Stay with Me (Callahan Series)

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Stay with Me (Callahan Series) Page 8

by Marchman, AC

  I insist on doing the dishes, even though Donovan said the staff would get it. I don’t want anyone doing every little thing for me; it doesn’t feel right. Of course, I didn’t grow up in wealth either, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  We take a walk in the backyard to get some fresh air. His hand links in mine as he takes me over to the bench in the flower garden. We sit and I inhale all the scents of the blooms; roses, hibiscus, petunias. The colors are brilliant and I can easily make this my happy place.

  Donovan puts his arm across my shoulders and we sit in silence, enjoying the scenery. I rest my head on his chest and I feel his heartbeat. I wonder if his heart belongs to me? He hasn’t said it, but I know that actions speak louder than words. I close my eyes and think of a time where he showed me he cared. It was only two weeks ago.

  I woke up in his bed one morning, after a night of passion with Donovan. I still had my eyes closed, but I reached for him and he wasn’t there. I looked at the clock; 7:00.

  I wondered where he went, so I got out of bed, threw on a t-shirt of his and padded my way downstairs. I still didn’t see him. I peered out the front window and saw the BMW was gone. Where in the world was he? I grabbed my purse off the counter and got my phone. No messages or missed calls. He didn’t tell me he was supposed to work or take a shift at the hospital. I started to worry, thinking he sneaked out when I was sleeping to answer a booty call. I started getting angry, thinking about what he might be doing. I stomped up the stairs, severely pissed off.

  I felt my face getting hot and flushed from my anger that was boiling over. I snatched my clothes off the floor where Donovan threw them last night. I started to wonder if I was overreacting to the situation. I paused and tried to calm down. It’s just not like him to not be here when I wake up, or at least tell me where he’s going. I realize I sounded like a jealous female and I was really trying to change that.

  Once my stomach decided to unknot itself, I went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, in order to wake up. I grabbed the hand towel and dried off. Just when I finished, I heard the front door being unlocked. I silently walked to the top of the stairs and peaked down, wondering why Donovan was out so early, or coming in so late. I bent down to look through the banister railing. What the hell was he doing? He’s was on the phone, too. I strained to hear what he was saying. He had a bag from Barnes and Nobles and one from World’s Market on the counter. Huh?

  “Yeah, I know you do.” Pause. “Of course, she’s coming. You’re gonna love her.”

  She, as in me, or someone else? I stepped down a stair to hear better.

  “Yes, Pops, I got it, okay? I’ll deal with that bridge when I cross it. Right now, I’m trying to surprise Allie. Gonna make her breakfast in bed. Getting up at the ass-crack of dawn sucks, but she’s worth it.”

  I ran back up the stairs and hop back under the bed. If he was going to surprise me, I didn’t want to ruin it. I wish I would stop letting my imagination run wild like that. I wish Matt didn’t screw my head up so much, then maybe I would feel like a normal person. Donovan had done nothing to make me doubt him, so I pushed all those ridiculous thoughts of him sleeping with someone else out of my head. I patiently waited for him to go upstairs, getting anxious about whatever my surprise was.

  After about fifteen minutes, I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs, so I turn over and close my eyes, pretending that I’ve been asleep this whole time and not accusing him of cheating on me. I felt his lips brush my cheek and his hand run over my hair. Then I heard him walk across the room, over to the huge window. It’s almost like one of the walls in the room since it’s so big. That window is a gateway to the most beautiful view of a duck pond with weeping willows all around it. It seems so calm and peaceful.

  I heard him shuffling around, then the sound of something being scooted across the floor. I opened my eyes and see him pushing something over to the window. I sat up in bed and watched him for a minute. He stood up and brushed his hands off. When he turned around, he saw me watching him. “Good morning, baby doll,” he said as he walked to the bed and sat down beside me. “I didn’t mean to wake you so early.”

