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Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)

Page 6

by Marie Dominique

  They looked around the box and it had a very large table and chairs in the middle of the room, a TV on the wall and sliding doors that lead out to on a small balcony area with comfortable seating which is just for them. Tracy came up to her and whispered in her ear, ‘James is in the room over there and he’s looking mega hot in his grey three piece suit,’ she winked at her. Alexia felt like a giddy school girl as she got all excited to herself.

  At half time Man U were winning 4-2. They gathered around the table and put the twins at the end nearest the door, Alexia places the cake in front of them and nodded at Tracy to give the thumbs up to James to stand just outside the door ready. Everyone started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ and as usual before they blow out the candles they held hands and said together, ‘We wish for our Daddy to come home to us’, as they blew out the candles James walked in and everyone gasped and clapped their hands. As they were looking around at everyone smiling, James went up behind them and crouched down between them, Ben saw something out the corner of his eye and turned to look making Amber do the same.

  ‘OMG......Dad!’ Ben said as he threw his arms around him.

  Amber sat looking wide eyed at him and her jaw hit the floor. James looked at her and said, ‘Hey baby girl,’ as he touched her face, she slowly turned to look at Alexia who had tears running down her face and then slowly turned back to face James as she burst into tears. He pulled her into a hug and whispered reassurance in her ear and she pulled back. ‘Is that really you Daddy?’

  There wasn’t a dry eye anywhere, the kids were holding on to him for dear life, only letting him go so he can greet people and say hello. Things were a little uneasy between him and Tony but they kept it civil. The second half of the game was......well, they didn’t find out because they didn’t watch it. The twins were all over their Dad and had instantly bonded with him. They laughed, cried and hugged for the rest of the day.

  After the party had finished James, Sarah, Ellie, Sam, Tracy, Matt and Tony all headed back to Alexia’s’ for a few drinks to also celebrate the contract. Ben and Amber wanted to go with their Dad on the way home so he drove Alexia’s BMW X1 and Alexia drove his top spec Range Rover Evoque and she loved it.

  When they got home the kids went and got their PJ’s on along with Ellie and then came back down. The girls were in the kitchen making dinner and the boys were in the front room with the kids. Alexia watched as Ben and Amber went and sat with James and Ellie had gone to sit with Sam. She looked at Sarah and winked at her and Tracy smiled at them too. ‘Well it looks like Ellie has taken a shine to Sam Sarah, maybe it’s a sign for you two to rekindle a romance too,’ Tracy said with a grin. Sarah stood and watched them, ‘Maybe one day,’ she said with a sigh.


  James put the kids to bed and noticed they both had a photo on their wall of him and Alexia and he smiled. Alexia locked up and got into bed and waited for him to join her. He came into the bedroom and got undressed giving Alexia chance to examine his every muscle, “Yum,” she thought.

  ‘Like what you see baby? James turned and looked at her as he climbed into bed.

  ‘Yeah it’s alright.’

  ‘And that’s what made you say “Yum” is it?’

  “Oh shit I said it out loud” she thought to herself. She blushed at him and smiled, ‘Yeah alright, I’ll admit it, it’s more than yum.’ He leant over her, kissed her and showed her just how yum he can be.

  They cuddled up together in their post love-making state and talked about the day.

  ‘So the kids’ reaction was amazing, I got it on video on my phone,’ she said.

  ‘Yeah,’ he chuckled, ‘They’re amazing kids, as soon as I looked at the pictures the other day I fell in love them and holding them in my arms was the best feeling. I’m a proud Dad already,’ he smiled at her and she kissed him again, his expression changed as she pulled away, ‘Alexia, I don’t want to go another day without them, I’ve already missed nine years and I don’t want to miss anymore. I want you and the twins to move in with me.’

  Alexia looked shocked at him. ‘Are you kidding me?’

  ‘No! Why?

  ‘Erm....we’ve only just moved in here! I’m not giving it up.....not yet anyway.’

  ‘Alexia, I have nine years to make up for so if you don’t want to move, I’ll just move the twins in with me.’

