Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 3

by Lee Morgan

Connor felt Sarah suppress her laughter through their bond. “Since Mother and I are physically around the same age, it makes it easier to explain to other people that we are sisters and not mother and daughter.”

  Kara looked up at the night sky as did Connor to notice that the cloudy sky cleared and was replaced by twinkling stars and a crescent moon. Connor looked back at her when she said “It has been a long and stressful night for us all. I think we should all get some rest.” She looked at Mark and her eyes softened. “Come to bed, Fur Ball.”

  Mark elbowed Connor in the ribs and looked down to see he had on a bashful smile. “See what happens when I’m around you. I show what I really am and your sister starts treating me like a common house pet.”

  “In a way you both are.” Connor said jokingly.

  “Oh, I cannot wait to hear this.” Kara said, putting her elbows on her knees and holding her chin on them while looking at her brother with a smile. All thoughts to leave were momentarily forgotten.

  “Kara has the personality of a Jack Rustle terrier” He looked back at Mark. “and you can actually turn into a canine.” With that said, Sarah could no longer suppress her laughter. She leaned back in his chest, still giggling and the four of them joined in on the little remark.

  They all needed that release of tension.

  A few minutes later after all settled down, Kara stood and picked up her clay horse. She walked over and took Mark by his hand, helping him stand. He handed the spoon over to Sarah who now shifted her seating arrangement and parked her bottom next to Connor.

  She was so amazingly stunning that she continually took his breath away.

  Mark looked at Connor meaningfully and he didn’t need to read his mind for what he conveyed. Where there is one bear, there could be more. Connor spoke to him, saying “Don’t worry, I will keep watch. We only have three hours till daybreak. Get some rest, Bud.” He nodded and followed Kara to the shelter.

  When they slipped into the shelter Connor looked at Sarah while she looked at the fire and tried to work out a solution.

  “There is something you need to try, Princess.” Connor said and Sarah tore her gaze away from the fire and looked up at him. He wasn’t looking at her, but at the spoon she held. His piercing hazel eyes glared at the metal object.

  “What’s on your mind?” She asked, looking at the transformed spoon.

  “Remember how much energy it took transforming the cube, for our affinity test?” It was hard to forget how he made his entire body glow. Sarah still gets nightmares, seeing how quickly he drained himself of so much energy.

  “Yes, is something different now?” She looked back at him.

  “I would like you to change the spoon back and tell me if you feel the difference too.” He shot her his testing smile.

  “Ok.” Sarah closed her eyes and focused her mind on the spoon. She manipulated the spoon, back into the original shape of the fork that Connor graciously let her study, without so much as breathing heavily. As she opened her eyes the released the flow of energy took its toll. The feel became immediate. And he was right, it did feel different. It wasn’t nearly as draining.

  The spoon lifted and hovered above her hand as it changed its shape back into a fork. The head of the spoon grew red hot as the bowl shape started splitting and forming into four metallic spikes. As it landed back in her hand the red hot head of the utensil cooled. “Did you feel the difference?”

  Sarah handed him the spoon back and he took it with a knowing smile. She spoke quietly as she looked into his soulful hazel eyes that she could stare at for hours and never get bored. “I did. I felt the same amount of power being used, but it feels like I could have done it for hours.”

  The first time they tried manipulating a metal cube, Connor and Sarah used almost all of their meager energy reserves. He was sitting down on her parent’s living room floor, funneling his stamina into her while she sat down in his lap. Balancers can transfer energy to others through skin contact and the best method of energy transfer is known as the Balancer’s Chair. Sarah had to sit on him while being encased by her mate’s body, exposing as much skin to him as possible.

  He even saved her life and that of her parents when she changed the form of the cube into a sheath because he made his cube transform into a small dagger. When Sarah took the last test Connor’s entire body glowed as he poured all of his energy reserves into her. She didn’t know the price for manipulating metal, but Connor did and he saved all of them because neither she nor her parents had enough energy left to complete that test.

  “I think that we can store even more energy now.” He admitted, looking up and into the stars.

  “That means that you and I can add on our list, that our energy’s can store more than Mother’s and Father’s combined.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

  “When Jack and I had our last sparring session. I also noticed that I have become only slightly quicker and stronger than your father as well. He might have noticed it as well, but hadn’t said anything.” He was still looking up.

  “I saw.” He looked down at her with a warm smile. “It was the same way with Mother and I, when we sparred.” Sarah stared worriedly as she looked into the fire. How strong are we going to become?

  Connor put his gentle knuckle under her chin and lifted it up for her to look at him. “Princess, I don’t know either, but one thing is for sure, you are never alone, you will always have me at your side.” He leaned down and kissed her softly. It was warm and exactly what she needed from him.

  Sarah always reacted strongly to him and this time wasn’t any different.

  When she could think clearly again she noticed that he put the fork back into his metal camping bowl. “We have something else to worry about that’s more pressing.” She said, getting his attention away from the fire.

  “And what would that be?” He asked while looking confused.

  “What should we tell my parents about the Canine Couple?” She asked, pointing to the shelter. Both Kara and Mark’s distinctive snores violently filled the night air, possibly scaring off all wildlife in the process.

