Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 4

by Lee Morgan

  “He was just talking to me telepathically and allowing you to sleep undisturbed.” Mark said while looking at her. He wonder if she caught what he just said.

  “That was considerate of the two of you.” She smiled and a moment later her eyes were suddenly awake. “Did you just say Connor was conversing with you telepathically?” She finally realized what he said.

  Connor with a tightlipped smile looked to Mark.

  “I did.” Mark said and couldn’t help but grin at the two of them.

  “But…” She looked up at Connor as he looked down at her with a loving smile that would make one sick if you knew he was faking. “We can’t enter a Changers mind.” She said adamantly while looking back at the Changer among them.

  “Well apparently my Buddy can.” Mark then asked “Would you care to try for yourself?” He wanted to know if she was also capable.

  She looked back at Connor and then back to him; nodding slowly. Her green eyes contacted his. The same feeling hit him again, but this one had a softer, more delicate touch. “Can you hear me, Mark?”

  “Loud and clear on this end, Sarah.” And Connor finally started chuckling. “What is it?” Mark asked him.

  “Sarah, is just a little surprised at this new development and she is just a little giddy.” He admitted and she placed a hand on his lap

  “How can you tell?” Mark asked because he was clueless.

  “Through our bond as mates.” He stated.

  “How long did it take for the bond between the two of you to form?” His curiosity was piqued as his smile receded.

  “I felt our bond within moments of finishing the ceremony. Oh and that’s when I found out I could read her mind as well.” Connor stated and Sarah moved his arms, with hers, and crossed them under her breasts to hold her closer and absorb his abundant warmth. She looked cold but he probably already knew and just let her move his arms.

  “Surprise after surprise. This is all so very fascinating and intriguing. I am so glad to have moved here.” Mark slapped his knee, hitting a bug that bit, saving it from future misery. It was a little too loud of a smack though.

  Out of the corner of his eye Mark saw movement. He turned his head and witnessed Kara walking away from the shelter, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She walked over and sat down on the log next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “Can we have something to eat? I’m drained.”

  “Welcome to our world Kara.” Sarah said with a laugh and the rest of them joined in.

  Construct and Demolish

  After Mark walked over and brought back the tree suspended bags, everyone emptied the rest of the packs of food and started cooking and eating soon after. Sarah sat directly next to Connor, on the ground, while the other two lovebirds sat on the log eating and drinking before the small flame and warm coals. Following the eventful and explanative night they all shared, they were all waiting for someone else to say something first, but each one became more afraid than the next to know just exactly what to say and not look a fool in the process. This left the entire group very silent until the meal ended.

  After Kara ate her fill Connor, as the one who felt most responsible for the current situation, decided to be the one to break the silent streak. Everyone almost jumped at the sound of his deep voice as he spoke to his sister and best friend. “There is something we need to discuss with the two of you.”

  Connor received everyone’s undivided attention within moments. He felt the familiar touch of Sarah’s mind start brushing against his own yet she said and revealed nothing in her expression. Even her emotions were bland.

  Grateful for the ended silence Kara asked “Brother, what needs to be discussed? I vowed to never tell anyone about anything from last night. I haven’t forgotten so soon.”

  Kara’s honesty made him smile even if she didn’t allow him to finish his explanation. She has always leapt ahead when she gets overly anxious. It isn’t anything new. Everyone could tell she remained restless from learning about all of this. Connor pulled up his straight right leg and rested his arm on it as he continued the discussion without upsetting his sibling. “I believe you. The problem lies not with you in this particular conversation, but actually with Sarah’s parents.”

  “They won’t hurt us or anything… will they?” Kara asked Sarah with wide brown eyes. Now the youngest in the group has become worried about something she hadn’t considered.

