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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 17

by Amy Kyle

  “Yeah, that’s it. Find her; have her sent to me later on. Remember I want her to be in charge of this security force. I’ve had some death threats and we feel that added protection is a must. I want no one else besides her.” Rico stated.

  “Damn what did she do to get so under your skin?” Sally questioned.

  “I don’t know really. But there was an exchange between us, and her reaction to it was priceless. She seems, oh hell I don’t know.” Rico shook his head. “Just find her and get her here.” He added and walked into his office.

  As he sipped his coffee he wondered how this cop had gotten under his skin. Maybe it was something that wouldn’t be true today. It could be a onetime quick reaction to how red she had gotten when he had joked with her.

  Then he thought about it more. “No it was that look she got when I told her I wanted to see her red bra. Yeah that look that said sure, I will gladly show it to you. But you’ll have to be good if you want to see it more than once.” He said, remembering the look clearly now. It had been like a wild cat caged and waiting to pounce. “I bet she’s amazing in bed.” His loins reacted to the thought.

  “I found out who she was, but she’s not in the precinct right now. They’ll get a hold of her and have her come over as soon as they can, but it’s her day off and they can’t find her yet.” Sally explained.

  “So what is her name, what do you know about her?” Rico asked.

  “Her name is Lalena Swan; she’s been on the force for 10 years. Her record is spotless, really not much else to know though.” She told him.

  “Hmm, Lalena, that’s a different name. I would have expected it from her. Yes, let me know when she’ll be coming if you can.” He told her and turned to his work on the desk.

  Rico stared down at things that needed his attention, but now all he could think about was Lalena Swan. It was an unusual name. He tried to focus on things that needed to be done, but try as he might it didn’t work.

  “Did they find her yet?” He asked Sally.

  “I don’t know I haven’t gotten a call yet.” She answered.

  “Please call them again, see what’s going on. Is her number listed online?” He questioned.

  “I didn’t see it. Most of the cops on the force make sure to stay unlisted. But I’ll check again.” Sally laughed. “You’ve got it bad for this girl, why?” She asked him again.

  “I was thinking about this and the only answer I have is the look in her eyes when I made a comment to her. She looked like she was a wild cat and was ready to pounce. I don’t see that often in many of the women I’ve had, maybe it’s a challenge. But honestly besides that she is really pretty. Did you see her last night?” He asked Sally.

  “The blonde one at the front?” She asked. “I saw you talking to you and you whispered something to her. But I wasn’t sure what was going on, I was trying to pay attention to Janesa too.” Sally admitted.

  “She was beautiful. She smelled nice too, like lilacs and you know I love that scent.” He commented.

  Sally laughed. “Damn you sound like a boy who has a crush on a school mate!” She commented.

  “I feel like the boy who has a crush on a school mate too. A crush that the other person has no idea about. I’m also hoping that her hold on me isn’t this strong the next time I meet her. This could be a dangerous feeling for me.” Rico admitted.

  “Oh so you have those feelings that she might be the one who makes you settle down!” Sally laughed heartily. “I can’t see it, not you Rico Suave!”

  Rico laughed at the joke. “I know this is one of the main reasons I would love to see her today. I want to get her out of my mind, but want to grab her at the same time. It’s an odd feeling that I just don’t know if I like or not. Fuck I’m tempted to go get a blow job from one of the waitresses just to get my mind off of her.” Rico commented.

  “Yeah why don’t you. Perhaps the sexual release will help some. Hey if you go can you bring me back a hamburger?” She asked.

  “Sure, what do you want on it?” He asked.

  “Get me everything, and add a slice of Colby cheese.” Sally stated.

  Rico left the office to go to lunch and get his blow job. “I hope this works. Maybe by the time I get back they’ll have found Ms. Swan and she’ll visit. Right after I’ve had an orgasm my mind should be a lot clearer in dealing with her.” He talked himself up the whole way to the restaurant.

  “Hey mayor, how are you today?” The young waitress came up to his table and batted her eyelids at him.

  “I’m good, but I’m looking for something extra special today.” Rico smiled and looked down at his pants to give her a hint.

  “Oh yes sir, I think we need to have something looked at in the back room. Do you mind?” She commented and stood aside so that he could get up.

  They went to the back room and she quickly had his pants open and his cock in her mouth. He patted her head as she sucked on him, but in his mind he pictured the person on her knees as the female cop.

  Rico closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the waitress’s hot mouth on his dick. He could feel his cock getting rigid and knew that he was about ready to cum. With one last stroke and up and down motion of her mouth he was unloading his milk into her mouth. She lapped it up quickly and licked her lips.

  “I hope that was good!” She smiled.

  “It was very nice; I think you’ll have a nice tip waiting after I’m done eating!” He laughed.

  “I think I just had a really nice tip!” She stated.

  He went back out and sat down. His body was spent and he felt a little better. But the fact that he had pictured Ms. Swan the whole time did bother him. Rico shook his head; he didn’t want to settle down. Perhaps if she was willing to fuck him it would get her out of his mind.