  She gasped in shock and glared at him, ‘You wouldn’t!’

  ‘Alexia, I’ve just got my children and you back and I want us to be a family, is that so wrong?’

  ‘No!....Yes!....No!....No it’s not so wrong for wanting a family but it is wrong for thinking that just because we’ve had sex three times, you think it means we are back together and it’s also wrong that you think you can start dictating to me about what you want. We’ve only been here four weeks and they have had enough upheaval for a bit don’t you think?’

  ‘OK,’ he said as he moved closer to her, inches away from her ear. ‘Firstly we both know that what’s between us is not just sex, we told each other the other night that we loved each other and second, I’m not dictating, I simply told you that I wanted you and our children to move in with me.’

  ‘You did dictate to me, you basically said that either way you’re taking the kids,’ tears started to pool her eyes.

  ‘Alexia, stop, I would never take them away from you, I just want my children and you to live with me...if it’s going to upset you that much we will wait, but I’m not going to wait forever Alexia, so don’t try and keep putting it off.’ She couldn’t talk to him, she couldn’t find the words to respond so she jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to get away from him.

  James gave her a bit of time to herself and then went downstairs to find her. He poked his head in the front room and found her curled up on the sofa asleep, so he picked her up and took her back to bed. He then quietly checked Ben and then Amber, watching them sleep for a bit still unable to believe these two gorgeous children were his. He went back to Alexia’s bedroom and admired how beautiful she was and he just wanted to melt next to her, he loved her so much and as soon as his divorce came through from Rachel he was going to whisk her away and make her officially his, no way was he going to let her go again and he had to do everything he could to get her to move in with her.


  The house awoke early the next morning, everyone sat at the table whilst Alexia cooked a full English breakfast for them all. ‘So what do you want to do today?’ James asked.

  ‘Can we go and see your house?’ Amber asked. James felt Alexia looking at him but he ignored her and answered Amber, ‘Of course you can,’ he looked at Alexia out of the corner of his eye, ‘We can all go.’ Alexia didn’t say anything and just let him have his moment. They finished breakfast, got cleaned up and ready to go.

  James went out of the front door to put their stuff in his car when Ben and Amber ran straight out with him. ‘Cool, look at this car!’ Ben said as he looked at it, Amber opened the door and climbed in. ‘Wow Dad! It’s amazing....OMG! It has a DVD player!’ she said excitedly. Alexia walked to the car and stood beside James. ‘If you undo everything I’ve done with those two and turn them into spoilt brats I’ll shoot you!’ He watched her get in the car and knew she wasn’t messing round.

  They arrived at James’ house and as he pulled up outside on the long gravel driveway. Ben and Amber squealed in excitement, ‘OMG! Look at the size of’s massive!’ Ben yelled as he and Amber got out the car, leaving James and Alexia. ‘Your mum said that the very first time she saw it too,’ James mumbled with a smirk so only Alexia could hear. She sighed as she got out of the car and turned to look at him, ‘You wish!’

  ‘Alexia, you wound my ego,’ he said putting his hand on his chest and pretending to cry.

  ‘You’re a jerk,’ she said and followed him inside.

  Ben and Amber are running round and squealing at everything. ‘Look at the size of the kitchen.....OMG, there’s a pool.....OMG, the front room is the size
of our whole house!’

  James held his hand out to Alexia and she took it, ‘Come on, let me show you where you’ll be living.’


  ‘One day,’ he added but gave her a knowing smile, convinced he could twist her arm with the help of the kids.

  As they entered the house they stood in a the entrance hall and to the right were glass double doors which led to the “Posh” front room which followed through to the dining room with a table to seat twelve. Alexia admired it thinking of the entertaining they could do here. There was a door to the left which led them into the huge kitchen with granite worktops and centre island. Adjacent to that was a well stocked pantry. They went back to the entrance hall where they followed the hall through the rest of the house. There was a another door to the kitchen and next to the was the morning room, a utility room, a wet room, James’ office and the family room with a huge flat screen television fitted to wall above the lavish fireplace. The stairs were central to the large hallway and Alexia found herself walking up them to explore further. At the end of the upstairs landing on the right she entered the Master suite which went in an L-shape, as she walked in the oversized bed was in front of her and there was a seating area to the left. She walked over the plush carpet and opened double doors to reveal a large dressing room and en suite.