  “I don’t believe so, but it would be better to tell them before they find out on their own. It would only invite more hostility. It might get a little rough for us all if they discover that we were keeping secrets from them.” Sarah said while placing her empty bowl in front of her, without breaking eye contact with Kara. She then placed her hand on Connor’s left thigh, that remained flat on the ground. He placed his palm atop hers and began caressing her hand with a thumb. She didn’t show any outward expression, but her bond said she enjoyed it. “Especially one this serious to our survival.”

  Connor enjoyed having a physical connection with her too.

  Mark looked at Kara and then to Connor for guidance. Something in his expression tipped off Mark’s analytical skills. “What did you come up with?” He knew Connor all too well. Connor never left anything half finished, especially when lives could be on the line.

  “I can think of only two possibilities that will not backfire on us, too badly.” Mark nodded and Kara was watching her brother intently with her chocolaty eyes. “My first solution is that I should invite Jillian and Jack to our house while the two of you were there and we broke it to them carefully.” Connor looked down at Sarah as he felt her hand clutch his thigh tightly as she read his mind for the other solution that could work. Connor sighed when she released her grip in understanding of the reasoning.

  “What’s the other plan, Connor? I doubt the first will work and your house becomes a casualty if something goes wrong.” He saw Mark’s silver eyes searching intently for an answer. Connor just hoped that they’ll all go along with it. It could get tricky for Mark most of all.

  “This one might be a little more dangerous for you two, but I believe that it will make the disputes and accusations go away quicker and become smoother for all of us. Plus we wouldn’t have to worry about damaging our cottage, like you said.” Sarah didn’t dare look at him, but Connor felt her worry as if it were his own, through the connection as mates. From his peripheral vision Connor saw Kara shift in her seat uncomfortably. She wasn’t sure what kind of danger there could be, but she wasn’t going to give in or up without a fight. Her honest ignorance might be both a benefit and a liability. Mark’s eyes didn’t flinch or waver from his friends. He stayed calm and confident for whatever the situation to come for them. His look said it all ‘Two normal Balancers wouldn’t be a problem to handle.’ “For about the past three weeks Sara and I train with her parents daily. We are honing our skills. Sometimes we spar with weapons, hand to hand and even using our abilities in different ways. We needed to learn about ourselves and her parents are helping us.”

  “Where does the danger factor in?” Mark asked evenly and without emotion.

  “I would like for them to meet the four of us at the training grounds.” Connor retorted to him in the same tone. “It might be more dangerous because they will be already prepared for a full day’s fight. I think it would be better for them to have their guards up and minds running, rather than spring this secret on them and they react in a hostile manner. Plus we will be in a wide open space and can act accordingly. At the very least, this plan won’t confine the two of you in my home should they snap. I looked for ways to cause the least amount of trouble for everyone and this one seemed the most viable for everyone.”

  “That would be a wise decision.” Mark nodded.

  “How could that be wise, Mark? It seems more like an execution for me. Yeah…five super-humans with weird abilities verses little ol me, a little human girl who couldn’t even blink faster than you move. Yeah, that seems fair.” Kara blurted out, a
lmost in a mental breakdown. “How would things be better if they are already ready to fight?”

  Mark finally looked away from Connor and now looked over to his girlfriend. He placed his calm, confident hands over her shaking shoulders in the attempt to ease her nervousness. “You’re brother is right. I didn’t think of it at all and yet he came up with the most logical solution. And you needn’t worry, I’ll be there the whole time. I won’t allow any harm to come to you.” She still looked skeptical so he elaborated a bit more. “Think of it this way: What if you were suddenly at a cheerleading competition and didn’t have any rehearsals memorized? You would worry, become frightened or possibly become angry. You make untold mistakes and wouldn’t get a good judges score and your team would lose.

  “Now, what if you knew every move by heart for the competition, but you were forced to move ahead of schedule because another team dropped out? You wouldn’t feel completely unprepared and you could manage the routine because of all the preparations. Your overall score wouldn’t be affected by the judges and you’d win the competition hands down.” He smiled at her. “Connor wants Sarah’s parent’s to be somewhat prepared for us and not completely off guard. Less mistakes will happen.”

