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Romancing the Wrong Twin

Page 19

by Clare London

  “Ade?” Zeb eased himself into the chair beside him. He looked surprisingly disturbed. “I’m sorry about all this.”

  Aidan shook his head. “It’s okay. It was always going to happen.” He hugged Zeb briefly. “At least you’re back. Are things okay with Lukas?”

  “He’s fine. Meant to be taking it easy, which makes me feel even more guilty about today.”

  “And you two as a couple?”

  “I’ve worn him down with my dogged pursuit.” Zeb couldn’t resist a small smirk. “I think he sees me in a different light now. At the very least, we’re a work in progress, and the progress is all in the right direction.”

  “I’m pleased for you.”

  “Ade.” Zeb wriggled on the chair, crossing his slender legs, then uncrossing them again. “You know what you said over there? You more or less declared your love for H-G.”

  Aidan grimaced. “Don’t remind me.” Maybe no one had been paying close enough attention, and even if they had…. “People will forget that nonsense soon enough.”

  “Not sure H-G will,” Zeb said. He cleared his throat. “And that’s partly why Lukas and I decided to stay for the conference. H-G saw us in the hallway earlier today. Me and Lukas. Kissing. He thought… well, from the look on his face, he thought I was you.”

  “Oh. Oh.” Aidan had wondered how this day could get any worse, and now he was finding out.

  The door of the studio banged open. “I found the free wine!” Titus called gleefully. He’d ostensibly left to find the toilet, but now returned carrying a crate of assorted wine.

  “Damn good idea,” Lukas said, and started helping Titus open the first few bottles. “I think we could all do with some moral support at the moment.” He opened a cabinet at the back of the studio and took out a box of glasses. He’d barely put a few out on the table before Tanya swooped in and grabbed one.

  Smiling, Lukas filled her glass almost to the brim. Claudio was close on her heels, and Tanya dashed back to her seat as if afraid she was coming in for more criticism. Lukas looked at Claudio shrewdly. “I’m Lukas Stefanowicz,” he said and offered Claudio his hand. “I arranged the deal with Zeb in the first place, and I’m only sorry I wasn’t here to see it through personally.”

  “It’s been a very confusing day,” Claudio said. He took a deep drink, and barely noticed Lukas topping it up again.

  “I don’t think we should let our clients’ personal relationships disproportionately influence what’s been a very successful campaign,” Lukas said smoothly. “Both Zeb and Dom have benefitted from the exposure, and I notice your company’s stock has risen several points since Dom’s return. I believe you’ll be showing many of these astounding photos in your stores?”

  “Yes, indeed.” Claudio’s gaze moved to a spectacular view over the Eiger’s north face. “They’re going to be an exclusive feature.”

  “Excellent result. And maybe we can discuss Zeb modeling for you sometime,” Lukas added. “At a special fee, of course.”

  “To be honest,” Claudio said slowly, his good humor apparently quite restored, “I’ve seen a few shots on YouTube of the model I thought was Zeb—and we’re quite impressed with him. We have another swimwear range coming out soon, named for our British Olympic swimmers. We’d certainly consider him as an option for modeling support on the campaign.”

  “And we’d certainly love to have him on our books,” Lukas said. He looked at Aidan and raised his eyebrows. “A change of career, Aidan?”

  Aidan yelped. “No! Oh my God, no. I mean, thank you for the compliment.” Modeling? Me? He could see the glint in Lukas’s eye as if he were already framing shots. “No thanks,” he said firmly. “Those days are over for me.”

  DOM left his mother chatting with the others. Claudio had wandered over to the armchairs, and actually had his arm around Tanya’s shoulders at that moment. Dom hoped she was relaxing after all the shock. He caught Eric’s eye, and when Eric winked at him, Dom winked back. And then Eric, too, looked as shocked as if he’d been hit by a cricket bat.

  Dom slid onto the vacant chair beside Aidan. The other twin—the real Zeb, Dom was going to have to get used to that—was snuggling up close to the older bloke, Lukas, over by the drinks. Maybe the older bloke had some kind of immunity to that bloody sweater.

  “I saw them snogging,” Dom said to Aidan. “The real Zeb and his man. I thought it was you.”

