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A Mile High Romance

Page 10

by Cassidy Coal

  She sauntered back towards him, swaying her hips deliciously from side to side as his eyes roamed her body. "Beg for it," she said, softly, when she was just inches away from him, the heat of his half-naked body radiating towards hers.

  "Beg for it?"

  She nodded, trying to hide the smile that threatened to break across her face.

  "Like this?"

  He knelt before her, his touch deft and sure as he moved his hands up her thighs. A moment later he ripped off her panties in one quick jerk.


  "I'll buy you another pair." He kissed the inside of one thigh and then another. "Hell, I'll buy you a hundred pairs. A thousand."

  He sucked and kissed his way up each thigh, alternating between the two, his head buried under the fabric of her dress. Sarah grabbed the hem and yanked it over her head. She wanted to see him, wanted to watch every movement of his luscious lips as they kissed and caressed her skin. Wanted to catch glimpses of those piercing green eyes as he glanced upward, checking to see what effect he was having on her.

  She buried her fingers in his jet black hair and he looked up at her, his green eyes glinting with desire. She shivered at what she saw there. This man was her undoing.

  He grinned his wicked little grin and buried his face between her legs, his tongue working its magic, probing and tasting and licking. He was demanding, greedy, like a pig at a trough; his fingers dug into her ass as he pulled her to him, the wet, sucking noise as he ate her out filling the room.

  She tightened her grip on his hair as waves of fire started to course through her skin. Jags of electricity shot through her, leaving her tingling, buzzing, on the edge of an explosion. He kept going, harder, faster, his fingers digging bruises into her flesh as he pressed her pussy to his mouth and consumed her.

  She threw her head back and closed her eyes, letting the sensations overwhelm her. She was lost, suspended in a sea of sensation, her only anchor the feel of his hands on her body.

  She whimpered.

  She wanted to beg him to stop, to let her take control back, to break this connection they had that obliterated all sense of who she was and where she was.

  But she didn't. She couldn't.

  She wouldn’t.

  Because as much as she wanted control back, she wanted to succumb to him. She wanted to be his, completely and utterly. Let him take her where he would, do what he would. As long as it felt like this. As long as she could soar above everything, her body on fire, she was happy.

  And then the orgasm came, pushing her over the edge and she fell, plummeting, soaring, lost, disconnected, a ball of pure sensation.

  She lost all track of time, of thought, of everything. Her world turned black and she felt like she was going to pass out as the waves of pleasure pulsed through her body, building and building until she screamed out her pleasure in an agonized, strangled cry of ecstasy.

  Tyler laughed, pulling back from her at last. "Liked that, did you?"

  He kept hold of her as he stood. It was a good thing, too, as she swayed in the aftermath of the powerful sensations passing through her body.

  "Do it again," she whispered, pulling him close for a soft kiss.

  "Oh no. Now it's my turn. Well, our turn, I hope. Come on."

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her towards a bathroom the size of her childhood bedroom. In the back corner was the most massive shower she'd ever seen. It could easily fit five or six people. Tyler hit a set of buttons on the wall and the shower burst to life, water shooting from every wall.

  "How many showerheads does that thing have?"

  He shrugged. "Enough. And look, you can set it to just the right temperature. How cool is that?"

  She shook her head. Leave it to her billionaire boyfriend to find a hotel shower that met his every need and whim.

  Not that she minded.

  In less than a minute, the shower beeped letting them know the water was the exact right temperature.

  Tyler pulled her into the onslaught of water, his mouth hot on hers as water coursed over every inch of their bodies in a pulsing, steady stream of warmth.

  It was amazing. She luxuriated in the feel of the water against her skin as he pressed his body to hers, his erection throbbing against her thigh in urgent demand.

  He ran his hand from her ample breasts down along the curve of her hip until he finally cupped her more than adequate ass in his palm.

  He turned her around until her hands were braced against the slick tiles of the shower wall and pressed his hard body along the length of her soft flesh.

  And then he was inside her, filling her, completing her in a way that no man ever had before. They moved together, in perfect synch, their bodies fitted together as if made for one another.

  He buried his teeth in the soft skin at the base of her neck as he thrust inside her, his fingers sneaking around to the front to work their magic until she was once more gasping under the powerful assault of another orgasm, her body shaking and quivering under his expert maneuvering.

  He gasped in her ear as his body stiffened against hers, a small groan escaping him as he came inside her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face against her back, holding her to him as the water continued to pour over their bodies like a benediction.

  He nuzzled her ear and said something, but she didn't hear it. She was so lost in the haze of their coming together that she could barely stand.

  Finally, they pulled apart and stepped out of the shower. Tyler wrapped her in a towel and kissed her on the forehead. "I wish…"

  He shook his head and turned away.

  "I do, too, you know."

  He leaned back against the bathroom counter, beautiful in his wet nakedness. "Then…"

  She stepped forward and kissed him, resting her hands on his chest. "Because it's not that simple, Tyler. You know this. I have to be my own woman. I have to take care of myself."

  "But you don't have to. I'd give you anything you want or need."