  “That makes since now.” She said quietly to herself as she turned her head to look at the ground. She finally looked up at Connor with calmer eyes. Mark’s words had truly eased her suffering. And she finally asked, after a few deep and slow breaths “When do you think we should tell them, Brother?”

  Sarah cut into the conversation as she took her hand off his leg. “The sooner we tell them, the better chance that they will have time to understand our unique positions. The longer we wait the more we’ll have to defend against. Let us think on it some more, ok?” Sarah looked up to Connor for reassurance and he smiled reassuringly and she smiled softly back.

  “Ok just let us know when and where to meet.” Kara said while standing up and began walking to the hidden mountain stream with a handful of clean clothes and the deodorant from her bag. Sarah then leaned forward and rummaged in her own pack for her last pair of clean clothes and her hairbrush, along with her bar of soap. She kissed Connor’s cheek before she quickly caught up to his sister by the thicket. The look in Sarah’s loving green eyes told him that she was going to keep an eye on his sister, make sure all is well and to speak in private.

  Connor looked up at the morning sun kissing the eastern side of the mountain. The birds were all awake and giving the morning air a mixed yet harmonized melody. When Connor looked down and saw Mark’s eyes flash for a moment he asked with a smile “What did you change?”

  He said playfully “Just the tendons and cartilage in each of my knees.”

  That’s an odd thing to do… “Why?”

  “Because we are hiking downhill today and I know how much strain it puts on the knees. So I added about a millimeter more cartilage to absorb the impact my legs will sustain and my tendons help absorb the shock as well. Puts a bit more bounce in my step.”

  “That sure is a handy ability.” Connor stood and quickly pulled the post out of the ground before asking “By the way can you grow any more arms or legs, being what you are?”

  Connor turned to him when he began laughing. “No, but I can grow wings or modify my limbs into fins, if I wanted!” Mark laughed even more after Connor noticed his jaw hung slacked. Connor didn’t understand the full extent of his best friend’s abilities, but Mark thought he did and thought it hilarious.

  When the scattered thoughts finally collected coherently Connor said “Let’s break down camp and pack up while the girls are over there making themselves pretty.” Connor gestured in their direction. Without looking at him directly Mark nodded and they started pouring the old warm water over the fire, snuffing it out before covering it with clay and sand to prevent a wildfire.

  As Kara lathered her hair with the bar of soap she saw her sister-in-law in a new light. Sarah was still wearing her bra and panties as she resurfaced from under the still frigid water. Her graceful movements were so amazingly stunning now that Kara had cause to pay attention. Sarah also moved differently than most girls who look their age. Her movements were fluid and precise like she had to always be aware of her surroundings or else she could make some kind of deadly mistake. Then her warm green eyes caught Kara staring at her. In response to being caught gawking she dunked herself quickly in the frigid stream, but Kara also had to get the suds washed out or she’d be scratching her head all day. All of the soap suds were slowly washed away downstream as she finally resurfaced.

  The two of them quickly exited the water together. As Kara began drying her legs she noticed that her own legs had three days of stubble growing. She looked at Sarah legs and asked curiously “Did you shave your legs recently?”

  Sarah stopped drying her long brown hair and giggled softly. “Nothing like that, Kara. Balancer’s don’t grow any hair below their neckline. We are a bit more evolved if you wish to make a comparison.” Sarah’s green eyes peered at her softly yet innocently. She wasn’t making fun.

  “Well that’s a convenient trait.” Kara said to herself, but Sarah took it as a statement towards her.

  “You’re brother is the same way as well.” She started giggling to herself.

  I have to see that for myself. Kara thought evilly and a grin appeared.

  After Sarah brushed the tangles out of her waist length of silky brown hair they swapped the hairbrush for deodorant.

  Returning to the campsite they walked through the thick brush after putting on fresh clothes.

