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Stay with Me (Callahan Series)

Page 19

by Marchman, AC

  “Why do you have to make sex so good? You make me addicted to you.” He smiles, then kisses the side of my head. I lean into his kiss.

  “I learned from the best.” My heart is still trying to slow its rate. I rest my head against his neck.

  “Well, you are the best I’ve ever had. Best girlfriend, best lover, best friend. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

  “You certainly have a way with words.”

  “Only the truth, babe. Only the truth,” he whispers. I turn my head towards him and I plant a loud, wet kiss on his lips.

  “I think I’ll keep you.” I lift myself up and roll over to lay beside him. “Come on, love. We should get dressed. We have to go back home today, and I want to spend as much time as I can with Jackson.”

  “Good idea. I think the little guy likes me.” He has that same smile on his face from lunch. He starts looking for his shirt and pants.

  “I think you’re right. He doesn’t pray for just anyone at the table.” I wink at my man as I slip on my clothes. “I threw your pants over there in a fit of passion.” I giggle as he almost trips over the rug on my hardwood floor.

  He laughs, too. “Think you’re funny, huh?” He regains his balance and sweeps me up into his arms. I shriek, then burst into laughter.

  “You dick!”

  “I thought you liked that part about me.” He winks, then kisses the tip of my nose.

  “Oh, baby. You have no idea. Now, come on. Let’s go outside and play tug of war with Jackson.”

  I almost forgot. “I need to tell you and your sister something. Adam hit on me at the wedding.”

  Donovan shakes his head. “They broke up because he hit on our cousin. I told her he was a douchebag. Now that just validates it.”

  I believe a sigh of relief. Well, thank God that was easy. I’ll have to call Megan about this later, but right now, I just want to enjoy this day with my two favorite guys.

  We walk hand in hand out to the front yard, where Mom still has my son pulling weeds, and he seems to be enjoying himself. Donovan runs over to him and starts helping. As I stand here and watch those two, my heart increases in size and my love just doubled for both those boys. I know deep down that Donovan and I will be just fine, that we will make it through the toughest of times. He stole my heart like a thief in the night and I don’t ever want it back.

  “I got to grab my sunglasses out of the car, Mom.” I trot over to Mom’s Maxima and open the passenger door. When I look down, I see my diamond pendant that I left on Donovan’s dresser back in Savannah. I scoop it up and put it on. I run my fingertips over the tiny diamond, and I’m reminded again how much that man loves me. I also grab my glasses, shut the door and walk over to the boys.

  “Hey, you guys needs some help?” I smile probably the biggest smile I’ve ever had on my face and plop down in between them.

  “I see you found my little surprise.” Donovan grins as he kisses me on the cheek.

  I think to myself, “This couldn’t be anymore perfect than it is right now.”

  Chapter 33


  “Mr. Grady, are you telling me and this jury that you quote, “mistaken Mrs. Dubois” for another woman?” Judge Hawthorne glares directly at the quivering mess that is Russell Grady. I have to try to hide my shit eating grin.

  “Yes, your honor. I must have mistaken her for someone else. The lady that bought the arsenic from me looked a lot like her, but it wasn’t Claire Dubois. That I am absolutely sure of.” He twists his hands in his lap and his cheeks are as red as his hair. All I can picture is that face he was making in the “blackmail” photo with Mr. Leather Chaps and himself.

  “But you had the video from your store. Didn’t you state in the last case that you were sure it was the defendant?” My lawyer was staring him down.

  “It’s impossible to tell. Looking back on the clip, the woman that came in was wearing dark sunglasses and a wig. I know it looks like Mrs. Dubois, but I am positive now that it is not her. And it didn’t help that I was a big fan of Atlanta Society, so maybe I just thought it was her.”

  Well played, Grady. Well played.

  “No further questions, your honor.”

  “Does the prosecution have any more questions?” the judge asks the tall, skinny idiot, standing to the right of me.

  “No, your honor.” He looks defeated. Good.

  “Mr. Grady, you may step down.” The closet freak timidly stands and finds his way over to his portly wife, who immediately takes his hand.

  Stupid bitch. You have no idea how your man really likes it.

  “Will the defense please make their closing argument?” The judge glances our way.

  “Since the video has only has picture and no sound, there is no way to see if the voice belongs to Claire Dubois. The lady on the screen is obviously disguised, so there is no way of telling who it is. So, my client’s conviction must be overturned.” David, my overweight, “heart attack waiting to happen” lawyer paces in front of the jury. “Beyond a reasonable doubt, ladies and gentlemen. Remember that when you are making your decision on my client’s fate.” He turns on his heel and walks back to our table.

