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Deceptively Yours (Wanton Weston Women, Book Two)

Page 6

by Wynter Daniels

  She bit on her lower lip and huffed. Everything sounded so fattening. “I think I’ll have a salad.”

  He covered her hand with his, searing the spot where they touched. “Let loose, just for tonight.”

  Was he referring to more than just dinner? The heat in his smoky stare answered her question. She swallowed hard as a hot thread of longing curled around her senses.

  After the waiter came and poured their wine, Guy lifted his glass to hers. “To the prettiest lady in the room.”

  Her mouth went dry at his seductive toast, but it was only flattery designed to get her into bed. She sipped the wine, savored the subtle fruity flavor. “Mm. That’s delicious.”

  “One of my favorites. I enjoy good wine…and good company.” His gaze wandered to her chest but he quickly looked up at her face. “What do you like to do?”

  She shrugged and fiddled with one of her earrings. “There’s not much to tell.”

  He furrowed his brow. “There’s always something to tell.”

  “I’m a homebody. After work I usually get on the computer and check email and Facebook. Then I read. Boring, huh?” When the tiny muscles around his jaw twitched self-consciously, she wished she could take the words back.

  “I didn’t realize you held a regular job besides being a writer. What do you do and when do you write your columns?”

  Uh oh. Why couldn’t she remember she was supposed to be Suzanne…or Dear Annie? God, it was confusing to keep up the ruse. “I…well, I work at a bookstore. And I write at night…after I read and stuff.” She kept her eyes down, afraid she’d give herself away if she looked at him.

  Either she was lying or she was embarrassed about something. He settled on the latter. Maybe her columns didn’t pay enough to live on. “So tell me about this book you’ve written. I don’t think I’ve ever met a real author before.”

  She smiled. “I’m proud of…myself. The book is just, you know, sort of a compilation of my columns.”

  “I’m looking forward to your speech.”

  She downed most of her wine in one gulp. “Me too.” She shook her head. “No, that’s not true. I’m actually terrified. What if I’m awful? What if I fall on my ass in front of all those people?”

  He refilled her glass. “You’ll do fine.”

  “Will you come? It would help to see a friendly face in the audience.”

  His chest tightened at her sweet, plaintive tone. “I was planning on it.” What if Harry arrived tomorrow? Being there for her keynote address might not be an option but he hated to let her down.

  “Thank you.” Her features softened with relief. Reflected candlelight sparkled in her eyes. As she drank her wine he couldn’t help but study her lean arms and long, graceful fingers. Her throat bulged slightly with a swallow. He wanted to kiss that lovely neck and everything above and below it.

  But he couldn’t dwell on what it would be like to make love to her. If he did, he’d never be able to stand up when they finished dinner. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He covertly took it out and checked the display. Frowning, he glanced at Laura. “Sorry, I have to take this call.”

  She nodded and he was relieved not to find a trace of irritation in her expression. He stepped away to answer his phone.

  “Bad news,” Rick said.

  Guy glanced at Laura then headed to the lobby so he didn’t disturb any of the patrons. “What is it?”

  “Miller Bail Bonds called. They got a tip that Harry might actually be on a different island, or headed there.”

  “Shit.” Not only had they wasted time and resources but the notion of leaving Pleasure Cove Island before he got better acquainted with Laura depressed the hell out of him. “How reliable is the tip?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question. Monkey Tail Island is just a short plane ride away. One of us can grab an island hopper tonight.”

  “One of us?” For a big player like Harry who was likely to have his own security with him, they usually worked as a team for their safety.

  “He could still show up here. You want to go or should I?”

  He craned his neck to catch a glimpse of Laura in the restaurant. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear. His gut twisted when he thought about never seeing her again. “I’d owe you big time if you’d go.”

  Rick laughed. “I think you’re down with the fever, my friend.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The woman. You’ve got it bad. Don’t deny it.”

