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Stay with Me (Callahan Series)

Page 11

by Marchman, AC

  “What? Are you sure? You were pretty blasted off that whiskey.” Panic starts to close my throat and my heart starts racing. I don’t want to believe what he just said. Would Frankie do that? Would he crash Gabe’s wedding? He doesn’t have a vendetta against him, but he sure as hell has one against me. Since it’s my father’s vineyard, it’s possible.

  “Yeah, I may have been a bit drunk, but I couldn’t forget his face if I tried. He looks just like his dad.”

  Oh my God. “I have to get back to the reception, like now.” I scramble to get in the car. “Tell them to carry their asses!” What if he finds Allie? What if he tells her my secrets that could threaten our relationship? “Guys, come on!” I have to get to her before he does. He’s that angry at me to ruin what I have worked so hard for. I screwed his stepmother, so he’s going to try to screw me. I know it in my heart and if she finds out the truth from someone else, she’ll never give me another chance.

  I see the guys coming to the truck; could they walk any slower? “Hurry up!” I nearly scream, my voice cracking. I throw my hands into my hair; I don’t think I have ever been this freaked out before. I could lose everything that’s important to me; the chance to be in love with someone who feels the same, the chance for a family one day. I hold my head in my hands, thinking the absolute worst about what my future will hold once I get to the reception. Will he talk to her? Or will he just try to come at me?

  “Bro, are you okay? You don’t look good,” Daniel say as he shuts the door. I can hear the concern in his voice and I don’t want to bother anyone with this.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just really hot,” I lie through my teeth. I don’t care anything about the heat right now.

  “You’re the doc, so if you’re sure.” His voice doesn’t sound too convinced. I feel the truck start moving and I pray that I’m in time; in time to tell the one girl I have ever truly loved how I really feel and to have her hear the truth about my past, from me.

  Chapter 17


  “Frankie Dubois? Are you...?” I didn’t have to ask; I knew who he was. Claire was his stepmother and Frank was his father.

  “Yes, I am.” His voice is low and smooth. “I’m Frank Dubois’ son, Frankie. I was also Donovan’s best friend back in high school. Did you know that?”

  “Uh, no, I didn’t.” Donovan never mentioned that Claire had a stepson that he was friends with. “Is that how he met Claire?” My stomach twists in tiny knots; that would make much more sense if they did. I wasn’t so sure about the whole yard work thing, but I wanted to believe Donovan. “Were you ever on Atlanta Society?” I don’t ever recall his face, but then again, I didn’t watch the reality that starred Claire.

  “Yes, that’s how they meet. And no, being on television wasn’t my thing. I’m more of a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, like my father.” Frankie’s eyes cast downwards, then right back to me. “My dad was a television producer.”

  “Yeah, I heard that. I really am sorry about your loss,” I say with all honesty. “Losing a parent is terrible.”

  “It sucks, for sure,” Frankie laughs, which I think it somewhat inappropriate, since we’re speaking of his dead father. “My dad always hated Donovan, but I guess you can imagine why.” His laughter stops and his look becomes serious.

  “Well...uh,” I can’t form a complete sentence. My brain is going a mile a minute, trying to take in the fact that Donovan lied to me.

  “Look, I want to be perfectly honest with you, because your boyfriend has not been. Now, I know what I’m about to tell you may anger you, but I think you deserve to know who you are dating.” His hand covers mine, and my first thought is to yank it away, but I don’t. Instead, I keep my attention focused on this man that may very well shatter my world to pieces.

  “When we were in high school, Donovan didn’t want to go home for one of our breaks. It was something to do with his step-mom, I think. So, like a good friend, I invited him to spend the week with me at my dad’s house in Atlanta.” Frankie’s hand releases mine and rubs the back of his neck. “That’s when it started. We both were about sixteen or seventeen. Donovan was spending more and more time with Claire throughout the week; helping her do shit around the house or offering to clean up, anything to try to spend time with her.” He laughs. “Claire was one of those women that all boys would go home and masturbate to.” I feel the heat rise in my cheeks. This conversation is getting very uncomfortable and totally inappropriate. My stomach is rolling and I’m trying to fight back my nausea. He continues, not noticing my distress, or not caring.

  “My father was gone a lot, being that he was a successful producer and all. I’d seen Claire flirting with younger guys, but I never said anything. Truth be told, I can’t stand her, for good reason.” His hand moves from his neck to his lips, pinching them together with his thumb and index finger. “Donovan started spending all the breaks at my house, whether I was there or at my mother’s. One night, when I was over, I woke up and didn’t see Donovan in his sleeping bag. So, I decided to look for him. When I found him, Claire was naked, on top of him, riding him, in my father’s bed.” Frankie’s tone has turned angry and my heart is pounding on the inside of my chest. “His hands grabbing her hips, then her breasts. I couldn’t believe my eyes; my best friend was fucking my dad’s wife.”

  Tears start to pool in my eyes. “He...he told me that he met her when he was trying to make some money doing yard work.” The thought of Donovan and Claire having sex is so hard to stomach, but it’s even harder hearing it from someone else.

