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A Hard Act To Follow

Page 19

by Troy Conway

  I stood in the doorway for a moment and watched.

  What interested me most was the little red mark alongside the nipple of Corinne’s left breast

  It was a tattoo of a heart.

  I leveled my forty-five at it.

  “don’t anybody move,” I said. “The jig is up.”

  Corinne leaped to her feet like a scared rabbit. Chiquita and Carla just lay in position, dumbstruck. Swami Swahili raised his head and glared at me through red-veined eyes.

  “Now look, man,” he said, peering over his stick-stiff manhood, “you might have a pistol but that don’t give you no license to so around making: racial slurs.”

  “Amendment,” I told him “Strike out ‘the jig is up’ and read in ‘you’re under arrest’”

  Chiquita’s eyes were a portrait of astonishment. “But, Damon,” she cooed, “on whose behalf are you arresting us? I thought you were affiliated with a rival conspiracy.”

  I grinned. “You knew damned well That’s why you handed me all that crap about your poverty-stricken life. Poverty, my foot. The closest you ever m e to poverty was when your daddy took you riding through the slums of Havana back in the days of your leader, Señor Batista”

  Corinne’s face expressed her surprise. “How did you figure that out, Damon? It was supposed to be a deep, dark secret.”

  “Now wait a minute.” interjected Swami Swahili. “I object to the derogative connation of your adjective, ‘dark.’ Why couldn’t you say ‘A deep, light secret’?”

  “Oh, shut up,” Corinne told him “You give me a pain.”

  “I almost didn’t figure it out,” I told her. “you’re a pretty sly fox, Mam’selle LaBelle, but you made the one mistake most sly foxes make. You underestimated the opposition.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll tell you all about it on the way back to the States. Meanwhile, first things first.” I gestured with my forty-five. “You, Chiquita. Pick up the phone and ask the desk clerk to tell my longhaired friend in the lobby that I want him to come to your room. You, Swahili, take the sheets off the bed and roll them up like ropes. Carla and Corinne, just stand there looking pretty. I’ll tell you what I have in mind for you in a minute.”

  My orders were carried out. A few seconds later, Egbert came bounding through the door. I had him cover the quartet with my forty-five while I used one of the bed sheets to tie Swahili’s arms and legs behind his back. Then I used the other sheet to do likewise with Corinn. My belt served to bind Chiquita’s arms to Carla’s, and Egbert’s belt served to bid their feet together.

  “Now,” I told the thoroughly-tied-up foursome, “I want some answers and I want then I fast. If I get them, nobody gets hurt. If I don’t, they’ll be carrying all of you out of here on stretchers. Question Number One: exactly where on the Potomac is the barge containing the LSD?”

  Corinne smiled. “you’d really like to know, wouldn’t you, Damon?”

  My arm lashed out and the back of my hind caught her across the face. She rolled over on one side, and a tiny stream of blood trickled from her mouth “you’re a good looking head, LaBelle,” I told her. “Cooperate and you’ll stay that way. Resist and you’ll never recognize yourself again the next time you look in the mirror.”

  “You don’t fool me, Damon. You might talk tough. But down deep you’re a softielike all American men.”

  My arm lashed out againmice this time. She caught it coming and going A purple welt took form over her lip. Her cheek bcgan to swell. “Where’s the barge?” I asked.

  “Suppose I told you? How would you know I was telling the truth”

  “I’d check it. I’m keeping you here in this room until my colleagues back in Washington find that harp. And if they don’t find it before the LSD hits the water, you’re going to wish you never got into the conspiracy business.”

  She smiled. “Threats, Damon, threats. But I don’t think you’re going to carry them out. You see, there’s a man standing behind you. he’s got a gun pointed right at your back. Unless your hippie friend here drops his gun right now, you’re both going to be in very serious trouble.”

  I chuckled. “Come on, baby. You can’t expect me to fall for that gag it’s one of the oldest in the books.”

  “don’t despise antiquity, Dr. Damon,” said a soft male voice behind me. “haven’t you heard that age is a virtue unto itself?”

