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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 107

by Amy Kyle

  “No darling. I told you I love you. Think about it, if I wanted for you to simply carry my children, wouldn’t I have already forced you to have sex with me?” He had asked her.

  “I know this, but maybe you’re simply being patient because you don’t want me to put up a fight.” She had answered back.

  He had asked for the name of the person who had said this, and she wouldn’t tell him. If he ever found out they would be dismissed immediately.

  “Heather, I want to make love to you, but only if you are ready.” Byron said to her.

  She looked up at him and nodded her head yes. He came closer to her and took her into his arms again. He kissed her deeply again, and heard the telltale sighs out of her mouth.

  He undressed her slowly and enjoyed the sight of her body. “You are beautiful.” Byron said. He looked over her body with great appreciation.

  Heather felt a blush spread on her skin and she went to cover up her breasts and lower region with her hands. He grabbed her hands and gently moved them aside. “Don’t hide yourself from me; I’ve waited for years to see you like this. Let me enjoy it, please.” He stated.

  She didn’t feel dirty as he looked at her and ran his fingers lightly over her body. Heather felt a shiver of anticipation spread over her and into her lower regions. She could feel her legs quiver as she became more excited by his kisses and touches.

  He lowered her to the bed and suckled on her breasts, biting her nipples and bringing out a low moan from Heather. Byron ran his fingers down to her sex and played, making her moist and ready. His hard member found its way to her hole and he slowly slide into her body. She arched her back to meet his thrusts.

  Soon they were breathing heavily and Heather could feel an odd feeling rushing through her body. Suddenly her juices were exploding as a climax hit her hard. “Byron, oh that feels so good.” She moaned out.

  He kissed her hard as he thrust into her a few more times and emptied his seed deeply into her womb. He fell to the side of her on the bed. “That was better than I could have ever imagined in my life.” Byron said.

  “I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed sex before now.” Heather looked at him and stated.

  Bryon kissed her, “I’m glad you enjoyed it!” He pulled her close and they fell asleep until Samuel woke them up a few hours later.


  Heather found out she enjoyed having sex more than she ever thought would be possible. Byron was a very caring lover. He would always make sure she had a climax before he would finish. Plus she had to admit she loved the intimacy between them when they made love.

  However, she had found out that Samuel would often wake up and interrupt their love making. She couldn’t get mad at the small boy, and often she and Byron would end up laughing about Samuel’s timing.

  Her life seemed to be close to perfect. She couldn’t believe that Byron had almost married her so many years before.

  “Honey I think I’m going to have to go to battle in the North.” Byron told her as they sat eating breakfast.

  Samuel was in the crib they had downstairs for him; he had already eaten and was rolling over playfully.

  “I don’t want you to go. Can’t you just send the men up a stay with me?” Heather said. She already knew the answer of course; she knew the type of man she was married too.

  “You know I can’t send the men off by themselves, what kind of Lord would I be?” He asked.

  “I know, it’s just I’ve never had happiness like this before and what if you don’t come back?” She asked.

  “Nothing will keep me away from you.” He stated. Byron got up and came over to her and kissed her. “I love you Heather, I will make it back her for you and Samuel. Don’t worry about me.” He said.

  Heather couldn’t help but worry about him though. “When do you have to leave?” She asked.

  “I’ll leave tomorrow. We are trying to help the other clan flank this army before they push through the country side. Please while I’m gone be very careful. There may be problems here as well. Be safe and keep our boy safe as well.” Byron stated.

  “Nothing will happen to Samuel I’ll protect him with my life.” Heather commented.

  “I want to come home to both of you.” Byron kissed her. “My love for you both will bring me back safely!” He said and kissed her again.

  “I hope so my dear, it would be horrible to lose you after finally finding love.” Heather’s eyes shined brightly with the unshed tears that were threatening to pour down her face.

  Byron looked at her again. “Don’t cry my dear, I will be back as soon as I can be, and we still have tonight.” He smiled at her.

  He took her upstairs and made love to her. Byron savored every inch of her body, he would miss seeing and touching her. But the war was something that he couldn’t avoid. If he were to not go, it would surely hurt his kingdom. His ally would think that Byron had turned his back on their treaty, and would possible even take it as a sign of war between their two sides. He wanted to keep the fights as far away from his family as possible.

  Heather smiled at him as they lay in their peaceful bliss after they had sex. “Hurry back my love, my body shall miss your touch so.”

  “I will miss touching you and having you touch me as well!” Byron stated and pulled her closely to him.

