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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 59

by Amy Kyle

  “Where am I?” he asked groggily.

  “My home,” Nera said. He looked at her and saw who it was that he shared a bed with smiled at her and kissed her on the shoulders.

  “We better get going,” he said as he rose,”How long did I sleep for?”

  “Only a moment,” she lied. He nodded but didn’t seem to think anything of it. They dressed, and he took her back outside.

  “You will be able to come back here any night you want to, now that you know the way,” he said with a smile.

  “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said.

  They retook to the skies and not a single person that she was aware of had known that she had been back home, and with the Crown Prince no less. They were only in the air a few minutes when she thought she saw the first looks of concern on his face as she looked at the horizon.

  “Hold on, I’m going to go a little faster this time,” he said. If he was worried his voice didn’t betray it, but why else would he be speeding up if not to get home before the sun rose? She clasped her hands around his neck, and he set off much faster than before. The raging sea below then became a blur, and she had to close her watering eyes to the sharp wind that greeted them from time to time. When she could open them, she was sure that there was a change in the light in the sky. She looked at his face, and now she was sure she could see panic and fear in him. His body sweated and his breaths were more laboured.

  “I shouldn’t have taken you out so late!” he scolded himself.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked playing the innocent. He didn’t answer, and she thought it was because he didn’t have the breath to say anything more.

  Nera looked ahead, and it soon became clear to her that they were flying easy. There was an unmistakable sheen of light that rounded the horizon and was the dawn trying to rise up over the land. She saw that he saw it too, and he steeled himself to a renewed effort to get home before that happened. He flew lower as the approached the higher lands so as to remain in their shadows but on this morning the dawn seemed to come at a rate she had never experienced before and the land lit up around them as the sun showed her the world.

  He was in a full panic now, but they were in sight of the tower. The rays of the sun came over her, and she heard him cry out in pain as they struck him also. He used the high mountains and the building of the palace for cover but there was no avoiding the light at places and each time he would scream in pain as he crossed the shafts of light.

  Nera looked, and the hole that was the balcony of the tower zoomed at them and they both went flipping to the ground as he landed with speed. She sat up dazed and saw that the women from the night before were all back sitting around the room. Each of them rose at the spectacle, and she saw some run to the howling Prince. She stood up and looked in his direction. This was not what she had hoped for; she wanted to be out over land when he faltered so that she could escape.

  The women were huddled around him in concern, but Nera could not see him.

  “You!” his voice suddenly roared out as he sprang from their envelopment. “You tried to kill me?” he said snarling at her and pointing an accusing finger. The skin on his body looked very badly burned, and his eyes were black with anger.

  “Me?” she said, “What did I do?” she asked playing her role again.

  “You know what you tried to do. I should have gone with my gut and said no when you first asked me this evening!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Your Majesty,” she said backing away towards the balcony. The other women flocked around her in a wide circle now, some of them going behind her blocking her from the outside.

  Nera knew that she was cornered now and that he probably only wanted to kill her outright now instead of making her like the rest of the women here. She took one last look at him, sad at what might have been had he not been the creature he was.

  “I can’t give up my life for the one you want me to live” she called out to him as she turned and ran for the balcony. There were a few women there who were poised to stop here; she shoe the smallest one and crashed into her with all her might, force enough that it sent both of them tumbling to the light outside and falling rapidly to the earth below. Her only hope was that this crying and burning creature would be able to arrest both of their falls before the ground, and the body of Saleem rose up to finish them both. They spiralled and fell in the morning sunlight down and down and down.



  Chapter 1

  “I’m sorry that I had to call you in earlier than expected. I think the new girl is starting to try my patience. She thinks that if she can bat her eyelashes and bounce a little bit to get my attention that I will bend over backwards to accommodate her whenever she has a personal day. I hired her specifically to give you a hand, but I’m beginning to see that she’s not going to work out.” Tony Tompkins was the owner of this dive bar. The regulars loved that the waitress was a comely young blonde that would laugh at all of their insane jokes.

  Nicole Sterling knew that it was a mistake offering the job to her roommate. She was always flighty and just because she had an hourglass figure and red flaming hair; she thought that the world was her oyster.

  “Tony, you’re not the only one that’s sorry about Tiffany. I thought that she was making an effort to be better, but I’m now starting to understand that she is who she’s going to be. Nobody is capable of changing. If we think otherwise, then you and I will be the ones standing alone. I suggest that we give her a few more chances. You do have to admit that the boys in this club find her to be quite intoxicating.” “I look at Tony and he is this Italian stallion. I would never ruin a good thing with the kind of tips that I’m getting by throwing myself at the owner. Besides, he is too good for me and I only attract those guys that want my pin number. The last one was the worst of them all and I really did think that he was a keeper.”

