aren’t you her roommate? You should know,” he added teasingly as he handed me a box of cereal.

  “Yeah, but I haven’t really been home much lately...” I said, feeling suddenly guilty for neglecting my friends. He shot me a wide grin and raised his eyebrows, clearly knowing that he was the reason for my absence from my apartment. “Shoot,” he said, sounding completely unconcerned. He bent down and rested his elbows on the counter across from me as he started to eat.

  “Would you wanna do that?” I asked, rereading the text one last time.

  “Do what?” he asked. He was clearly more interested in his breakfast than the conversation. I rolled my eyes playfully.

  “Go out with them on Friday,” I said patiently. “And maybe actually stay out for more than an hour this time.”

  He chuckled deeply before taking another bite. “Sure, I guess so. No promises on the staying out thing, though.”

  I grinned. “I’ll tell her we’re in.”

  To be completely honest, I was glad he’d said no promises on the staying out issue, because I knew once we got into that atmosphere again it would be nearly impossible for us to resist each other, but we had to try. I needed to stop blowing my friends off for him or eventually they’d get sick of it and stop asking me all together. I didn’t want that at all. I sent Chloe a text in reply, confirming that we would be game to go out Friday night. Reece and I ate the rest of our breakfast and enjoyed the light mood between us. I made fun of him for only having Cocoa Puffs in his cupboard while he called me an old woman for not appreciating them. We then spent the day doing absolutely nothing by lazing around the various rooms of his house. I tried, not very slyly, to ask about the meaning behind his tattoos but all I really got from him was a lame explanation of ‘nothing really...’ in a vague tone that told me they were anything but ‘nothing.’ Finally, it was starting to get dark and I had to make my way home. “I need to go home, baby,” I mumbled. We were sitting on his couch, my back pressed against his as my body rested between his legs. His arms were wound around my shoulders and I hung on to his forearms. His chin pressed down on my shoulder and I could practically feel the frown on his face.

  “Why?” he questioned.

  “Because, I feel really bad about not spending any time with Emily,” I explained.

  “We’re going out with her tomorrow night,” he reasoned.

  “Yeah but you know perfectly well that I’ll end up here,” I said. He didn’t argue.

  He sighed heavily. “Fine, fine.”

  He unwound his arms from around my shoulders before allowing me to stand up. He reached his arms up
lazily and I giggled before grabbing them. I tugged as hard as I could before he finally helped me lift his weight off the couch. After gathering all my things, he followed me to the front door.

  “See you tomorrow,” he said, stepping forward and wrapping his hands around the sides of my neck, his thumbs resting on my cheeks. I smiled softly.

  “See you tomorrow,” I repeated. “I love you.”

  The words still felt deliciously new on my tongue, but I meant them every single time I said them.

  “I love you, Abby,” he replied before ducking his head down to kiss me gently. “Drive safe.”

  “I will,” I reassured him, smiling wider as he released me and opened the door for me. “Bye.”

  “Bye, baby,” he replied, grinning at me as I moved through the door and down the walk. I waved at him once before I heard him shut the door, a ridiculous grin on my face as I made my way down to my car. I unlocked it and jumped behind the wheel, about to start it before something caught my eye. There, written in what appeared to be red paint, on the back window of my car, was a word. My blood ran cold as I read it easily despite being backwards from where I sat. Immediately, I knew who had done it, and I prayed that Reece hadn’t seen it.

  Reece didn’t need to know that Jack, and probably Samuel, had painted the word ‘slut’ on the back of my car in big, bold letters.

  I gulped as I stared at it, trying to erase it with my eyes but to no avail. I was thankful my apartment was so close to Reece’s house, because there was a good chance no one would see it on the short drive over, especially if I stuck to back streets. I started my car and averted my eyes, determined not to look at it again until I could wash it off.


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