  He waited until a couple passed him on their way into the restaurant before he spoke. “She’s staying next door to the only empty villa. I’m working my way into a strategic position.”

  “You’re working your way into a position all right, but I wouldn’t call it strategic.”

  He grinned. “Listen, stay in touch. And be careful.”

  “You too, buddy. I’ll give you a shout tomorrow.”

  He hung up and headed back to his table. “I’m so sorry about that. Where were we?”

  Laura shrugged. “I forget.”

  He sat down and took a sip of wine. “Where did you say you were from?”

  She blinked rapidly and twisted her black cloth napkin between her hands. What was she so nervous about? “Um, Virginia.”

  He couldn’t resist a smile. “Really? What part? I live in Baltimore. Maybe I know the bookstore where you work.”

  She quickly shook her head. “I’m nowhere near there.” She opened her menu again and lifted it close to her face, creating a less-than-subtle barrier between them.

  What had he said now? Something clicked in his mind. Harry was from Richmond. He’d learned long ago that there were few coincidences in life. Could he have let his attraction for Laura cloud his judgment? No, she was a magazine columnist. Why would she associate with a criminal? “Where do you live in Virginia?”

  She lowered her menu an inch or two and glanced over the top at him. “Maybe I’ll splurge and have the pasta too.”

  Her not-so-stealthy subject change piqued his curiosity but the waiter appeared before he could question her further. He was sure she wasn’t involved with Harry but she was definitely hiding something. Of course, so was he, but his reasons were purely professional.

  After he ordered for them he offered another toast. “To getting to know each other.” He tapped his glass to hers, glad that she no longer had a menu to hide behind.

  She drank but lowered her gaze.

  He wanted to set her at ease. The only way he was going to get to know her was if she’d stop erecting that force field around her. “You said you read a lot, right?”

  Her expression brightened. “All the time.”

  “What do you think of those e-book readers? Are they just as good as holding a paper book in your hand?”

  “We sell them at my bookstore, more all the time. So I’ve gotten to try a bunch out before I bought mine.” All the tightly drawn muscles on her face smoothed out as she told him which brand did this, which did that. It was the most relaxed he’d seen her all day.

  Keeping the conversation in her comfort zone was working. “But you still read paper books?”

  She nodded. “For some things. I’ll let you in on a secret.” She leaned toward him and he followed suit. “I buy some of my paperbacks at a used book store. As many as I go through in a month, I’d spend my whole paycheck on books if I bought only new ones. Plus, e-books are generally less expensive than paper ones.”

  He tried to concentrate on what she was saying but it was tough with her beauty illuminated by candlelight. It caressed her features—the gentle slope of her nose, the sleek line of her jaw, her plump, pink lips. “I think I’d prefer actual books I could hold and feel the smooth paper. I want to open the cover and explore what’s inside.”

  “Yes, it is nice to actually touch…pages.” Big doe eyes met his stare and his pulse kicked up several notches. “But you can read in the dark with the e-book readers. The dark is nice.” Had her voice grown more husky? />
  “The dark is nice, but so is the light.” He stroked his knuckles along her cheek. Her skin was like satin. To his relief, she didn’t withdraw. He slid his fingers down her neck to her shoulder and inwardly grinned when she quivered. He scooted his chair closer to the table and took advantage of the long drape of the tablecloth to hide the growing tent in the front of his trousers.

  She took a sip of wine then slid her tongue over her lips, which were glossy from the drink. “You can take hundreds of books with you anywhere on an electronic reader.”

  He played with a stray blonde tendril, tucked it behind her ear. “All I need is one.”

  She dropped her gaze to his lips for a moment. The desire he caught in her stare mirrored his. He flashed on that kiss in his room and suspected it was on her mind too. It had taken all his restraint not to slide his hand all the way up her long leg when he’d cradled her heel on his knee.