  “Ha, that’s what he told you? Now that’s a coward’s way out. Allie, I know what happened. He went behind my back, started screwing my step-mom, and even when I saw it with my own two eyes, he denied it.” He throws his head back and closes his eyes, like he’s remembering the betrayal. “I tried to tell my dad, but he didn’t want to believe it. He thought I was jealous of their relationship. He found out later that I was right. The sad thing is, he couldn’t divorce because he didn’t sign a prenup with her and he would lose half his shit. Claire wouldn’t leave because of the money, so he was kinda stuck.” He brings his head forward and stares at me with his almost black eyes,

  I bow my head, praying that none of this is true; that this guy is making up everything he’s telling me. But, then again, why would a complete stranger come up to me and just straight up lie to my face? He sought me out to tell me these things and I can understand his anger with Donovan. Is he trying to hurt him, by hurting me? I don’t know what to believe and I let the first tear trickle down my cheek.

  ‘That’s not all, Allie. There’s more.”

  Oh no, not more. My heart is already broken in half.

  “A month before my father was murdered, Claire took out a life insurance policy on him that was worth millions. Of course, she was found guilty until later, but not before she got the money. She put it away in all kinds of banks. But first, she bought your boyfriend his brand new house and paid for the rest of his schooling. Not to mention, gave him five million to do whatever the hell he wanted with.” He sounds so bitter, and honestly, I don’t blame him.

  This whole time I thought it was the inheritance money from his grandfather was buying my gifts, but instead it’s Claire’s dead husband’s life insurance money that it paying for dinner and flowers. I feel like such a fool. I know I should talk to Donovan before I start believing everything I hear, but so far, he has been nothing but a liar.

  “Frankie...I...,” and that’s when the floodgates open up. Everything he says makes perfect sense now. Rob said he didn’t pay for his son’s medical schooling, but Donovan said he didn’t have any debt. He has no mortgage, no student loans, nothing. My first thought about how he met Claire was right; it was a scene out of a book. He has done nothing but lie about his past, while I broke down and spilled my guts.

  “Allie, I am so sorry that I had to be the one to tell you, and not Donovan. I didn’t want to hurt you, but I knew that you two were dating an
d you had the right to know. I thought you were a nice girl, and my gut instinct is usually right. I didn’t want someone else to get hurt, like I have been,” Frankie says, sympathy pouring out of him as he scoots closer to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. My body is racking with the uncontrolled sobs and I feel the stares of others.

  I grab a napkin and dab my eyes, trying to calm down as my emotions unleash themselves. I glance over to Rob and Donna’s table, and I notice that Donna is looking at me, with a “I told you so” grin on her face. I have to leave. “Frankie, I don’t mean to be rude, but I need to excuse myself.” He stands as I get up from my seat.

  “Of course, sweetie. Can I do anything for you?” His eyebrows arch up, his lips form a frown, and his dark brown eyes express concern.

  “No, thank you,” I take off in the opposite direction of Donna. I grab a flute of champagne on my way outside the tent and down it. I throw the glass in the yard and start back in the direction of the house. I pull my phone from my purse and look for the closest Greyhound bus station. I can’t stay here another minute.

  As I book my ticket for the next bus to Atlanta, I see the Hummers start to pull in. I want to vomit; I know Donovan’s in there, like nothing is wrong with the world. Only trouble is, my world just came crashing down. I take off, not looking back at the party that’s just starting. I hear a door swing open and my name being called. “Allie! Allie!” I cover my ears and start running towards the house.

  Chapter 18


  “Where the hell is she?” My mind races, my eyes scanning the crowd. Stacey and Gabe walk in and everyone stands to applaud. Geez, this makes finding Allie even harder. I look for the green dress she has on, but no luck. I run up to Pops and Donna.

  “Have either of you seen Allie?” I try to remain as calm as possible, not wanting to give away my anxiety.

  “She was right here just about fifteen minutes ago. She said she would be right back, but hasn’t returned yet,” Dad says, starting to look through the crowd for her as well.

  Not good, not good at all.

  “Donna, have you seen her lately?” I ask, trying to be polite.

  “Why, I think I saw her talking to a young man earlier. They were having a discussion over there, but I now don’t see them anywhere.” Her eyes narrow as she smiles from ear to ear.

  Low blow, bitch.

  “Okay, well, if you see her, tell her I’m looking for her.” They both nod their heads as I walk through to find her. “Allie!” I shout; it’s hard to hear over the noise of the music and the laughing. I call for her again when I’m greeted by a very familiar face.

  “Hello, Donovan.”

  “Frankie, what are you doing here?”

  “I’m enjoying myself, that’s for sure.” His voice is drenched in sarcasm. “I met your girlfriend, Allie. Very lovely girl, a real beauty. You did well.”


  “How do you know her? And what did you say to her?” Before I know it, I’m standing nose to nose with my old best friend.

  “Let’s just say, someone pointed her out to me. And I only told her the truth, dear friend; that you are a lying bastard who decided to screw my step-mom and that you used me to get to her. She didn’t take it so well. Oh, and that Claire paid for your house and schooling.” His lips curl into a snarl and I want to strangle him.