  Connor started chuckling at the new nickname for the pair. “How about we wait and ask Mark and Kara their opinions first. Let’s see how things go in the morning. Come here.” She looked up to see her husband stand and then he pulled her up with him.

  Connor picked up the log, turned it vertically and then thrust the log into the ground with ease. Half of the longer log was now buried in the ground as Connor sat in front of it, propping his back against the log as a brace. He spread his legs while he offered his hand up to her. “You need some rest, Sarah. Please get some while I keep watch.” He pushed in her mind while smiling her favorite smile.

  Sarah took his large hand in her own and sat down on the ground before him while leaning her back against his perfectly sculpted and bare chest. He wrapped his arms under her breasts while she turned her head to put an ear over his heart.

  Sarah watched the fire from the corner of her eye. Its warmth kept to her front while Connor warmed up her back. The only cool part of her was from where her bottom rested on the soft ground. Sarah’s eyes started getting heavy as she listened to the fire crackle. Connor’s breathing and his calming heart beats quickly finished the job and she went quickly to sleep.

  As the first rays of sunlight streaked through the darkness of night Mark knew that his life would no longer be so barren and alone. He felt relief that they all knew his biggest secret and none of them were deathly afraid. A miracle happened. The first one he’s had in centuries. They accepted him so quickly, even after seeing what he turn into.

  Mark’s best friend figured out what he was without any difficulty. He has gone through centuries without anyone even noticing or hinting that they knew he was different. Yet here, Connor figured it out and didn’t run away or try to kill him. Mark knew exactly what Sarah was the moment she came into class because of her scent, but he didn’t realize that Connor would become her mate. H
e knew what she was because her race always has a unique smell and the way she moves shows she had an ancient power born in her blood, unlike normal humans. They usually smell like a sickly sweet honey to him. But Connor also has a musky scent which seemed odd because human men have a slightly different musk, but he was always odd. He wasn’t like the normal kids and that is what drew Mark to befriend him so long ago.

  At least they won’t die on me anytime soon. Mark laughed silently as he withdrew himself from Kara and the sleeping bag.

  What came as a bigger shocker was how well Kara was handling all of this news. When she saw him in his transformed state Mark thought she would scream in terror or faint, but she didn’t. What she did do shocked him through every cell in his body; like when Mathew tasered Connor during graduation. She slapped and then ordered him to sit like an obedient pup. His body reacted instinctively to her command. She was more afraid he didn’t like her, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Mark has never seen someone so beautiful and have such a buoyant personality. In his nine hundred year opinion, she was perfect. He has never followed another’s command in his life, until he met the May siblings. Mark knew not why he did, only that it just feels right to be near them. That’s not to mention how much excitement that they bring along with them wherever they go.

  Mark looked over and saw Connor’s bulk was leaning against a post. When did he make a post? He didn’t see Sarah sleeping on her side of the shelter and he saw that the campfire still smoldered only slightly weaker from the eventful night. Mark wanted to make sure that Connor kept his promise to keep a look out for the night. He took only one silent step in that direction and suddenly felt the oddest sensation flowing through him. It felt like a slow stream of cool water caressing his forhead. Connor had never felt this unique sensation before, outside of swimming. “Shh… keep quiet when you move, Bud. Sarah is still sleeping over here.” Mark went stone still because it was actually Connor talking by using his telepathy. Things had become even more strange than he explained.

  Mark did as he said. With stealth Mark walked towards him and the campfire without making any noise. When he rounded the post Connor laid against Mark saw him turn his head slowly and looked at him with his watchful predatory eyes. Mark knew without doubt that he didn’t sleep all night, so he whispered silently “Good morning.”

  Connor shook his head slowly while still holding Mark in his raptor-like gaze. He took his right arm and tapped his temple without disturbing Sarah. She remained sound asleep, cuddled tightly against his bare chest. “Let’s talk this way, my friend. It is much quieter.” Mark’s eyes went wide because he didn’t just imagine Connor’s voice in his mind. “What is with that look? I promise not to go any deeper into your mind than this, Mark. I won’t read your random or private thoughts. Think like you would speak.” He thought and Mark still stood frozen in place. Connor gestured with his free hand “Sit down. You look like something’s wrong.”

  Mark eventually felt able to think again as Connor lowered his eyes to Sarah. “Connor, this can’t be real! It just can’t…”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m a Balancer, remember?” He tilted his head to the side in confusion as he wrapped his arm slowly around Sarah again. “Reading minds is part of the job description.”

  “I still can’t believe this…” Mark finally sat down on the other log; sighing quietly. He knew Connor was waiting patiently because when Mark took his eyes away from the fire Connor was still watching, studying and analyzing his reactions. “Connor, I haven’t met a single Balancer that could enter a mind of a Changer. I have only known Keepers who could such things.”

  “You mean to tell me that if I were a normal balancer, I couldn’t enter a Changer’s mind.” A sly smile crept on his face.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Mark couldn’t help but smile back at his amazing friend.