  “I woke up because you were gone. Where were you? What are you doing?” I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

  He laughs. “Come here, I’ll show you.” He pulled me up and walked me to the window. My jaw must have dropped to the floor. He had placed a dark red reading chair with a small bookcase right beside it. The bookcase was filled with some of my favorite books; two shelves full of absolute bliss. “This is your place, to read, study, whatever you want. I wanted to surprise you.” On the small end table beside the chair was a plate of French toast with powdered sugar, Greek yogurt with blueberries on top, and a steaming cup of coffee.

  I crushed his lips to mine, clutching his hair in my hands to pull him closer to me. “You. Are. So. Sweet. How did you manage to get that done without me knowing?” I said, in between the kisses.

  “That’s because I distracted you so you wouldn’t look over that way. I had the chair and bookcase delivered yesterday while you were at work.. And maybe it’s because I’m pretty damn smooth.” He smiled against my lips. “Now, eat before your food gets cold. I had to go to the grocery store to get this stuff.”

  It had to be the sweetest thing he’s ever done for me. Donovan knows me so well, in such a short time. He’s so great, and I don’t think he even knows it. I notice a butterfly passing by and I remember we’re in his family’s flower garden. “Do you think we should get ready now?” I glance down at my watch; it’s already noon.

  He sighs. “Yeah, I guess so. I really don’t want to dress up in a tux. It’s hot as hell out here.” He wipes some beads of sweat that have formed on his forehead.

  “Then let’s get you back inside before you melt,” I tease. “Besides, I need to get my hair done.”

  We walk back in the house through the back door. When we do, we kiss and part ways. I run upstairs to get my beautiful new dress and Donovan goes to the guys room. I take the grand staircase back to his room, admiring all the artwork that graces the walls. I think some of these paintings are originals. Without paying any attention to where I was walking, I run smack into Adam. I almost fall down, but he catches me by my arms.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I mutter, embarrassed, my cheeks flushing. I seem to have a habit of running into people, literally.

  “It’s fine, Allie,” Adam says, my name rolling off his tongue. I watch him as he lick his bottom lip. Okay, this is awkward. He still has ahold of my upper arms and I look down at his hands.

  “Do you mind?” I ask as politely as I can. “I have to go get ready for the wedding.”

  His fingers slide down to my elbows, but doesn’t let go. “You know, I’ve seen you looking at me, baby. I can give it to you better than that dickhead can.” His brown eyes wander down to my breasts, which are pushed up against his chest. “I’d love to see what’s under that shirt.”

  WTF? “Get your hands off me! Besides, you’re dating Megan and I would never cheat on Donovan,” I hiss at him. His lips curl into a smart ass grin as he releases me.

  “Fine, baby. Have it your way, but remember, I’ll be here if you ever change your mind.” He walks off in the other direction, leaving me so pissed off that I’m ready to scream. I can’t tell Megan this; I barely know her and she might think I’m lying. But I can’t not tell her because he would get away with coming on to me. I can’t tell Donovan right now; he’s getting ready for the wedding. Damn it, why does drama seem to follow me like a twisted, sick puppy dog? I let out a heavy sigh and trudge myself back to the room so I can get myself ready. I guess telling anyone is going to have to wait. Besides, I don’t want a fight to break out and ruin everything people have worked so hard on. Perhaps I should keep this to myself, at least for the time being. I will tell both of them at some point.

  Chapter 12

  I pull my new green dress on over my head and slip my pumps on. I don’
t want to be alone, so I decide it’s best for me to be here, in the bridal spa...bathroom...whatever. I step from behind one of the changing screens. The other bridesmaids, all ten of them, are primping themselves in the mirror. Stacey is sitting in a chair getting her hair done. She hasn’t put the dress on yet, but I can’t wait to see it.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask, admiring the handiwork of the stylist. Her beautiful auburn hair is pulled up with tons of bobby pins and her ringlet curls bounce.