  Egbert and I swiveled around at the same time. Egbert’s eyes popped open and his forty-five fell to the floor. I raised my hands over my head. “You win,” I said.

  The man in the doorway smiled. His leathery yellow face was crinkled up in an expression of sheer delight His small slanted eyes twinkled mischievously. His snub-nosed thirty-eight scanned the why like a radarscope. I now realized why it had taken Corinne and her three chums almost no time at all to hop into the sack. they’d been expecting this visitor, and they wanted to knock off a quickie before he arrived.

  “Damon,” said la belle LaBelle, “permit me to introduce Doctor Hsin Tse Long. Doctor Long is a psychologist. he’s also a pilot. His plane is presently waiting at Aruba airport for our return trip to the United States. When we get there, I’m going to give the command to release the LSD now waiting in a vat on a barge in the Potomac. Twelve hours later, the city of Washington will be in turmoil. And a few hours after that, the United States will be under the control of my small army of men.

  “Orders will go out from the Pentagon for bombers of the Strategic Air Command to launch a nuclear attack on Peking. At the same time, the State Department will advise Chiang Kai Shek that we are fully prepared to support his assault of the Communist-held mainland. China will be returned to the Free World, and the forces of Communist tyranny will have been dealt a mortal blow.”

  “Just out of curiosity,” I asked, “why are you telling me all this?

  She smiled. “Because it is not I who have underestimated the opposition It is you.”

  I smiled back “don’t be too sure about it, honey. My people might not know where your LSD barge is. But We’ve got the locations of your twelve platoons very carefully pinpointed. They’re under twenty-four-hour stake-out right now. The minute your troops swing into action, They’re going to march right into the arms of a battalion of U. S. agents, all of whom have been given very strict instructions not to drink any water.”

  Her smile wavered for an instant, and her eyes took on a worried look. Then the worried look vanished and the smile flashed back on. “I think you’re bluffing. But we’ll soon find out. Now untie me. And start untying my friends.”

  I unbound her wrists and ankles while Egbert was releasing Swami Swahili Then I removed the belts that were holding Chiquita and Carla prisoner. The naked foursome got up and climbed back into their clothes.

  “Yes, Damon,” said Corinne LaBelle once she was dressed, “I think you underestimated me. And, when we get back to Washington, we’ll find out for sure.” She turned to the Chinaman with the gun. “Are you ready, Dr. Hsin?”

  He bowed politely. “Whenever you arc, Dr. LaBelle. But might I ask why you plan to bring these people back to Washington with us. Would it not be far more efficient to eliminate them right here?”

  She chuckled. “There’s no need to eliminate them. They can’t hurt us now, and from what I’ve heard about Damon, he’s a very nice man to have around the house. I think he’ll fit very nicely into my future.”

  Long bowed again. “Whatever you say, Dr. LaBefle.” He gland at his watch, “But we really must be moving. The magic hour draws near.”

  She bowed back “Indeed it does, Dr. Hsin Indeed it does.”

  When they finished bowing and in-deeding, they herded Egbert and me out into the hall. Chiquita took my forty-five and guarded Egbert, while Long used his thirty-eight to guard me. We split up into two groups for the cab ride to the airport. Then we united again at Hsin’s plane, a sleek, twin-engine private jet that must have cost three quarters of a million dollars.

  Hsin cl
osed himself inside the cockpit with his co-pilot, another Chinaman whose name nobody bothered to mention. That left Swahili, the three babes, Egbert and me with the cabin to ourselves. Corinne maneuvered the backs of two of the seats, creating an intimate lounge effect. We strapped down for the takeoff.

  The sleek little jet whistled down the runway, then streaked up into the sky. In less than five minutes we were at full altitude.

  “Damon,” said Corinne, unfastening her seat belt, “I became interested in you when I ht read your books. Now that Carla and Chiquita have given me a first person report, I’m more interested than ever. Could I persuade you to give me a sample of your talents?”

  I nodded toward my forty-five which Chiquita, seated across the aisle, had pointed straight at my midsection. “I’m not at my best in a tense atmosphere. Do you suppose you could tell her to put the gun away for a while?”