  She stepped out of the bedroom and followed the hallway to find bedroom two, a family bathroom and bedrooms three, four and five. Alexia couldn’t deny it, she was in love with it. She turned to look at James who was watching her every move.

  ‘What are you watching me for?’

  ‘I’m just thinking how good and comfortable you look in this house.’

  She looked up to him and he walked up to her, took her face in his hands and kissed her. ‘Move in with me Alexia please, let this be our family home.’

  ‘I can’t,’ she said, ‘I don’t want the kids getting wrapped up in any of your shit.’

  He looked angrily at her, ‘What do you mean by that?’

  ‘The loan shark shit.’

  ‘Alexia, I do keep my work and fighting separate from my private life.’

  ‘Well I don’t want to rush into things, but it looks like if I want to be with my children I’ll have to!’

  ‘OUR children!’ He snapped, ‘Why are you so against it?’

  ‘Because I haven’t lived in my house for five minutes! My god it’s been such a whirlwind, I just want time to sit and chill before anymore upheaval!’

  ‘Alexia it’s going to happen!’

  ‘OK Mr Big, why don’t you move in with us?’

  ‘Your house isn’t big enough....’ he doesn’t have time to finish the sentence when she interrupts.

  ‘OH well! I’m so very sorry! Mr “Look at me.. I have money”, Mr “I think I’m so big and clever”. Sorry we are not fucking good enough for you!’

  She started to walk away from him but he grabbed her arm, she managed to break away from him but he grabbed her again and slammed his mouth to hers and pushed her up against the wall just inside his bedroom. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, he loved it when she wore skirts. Watching her stand up to him and argue with him was a real turn on and he was hard and ready as a result of it. No-one apart from Sam and Matt ever dared to argue with him. He stepped back and undid his trousers and ran his hands up her thighs hitching up her skirt up as well. He moved her underwear to the side and caressed her pussy with his skilful hands. ‘God wet,’

  ‘Only for you, please James, I need you in me now!’

  Her wish was his command, he ran the tip of his cock around her opening and then thrust into her hard making her cry out. It was hard and hurried, he thrashed in and out so fast she couldn’t get her breath but soon enough the rhythm was sending her spiralling towards the familiar build. Minutes later they both orgasm, it rippled through them as they came together. He rested his forehead against hers as she let the last waves of ecstasy run through her body and they looked into each others eyes. He pulled out of her, placed her down helping her stand then did his trousers up whilst Alexia straightened her skirt. He took her chin in his hand, breathing still irate,

  ‘Does that prove you’re good enough for me?’ She nodded at him and they went in search of the kids who are playing outside. ‘So what do you guys think?’ Alexia asked.

  ‘It’s so cool,’ Ben said.

  ‘Can you imagine inviting our friends for tea here it would be awesome showing them we have a pool?’ Amber said.

  ‘And so it begins.....the spoilt brat inside them is getting out.’ Alexia mumbled to herself.

  ‘Yeah can you imagine Thomas’s face when he see’s this, he’ll be so jealous, they have nothing, they live is a stupid semi-detached house and drive a rusty car,’ Ben said.

  Alexia saw red, ‘HEY!’ she shouted making them all jump, she looked at James and pushed him on the shoulder and then looked back at the kids, ‘GET your backsides here RIGHT now!’ Ben and Amber went red in the face, walked over to her and looked at the floor. James stood to the side and watched them. ‘That is exactly the reason I don’t want you moving in here,’ she snapped at them. ‘Can you not remember living in London before Grandma died? How we struggled for money, how the last two weeks of the month you two would ask for things and I’d have to say no because we could not afford it or when you came home with a letter about a school trip and you couldn’t go on them. It didn’t matter how many hours I did I still couldn’t make ends meet.’ They both continued to look at the floor red faced and they nodded at her. ‘Answer me!’