  “Well Sarah and I told you before you went to sleep that we were different.” Mark saw Connor smile deepen as he looked down at the small woman cuddled to his breast. She looked so frail next to him, but looks are always deceiving, especially among immortals.

  She could be just as dangerous as he is, if not more.

  These two truly are something else.

  “I can see that the two of you are truly remarkable.” Connor nodded slowly for the compliment. Mark changed the subject. “When did you first suspect that I was different?”

  He looked up and had on his goofy smile that could make the most hardened criminals crack up. “I first suspected something was off when you first went camping with Granddaddy and me six years ago. While on our hike you sprained your ankle. I looked around for the hole or slip on the stones and didn’t find any traces or disturbances from where you fell. Also when I could see how quickly your ankle swelled and began to bruise after the accident I wondered if you had a medical condition, but you didn’t mention anything so I wondered then what happened that day. It happened too quickly. A normal human would know that it takes more than a day for a bruise to surface like that.”

  “It goes back that far?” Mark’s mind spoke in disbelief.

  “Yes, but I do have three questions, Bud?”

  “Only three? Go ahead.” Mark nodded with a furrowed brow.

  “First; how did you make your ankle do that?”

  “Changers have the ability to control every cell within their bodies. For my ankle I made some of the water in my body collect around my ankle, just to make it swell. Then I had to make some of my blood vessels burst just under the skin and make them come to the surface to mimic a bruise.”

  Connor looked up at the morning sky. “That makes sense in a way.” He looked down and back at Mark. “Next; when I was using my sonar I saw how you’re organs shifted and how your bones broke and reformed. My question is; does it hurt to do that?”

  Mark smiled in spite of himself. “No, it doesn’t hurt at all unless you change shapes repeatedly or too quickly on low stores. Here’s an easy to explain example; it doesn’t hurt to breathe does it?” Connor shook his head slowly. “Does it hurt to breathe when you are completely exhausted from an extreme workout?”

  “It makes thing difficult and uncomfortable, but not really hurt.”

  He says that, but to this day Mark has yet to see him worn out except after the accident. He’s always been healthy and had a lot of endurance for a kid his age.

  “It’s the same way with me. It doesn’t hurt to shift, but it gets uncomfortable if you do multiple changes in rapid succession.” He looked up again processing what has been said. He likes new information and explanations, the more details the better. “What’s the last question you have for me?”

  Still looking up he asked “Why do your muscles look like mine?”

  That question took Mark off guard and when he collected his thoughts he answered “You’ve seen my eyes glow.” Connor nodded and allowed him to continue. “When I make any adjustments to my body, my eyes will flicker, more so when I do a full body transformation. Before you became a Balancer and attained all of these abilities, I never knew someone could be built the way you are. In all my years I have never seen someone with your level of development and not be an immortal. That being said, I used you as a template and made my body reform accordingly. As a human, your speed, strength and stamina couldn’t be matched. And as I slowly made my adjustments while studying you, I observed that I was correct. I was able to run faster and longer than I ever could have imagined in my normal human form. Even my superhuman speed and reflexes became more developed and adept thanks to you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now it’s your turn for questions; if you have any for me?” His face came down to look at Mark yet again.

  “Hmm… When I sprained my ankle all those years ago, going hiking with you and Granddaddy, did you notice anything odd as you carried me back to your home riding piggyback?”

  “Only that you were a little heavy. Why?” He was honestly perplexed.

  “A Little Hea
vy?!” Mark mentally shouted and Connor restrained himself from flinching, otherwise he would wake up Sarah. Mark lowered his mental voice to explain his position. “Connor, my weight stays around a constant four hundred and fifty pounds.” Mark shook his head in disbelief.

  “Really? It didn’t seem all that much to me.” Connor smiled again with his goofy grin. He is a comedian now… This is just bizarre. He thought to himself and a few minutes later Connor asked another query.

  At least Connor is always easy to speak with.

  “Can you tell me what other Changer’s are like? I only know about a few things about Balancers.”

  Mark sighed, knowing he was going to ask that question sooner or later. “Changers are usually solitary and highly territorial creatures. We like to be by ourselves or with our mates. We only gather together once every twenty five years. Sometimes, if there is a territorial issue, we fight. In the rarest of cases does a Changer fight to the death. If they do, it’s usually because the other party killed their mate and they are out for revenge. I am a little different from them though, I like being around others. I like you and your family and I don’t have a mate that I will need to fight for.” Mark smiled sadly at remembering some of the things from his past.

  “That’s nice to hear and you’re welcome to stick around us for as long as you’d like.” Connor regained Mark’s attention and pulled him out of those dark thoughts with his empathetic smile.

  A ray of sunlight now caressed Sarah’s cheek after a morning cloud moved over. She slowly opened her eyes after fluttering them to look up at Connor. She stretched out her petite limbs as she said “Morning.” She twisted a little and laid her back flat against his chest. She looked up at Mark and said nicely “What are you sitting quietly over there for?”

  He smiled at her. “It’s not that quiet in here.” Mark tapped his forehead. “Connor and I were just talking.”

  “I didn’t hear you say anything.” She stated while yawning and covering her mouth. “You guys must have been talking very quietly.”


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