  I give the most innocent face I can possibly give, looking each and every one of the jurors in the eye, knowing my fate is in their hands. I don’t even hear what the prosecutor says for his closing argument. I just know that this case has only taken a couple of days, but still too long for me. I just make sure I have tears in my eyes. I play the part to a tee, and I can even see one of the female jurors tearing up.


  The judge dismisses the jurors to deliberate and we all stand as they leave the room. I wipe my eyes, very obviously, as to make sure they get a good look at me and notice the distress I’m in. The guard comes to handcuff me and take me back to my cell until a decision has been made.

  I look over to David and smile. “I sure hope you’re worth the money I’m paying you for. Because if you get me off, I will reward you handsomely.”

  His eyes shoot up. “Well, Claire, then I hope I do you the justice you so richly deserve.”

  “You better hope so.” I leave that hanging in the air for him and I see his Adam’s apple move up, then down. Yep, he’s scared of me. As he should be, because if I don’t have my verdict overturned, Fatty McFatback will never be heard from again.

  The guard leads me back to the court’s holding cell as I await the jurors decision. “Good luck, Claire.” he says as he uncuffs me. I rub my wrists and look at him. “Make sure you look me up when you’re out.” He winks one of his brown eyes at me, so I flirt right back. Why not?

  “Sure thing,” I read his name badge. “Richard. I’ll be sure to do just that. Maybe I can show you a good time then.” I have no intentions of doing so, but it’s fun to screw with his head. His shiny, bald head turns as red as his face and I grin. “Well, see you then, Richard.” I go to lay down on my rock hard bed. I hope I don’t have to wait too long. I hate waiting.

  When I wake up, my cell door is opening. David is sitting there. “Claire, it’s time. They’ve come to a decision.”

  “Wow, already?” That was really fast. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. I slowly stand and crack my back. Damn, I miss my king size, goose down bed. The first time I screwed Donovan’s brains out was in that bed. I smile to myself. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  I’m escorted back to the courtroom. I’m still angry the judge said no cameras or reporters. I love attention, good or bad. The people either love to hate me or hate to love me. I remain standing while the judge and jurors file in. I turn on the waterworks again, but this time, it’s real. I am so nervous right now, I feel like the crappy bologna sandwich they fed me at lunch might come up.

  At least the judge gets on with it. “What decision has the jurors come to?”

  One of the men stands, visibly shaking and unfolds a piece of paper. That piece of paper contains my fate.

  “We, the jury, find
the defendant, Claire Marissa Berkley Dubois, not guilty of first degree murder.”

  I wanted to scream out loud! I can’t believe it, it’s been overturned! The funny thing is, it’s true. That woman wasn’t me in the store, buying that poison. Not saying I didn’t play a hand in killing my husband, but it wasn’t me. I didn’t ever hear the rest of the statement from the jury. I just know I want to kiss each and everyone of them.

  “Mrs. Dubois, you are free to go. You can collect your items, a fresh change of clothes and make a phone call at the front desk.

  “Yes, thank you, your honor.” Tears are spilling out of my eyes. I’m free, after four years of being locked up like a caged animal. Finally, I can go back to and live the way that I deserve.

  I am driven over to the jail by a state trooper so I can grab what little belongings I have there. There’s not much; a couple of drawings I did, a book or two, and my picture of Donovan that I kept on my wall for all those years. I take my things and head up to the front to make my phone call.

  I dial the number and it only takes one ring.

  “So, are you a free woman?”

  “Yes, I am!” I practically scream into the phone. “Can you come get me?”

  “Of course, hold tight. I was in the area, waiting for your phone call.”

  “Wonderful. See you soon.” I hang up the phone and the smile on my face is making my facial muscles hurt.

  No more than fifteen minutes later, I am standing outside. Nothing but a fence in between me and the world outside this prison. A world that I’ve missed, a world where Donovan and I will make a life together.

  I see the black Hummer pull up. About time. I turn back to the jail that has been my home for over four years and stick my middle finger up. Then I wait for the guard to hit the button to open the gate.

  I slip into the passenger’s side and slam the door.

  “Hello, dahling.”

  “Hello, Donna. Hello, Frankie. So good to see you two again.”

