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Paranormal Dating Agency: In Dire Straits (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Cazenovia Pack Book 1)

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by MJ Nightingale

  “She didn’t do it officially back then, but from what my parents tell me it was something she was always good at. I’m very close to her and though we are not actually related, she is like an aunt to me.”

  “I did like her. Very feisty.”

  Again Bill laughed. Aunt Gerri had said that about her. Told him that Annie was quick witted and sarcastic. And she was. Her comments about the Florida heat as she drove them to the first house had been on point and humorous. That home had not been secluded enough for him. This home though was spectacular. It had a nature preserve on the left with absolutely no neighbors. He would able to shift and run whenever he wanted. There was one neighbor about a quarter of a mile to his right. But that was on the road to get here and so there should be no reason for his neighbor to be snooping around and drive down to the end of the dead end road.

  “I really like this place, Annie. Tell me about the neighbors.”

  Annie did not find this request strange as Gerri told him he liked his privacy. “Actually I know the woman. Her name is Ana O’Rourke and her husband’s name is Teddy. They have a four-year-old daughter named Jessica. They’re busy people, often spending time on the weekends with family down in Tampa, I believe. I don’t think you will have to worry about nosy neighbors. They won’t disturb your privacy at all.

  He looked around the room. Spacious. It was open. The views were amazing. He turned back to Annie. He knew she liked the place as well. Her descriptions of it in the car on the ride over had been more animated. He’d heard her sighs of pleasure in the large master bath at the steam shower, and she could barely take her eyes off the updated kitchen in this room. “Very good. I do enjoy my privacy especially if I can spend it with a beautiful woman like you.”

  Despite her inner voice telling her not to, she blushed crimson. He most certainly was having an effect on her like no other man before him. She could be as cool as a cucumber, but not with him for some strange reason. She felt like a teenager again crushing on the hot boy in school. Not even her ex of ten years, Roger, had ever had that effect on her. She had to give it to Mrs. Wilder. She had mad skills when it came to match making. She was looking forward to going on an actual date with the man. Friday could not come soon enough for her.

  She thought Bill must be reading her mind after his next words. “Let me take you out tonight, Annie, for a first date. Friday is just too far away.”

  She resisted pumping her fist in the air. “Okay,” the word came out too quickly though and he grinned at her.

  Turning to avoid him seeing her blush again, she needed a moment to calm down. Getting to know this very handsome though unusual man who claimed to be a shifter would be interesting. If she could work up the courage, she planned to ask him about that. The man was too good looking, too charming, and she didn’t want to fall for him to find out later what a lunatic he was. She would get a background check done ASAP, too.

  He came near again and she could feel him next to her. His arm brushed hers and goose bumps popped up all over her flesh.

  “I don’t know the area so I will let you pick the restaurant.” His words were thick and husky. She felt her panties get wet over him letting her pick the restaurant. Crazy!

  She let out the breath she did not know she was holding to ease the sexual tension. She had to take a step back in order to speak. Him touching her so casually had felt like so much more. “I know the perfect place. It’s right on the water. It’s called Whiskey River.” The seafood restaurant was renowned in this community especially among those that lived in or near the water.

  He came back towards her. This time he drew a finger down her arm. The touch was purposeful and so goddammed sensual. She wanted to lean into it. Have him rip her clothes off of her and take her on the carpet. The owners had left a few items of furniture behind. There was a bed in the master suite. She was tempted to suggest they go use it. His finger kept making delicious electric trails along her arm that sent jolts to her core and her nipples. She couldn’t focus. What had he just said?

  He repeated himself when she finally broke away from staring at his finger on her bare arm. She looked into his eyes, her baby blues big and round like a doe caught in the head lights. He wanted to ravish her, but he knew he had to woo her first. “I’ll meet you at eight tonight.”

  His words broke the spell she had been under and her head snapped up. “Yes. Sure. That sounds great.”