  “Is that why you’re here? To ruin me? You weren’t even invited to this wedding, now, get the hell out!” His black eyes bore into me and it feels like he’s burning holes into my skin.

  “Oh, I didn’t ruin you; you did that all on your own. You should always tell the truth, Donovan. Lies only dig your grave deeper. work here is done, so I’ll be going. It was so nice to see you again.” Frankie pats my shoulder and I jerk away. I hear his cynical laugh and it makes my blood boil. I know he hates me, but why did he do that to her? My shoulders slump and I have to come to terms with this. As much as it pains me, he’s right. I screwed up by not telling her in the first place. I tried to justify it by telling myself that she would hate me if I told her the truth. What kind of person sleeps with the step-mom of his best friend? I was a horny teenager, and I have no excuse other than that. She came onto me first, and since I wanted to get laid, who was I to say no?

  “Good luck with that, buddy,” Frankie says with a wicked smirk on his face, then slips away into the crowd.

  My world stops, right there in the middle of the biggest party I’ve ever been to; my life has just been ripped apart and it’s all my fault. Kenny Chesney’s song, Had Me at Hello, starts to play and I try to hold back my tears as I turn my attention back to finding Allie.

  After about ten minutes of pushing through the crowd, I realize she’s just not here. I step outside and immediately break into a sweat. I’m at a loss of what to do. Did she just leave? No, she couldn’t have; she doesn’t have her car here. Then I look towards the house. “Maybe she’s still here,” I think to myself and I take off in a trot, hoping that I find her before she turns her back on me forever.

  Chapter 19


  I sit on the edge of his bed, running my fingers over the comforter. It was only just hours ago we were making love beneath these sheets. My tears start fresh and my vision becomes blurry, unable to see the time on the alarm clock. I’ve already ripped the dress off me that Donovan bought with Claire’s money; the necklace he gave me is laying on the dresser. My suitcase is packed and I’m waiting for my taxi to get here to take me to the bus station before I have to face anyone else in this family. I wipe my eyes with my fingertips, look at the clock again, and see I only have ten minutes before the driver arrives. I grab my things, which isn’t much considering he bought almost everything I brought with me and I left it on the floor. I take one last look at Donovan’s room, etching it to memory. I have no intention of coming back here, but for some reason, I don’t want to forget this room either. Before I knew about the lying, I believed that he might actually be starting to love me.

  What an idiot I am!

  He can never love anyone, except himself and Claire. I was so stupid to think he was completely over her. If he was, he would have moved out of the house she bought for him and found something else. Or, at least, that’s what I would do in his situation. I would break all ties from that woman. Then again, I’m not him. I shudder as I release a heavy sigh, my body unable to cry anymore for that man. The door creaks open and I exit the room. I rest my back against the wall; I feel like I’m going to pass out. I slide all the way down the wall, so that my bottom’s on the floor and I cradle my knees. I gently rock back and forth, trying to soothe my frazzled nerves.

  “I shouldn’t stay here too long. The cab will be here soon,” I say to myself. I stand and make myself walk down the stairs to the front foyer. I stop only to look at myself in the mirror. The reflection isn’t the one I recognize. This girl has red, puffy eyes and she looks utterly defeated. Her hair is pulled into a ponytail; her blue tank top and khaki shorts a bit wrinkled. Her heart is now broken. I bow my head, not wanting to see anymore and quietly slip out the front door.

  The sun is still too bright and I grab my sunglasses from my purse. As I cover my eyes, I hear my name. “Allie! Are you here?” It’s Donovan and it’s coming from the back of the house.

  I don’t answer; I can’t answer. I can’t look at him and turn into a sobbing, weak female. I will not allow him to do that to me. I park my butt on the front step of the porch and wait as patiently as I can for my ride to show up.

  “Allie! Please, I need to talk to you!”

  “Oh, now you want to talk?” I mutter under my breath. Isn’t that convenient for him? After his old friend spilled the beans on how Donovan really is, now he wants to talk? What bullshit. I remain quiet, hoping he doesn’t come around the front until I’m gone.

  Just then, I see the green taxi cab coming down the drive, so I stand with my bag in hand. That’s when he comes around the corner, looking frantic and wide eyed

  “Allie? What are you doing?” His voice is quiet as he approaches me slowly, his eyes still wide.

  “Get away from me, please. There is nothing more to say. I know everything, okay?” I back up a step as I try to keep the resolve in my voice; instead, it trembles and shows I’m on the verge of tears.

  “Please, talk to me. I’m so sorry. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you everything.” He continues walking towards me, his hand reaching out for mine.

  No way, buddy.

  “The time for talk is over, Donovan. You had a million chances to tell me about your past. In fact, you said that I practically begged for answers. But the only ones you gave me were lies,” I hiss, my tone laced with rage. “I told you everything! You couldn’t tell me about Claire giving you all that money for your school and whatever else you wanted. She even bought you that house; the house where we...” I can’t do it. I can’t talk about us making love in a house that was bought with life insurance money from her dead husband. The taxi pulls up alongside me. “Goodbye.”


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