  “Shall I go and get Samuel now?” Heather asked. They had left the little boy with one of the maid’s downstairs.

  “No I’ll go get him, you just sit down and relax and continue to look beautiful.” He smiled as he walked out the door after getting dressed.

  She thought about him and was worried about him losing his life in this war. But she also believed that he would fight tooth and nail for survival. She had no doubt about his love for her and Samuel. Heather thought about how different her life was now, compared to before. In the beginning of their relationship Byron was so patient with her, he still was, but she wasn’t the same person either.

  She had grown a lot in these months they had been together. Her love for Byron was burning brightly in her body and seemed to grow even stronger each day. She didn’t know how it was possible to love him more the next day, but she knew it was true.

  Byron opened up the door and carried in Samuel. “There’s mommy, look at her isn’t she beautiful Samuel?” He said as they came in.

  Heather smiled at him. “Oh there’s my little handsome man.” She watched as Samuel got a huge smile on his face. “He looks so much like you when he smiles!” She commented to Byron.

  Byron handed Samuel to Heather to hold. She curled him up in her arms and gave him a kiss. “I love you Samuel.” She said and heard his vocalizations in response. “Oh I think he almost said mommy!” She said.

  “I think it sounded more like Daddy!” Byron argued back.

  They both laughed. The sound hadn’t been close to either of the words, but they were looking forward to his first words coming out soon!

  “I hope you don’t miss his first words.” Heather said looking up at Byron.

  “I don’t plan to be gone long at all.” Byron said.

  “How long do you think?” She asked. She had wanted to ask before, but was worried about the number that would come out of his mouth.

  “Maybe a couple of months, at least that’s what I’m hoping for!” Byron said.

  “That’s so long.” Heather looked down at Samuel and tried to raise her mood by the little boys smiling face. It helped a lot, but she still didn’t like the fact that Byron would be gone for even a day.

  “I’ll try to make it quicker, but it takes at least a week to get there. We have a long ride ahead of us, and most likely I should have left today. But in all honestly, I couldn’t. I needed one more day with you and Samuel.” Byron admitted.

  “So that means you’re leaving soon now aren’t you?” She asked. Heather knew he had originally said he would leave the next day. But she could see the look in his eyes. It was a look she knew well. He was thinking of his obligatio
ns to his allies and if he was successfully being a good ruler or not. In his mind the fact of waiting longer to leave for a battle that was going on right now just didn’t work. He couldn’t see how he was being a good ally to anyone. “It’s okay I understand, I know how you are Byron.” She said.

  He sighed heavily. “In such a short amount of time you know me all too well. I have to go now. I don’t know if the enemy has attacked yet or not, but I should be there soon.” He admitted.

  “Samuel, daddy has to go for a bit, let’s give him kisses goodbye.” Heather said to the little boy. He turned his head and looked up at his father. Samuel opened up his arms and smiled and made a kissing face.

  “Come here my boy, I’ll miss you like crazy. If you were older you could take good care of mommy for me.” Byron said to the boy and kissed him.

  Byron put Samuel down on the bed and took Heather in his arms. “I love you Heather, please take care of our little boy while I’m gone. I promise to hurry back to you both.” Byron kissed her hard and turned to go.

  “I love you too Byron, please come back safely to us.” Heather said as he left the room.


  “Mrs. Laird Ailen McDougal here to see you, should I show him in?” One of the men servant’s came into the study where Heather and Samuel were at. It had already been a month since Byron had left to fight.

  “Yes show him in.” Heather said to the servant. She looked down at Samuel; she wasn’t sure who this Laird was, so she picked up the boy and moved him into a little area they had blocked off for him to play. It was further from the door. She couldn’t take a chance that this might be an enemy and he was coming to do harm to Samuel.

  “My Lady, it is a pleasure to meet you. I’m a good friend of your husband’s and have come to offer my services to you.” A man who stood about 6’ said to her.

  Heather studied him closely; he had red hair and blue eyes. She didn’t recognize him for anyone she might know. “I’m sorry but I don’t know you.” Heather said.

  “I’m Laird Ailen McDougal. I live to the south of the village. I’ve been a good friend of the Lord’s for years now. I didn’t realize just how beautiful you were. You really shouldn’t reside in the castle all by yourself.” His blue eyes gleamed as he said the words. “I have a great idea; I can stay in one of the rooms. This way if any of the enemy come for the young child, I can help protect him.” Ailen said.

  She looked at him again. “I have many staff here, I’m not alone.” Heather stated.