  Annie had lost her senses for a moment. She couldn’t believe her body’s reaction to this man. She tried to refocus. “So, what do you think of the place?”

  “It’s perfect. I’ll take it. Full asking price.”

  Annie turned back to Bill and he was smiling broadly. She couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face either. She loved this house. The redesign of it had been amazing. It was close to her condo. “Wonderful! I love this place, and you will love it, too. Such a good choice.”

  He beamed at her. “If you love it, then I made the right decision.”

  She giggled like a school girl and stopped herself short. What the hell? Giggling wasn’t her. “I will get the paperwork drawn up as soon as I can. This afternoon.”

  “You can bring the papers tonight for me to sign. And, if you can get the sellers to go to a quick closing that would be fantastic. I want to move in as quickly as I can. I want to make love to you the first time right here.”

  Her mouth went dry. That was something she was looking forward to as well. She would get the sellers to close in lightening time.

  At the look on his mate’s face, his inner wolf howled. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her. The words had flown out of his mouth. He didn’t know if he could wait that long to claim her.

  “I’ll get you the keys to the house just as soon as I can,” Annie promised Bill. She wanted this man’s hands on her body, too. His words alone made her knees quiver. What would his hands, and mouth be able to do, let alone that other body part of his she couldn’t wait for? She wanted this man to make love to her. Very much.

  Instinctively she knew it was going to be the best sex of her life.

  Chapter 6

  Whiskey River was known as a sports bar and grill, but it wasn’t a fast food restaurant. There were TV screens playing various sports on the inside, but outside was a different story altogether. In the evening the beautiful view of the mouth of the Cottee River in the Gulf of Mexico was spectacular.

  Annie knew many of the staff at the quaint pub and eatery, and came early to get a seat on their outdoor deck. Thankfully, the temperature had cooled to a balmy 78° and with the help of outdoor chillers it was quite comfortable. With the wind and waves coming off the Gulf, and the sun setting off in the horizon, the sights and sounds drowned out any noises from inside. Tiki torches were strewn about the edges of the deck and little tea light candles on the tables would provide more than adequate lighting as the sun made its final appearance in the distance.

  She had chosen to wear a summery dress for the occasion. It was a quaint place, but definitely not five star dining. She had wanted something light and comfortable. So she had chosen a strapless bandeau maxi dress. It was gathered at the chest and waist line and then the long skirt was designed to wrap around her hips and thighs loosely. She loved the style as it accented her best feature, in her mind, which was her ample breasts. Plus, it hid the fact that her hips were rounder than she would like. The pattern was pretty and summery. The pinks and peaches made her feel womanly and desirable. She hoped Bill would like it.

  And from the look on his face as he followed the hostess to the table she had procured for them, he seemed more than pleased. She didn’t mind in the least that his eyes lingered on her breasts for a moment longer. The attraction was mutual.

  She still could not believe the chemistry between them. It was sizzling. The moment she laid eyes on him, she had to catch her breath. Did guys like this exist? He was an Adonis. But she wanted more this time. She thought she was ready for something deeper than just good loo
ks, and a few nights of pleasure. Looking at him, her insecurities threatened to crop up, but she tamped them down.

  When he got closer, she got up to greet him. “You look beautiful, Annie. Delectable.” His words were spoken softly, seductively. She felt a stirring in her core as he leaned in, inhaled her scent, and placed a tender kiss on her cheek. She could have melted then and there into a little puddle. But he had a grip on her elbow and helped her to sit. Gentleman too? She didn’t think they existed any longer. She hadn’t seen chivalry like this since the last time she had watched a black and white movie.

  She finally found her voice. “You look great, too, Bill.” And he did! He’d chosen gray dress slacks, paired with a nice button down shirt. A linen cotton blend to stay cool. Casual chic. The man had class, knew how to dress, and it worked for him. She felt some of the other guests looking their way and glanced around the room to see several sets of women’s eyes on him. Eat your heart out, she thought. Ladies, he’s mine! My god! What was the matter with her? She was staking her claim already and this was just their very first date.