  “But come on Rico, can you just walk up to a cop and say, hey fuck me? Even if you are the mayor that’s some messed up stuff there.” He thought to himself.

  “Hey I need a hamburger to go as well, throw everything on it and include a slab of Colby cheese too!” He told the waitress when she came back to give him his food.

  “Yes sir, I’ll get that started for you right now. If you need anything else just let me know.” She smiled and wiped her mouth like she still tasted his sperm.

  He felt his cock jump at the thought of having her give him another blow job. But he knew that he didn’t have time to waste, he had some work that needed to get done at the office.

  “Maybe tomorrow I’ll come back for another round.” He told her as she turned to go away.

  “Anytime of the day when I’m here, it’s not a problem!” She told him and winked.

  Rico ate the rest of his food and tried to get his mind into the work that needed to be done. Then he wondered if Sally had found the cop and was she on her way. He finished up his food and left, hoping that when he got back Sally would have some good news for him.

  “Hey did they get ahold of Ms. Swan?” He asked immediately upon entering the office.

  “As a matter of fact no more than 10 minutes ago I got a call from them. They found her and are sending her over in an hour or two. Since it’s her day off, you know she was busy doing something. But at least she will be here within a couple of hours.” Sally informed him.

  “A couple of hours. All right I’m going to try and get some of these things done in here.” Rico went into his office. He hoped the time would fly by, but had a feeling that instead he was looking at two hours that would drag by.

  However, he was pleasantly surprised when what seemed like 15 minutes later Sally informed him that Ms. Swan was here to see him.

  “Come in and have a seat Ms. Swan. It’s nice to see you today. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.” Rico said as she came into his office. He looked at her blonde hair; it was hanging down around her shoulders today. He felt his body react to her beauty. His mind wondered what she would look like after he made love to her, and that hair was all messed up.

�Thank you. No I was just doing a few things. Nothing really important.” Sally stated.

  “I bet your wondering why I wanted you to come here today.” Rico began.

  “Actually yes I was. I was also wondering if I should have worn a red bra as well!” Lalena said.

  The comment caught him off guard, and he started laughing heartily. “That’s funny. Did you wear a red bra?” His eyes got serious and he felt the lust rush into his body more quickly than ever.

  It was her turn to be caught off guard. “Actually no I didn’t.” She said quietly.

  “Well perhaps we should stick to the first subject then. I can always find out what color of bra you have on in a little bit.” He comment sounded like a promise to her ears.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Mayor but I’m really confused right now.” She admitted.

  “I have been receiving death threats and I need extra protection. I’ve told your Captain Case that you are to be head of this force and are to be my main guard. I hope you don’t mind me doing that, but this task force has to be set up. I just got another threat by email yesterday. So as mayor I can pick anyone to be on this team that I want, and honestly Ms. Swan I want you.” Rico explained. In his mind he thought I want you not only on this task force, but in my bed as well.

  “Wow, I’m honored for you to pick me. The Captain had said something about this assignment and that he wanted me to be picked for the team. But you picking me I really didn’t expect at all. Can I ask why you picked me though?” Lalena asked.

  “I think you are someone that takes pride in their job and always does it well. I also know that you are a clean cop and won’t have to worry about you putting a bullet in my back. I can’t say that for all the cops on the force. The corruption is something that needs to be cleaned up, but will take some time. What better way to make sure I’m protected then by a good cop who is clean and who loves their job!” He commented.

  “I do love my job, and was getting fed up I’ll admit it. I wish that everyone on the force who was crooked could be put in jail. But I know the connections go up far too high for me to even fathom.” Lalena commented.

  “Perhaps one day it will be done. So your assignment will begin tomorrow I guess since your off today. It’s not fair to make you begin on your day off.” Rico said.

  “Are you safe for the rest of the day sir?” She asked him. If he had gotten death threats she should take this seriously. “Can I see the email with the death threats? We should really get our IT experts to try and trace the email back to the senders.” She commented.

  “I’ve turned it over to them as soon as I got it. But I can show it to you if you want. It’s best for my head of security to know exactly what’s going on.” Rico stated.

  “I like the sound of that title. Lalena Swan, head of security for the Mayor. It sounds nice.” She laughed.

  Rico stared at her, the lust apparent in his eyes. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to caress her body to kiss her. He turned away though; he was trying his best to not tempt fate so quickly.

  “Rico, you have that appointment over on 4th street with Mr. Barns in an hour.” Sally called out over the intercom.

  “Oh shit, I forgot about it. I’m sorry, but I really need to go. You can check that email, or do you want to go with me?” Rico asked. He hoped that she would decline. “No actually take the rest of the day off, I’ll see you at 9 tomorrow morning. Enjoy the day off, I’m not sure when your next one will be.” He told her.

  “Yes sir.” She commented and left the office.

  Chapter 7

  Lalena walked out of the mayor’s office her head in the clouds. “Holy shit, I’m the head of security for the mayor.” She laughed. In one day her attitude about her job had completely turned around.

  She went to the precinct to talk to the Captain to make sure this was on the up and up. Not that the mayor didn’t have control over this type of thing, but to make sure she wasn’t dreaming it either.