  “I know. He told me.” Aidan looked relieved yet upset. “How could you have thought I—?”

  “Let’s not go there,” Dom said quickly. “It was just for a stupid, jealous moment. I wasn’t thinking or looking properly. I was an arse, and I know it.”

  “No.” Aidan sighed. “I’m as bad. I thought once you got your funding, you wouldn’t be bothered about dating me. And what Tanya said seemed to confirm it. Plus I knew how you’d react when you found out I wasn’t even Zeb.”

  “You did, did you?” Dom said cheerfully. “You knew I’d say ‘fuck that’?”

  “You’d…?” Aidan looked like he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Don’t try and make me feel better, Dominic. I felt an idiot and a fraud, especially on that first date. But then… I found I didn’t want to stop.”

  They were silent for a moment. Dom shifted on his seat, suddenly restless. “Did you lie about everything?”

  “Of course not.”

  “What about the going too far?” He waggled his eyebrows. It was their code for sexual innuendo. The sudden, answering light in Aidan’s eyes made hope leap in Dom’s chest like a caged tiger seeking release.

  “No. Not that.” Aidan smiled. “Far from it. That was the most real part of everything.”

  “Thank God for that. Best bloody sex I ever had.”

  Aidan gave a small gasp. “I…. That’s the case for me as well.”

  Dom reached for Aidan’s hand and was absurdly happy when Aidan curled his fingers into Dom’s palm. “So what exactly do you do, if you’re not a model like your brother?”

  “Something simple. I’m a playwright and director. Wendy and Titus are in my theater group.”

  “That’s not simple at all.” Dom was impressed. “No wonder you were so touchy about the movies we saw.”

  “Not touchy.” Aidan gave a small but—in Dom’s opinion—exciting smile. “Sensitive, remember?”

  Dom laughed. “You were a bloody good model, though.”

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  Dom snorted. “Enough of the false modesty. You acted more confidently as Zeb.”

  Aidan’s smile grew. “You’re right. Maybe I should continue to channel that.”

  “Maybe you should. Enough, at least, for an exclusive modeling assignment. With an audience of one.”

  Aidan laughed. “You, I assume?”

  “Bright boy.”

  Aidan’s hand had tightened in his. Dom really hoped this was a good sign that they had a second chance. But what did he know about this romance crap? Then he caught sight of Gerald peering at him from the other side of the room, with a large glass of wine in his hand. Gerald nodded toward Aidan, winked at Dom, and gave him a thumbs-up.

  That was good enough encouragement for Dom.

  “I meant what I said,” Dom murmured. “I don’t care what your bloody name is. I know you.”

  Aidan flushed. “It’s been both hard and easy to be Zeb, you know? I haven’t enjoyed being in the public eye, but at least I was interesting and glamorous when I was Zeb.”

  Dom growled. He didn’t know exactly where the sound came from, but it was heartfelt. “Why the hell do you do that? Compare yourself? I’m sure your twin is a perfectly good bloke—”

  “I can’t remember ever hearing Zeb described in those terms.”

  “—but he’s not you.”

  Aidan was still red. “Of course not, he’s much more—”

  “Stop right there!” Dom drew a breath. He’d seen Tanya’s head lift as if her Dom-dar had kicked into action at his raised voice. “I don’t k
now what the hell you’re going to say, but don’t. You’re an individual. A very special and attractive one. The only one I want, anyway.”

  Zeb and Lukas were approaching. Dom turned to look at the model. Zeb was tall, graceful, and gorgeous, but Dom wondered how he could ever have mistaken that for Aidan’s much more natural, and beautiful, fascination. “Zeb, is your brother always this bad at taking compliments?”

  Zeb smiled. “Yes, he is. And without justification.”

  Lukas looked at Aidan, concerned. “Aidan, I’m sorry. I had no idea Zeb had cooked up this ridiculous scheme. I didn’t expect him to come with me to Switzerland, and to be honest, I was angry at first. If I’d known he’d also tricked you into acting as him, I’d have been even more annoyed.”

  “Not exactly tricked—” Zeb started.