  When he was comfortably seated, the hostess informed them a waitress would be there to get their drink orders momentarily. He smiled and took Annie in—all of her. She felt he was looking right into her soul. “Let’s sign those papers, Annie, so I can then focus on wooing you.”

  Wooing her? Holy hell, had he actually said it?

  She pulled a manila folder from the chair beside her. He needed to sign three documents. “I have great news. The seller has accepted your bid, and said you could close as soon as next week.”

  “That is great news.” He scribbled his name across the first document, and flipped to the next post-it she had stuck to where his signature was needed. “You are a fast worker.” He paused to look at her, and smiled at the innuendo. She did too. God, she was delicious. Those blue eyes sparkled at him. The scent she emitted, musky and floral. Her breasts heaved with each breath she took and he loved the dress she wore. Quick and easy access. He hoped to access them soon. Tonight, if possible. Just a taste though. This was his life mate and he didn’t want to scare her off, though she didn’t strike him as the type to scare easily. He finished with all three documents and handed her back the folder and pen which she quickly tucked out of sight.

  “I can have an inspector out Friday, and if all is well, we can close next week on Tuesday.”

  “Again, Annie. You have done a wonderful job. You found me the house of my dreams, and even better, you have agreed to . . .” He wanted to find the right word.

  She supplied it. “Allow you to woo me?”

  “Yes.” His smile was hungry.

  One of the waitresses arrived at their table and took their drink orders giving them a few minutes to peruse the menu. Annie knew it well, didn’t need to look at the menu, and let her waitress know that as soon as Bill had selected his choice she could come back over. Bill admitted to her that he wasn’t much of a fish man and asked her what was good. Figuring he was a red meat man, she recommended the 12-ounce ribeye steak. Though mostly known for their fresh fish, they made an excellent dry rub that was incredibly flavorful.

  Holly, the waitress, had perfect timing and arrived with their drinks just as Bill closed his menu and she scampered off just as quickly after Bill gave his order and Annie put in her order of broiled sea scallops. Whiskey River always had bay scallops when they were available and they were the most tender and sweetest scallops you could ever eat.

  “With our orders taken, now we can get to know each other better, Annie.”

  She gave him a shy smile. “I’d like that. This is my first time meeting someone through a matchmaker. I’m very much intrigued to learn more about you. Usually, I already know the person I’m dating.” Annie thought that was a good opener. And hoped he would open up.

  “That is true. And I do too, but I have to admit I felt we were kindred spirits from the moment I met you.”

  Annie had to laugh at his cliché. If by kindred spirits he meant an incredible sexual attraction then she would have to agree. She wasn’t much on kindred spirits let alone believing in the paranormal. She was hoping he would bring up that little bit of information without her having to directly ask. She wanted to know what kind of guy she was dating. But so far he appeared very normal. He hadn’t acted strangely in the least, well other than that sniffing thing he did when he was close to her, but for some reason that was turning her on. “I don’t know if I’m up on the kindred spirits thing. But I do want to learn more about you. Get to know you. How about you give me a quick rundown and then I’ll do the same,” she offered, wanting him to get started before their food arrived.

  Bill understood, though he knew she was it for him due to his animal instincts; she did not have those abilities. Yet. “Absolutely, darling. Let’s see. I am from Cazenovia. It’s in Central New York but way up in the mountains, so it is extremely cold in the winter. It is also very cool in the summer due to the height of the mountains and because of the massive lake that is in the center of our town. We are a very small community of about 7000 people. It’s tight knit, very tight knit, and I needed a change of venue.” His words alluded to trouble and she hoped he would be up front. “My parents still live there and I had a sister, Lola, but she passed away nearly 10 years ago.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Annie mumbled the words noticing a flicker of pain cross Bill’s features.