  “I guess I can give her a couple of more chances and she is good for morale. I have a nice place here, Nicole and I want to keep it that way. Live local bands on weekends are a good draw, but you girls are the lifeblood of this place. If I haven’t told you that in a while, then that’s on me.” Tony moved his hand through his greasy locks and saw his reflection in the mirror over the bar. He liked to present a pretty picture, but he also believed that his employees should be comfortable in their surroundings. He allowed them to decide what they would wear and there was no customary dress code. He was happy to see that both girls like to flaunt what their mama gave them. Short mini skirts or dresses were the order of the day and sometimes even a very revealing daisy duke to get them in the door.

  “I know that I’m betting a lot on Tiffany, but I’m hoping that she’ll finally get her head out of her ass. She’s flitting through life thinking that the world is going to make up for her shortcomings. I’ve tried to get through to her that her looks are only going to be there for a certain amount of time and then they will vanish in the blink of an eye. She thinks that some charismatic young billionaires going to come calling on her one day. That only happens in fairy tales and romance novels with the guy with his shirt off. I don’t know how women get caught up in those things. I think they only want to escape from their boring lives for something a little bit more adventurous and maybe a bit taboo.” “I don’t know we talk about this, but I feel sometimes that he can be the little brother that I never had. I don’t mind setting him up for some of my friends, but only if they are worthy of a good man like Tony. He may look like a playboy, but underneath he’s a soft teddy bear that would give you the shirt off his back.

  “I know that you would never steer me wrong, Nicole. I don’t even know why you want her here, because she’s taking a lot of your tips right out of your hands. Don’t get me wrong, you are a blond bombshell, but she has a flirty way that has men practically begging for her to take their money. I’ll give her a couple more days, but then I might have to pull the switch on this one.” The custom made
blue suit was molded to his frame. He easily took on the air of somebody with importance. “I have to go out of town for a day or two and I would like to put you in charge of keeping this place afloat.” This was the first time that he had given her this kind of responsibility, but it was far overdue.

  “Are you sure that you can trust me not to burn the place down while you’re gone?” Nicole was a diminutive spitfire with the kind of compact frame that had most men wondering how easy it would be to have her legs wrapped around their waist. She was not oblivious to their desires and the way that they looked at her made her feel like she wasn’t wearing anything at all. Unfortunately, she was also a bit shy and even though she had the attributes to make those required tips, didn’t mean that she wanted to put on the air of somebody that was easy pickings.

  “I have insurance, but I don’t think that I’m going to need it. You were the one that showed me how to do my books and make them look legit. You seem to find these loopholes and you also make sure that this place has everything that it needs without drowning in debt. You have this management quality. I would be a damn fool not to utilize that to my benefit. In fact, I am going to give you a lot more responsibility from this moment on. I have a few investments that I will have to keep an eye on personally. I’m going to need someone that I can trust to pick up the slack around here.” Tony looked at Nicole and there was a moment before he hired her three years ago that he really did think that they were going to do the dance with no pants.

  “I can handle this place for a day or two, but don’t expect me to have anything to do with the weekend. That’s where your unique kind of charm and experience will take over. I’ve tried to wave off their advances, but it’s getting hard to go home and find the black and blue marks on my backside. They get drinking on a Friday or Saturday night and then they start to think that they can reach out and touch you in a very inappropriate way.” “I have to say that I don’t exactly mind being touched like that. It feels wrong, but right at the same time. It makes me blush and that of course makes them even that much more eager to make me feel uncomfortable. They think that it’s cute, but all I want to do is slap them across the face for making me feel like that.”

  “I’m sorry that I am a couple of hours late, but I did call in and tell you that I was in need of a personal emergency.” Tiffany had this look of innocence and she knew exactly how to play that off. She learned a long time ago that her looks were a stepping stone into anything that she wanted to do. She had a tendency to lose focus and then walk away from a good thing before she even realized what she was doing. She wanted this to work out for Nicole’s sake, but she also found herself to be quite surprised that she was actually enjoying herself. It didn’t hurt that all the attention that she was getting at work had translated into various one night stands in the bedroom.

  “I really don’t want to hear about it. We have a huge business meeting coming here in less than an hour and I need everything prepared for their arrival. There’s going to be about 20 of them and the tables are going to have to be arranged in a long rectangular format. They bought out the entire place for 3 hours and that includes all the food and drink that they can consume in that time. I’m not going to tell you what they’re paying for that VIP treatment, but it’s more than enough to make up for any of the food and drink loss.” Tony loved when these big wigs came to town and used his place to

  smooze clients. They also had the best food in the city courtesy of one very accomplished chef that didn’t know exactly what she was worth.

  Chloe Masters was a black haired beauty who had walked away from a Wall Street career for the chance to cook in a real kitchen. She had known Tony for a long time and when he mentioned that he was looking for someone with the flair for the dramatic in the kitchen, she jumped at the chance to show what she could do. This was not your basic fare of hamburgers and hot dogs or even wings and spareribs. She was happy to conduct yourself with this professionalism that made most people walk through that door with their mouth watering for the chance to taste one of her culinary creations.