  “After what you pulled off in. our hotel room? Not a chance.”

  “Then I guess I’ll just have to pass up the demonstration”

  She curled her legs up under her on the seat. Her tight white shorts strained under the sexy movement of her hips. Her full, round breasts loomed invitingly beneath the fabric of her sheer cotton blouse.

  “Remember,” she reminded me, “you’re my prisoner. If I give Chiquita the word, you’re a dead duck.”

  I smiled. “If you wanted to kill me, you would’ve done it back at the hotel.”

  “True. But the only reason I didn’t kill you is that I wanted to enjoy you. If you deny me, I’ve no longer got that reason.”

  “you’ve got a point,” I admitted. Also, it might be my last chance to get free.

  Actually she had two points, both jutting out from her chest like a pair of jet engines. My eyes traced their outline. I reached across the seat and put my hand on her bare thigh. “Shall we adjourn to somewhere more private, or do you like working in front of an audience.”

  She chuckled. “We can take the front seat. Chiquita’ll make sure no one watches us—not that I ever dreamed you’d be bashful.”

  We made our way to the front of the plane. She slid into the seat, and I slid alongside her. Her mouth found mine. It was open, her lips moist and her eyes closed as she leaned forward. I kissed her gently, her tongue a flickering flame of desire.

  Immediately her hand went to my stomach. Her breasts pressed my am. Then she swiveled around, and placing one knee over my opposite leg, straddled me. Her breasts smothered my face as her hips ground passionately against my belly.

  “it’s really a lot more fun without clothes,” I said.

  Her mouth found my ear. “Then take them off, Damon,” she whispered. She kept Mowing in my ear. Then her tongue flicked into my ears and I almost flew off.

  I pulled at the zipper on her shorts. It slid open. My hand eased inside and stroked the smooth, soft flesh of her buttocks. Then I urged the shorts down over her hips and along the splendid columns of her thighs.

  Her tongue drew delicious circles on my neck. “Have you loved many women, Damon?” she asked softly.

  My fingers undid the buttons on her blouse. “My share, I suppose.”

  The blouse fell open, revealing a pair of breasts that were not large but perfectly shaped and almost pointed. “How many?”

  I buried my face in the center aisle and licked her creamy flesh. “Ub ub glub,” came my muf3ed reply.

  She backed away to give me breathing space. “How many?” she repeated.

  “I don’t know. Eight hundred, maybe. Nine. A thou sand why?”

  “I just wondered.” She brought her breasts back into position. “Most men like to think of themselves as great lovers, but very few actually are. it’s nice to meet a man of your experience.”

  My fingers found its way between her thighs and inched upward. She spread her knees and tried to meet me half way. “Love is an art,” I said.

  Her mouth was hot and wet against my ear. She arched her hips slightly, slowly enticing my hand. From somewhere deep inside her throat came a soft, sensuous purr. “Would you believe I’ve never had an orgasm?”

  So that was it! She needed some of my expertise.

  Dr. Coriane LaBelle, female biochemist, cagey conspirator and would-be scourge of the Western World, was just another chick looking for what it was that most chicks looked for.

  My thumb edged between the moist throbbing lips. She lowered her body until immersion was complete. With my free fingers I clutched at the soft, solid sphere of her buttock. She writhed passionately against me. I worked on her gently. This was one firecracker I wanted to go off.

  Tipping her over onto the seat, I shook off my slacks. Then, leaning forward, I launched the invasion.

  Her hips arched like a bow until the arrow found its target. My mouth closed over one of her breasts. The nape of my neck captured the other. Her body shook with spasms of excitement as we fell into the rhythm of the act. With one hand on each cheek I began to pull her apart as I plunged deeper.

  Her hot, steamy insides were like a suction pump. Her breasts strained against my face as I bit her hard, almost sadistically. Her buttocks churned furiously. She threw her head back, and her long brown hair swirled wildly around her.

  “Ohhhhh, Damon,” she sighed. “Daaaaaaaaaaamon.”

  I thrust harder. I could feel the volcano welling up inside me. I wanted to get her to explode with me.