  If she’d have given him a modicum of encouragement, he’d have kneeled in front of her, spread her thighs wide and licked her sex until he tasted the thick cream of her arousal.

  The waiter came with their salads, breaking the spell between them. But all through dinner, he caught glimpses of that spark of interest in her eyes. Carnal curiosity hung heavy in the air.

  When the waiter returned with a dessert tray loaded full of sinful sweets, Laura pressed a hand to her stomach. “Nothing for me. I’ve already overindulged.”

  Guy scanned the selections and smiled. “I’ll have the chocolate mousse with two spoons, to go.”

  After the waiter left, Laura shifted in her seat and lifted a blonde eyebrow. “Two spoons?”

  “I thought we could head down to the beach. We might be hungry again after that relaxing.” He covered her hand but she withdrew from his touch. He shrugged off the disappointment. “You do like chocolate, don’t you? I don’t think I could get through a day without it.”

  “Well, yes, I do, but—”

  “I promise I won’t force any mousse on you. I wouldn’t mind eating every bit of it.” He pictured himself licking the confection from her finger…and other parts of her anatomy. His cock pressed uncomfortably against his fly.

  “I think I should just go back to my villa. I’ll give you cash for my share of the check. The conference will reimburse me.”

  “I don’t care who’s reimbursing you. When I take a lady to dinner, I pay. Period. All I ask is that you come to the beach with me, unless you want me to cry in my dessert.” He leaned back in his chair and waited for the protests she was already launching.

  She huffed. “Fine, you can pay.”

  The waiter returned with the bill and a small box similar to a Chinese food takeout container. “Would you like to charge everything to your room?”

  “Yes, thanks.” He signed the slip, jotted down his room number and picked up the to-go box. Then he stood—thankful not to be folded into his seat another moment—and offered Laura his free hand.

  Hesitating only a few seconds, she mated her fingers with his and tracked her gaze down his body.

  The heat of awareness flooded through him. He led her out of the hotel along the tropically landscaped grounds then stopped at the beginning of the path when he recalled that Laura had a rough time on the trail in her shoes. He couldn’t bear the thought of ending their evening yet. “I have an idea. We don’t have to walk on the beach. We can just sit and listen to the waves. It’ll calm your nerves about giving that speech.”

  She shook her head. “I think I should go home.”

  He faced her, blocking her from going any farther. Why was she so damn reluctant to give him a shot? “I didn’t take you for a cruel woman.” He lifted a hopeful eyebrow. “Come on.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth for a few seconds. “Fine, but only for a little while.”

  He handed her the container of mousse. “Ready for another ride?”

  She backed away. “No way. You will not carry me all the way to the beach.”

  “Oh yes I will.” He gestured at her feet. “You can’t do it in those flimsy shoes, especially after you twisted your ankle.”

  Although Laura had enjoyed the ride Guy had given her up the last part of the path on the way to the hotel, she’d never admit it. Besides, she was trying not to encourage his advances, which was growing more and more difficult by the minute.

  If he wasn’t so damn charming and if she didn’t genuinely like him so much, a vacation affair would be wonderful. Her body certainly craved that, but she knew better, especially since they lived in the same general vicinity in their real lives.

  Familiar fear wrapped around her. Why couldn’t she just relax? Have fun with the most attractive man she’d met in ages and take it for what it was—a vacation fling. “I can walk if you’ll hold on to me. That worked pretty well on the way here.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. “Not well enough. I won’t take a chance on you getting hurt even worse.”

  She should tell him to bring her straight to her villa but Suzanne’s advice barged into her thoughts.

  Let go and have fun.

  “I have an idea.” She hiked her purse strap higher on her shoulder and took a step toward him. “How about a piggyback ride?”

  He chuckled then froze when the realization that she was serious hit him. He rubbed his chin for a long moment then shrugged. “Yeah, okay. Why not?”

  A flood of excitement bubbled inside her. Until she glanced down at her dress—her tight-fitting dress.