  ‘Yes Mum,’ they said together.

  ‘Right, don’t you dare start getting above your stations and start being show off’s about what you have and going to school bragging about it because it’s not fair on the others. You two are supposed to be Thomas’ friends, he doesn’t need you two bullying him just like you two got bullied for not having a lot, I raised you better than that and with manners, but if you’re going to start being rude you will not live here, do you understand me?’

  ‘Yes Mum.’

  ‘Right, I don’t want to hear anymore of that “I’m so much better than you” talk and you respect other people and their lifestyle, now go back and play.’ They ran off and James looked at her, ‘Don’t you start!’ she said and sat on an outdoor chair so she could watch the kids. James sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know things were tough, I understand why you are wary about them moving in here,’ he pulled back and looked at her, ‘but if I promise that they won’t get spoilt and help and support you in raising them to appreciate everything they get life and that they can’t always get what they want, will you please move in with me? I love you Alexia and I’ve just got my kids that I didn’t know I had.’

  She looked at him and thought about it for a while. ‘Yeah things were really bad. Mum had several loans which was why I was really shocked when I found out after she had died she had left me three million pounds. Actually I was angry at her as she knew I was unable to afford to send the kids on their school trips, she watched me struggle. I will never understand why she did that to us,’ she continued to watch the kids whilst she though about moving in with him. James sat watching her for what felt like the longest time of his life. She sighed, ‘Ok,’ she said.

  He looked shocked at her, ‘Pardon? What did you say?’

  ‘You heard numb nuts, I said OK.’

  He smiled at her and kissed her with everything he had. It left her breathless and tingling all over her body.


  3 months later.

  The three months that followed were a whirlwind for Alexia, with moving in with James, sorting her house out to rent and the dance studios, time had really flown. James had managed to get a quick divorce from Rachel without any hiccups as he gave her a rather large amount of money as a settlement. All of which made Alexia uneasy as she knew Rachel pretty well years ago, she was part of their group
at school growing up so she knew she was no pushover. She had an awful feeling that Rachel might not be so easy to please somehow and that Rachel had taken the pre-nup trick a bit too easily. James and Alexia had been working really well together with Ben and Amber and after the initial giddiness of moving in they soon calmed down and got back to the respectable children they once were, it helped that they had a job list for them to do so they could earn pocket money. James managed to get Alexia to agree that he could buy them nine “main” presents for Christmas to make up for the last nine years. They weren’t strict with the children and when they went shopping they got a treat like all the other kids but Alexia didn’t want them growing up been spoilt and did not want them to have an “I can snap my fingers and the money’s going to come running” kind of attitude. Which went totally out of the window when James’ parents came round and Alexia knew to well there would be no arguing with them either so she kept quite, remembering back to when Tim and Mary, came round a few days after they had moved into James’ house.

  ‘They’re here,’ James said as he walked out of his office and to the front door, reaching it as his mum knocked. Alexia stood in the hall ready to greet them. His mum Mary waltzed through and screamed in delight, pushing straight past James to run up to Alexia pulling her into a hug making Alexia giggle.

  James and his dad Tim stood there at the door and watched them, then shook hands in greeting and joined the women in the hallway.

  Mary then held Alexia at arm’s length and started talking to her and Alexia knew full well she wasn’t going to get in a word in edge ways so she just nodded in agreement to her and looking at James and Tim over Mary’s shoulder who were grinning at her.

  ‘Oh Alexia, my darling, it’s so lovely to see you. I’m so glad you’re back,’ she said and started to cry. ‘I’ve missed you so much, James’ world was shattered when you left as was yours. I’m so glad you have sorted your difference’s and are back together where you belong,’ she sniffed and grabbed a tissue, ‘And you’ve had his children, I’m so pleased it was you and not that old hag of an ex of his,’ she continued as she looked out the window for them. Whilst his mum had stopped James quickly jumped in.


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