  My mouth found hers and my tongue .plunged inside She sucked on it hungrily. Her legs locked around the backs of mine. Her fists pounded my shoulders.

  I thrust harder.

  Then harder still.

  Then it happened.

  Corinne LaBelle’s body erupted in a paroxysm of mind-bending, nerve-tingling, body-shattering ecstasy.

  She gasped as much from surprise as from delight.

  Her fingers clutched my shoulders, and her mouth pressed hard against mine.

  Her legs were locked around me like steel cables. Her hips ground furiously, striving to milk the moment of every last delicious drop. She couldn’t stop. It went on and on. Finally, when it was over, we dressed. Then I followed her to the rear of the cabin, where Chiquita was still sitting stoically with her gun trained on Egbert.

  I flopped into a window seat and looked out at the water forty-five thousand feet below us. C o d e sat next to me. Her hand stroked my thigh.

  “What did I do wrong, Damon?” she asked quietly.

  “Nothing,” I murmured absently. “You were just great”

  “No, I don’t mean sexually. I mean with The Big Freak-Out.”

  I stared out the window for a moment longer. Then I turned and flashed a grin at her. “Corinne, baby, you did so many things wrong that it’d be easier to tell you what you did right.”

  She flushed. “I could take offense at that, but Ill let it pass.”

  Take as much offense as you like.”

  She pressed her breasts against me and smiled prettily. “Oh, Damon, don’t be such a sorehead. We may be on opposite sides, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends.” Her breasts jiggled up and down enticingly. “Seriously, Damon, tell me what I did wrong.”

  I leaned back m the seat and stretched my legs in front of me. She was asking for a long story, and I wanted to be as comfortable as possible while I told it.

  “The key phrase,” I began, “is ‘textbook solution.’ it’s a phrase my boss at the agency used when he was discussing the way I bluffed The Big Head about my having a conspiracy that was trying to horn in on his conspiracy. Up to the point when I pulled my Muff, I had a few clues but no conclusionswhich was just what you wanted me to have. You knew I was a government agent, and you saw to it that I was fed the clues, and you expected me to act like most undercover agents would.”

  Egbert suddenly became very interested in the conversation. “Wait a minute, Damon. You mean she actually knew you were an agent and she still fed you clues?”


  “I don’t get it.”

/>   “Then listen closely. Miss LaBeIle is a biochemist, French by way of nationality and extremely right-wing by way of political orientation. She was bounced from the college where she was teaching and finally she had criminal charges filed against her because of her rightist propagandizing. To escape the criminal charges, she fled to Canada and then the United States. She didn’t have a passport, and the agency I’m working for found out about her. Under the threat of having her deported, they conned her into taking a few missions for them. Before long she had be come one of their top spies.”

  “I’m glad to see you acknowledge that,” she put in proudly.

  “Anyway,” I went on, “before she hooked up with the agency, she was working with a pharmaceutical firm in Philadelphia. While she was there, she met and started dating James Hartley. I don’t know too much about the relationship, but in retrospect, it’s obvious that they cared enough about each other to keep in touch.”

  “I was quite fond of h i for a while,” Corinne put in. “Then I found out what a weak person he was and I lost all respect for him.”

  I smiled knowingly. “Hartley was a weak person. He was a pothead and later on an acidhead. That’s why he came to New York so often. Narcotics and hallucinogens are hard to come by in Philadelphia.”

  “How did you know he was an addict?” Corinne asked.

  “At first I didn’t. But after he was murdered the police found an envelope containing fifteen LSD tablets near his body. I couldn’t believe that they belonged to the murderer because no man going out on a murder mission would carry his drugs with him. That meant that either they had been lost by someone else who had happened to be in the area earlier or that they belonged to Hartley. Since a guy wouldn’t be likely to lose that large a quantity of drugs without looking for them, I guessed that they belonged to Hartley. Then, when Egbert looked at Hartley’s picture and identified him as one of the early members of The Big Freak-Out, my suspicions were confirmed.”

  “He was one of the first guys,” put in Swami Swahili with a reminiscent look. “And boy was he an acid-head. He stayed up so much he forgot what it was like to be down.”


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