  Guy must have understood her dilemma because he gave her a wicked grin. “Hike it up.”

  Heat suffused her face. “No, that won’t—”

  “Wasn’t this your idea?” He crouched. “Come on, hop on. It’s dark out, no one will notice if your bum’s exposed.”

  She rolled her eyes. “My bum will not be exposed, thank you.”

  “If you say so.” He stood up, raked his gaze over her and shook his head appreciatively. “A guy can hope, can’t he?”

  Tendrils of long-denied arousal spread through her. No man had ever made her feel more desirable. What could it hurt to indulge in a kiss or two on a romantic beach? She’d just make sure it didn’t go any further.

  “Fine. Get back down there.” She motioned toward the ground. She felt a little foolish but they were surrounded by hedonists. None of the convention-goers would look twice at a couple having silly fun.

  “Awfully bossy, aren’t you?” He handed her the dessert container then turned his back to her and squatted.

  “You want to see bossy?” she teased.

  He glanced over his shoulder at her and grinned. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  She hadn’t stretched her flirting muscle in several years but it seemed to work just fine. “Never mind.” She lifted the hem of her dress up to the top of her thighs then climbed onto him and hooked her hands around his neck.

  He stood with a groan and slid his forearms under the bend of her knees. “This is better, huh?”

  “I suppose.” Burying her face against the back of his neck, she breathed in his scent as he started down the trail. She tightened her arms around him for the bumpy ride. Her skin tingled at the places Guy’s arms met her legs.

  He stopped for a second and hoisted her up a little. Only the thin fabric of her panties covered her as she rubbed over Guy’s back with every step he took. Torrid need heated her core and made the prospect of being alone on a moonlit beach with him all the more worrisome.

  About halfway down the trail he stopped and held very still. “Look.” He motioned to the left and she noticed a white bunny just off the trail.

  They stayed still for at least a minute, watching the animal eat wild clover. Something about the big macho man enjoying the scene touched her deep inside. Sharing the moment with him both excited and frightened her. She didn’t want to like him so much. But her sex drive was already on board. Her breasts pressed against his back. Her nipples grew hard and tin
gled from the friction. She wondered if he could feel the pebbled peaks. The notion set off sparks inside her.

  A middle-aged couple strode toward them from the beach, laughing and talking, and the rabbit bolted into the brush. The pair moved past them and Guy started down the path again.

  Feeling his muscles press against her thighs was doing nothing to lessen her arousal. She imagined her legs wrapped around him in a more sensual pursuit but she tried to block the salacious thoughts from her mind. “You must be an animal lover.”

  “I guess. I never had a pet growing up so animals were always a curiosity to me. What about you?”

  “I have a cat, Penelope. When I was little we had a kitten…for a few weeks.” She gritted her teeth at the memory. Would she ever let go of her anger toward her father?

  “I’m sorry. Was someone in the family allergic?”

  “Something like that.”

  Guy remained silent. The steady cadence of waves rolling to shore grew louder, lulling her to relax.

  He set her down and her heels sank into the sand. “Here we are.” Taking her hand, he led her a few steps closer to the water. “Want to sit?”

  “Mm hmm.” She slipped off her shoes and curled her toes in the cool sand. Breathing in the salty air, she sighed. “I’m glad you strong-armed me into coming here.”

  He slapped a hand over his chest. “Strong-armed you? That hurts.”

  When he draped his arm over her shoulders, she leaned against him, more content than she could remember being in a long while. But she hardly knew anything about him other than the fact that he inspired the wickedly erotic thoughts running through her head. “You never told me what you do for a living.”

  “Me? I’m…a headhunter.” He sat on the ground then patted the sand next to him.

  Handing him the box of mousse, she tried to get down there as gracefully as she could in her dress. “So you must deal with some interesting, sought-after people.”

  “You could definitely say that.” He glanced toward the water and she got the impression he didn’t want to discuss his job.


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