  “Oh my God, yes! I’m a wreck. I didn’t even sleep last night,” she talks so fast, then downs a glass of wine. “I hope I don’t fall flat on my face.”

  I giggle. “Keep drinking that wine, then you might.” She laughs in return. “I’m sure all will be perfect.”

  “You’re right, I should really slow down and save it for the reception.” She puts the glass down on the end table beside her. “Ow, shit! Don’t pull so tight, I’m not gonna be able to blink,” she snaps at the hairdresser.

  I walk over to a free vanity to put on my makeup. I wish I had Livey with me; she does such a great job making me look good. I guess I’ll have to figure it out myself. I open my bag and pull out some light green eye shadow, eyeliner and sheer lip shine. It’s way too hot to get involved with powder and blush because I’m just going to sweat it off.

  I sit down to apply my makeup when Megan comes behind me. I look in the mirror and her reflection, kind of nervous of why she’s standing here. She looks kind of sad. “What’s wrong?” I ask, my heart pounding against my ribs. Did Adam tell her what happened, and if he did, did he tell the truth?

  “Nothing, I’m just missing my mother today,” her bright blue eyes look down at the ground, tears looking like they might spill over any second. I know it’s wrong, but I feel relieved it’s not about Adam. Then, I come to my senses and stand to hug her. “It makes me think that she won’t be there for my wedding one day.”

  “I’m sorry, Megan. I know how you feel. I miss my dad today, too.” I stroke her back, just like my mom used to do when I was upset.

  She sniffles, trying to hold back her tears. “Did your dad leave your mom or something?”

  “No, he died a few years ago from a heart attack,” I say sadly. “Special events like this make me miss him more than usual. He won’t be able to give me away one day.”

  “Oh, geez, I am so sorry,” she grips my neck, and pulls me in for a tight hug. This time, I’m prepared for it. “Donovan told me that he met your mom and brother, but didn’t mention anything about your dad.”

  “It’s alright, girl.” I pull her out at arm’s length. I want to get off the topic of missing our parents. “Now, don’t we both have get ready for this thing?”

  “Yeah, I guess I have to redo my makeup, huh?” She wipes under her eyes.

  “No, you look wonderful. Thank God for waterproof mascara.” I smile at her, trying to make the mood lighter. It works because I get a laugh out of her. She takes my hand and squeezes it.

  “Donovan is very lucky to have you, Allie,” she gushes, her smile reaching her eyes.

  “I’m lucky to have him, too.” Her sweet comment makes me blush, and I hope that my man feels the same way about me. I go back to putting on my makeup. By the time I’m done, Stacey is getting into her wedding gown. All the bridesmaids are gathered around her, helping her step into the dress. Two of the girls help slide it up and zip it. Megan slips her veil on just as a woman walks in, who I assume is Stacey’s mom, and squeals.

  “Just look at my baby! You look so beautiful, sweetheart!,” she gushes as she walks to her daughter. Both of them look alike, with their auburn hair and green eyes. In those eyes, I see tears pooling. “I can’t believe it’s finally your big day.” She carefully wraps her arms around Stacey.

  “Thanks, Mom. I can’t believe it either.” Megan flips the veil over Stacey’s face and turns her around to look in the floor length mirror.

  “You, my friend, are beyond beautiful. Now, let’s go get you married. Allie, would you mind getting our bouquets from the fridge in the staff’s kitchen? I’ll be right there to help,” Megan asks as she straightens out the bottom of the wedding dress and helps the bride get into her heels.

  “Sure, no problem.” I step out and head down the hall. I walk by another room and hear a bunch of guys talking. That must be the groom’s room. I hear laughing and the clinking of glasses. Then the door opens and I stand there with my mouth hanging open. I’ve seen Donovan in business suits before, but never a tuxedo. Wow, he looks good. The tux is light gray with a matching silver vest and tie. His hair is gelled back and I swear my heart stops beating.