  Kara watched in wonder as her big brother’s hands moved in a blinding blur as he untied the knots of rope from the shelter. The movement suddenly stopped. He turned to recognize their arrival and smiled appropriately. His chest muscles were bulging and his X contrasted his pristine form yet it also made him look commanding. Kara witnessed that he no longer had any arm hair and when she looked at his legs, below his shorts, she saw that they truly were hairless as well. Oh I have new ammo for him when he makes fun of me next time…

  The other end of the shelter is lively as well and she watched Mark’s hands and limbs blurred as quickly as her brother’s did. It was like the two men no longer needed to hold back themselves from each other and could do things as casually as they came for immortals. He unfastened his side of the shelter and threw the rope across the top and Connor caught it mindlessly. He looked at Mark and asked “Could you help pack up the rest of the gear while I wrap these up?” He jiggled the ropes in his left hand for clarification.

  “Sure.” Kara’s boyfriend answered and quickly wrapped up the sleeping bags and secured them to the top of their packs. Her brother moved too quickly for human eyes to follow as he bundled the ropes together and he actually made Kara motion sick from watching. That has never happened before, feeling motion sickness. She had to turn around before she lost control over her stomach.

  Kara’s eyes were unable to keep open and it made her stomach heave. As luck would have it, she held on to her breakfast.

  A small, tender hand began rubbing her back. “Are you feeling ill?” She heard Sarah asking soothingly.

  “I’m alright Sarah. I just became a little dizzy watching my brother’s movements…that’s all.” Kara answered as she still continued to rub gently. Then Sarah tucked an escaping strand of hair behind Kara’s ear.

  A few seconds later she heard Mark say “I’m finished over here.” Then turning back around, after her stomach settled, Kara saw that her brother was finished as well and began putting the rope bundles in his pack. He holstered Tool to his hip as he stood and walked slowly to the women, holding her silver longbow as well as the quiver of arrows in his left hand.

  “You brought it, you carry it.” Connor said in a teasing tone, but Sarah didn’t catch the intent correctly.

  “Don’t be mean to her, Connor. She’s not felling well.” Sarah’s green eyes were intense, but nonthreatening.

  Kara put my hand on her shoulder
. “Sarah, he was joking. He was just politely reminding me of Granddaddy’s camping rules. When we bring something camping we don’t leave it behind and risk complications. It’s a running joke Brother and I pull on each other when we’d go camping together and see who’ll be the first to say it.”

  “Ok, but you tell me if he starts picking on you because I’ll take care of it.” Her sister-in-law informed while putting an arm protectively around Kara’s shoulder. She saw her brother and Sarah make sudden eye contact and then for some reason she stuck her tongue out at him. And he started laughing. It was contagious because Sarah and Kara joined in. She didn’t know what they said to each other, but she’d leave that up to her imagination.

  Moments later, Mark came up to her with a smile while Kara strapped on the hip belt that held the quiver of arrows. He said “Well if this wasn’t this an informative gathering I don’t know what else to call it.”

  Kara came up with a better name for this weekend instead of a gathering. “How about we call it the first ever B.C. meeting.” The three of them looked at her in honest confusion. “You have all heard about A.A. meetings where they spill their secrets about how bad drinking has made their life a living hell? Well I named this weekend a B.C. meeting; Balancer and Changer. But we’re not anonymous, seeing as how we’re family and all…”

  At hearing that mediocre joke, Mark came up to her and pulled Kara up into a twisting hug. “I thought you would freak out, but apparently you have a little of your brother in you.” His suddenness made her laugh.

  “Was that supposed to be a compliment?” Connor crossed his arms while faking a pouting bottom lip.

  “For you or for her?” Kara’s three hundred year old sister-in-law questioned with a hint of a laugh.

  He looked down at her and then to the rest of them. “What’s this? Pick on Connor day?” The three nodded with zealous enthusiasm. He sighed in total defeat as they all playfully ganged up on him.


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