  “He gave me the fee,” Aidan protested at the same time, then flushed even deeper red. “Oh God, how humiliating is that?” He flashed an anguished, sideways look at Dom, then rushed on, “I know you always offer to help me financially, Lukas, and so does Zeb. But I need to make it on my own. All it needs is a few more theater bookings and we’ll be self-sufficient, and my teaching income covers most everything else.”

  Dom listened with rapt interest. It sounded like Aidan was living on the breadline. He felt an unfamiliar feeling ambush him—the need to care for someone, even if he wasn’t entirely sure how to carry it out. But Dom would make sure Aidan never ate anything but the best roast beef in the future.

  Zeb pulled over another chair and sat. “Another reason I came here was to see if Benjy was around. He’s—”

  “We know Benjy,” Dom interrupted. “And he knows us.” He glanced at Aidan and tried not to laugh. If Aidan got any redder, he’d combust.

  “Yeah? Great! I wanted to talk to him about an idea Lukas and I had. We have a client who wants to film a promotional video: a play within a play. He’s been looking to us for extras, but he actually needs a proper production team, including a playwright and director.”

  “I know several good ones—” Aidan began.

  Dom only just restrained himself from slapping the obtuse kid on the head.

  “You,” Zeb said with a laugh. “I recommended you. The guy doesn’t want Tarantino and, to be honest, can’t afford someone like that. He wants someone who appreciates and understands theater, who’s talented of course, but who’s just waiting for a big break.”

  “That’s you,” Dom said with satisfaction.

  “You’ve never even seen any of my work,” Aidan retorted, but his eyes were shining. “Zeb, Lukas—the client isn’t CCC, is it?”

  Zeb laughed loudly. “Heavens, no. Though it’d certainly save money on costumes. No, they’re professional costumiers. Really well known in the business, just not in the wider media. It’s a breakthrough campaign for them.”

  “Wow,” Aidan said.

  Dom could see Aidan wanted to say yes but had this stupid self-deprecation thing going. He wondered if a friendly thump on the arm would help.

  “I know you don’t want charity,” Lukas said. “This wouldn’t be, believe me. This is a proper paying gig and may get you noticed by people in the theater. It could be a big breakthrough for you too.”

  “What about the Dreamweavers?” Aidan asked.

  Lukas smiled gently. “There will be background parts for them if appropriate, I’m sure.”

  “A part in a movie? That sounds marvelous, Shakespeare.” Titus appeared suddenly and startlingly behind Lukas. “Who’d you have to sleep with to get that, then?” He chortled, until Wendy stamped on his foot and he yelped. She grabbed his arm, her eyes shining, which may have been either from the wine Titus had been pouring copiously into her glass or the fact that Gerald still had his arm around her waist. “You can tell us about it later. We’re all off to the pub now.” The rest of the group stood clustered behind her.

  “Wait for us,” Lukas said.

  Zeb sprang to his feet at once. Dom and Aidan stood as well, and Aidan hugged Zeb.

  “Thank you for the recommendation. It’s marvelous. And thank you, Lukas.”

  “I’m here for you both, Aidan,” Lukas said. “I love you the same as Zeb.”

  “Not quite the same, surely?” Zeb looked piqued.

  “Be quiet,” Lukas said, not loudly but very firmly. “We will talk about that later, not here.”

  Dom was amused to see Aidan’s twin looking abashed. Then he caught Zeb’s gaze over Lukas’s shoulder, and Zeb gave him an exaggerated wink and a gesture that implied he was wriggling in a set of handcuffs. Good God. Dom didn’t envy Lukas the job of managing that twin.

  “Dominic?” It was his mother’s coolest tone. “Please introduce us properly.”

  Dom swallowed carefully. God only knew how the old dear could always make him feel ten years old. “This is Ze—Aidan.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Hartington-George,” Aidan said.

  Dom didn’t see how his mother could resist those wide-open eyes, though maybe it was a gay thing. Aidan glanced at him with nervous trust, as if checking he was doing the right thing, and Dom’s cock thickened. Dammit… it’s obviously a sex thing, and should never be mentioned to my mother at all. He surreptitiously adjusted his crotch while his mother shook Aidan’s hand, at her most polite.

  “It’s not unusual for you to confuse the names of the young men who accompany you, Dominic,” she said. Her tone was much warmer in the light of Aidan’s smile. “But it is unusual for you to introduce them to me.”