  “Hey, baby doll. Where are you going?” His blue eyes sparkle as he stares at me. I feel my cheeks flush a bit.

  “To help get the bouquets for the wedding party from the kitchen,” I whisper, unable to take my eyes off of him. I drink in the sight of him, etching each detail to memory. I have to remember to tell him to be in more weddings.

  “Come here.” He grins and pulls me into a nearby bathroom. He locks the door and stares at me, like he wants to devour me, and I welcome it.

  “I don’t have much time, but I just have to touch you.” In two swift steps, he’s in front of me and seals his mouth over mine. I want to protest, but I can’t. I needed to get those flowers, but right now, I don’t care. His tongue takes control of my mouth and I’m pressed so firmly against him, I feel his dick get hard. I unzip his pants and grab ahold of him, stroking him as he moans in our kiss.

  “Turn around, grab the sink, and lift your dress.” His tone is softly demanding and it makes me hot for him. I love when he takes charge like this. I do as I’m told, happily, and hold my dress up to my waist. I feel his hands on my thighs as they raise up to my panties. He quickly slides them down and my body is instantly ready for him. “God, you’re so beautiful,” he says as he pulls his pants down. His fingers suddenly slide into me, taking me by surprise. He’s not joking about being quick. He moves them in and out to get me as wet as he can.

  “You’re gonna feel so good around me,” he whispers in my ear as he leans on top of me and rubs himself against the heat that’s building between my legs. “Please let me inside you.”

  I poke my ass out in response and he groans as he pushes himself in. My muscles tighten around him, and he starts his feverish pace. He rams into me over and over, never slowing down. I bite my lip to keep my moans quiet, but it’s so hard. I climax just as he does, pleasure making both our bodies convulse as we ride out the orgasms out.

  “That’s just what I needed,” Donovan pulls out and hands me a towel to clean up with. “Thank you, baby.” He gives me softly on my lips. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Oh, before you leave, I wanted to ask you. What did you say to me last night when I was falling asleep?” I ask. “It’s been kinda bugging me because I didn’t hear you.” We check the hallway to make sure nobody sees us come out of the bathroom together.

  He stops short and his eyes widen just a fraction, then he shrugs. “I don’t remember, baby. Probably just good night or something.” I give a tight lipped smile to him and nod. I was hoping it was a little more romantic than that like I can’t live without you or I love you. I toss the towel into the laundry bin, then I take off to the kitchen. I look over my shoulder once to wave to him, and he’s pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyes screwed shut. Maybe he’s getting a headache? I shrug my shoulders, then resume my mission to retrieve the flowers.

  I peep through the door, hoping there isn’t a lot of people here; I don’t want to get in the way. It seems quiet for now, so I try to figure out which refrigerator all the flowers would be in. I walk through, trying to find it. Dammit, why didn’t I ask Megan? I’m wandering around like a lost child looking for her mommy. I finally come to a large stainless steel cooler, open it, and find eleven bouquets. “Finally,” I sigh. I grab the bride’s first and it’s so breathtakingly beautiful. The roses are light and dark pink with baby’s breath peeking out
. The stems were wrapped in white silk so not to cut Stacey’s fingers. The bridesmaid’s are just as pretty, only not as extravagant. I gingerly lift the bride’s flowers up and carefully hold them. “Wow,” I whisper to myself. “These are so pret...” Before I could finish, Donna walks in.

  “What are you doing with the bouquets?” Her hands are on her hips and she’s glaring at me. If she wasn’t such a nasty bitch, she would be kind of beautiful. Well, also if her face wasn’t plastic, she would be kind of beautiful. Well, I think she would, it’s hard to tell since there is no real part of her features anymore. Her fake eyes are back in, and they are shooting daggers at me.

  I’m so caught off guard and I’m stutter, “I...I was helping...get the bouquets. They were busy with Stacey,” I would think that her look would soften a bit, but she seems to become more angry.


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