  Nicole could smell the beef tenderloin marinating in its own juices and a combination of spices that were secret only to the author of such interesting fare. “I’ve been meaning to talk to Chloe about getting some lessons. She seems approachable and not just some caustic overanxious temperamental young man that usually doesn’t want anybody touching his stuff. I’m actually happy that Stefan left the business. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for that French lothario, but my breaking point was finding him sleeping with my sister when she visited from Washington. I forgave her, because his charm could melt the panties off of any woman without them even realizing that it was happening.”

  Wendy was on the fast track to riches and Nicole was happy to have left that high stress behind her. She thought that this was just a way to pay the bills, but she suddenly began to see that this place needed her and she needed it. It allowed her to force herself through some very difficult situations involving those clients that didn’t want to take no for an answer. It was Tiffany that had showed her a couple of very quick moves that would put the man on notice in a hurry.

  Tiffany and Nicole worked well as a team and they soon had everything prepared for the arrival of this business meeting. They were both curious to know what exactly this was all about, but they were in no position to question. They had several other businesses wanting to do the same thing and it was all due to the new chef that was taking this city by storm. It certainly didn’t have anything to do with the dark interior. There were other places in the city that had more prestige, but one bite into some of the things the Chloe made and those documents were pretty much signed on the bottom line.

  “I think that you’re finally showing Tony what you’re made of, Nicole. I’ve always known that you had this business acumen, but you’ve tried to hide it. You walked away from a good thing, but I think that you closed one door and opened a window. I saw how that job was having that affect on you. I haven’t told you, but you have changed for the better. You are a little bit more open to change and not so closed off to the possibility of doing something out of your comfort zone. I really am trying to do better myself and I have your steady hand to help me become the woman that I’m supposed to be. I still want the real thing, but I will settle for a man that has a lot more to offer than just his body.”

  The red dress that Tiffany wore was sophisticated with a slight slit up the side that had the eyes on Tiffany’s smooth thigh.

  “I hope that you are taking this serious. I have changed, but I don’t think that it has had all that much of a difference. I do smile a bit more, but that’s because I don’t have the weight of the world on my shoulders anymore. I’m glad that I don’t have a child and I really don’t think that Stefan would’ve made good husband material. I got blinded by his dimples and the way that he would use that accent.” “I never thought

  that I would get caught up with someone that had an accent that would have me practically tripping over my own tongue. I am glad that he finally showed me his true colors. I wouldn’t admit this to anyone else, but my sister Wendy did me a favor by sleeping with him. It didn’t hurt that she also needed to get one out the chamber and he was happy to oblige. She had been stuck in a rut of a relationship and now she’s happy to be playing the field.”

  Their dresses were almost identical and being roommates made them go the extra mile in coordinating. It made it easier to look professional and still feel like they were dressing for the sake of comfort and not for business.

  “I’m on my way out. You have my cell phone if something goes wrong, but I don’t think that there’s anything that you can’t handle together. I almost forgot. This came for Nicole. There’s no card or anything to indicate who sent it. It appears that you might have yourself a secret admirer. I don’t like that people do things under the radar. It makes me think that they are hiding something and I really don’t want anything to happen to you. I’ll have t
o keep my eye on you a bit more closely. If I see anything out of the ordinary or suspicious, then I will intervene on your behalf.”

  Chapter 2

  Tony knew that it wasn’t the customary flowers or candy and the box was too small for something like that. It did have the Tiffany logo and most likely cost a pretty penny to acquire. He wasn’t impressed and these were the kind of guys that made those that couldn’t afford the world on a platter feel ill equipped. Confidence was the key and those that had it knew how to wield it like a weapon in the arena of dating.

  Nicole took this pretty gold box with a red ribbon wrapped around it and looked at it with mild curiosity. She looked up and saw that both Tiffany and Tony were waiting for her to open it in front of them. She felt a little embarrassed and wanted to tell them that this was private, but knew that they would feel a little disappointment for not being included. “I know that I shouldn’t be flattered by something like this, but it’s not every day that a woman gets showered with affection. I don’t like that there’s somebody out there that’s secretly seeing me without me having any idea who it might be. I don’t want to open it, so why are my fingers moving to see the contents within?”

  She opened the box to see a silver key nestled within. She had no idea what it could mean or what the key would ultimately open. It could be to something as spectacular as a new sports car or maybe a little love nest in some high-rise condominium that was supposed to be used, as some kind of playground for physical activity.

  “I didn’t want to be an alarmist, but this is not the first time that somebody has made this kind of overture. I didn’t want to say anything, but it started about a month ago with these little notes. I thought they were a little creepy, but I did keep them in case it was necessary to involve the authorities. I don’t want to say that you have a stalker, but all the signs are there. Tread carefully and be careful walking to your car. This is the first time that this has gone beyond just an affectionate little note to say how much he misses seeing you.” Tony went back into his office and came out with a stack of post its. “I don’t know what to make of this guy, but he seems relatively harmless. It could be that he’s shy or maybe a father figure that feels like he’s acting like a dirty old man.” Tony watched for any kind of reaction from Nicole, but mostly she seemed calm and collected.


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