  “Aidan is a very unusual man, Mother. I want you both to get along. Please.”

  She was obviously startled at the passion in his voice. “Good Lord,” she said quietly to Aidan. “It appears you really are unusual.”

  Dom slid his arm around Aidan’s waist. “Look. I don’t do the hearts-and-flowers thing. Never wanted it myself, never needed it.”

  “I can imagine.” Aidan raised his eyebrows.

  “But you bring me the zest I only ever got from climbing. Makes me want to say things I never have before.”

  “Oh good grief,” Eric groaned.

  Dom reached out and clapped his hand over Eric’s mouth. “Go to the pub, punk, and take everyone else with you. I want to be alone with Aidan.”

  “You paying?” Eric asked unabashed, though he skipped out of Dom’s reach as he said it.

  “No. I am,” Claudio said with a grin of his own.

  Zeb grasped Aidan’s hands. “You’re still an item? You and Dom? Please tell me yes.”

  “Yes,” Aidan said softly.

  “By God, yes!” Dom said much more robustly.

  Wendy gave a whoop and slapped hands with Titus. “Told you it’d be all right on the night! That’s another tenner you owe me,” she crowed.

  “So which pub are we going to?” Dom’s mother said in her clipped tones. “I’m rather fond of the fruit beers at the Princess Louise.”

  DOM and Aidan were left alone in the studio. Dom wondered if the blue briefs were still in a drawer there somewhere, but he didn’t want to break the mood by rummaging around for them. He’d buy Aidan a bagful of them, come Christmas.

  “You were always the more honest one,” Aidan said. “Thank you for forgiving my subterfuge.”

  “Nothing to forgive. You just forgot to be yourself for a while. Everything’s straightened out now.”

  “I let you down.”

  Dom wanted to kiss him, and maybe also to shut him up, but something told him Aidan needed to get this off his chest. “You never let me down. You’ve been the making of me.”

  “And the stupid deal—?”

  “Fuck the deal!” Dom cried. “I find the truth always works best for me. Much less danger of fucking things up.” He caught the worried look on Aidan’s face and his heart missed a beat. “I’m being stupid. Facile. Thoughtless. Tell me whatever I’m doing wrong and I’ll stop doing it.”

  Aidan smiled, but a little sadly. “What I said earlier, when I was trying to get ev
eryone to shut up. I didn’t know I’d… you know? I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.” He peered at Dom’s expression, obviously struggling with his own embarrassment.

  “I love you,” Dom said.

  Aidan winced. “Well, I didn’t say those words exactly.”

  “No.” Dom realized the young man needed to acclimatize himself better to Dom’s unique style of brutal honesty. “I mean, that’s what I say.”

  “You?” Aidan seemed stricken, though his eyes were attractively bright.

  “I may have said it before, when I was shagged out,” Dom went on, rather pleased to see the flush rise again on Aidan’s cheeks. “Maybe a few times when you were asleep. And Gerald may have dragged it out of me when we were pissed together. I just needed to say it to your face.”

  “But you heard me admit I did it for the money. At first, anyway.”

  Dom shrugged. “So did I. But if I had to make the choice between the bloody money and you, I’d give it all back right now.” He drew Aidan tightly against him. He felt Aidan’s wiry chest relax against his torso, his slender thigh pushing between Dom’s wider ones, and his hands sliding down Dom’s back to cup his arse. Dom kissed him. The delight of tasting Aidan’s mouth after weeks away was a tantalizing promise. Delight, desire, demand. Everything he remembered from before his trip and everything he longed for in the future. Aidan slid his tongue into Dom’s mouth, teasing and reaching, and his soft gasps crept into Dom as if he wanted to possess him, for them to become one.

  Dom broke the kiss because of an inconvenient need to breathe. They stared at each other, chuckling and breathing heavily. “Do you want to follow them to the pub?” Dom asked Aidan.

  “No. Let’s go straight to your place. And… I know where Sven put the blue briefs. If you want me to fetch them, that is. Take them home with us.”

  Home. How good that sounds. Dom stared happily down into Aidan’s shining, smiling face. “That thing about giving back the money if I had to choose?”

  “Yes?” Aidan whispered, perhaps a little worriedly.


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