  “Hey Captain, is this new thing real?” She asked as she went into his office.

  “So you heard already? I was wondering if they had sent you straight to the mayor’s or not. Yes you are the new head of security for the mayor. I take it you’re worked out the details of the job with him?” He questioned.

  “Well not really, maybe tomorrow morning when I go back we will. Do you know if they were able to trace that email though?” She queried.

  “Not yet, they have some sort of protection that our team hasn’t been able to crack yet. I’ll keep you updated though. Congratulations Officer Swan, you made quite an impression on the mayor last night according to his secretary.” Captain Case stated.

  “Oh really, what did I do?” Lalena asked as she remembered the night before. As far as she knew the only thing she had done was be embarrassed by the mayor’s comments he had whispered. It was at that point that she realized he had made basically the same comment just a bit ago in his office.

  “I don’t know for sure, but she called first thing in the morning about you and trying to find you. I was told that we didn’t have a choice that you were the new head of security and that was it.” The Captain relayed.

  She laughed. “Well really I’m not sure what I did, but I’m happy about the new job.”

  “Just be careful, I’m not sure who is after the mayor. But you’ll be in the direct line of fire now, you could get hurt.” He said.

  “I’ll be careful sir, you know that!” Lalena commented.

  As she was leaving the station she ran into Dan. “So I guess we won’t be seeing you much around here now, congrats on the new position.” He said.

  “Thanks I appreciate it!” She answered.

  “I guess the Cap really came through for you this time!” He laughed.

  “Actually no it was the mayor who requested me.” She admitted.

  “What really, when did you meet him?” He asked.

  “Last night at the event.” She told him.

  “What happened did you strip for him and lure him with your naked body?” Dan laughed.

  “I don’t know what happened.” Lalena commented. She didn’t share with Dan what the mayor had said to her. No that was something that was between the two of them only.

  “Well congrats and don’t be a stranger, at least call when you get a chance.” Dan said.

  “Sure no problem, you be careful too.” Lalena stated and gave him a quick hug.

  As she walked out the door she looked forward to her new position. But she was also a bit worried about being around the charismatic mayor full-time. She had after all flirted with him openly already about her bra color. She also knew that if he had asked to see it this afternoon, she might have shown him readily.


  Chapter 1

  Lalena thought about what to wear for her first day as the head of security for the mayor. She wanted to put on her red bra. Thankfully, Jake had itched her every growing horniness again last night, or she might really go in to the mayor’s office and strip for him.

  She shook her head unsure of why she felt this way about Rico Zess. He was too much of a playboy; she was sure he would simply use her and toss her aside. For Lalena this wasn’t something she wanted. Eventually she did want to marry and settle down. She was getting older, and one day maybe she would have a child or two. She was sure that the mayor wasn’t that type at all. For the biggest part, she would be a passing fancy for him.

  Plus Jake was a worthwhile mate for now. She knew they would never move to another level in their relationship. But the fact that he took care of her needs helped out a lot, and should keep her mind so it wouldn’t get so clouded around the mayor.

  As she thought of his name though she felt her body become moist. There was something about him that just made her want more. She would have to make sure that Jake was around a lot if she was to work with the mayor. At night she would come home and take care of the itch that had bothered her all day long.

  “How do I look
?” She asked Jake as she came out of the bedroom.

  He looked up from the eggs he was eating. “You look really nice. Better watch out the mayor is quite the male playboy. He’ll be hitting on you looking like that for sure.” Jake commented.

  She thought she might see a little bit of jealousy in his eyes as he said the comment. “I can handle myself with him.” She stated, even though she wasn’t positive about that or not.

  “I can understand why he picked you to lead this position. Who wouldn’t want to look at your beautiful face and body all day long! I know if I ever got famous you would be my head of security as well. I’d take you everywhere with me!” He stated.

  “I’m not cheap though, it will cost you a pretty penny to hire me to be head of security.” She laughed.

  “I’ll pay you more than enough, not only in money, but in the bedroom. Speaking of which, how much time do you have before you have to leave? Maybe we can go back into the bedroom.” He smiled.

  Lalena looked at her watch. “I don’t really have enough time; I can’t be late on my first day either.” She sighed.

  He stood up and grabbed her and carried her into the bedroom. “I think we have enough time.” He said as he carried her and threw her on the bed.

  “Jake I just got dressed. No we don’t have time.” She pleaded.

  Ten minutes later she was readjusting her clothes and getting ready to go again.

  “I told you we had enough time.” Jake laughed at her.

  “I’m going to be late on my first day.” She said over her shoulder. “I hope that he isn’t a stickler for time.”

  “Just bat your eyes at him and smile a little bit. Or bend over and let your shirt hang open a bit. He’ll forget everything if he sees a hint of your breasts!” Jake stated as he laughed.

  Lalena looked back at him and smirked. “Oh you tell me to be careful because he’s a playboy and might hit on me. Then you turn around and tell me to flash him a little skin! A lot of help you are.” She laughed at him.


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