  Donna’s lips curl into a smile. “Welcome to freedom.”

  “So, did you like the pictures I took of that fucker Grady and his boyfriend?”

  “Frankie, they were probably the only thing that got me off.” I run my hand through my hair. “Now, I need to go to the bank and withdraw some money. I need a makeover before I see Donovan.”

  I hear Frankie groan in the backseat. “Are you still hung up on that bastard? I figured you’d be over him by now. He went after her, back to Virginia, you know. What if they worked shit out?”

  Yep, he still has a crush on me. “I’m not worried about that little slut. We were made for each other. So just shut up and take your cut. I think ten million is quite substantial enough.”

  “Well, I’m adding another million on to what you owe me. Since I’m the one that had to put the poison into his drink that night, not to mention I told Donovan’s little girlfriend all about you two.”

  “Well, Claire, I want my cut, too. I’m the one that bought the arsenic. I look awful in a wig.” Donna’s bottom lip pokes out and I notice she’s gotten more collagen injected into them since I’ve seen her last.

  I look at her, then look at my reflection in the visor mirror. Aside from the black hair, we look a lot alike, especially considering we’re not even related.

  “Yes, Donna, I will give you your cut as well. But first, I need that damn makeover.”

  “Do you hear that, Frankie? Now we can finally get away and go to Cancun. I can finally leave Rob, and I will still get half his shit.”

  “Yeah, baby, I hear.” Frankie runs his hands along Donna’s neck as she drives down the road. His fingers start to trail over her breasts and I see him eying me.

  I don’t think so. Especially if you’re screwing her.

  I return my attention to the road in front of me. As much as I don’t want to admit it, Donovan with another woman bothers the shit out of me. He will be getting payback for that. But I know he can’t resist me; he never could keep his hands off me. Now, all I need to do after I look my best is find him and get rid of that bitch, Allie, once and for all.


  First off, I have to thank God that He has gotten me this far in life. I never imagined being here and He saw me through it. He is the Rock that holds me up when I’m weak, and He’s my shelter from the storm. Without Him, I am nothing, but with Him

  I’d like to thank my readers. You guys help me keep writing, even when I feel like I can’t anymore. Thank you for supporting me. I can never begin to repay you for that.

  To Dan and our three children, Hannah, Jacob, and Sarah, my life wouldn’t worth living if I didn’t have you in it. Thank you for being my support team. Remember, kids, you can’t read this...ever. I love you guys.

  JB McGee, again, you have helped me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Thank you for being a go to person for me to bounce ideas off of and for doing such a great job on my covers! I heart you!

  Stacey Bentley, my favorite little ass nugget! I love you to pieces! Thanks for being there for me when I needed it most!

  To the Overwhelmed Street Posse, you girls are great! Thanks for being my pimps and my lookouts.

  Kelsie Leverich, girl I’m so proud of you for your success! Thank you for being there to support me when I needed to vent.

  To my beta readers: Kristen Teaff, Karrie Puskas, Fred LeBaron, Nicola Farrell, Emily Plice, Stacey Bentley, Kelsie Leverich, Bobbie Ann Bohn, Dawn Martens, Sarah Szczesiack, Becky Paprota-Martindell, Sarah Schwartz, Carrie Sutton, and Nicole Kelly. Thank you all for reading the first copies for me and helping me to make Stay With Me better.

  To my mom Sandy, my dad Ray, and my stepdad Wilson. Thank you for always having my back and supporting me! I love you all!

  Kathy Coopsman, thanks for making me laugh! You, my friend, are a trip!

  To the bloggers that helped me on my blog tour, Flirty Dirty, Book Bitches, Love Drug, Erica Ford, In the Night Reviews, Sarah’s book blog, Book Crush, Romance Bookworms, Mary Elizabeth’s Crazy Book Obsession, Vandeervecken's Veritas, ToBeThode, Novel Seduction, Swoon Worthy Blog and Just Booked. Thank you so much for helping me out! Thanks for getting my name out there for me!

  Michael Burhans, thank you so much for being able to edit and format for me. You’re are a lifesaver!

  To Indie Pixel Designs, you do awesome work!

  To Katie Ashley, Michelle Valentine, Kelli Maine, Michelle Leighton, Jenn Foor, and JB McGee, thank you for being such inspirations to me. I’m grateful beyond words.

  Last but not least, I’d like to thank all the people that said I would succeed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You kept me going when I wanted to give it all up. You know who you are.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33



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