  He continued. “It was a tragic hunting accident.” Annie saw that emotion once more and knew his feelings for his sister were still there, raw and painful. She had a friend in New York City get shot by a mugger. It wasn’t the same thing, but she understood the shock of losing someone in such a horrible way.

  Bill accepted her sympathy and then smiled as he shifted gears to tell her a bit about his parents. “My father is a farmer, and my mom a housewife who takes that job very seriously.” His smile was broad as he talked about his parents. “They are just in their 60s and not ready to retire yet, but that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to come to Florida. I wanted a place they could come to during the harsh winters.”

  “That’s one of the reasons why Florida is so popular. And the home you picked will fit you all very comfortably.” The split design had the master with an ensuite bathroom and one small office on one side of the house, with the two other bedrooms on the opposite side of the house separated by a jack and jill bathroom.

  “But I also wanted to come for other reasons as well.” He cleared his voice. He was going to tell her as much as he could. He wanted there to be complete honesty between him and his mate. No secrets and not by omission either. He didn’t want to waste any time with miscommunication. “I want to be upfront with you about that. My former girlfriend is one of the reasons I left. Please know it has been over with her for quite some time. We ended it over two years ago, officially. Though it had been bad for quite some time before that. But, recently, she has been coming around again wanting to renew our relationship.”

  “Oh goodness,” Annie remarked, not knowing what to say.

  He nodded. “After she left, she began to pursue a friend of mine. But she wants both of us it seems.”

  “Oh my goodness, that’s horrible. Does your friend know she is doing this?” Annie knew about sour relationships and all the problems that came with the baggage from the past, but this was a bit over the top.

  “Yes, and sadly, he seems to be so smitten with her that he is willing to go along with it.”

  Annie’s eyes went round. Swingers, she thought.

  “But that’s not me.”

  Phew! Annie let out the breath she was holding. That was a relief. She was glad Bill was not into sharing. She knew a polyamorous couple and it worked for them, but it was something she knew she could never deal with. She was a one man kind of woman, and was glad he felt the same.

  “Well, I’m glad you came here and pulled yourself out of the equation.”

  “That was the plan. But I did want to meet som
eone. Special. And I’m glad I did,” he told her, smiling again and reaching for her hand. He placed his hand upon hers and it felt so good and so right. This man had an effect on her.

  “I’m glad I met you, too. So now me. I guess it’s my turn.”

  He nodded and began to caress her hand softly. She found it hard to think straight, but powered through. “I’m the middle child. I have an older sister who lives in North Carolina and a younger brother. We talk on the phone a lot, but I miss being near them. I wish I could see them more. I’m originally from New York. I came to Florida with my fiancé of ten years,” she rolled her eyes. “He was not the commitment type and thus the long engagement. That ended three years ago. I stayed in Florida because I like the beach and couldn’t afford to start over in New York on my own.” She kept it simple.

  “Friends?” he asked, wanting to know more.

  “A few, but they are still in New York. Again, I visit, but New York is expensive.”

  “There was just Dwayne for me. Small town and not many young men my own age growing up. But we were close. I feel bad for him. He doesn’t see how Danielle is manipulating him. But you can’t tell a grown man how to live his life.”

  She nodded at that, and remained quiet. He had given her the whole story, but he had left out a very important part. He hadn’t wanted to bring up his abilities just yet, but it wouldn’t be fair to let her get into this relationship blind. “And I guess you’re wondering about why I sought my mate through PDA.”

  “Yes. I am very curious about that. Is it some kind of fetish?”

  Bill spewed and choked on the sip of water he had just taken. “Oh my, Annie, no. No, not at all. Though I do have fetishes I’m hoping you’ll enjoy when we get to know each other better. But the reason I asked Gerri for her help is that I am a wolf. A dire wolf in fact. Most of the time I am in my human form, but when the need and desire arises I can shift.”


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