  She met his eyes, those gorgeous green eyes that threatened to steal her will away every time she looked into them. "Yes. I do. And…would you really want a woman who did nothing except wait in your hotel room for you to finish working?"

  "You could leave the hotel. You could shop or sightsee or…"

  She raised one eyebrow. "Oh, yes. Sounds like a fascinating woman to come home to. What did you do today, honey? Oh, I bought five new minks. Look."

  She rolled her eyes and stepped away. "Just take me out back and shoot me if that's what my life is going to be."

  He sighed. "I know. I just. I'd love to have you with me."

  "So come back to the States. Work remotely. You don't need to travel the world on your jet. You could pick up the phone just as easily."

  He shook his head. "No. My dad taught me that the personal touch really does make a difference."

  She finished toweling off and threw him the towel. "Well, then this is it, isn't it?"

  He caught the towel and stared back at her, at a loss for words.

  The rest of the weekend was fantastic. They spent the afternoon in a little café drinking coffee and people-watching and the evening in their hotel devouring each other's bodies like this was the last time they'd ever see each other. By the time she flew home Sarah was so sore all over she was almost glad to kiss Tyler goodbye.

  Almost. It was going to be another three weeks before they'd be able to see each other again.

  On Monday night Sarah went over to her mother's for dinner. Her mother had postponed the normal Sunday get-together just so Sarah could be there. Again.

  Sarah sat down to tater tot casserole with her entire, loud, out-of-control family—her mother, her three siblings and their spouses, and their six kids, the two oldest chasing one another around the front room with toy swords—and smiled.

  "Thanks for this, mom." She kissed her mom on the cheek, trying not to see how exhausted she looked, her skin sagging just a bit more, her shoulders slumped. />
  "Of course. Family. It's what matters, you know. Without family you have nothing."

  Sarah nodded as her brother, Paul, handed her the green beans. She couldn't imagine what childhood was like for Tyler, growing up alone, no siblings, his parents driven career types who were always jet-setting around the world leaving his upbringing to one of a series of foreign nannies.

  To think what he'd missed. What he was still missing.

  She may not have had money growing up, but she had something far more valuable than that. People who knew her, flaws and all, and still loved her.

  "Any luck on the job front?" she asked Paul softly, glancing towards Paul's wife who was six-months pregnant with their third kid.

  He smiled. "Yeah. Bobby was able to get me a place on his crew. I start tomorrow."

  Sarah breathed a silent sigh of relief. She still had the necklace Tyler had given her; if it had turned out Paul couldn't find work she would've pawned it in a second to help him out. Not that he would've accepted the money, of course. His pride was as strong as his work ethic.

  Dinner was a raucous affair with everyone talking at once and passing food around and across the table with no apparent order. But it was great to spend time with her family. She didn't realize how much she'd missed them these last two weekends she'd spent with Tyler.

  She wished she could have it all. Amazing nights with Tyler, dinners with her family, and enough time to make Mr. Horowitz happy with her work performance.

  Unfortunately, life didn't work that way. It forced you to choose even when you didn't want to.

  As Sarah hugged her mom goodnight, her mom said, "Can you do me a favor? Can you pick up the cake for Katie's party? I'm not going to have time to."

  Sarah winced. The party was in three weeks—the same weekend Sarah was supposed to see Tyler again. They were meeting in Frankfurt this time.

  "What?" She glared at Sarah. "Don't tell me. Another business trip."

  Sarah looked away. "Mom. It's work. I can't say no."

  Her mother sighed. "Look, young lady. I may not know how that world of yours works, but I know a girl who's sneaking around when I see one. So, what? He married? That it? You screwing some married man?"



  "I said no, Mom. He's not married."

  Her mother nodded. "But there is a guy. So another weekend away then? Gonna miss Katie's birthday just like you missed Paul Junior's?"

  Sarah bit her lip.

  "Fine. Whatever. Just remember, Sarah. Men come and go. Family is forever. Be sure you don't treat 'em so poorly they aren't here when you finally need 'em."

  Sarah opened her mouth and closed it again.

  "I love you, Mom."

  Her mother hugged her. "I love you, too, sweetie. Just think about what you're doing, would you?"

  Sarah struggled through the next three weeks. She was exhausted after two weekends in a row of flying to Paris and it didn't help that she had to stay up late into the night just so she could talk to Tyler on Skype.

  She even fell asleep in a status meeting. Not for long—just a minute or two—but long enough for Mr. Horowitz to see it. She struggled through, reminding herself that soon she'd be back in Tyler's arms and it would all be worth it.

  At three o'clock on the Friday afternoon when she was supposed to fly back to Tyler's side, Mr. Horowitz came by her cubicle. "Sarah. My office. Now."

  She startled out of a dream of Tyler's mouth on her breasts and followed Horowitz down the hall. She'd never heard him so angry before. What had she done?

  "Close the door."

  She did, but didn't sit. She crossed her arms against her chest and then uncrossed them again remembering that it made her look even bustier than she already was. "What is it, sir?"

  He grabbed a report from his desk and shoved it at her. "What is this?"

  "It's the monthly report, sir."

  He grabbed the report back and flipped through to page five. "And what's this?"

  She read the offending paragraph and cringed. "I must've forgotten to run spellcheck. I can send you a new draft."

  He grabbed the report back and flipped to another page. "And this? Are you telling me that month-on-month profits decreased 10,000% when we've been seeing an upward trend all year?"

  She stared at the offending graph, shaking her head. "No. That doesn't make any sense. It can't be."

  She glanced up at him. He was no longer the disappointed father. Now he was the pissed off father who'd just found out his kid was stealing from him to buy crack.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Horowitz. It won't happen again."

  "No. It won't. I want you to go through this entire report and check every single figure, graph, and word in it. Have a new draft on my desk by Monday morning at eight."

  Sarah stared at the hundred-page report, her mouth hanging open in shock. It would take her the entire weekend to review it.

  "And here. Sign this." He held out a single piece of paper.

  She read the document, her skin growing cold and clammy with each word. It was a probation letter. It said she understood that if she didn't improve her performance within thirty days she'd be fired.


  "Sign it." Horowitz glared at her over his wire-rimmed glasses.

  "Do you really have to…?"

  He nodded. "Yes."

  Sarah bit her lip to keep from crying. "Yes, sir." She signed the paper and thrust it back into his hands. She turned to leave before she completely lost it. Crying was a definite no-no.

  "Oh, and Sarah."

  She didn't turn back.

  "Yes, sir?"

  "You might want to reconsider whether sleeping with the head of your company is the best choice you can make for your career."

  She turned back around to explain that she'd never lied to him, but he'd turned his back on her and was pointedly taking his time filing away her performance warning. He clearly didn't want to hear it.

  Sarah left his office and ran to the bathroom. She locked herself in the last stall and cried her eyes out.

  How could life be so perfect and so wrong all at the same time?

  Sarah called Tyler from her desk.

  She bit her lip as the phone rang and rang and rang. What time was it in Frankfurt anyway? Ten or eleven at night?

  Finally, a groggy Tyler picked up. "Yes?"

  "Tyler." She sniffled. "It's Sarah. I…I can't make it this weekend."

  "What? Why not?" He suddenly sounded much more alert than he had a moment before.

  "Um, there's a report I need to finish. And it's my niece's fifth birthday party."

  There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. "Your niece's birthday. And you didn't know about it until now?"

  "Of course I did." And of course he'd skip right past the report she had to finish and focus on that.

  "So why the last minute change, Sarah? Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would've stayed in Moscow if I'd known. The only reason I'm in Frankfurt is because of you."

  "I know. I'm sorry."

  He sighed. "It's been three weeks, Sarah."

  "I know." She tried to hide the sadness from her voice, but she knew she sounded like a scared little girl, her voice small with pain.

  "I have to go to the Sydney office on Monday. It'll be another three weeks before I'm back in the States."

  "I know. But what can we do?"

  They sat there in silence as Sarah studied the image of a beautiful Costa Rican beach wishing they could both be there right now instead of having this miserable conversation.

  "You could come to Australia next week. Take a few days off."

  She shook her head. "No. I can't…No. I…can't miss any more work right now, Tyler. I'm hanging on by a thread as is."

  "Then come see me this weekend. The report can wait. And your niece won't really mind, will she? She's a kid. What does she care if her aunt is there?"

  Sarah bit back her first comment. How could she expect him to un
derstand that it wasn't just the birthday party, it was family.

  "No. Look. I'm sorry. I have to fix this report. Horowitz wants it done by Monday morning. My job is on the line here."

  "I'll call him. He can't force you to work the weekend."

  "No!" If she could've, Sarah would've jumped through the phone to stop him from making that call. "You can't."

  "What? What aren't you telling me, Sarah?"

  She bit her lip. "You have to promise me you won't do or say anything."

  "What aren't you telling me, Sarah?" he asked again, enunciating each word.

  She sniffled, fighting back tears. "Horowitz put me on performance review."

  "Performance review? What the hell! He can't do that."

  She laughed, a short, bitter sound. "Yes. He can. And…he was right to do so, Tyler. The report is a mess and I turned it in without even realizing how bad it was. My performance has slipped lately. A lot."

  "Because of me."

  She didn't answer. She didn't have to. "I need to make this right, Tyler. And…I need to spend more time with my family, too. They're…they mean a lot to me."

  He was silent on the other end of the phone.

  "Tyler? Please. Tell me you understand." She picked at a piece of tape on the edge of her desk as she waited for him to respond.

  "I don't. This could all be solved if you'd just agree to quit and travel with me."

  "That's not true."


  "No. How does spending weeks in Asia with you help me spend more time with my family?"

  "You could fly back every couple of weeks if you really wanted to."

  She shook her head. He didn't get it. That was it, wasn't it? The fundamental difference between them.

  It wasn't the money. It was family.

  She let out a deep breath. "I don't want to fly back every couple of weeks, Tyler. I want to have Sunday dinner at my mom's house like I have since I was little and go to my niece's ballet recital on a Tuesday and watch my nephew play t-ball on Saturday and sit on my sister's porch with a beer in my hand and just shoot the shit every once in a while." She bit her lip, suddenly realizing the truth. "I can't do that if I'm with you."


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