  “But how many of them know how to use a weapon? I’m sure not many, that leaves you as close to alone as I can imagine.” Ailen stated.

  Heather thought about it for a second. Byron had left some of the men behind, but if an enemy approached with a lot of men, could they survive? She wasn’t sure, but there was something else about this man she didn’t like. Heather couldn’t quite put her finger on it though and he started to talk again so she had to listen.

  “Madam, I’m not trying to scare you. But surely you know that if young Samuel were to die, and the Lord died in battle, the throne could be up for grabs. There are many greedy men around her who would use a tragedy to their advantage. You should really be protected far more than you are right now. I am willing to offer my services with several of my men to help you out.” Ailen offered.

  “I don’t know. I mean I know you make a good point, but I really don’t know you at all. Byron never talked to me about you, so I’m not so sure I should trust you.” Heather admitted.

  “He wouldn’t have called me by my name; he would have been talking about me by my nickname, Dogz.” Ailen explained.

  A flicker of recognition at the moniker made her laugh. “Oh you’re him? I’ve heard a lot of stories about you two. You two liked to get into trouble quite a bit from what I heard.” Heather laughed.

  “Aye, we did have a lot of fun times together. But once Priscilla married him, well he wasn’t the same after that. He would go out, but he was much more to himself. I stopped coming around for a while, and only now have returned to Scotland. I came as soon as I heard of her death to see him.” Ailen said.

  Heather felt much more relaxed as she realized this was a man that Byron truly did trust with his life. They both heard a loud crack and then the incessant crying of Samuel. Heather ran to him and picked him up, she checked for blood or broken bones.

  “Is he okay?” Ailen asked.

  “He’s okay; I don’t see anything that looks broken.” Heather said.

  “Oh he looks just like Byron doesn’t he.” Ailen said.

  “Very much so, when he laughs you would swear it’s a duplicate version of Byron.” Heather admitted. “I would like to take you up on your offer to help protect him, and just know that I really appreciate it.” She said.

  “Oh I am so lucky to have the chance to get to know such an attractive woman.” He said and took her hand and kissed it and bowed in front of her.

  Heather blushed at the compliment, but didn’t really think anything more of it. Byron had talked about how much of a scoundrel both him and Dogz had been before his marriage. But she had noticed that the stories usually only took place before Byron had been married. Of course what he had told her of his late wife, she would understand why Byron had shut out the rest of the world.

  “Thank you.” She said and removed her hand from his grip.

  “I am only being honest my Lady. Byron has good taste in women.” Ailen said behind her.

  She didn’t say anything to him, what could she say.

  “Well I will go and get my men and come back in just a couple of hours.” Ailen got up to go and Heather stood up as well.

  “Okay, we will see you in a little bit.” She smiled as he left.

  After he left she thought about the meeting. It was nice to meet a friend of Byron’s and to know that she and Samuel would be a little better protected from enemies. What she really wanted was for Byron to come walking back through the door though. She ached at the lack of his kisses and touches in the past mouth. But she kept a happy face on for Samuel, after he was asleep at night though the tears of loneliness and sorrow would slip out.

  Perhaps it would be nice to have this friend of Byron’s around. They could talk about Byron and the adventures they shared together. Just to be able to think about him was heaven for her. But it brought along with it the pinch of sadness as she missed him more.

  “Let’s put you to bed for a nap.” Heather said and picked up Samuel to go upstairs. He had quickly recovered from his screaming fit earlier. She didn’t see any bruises that were coming up on his skin either. So perhaps it was simply something that had made him scared not hurt him. Heather was happy about that.

  She put him in his crib and began to sing to him. Samuel smiled up and closed his eyes. Heather had found that he would fall asleep as she sang to him a few days after Byron had left. Soon she saw the rhythmic breathing that indicated he was sleeping.

  Heather sat in the chair and thought about Byron. “I miss you my love, please hurry back.” She could only wish he would hear her words.

  She had told a servant before she had taken Samuel to bed where to place Ailen when he came back later. She knew she would be asleep most likely, or at least not ready for more company. These late hours of night were the worst for her. She missed Byron like crazy.


  The next day she took Samuel downstairs and was eating her breakfast when Ailen walked into the room.

  “You look very lovely this morning. Byron is lucky to wake up beside you every day of his life. Well except for these few days he’s away. How long has he been gone now?” Ailen asked.

  “A little over a month now, but he could be back soon.” Heather said her hopes still high that he would be back in that two month time frame.

  “You must miss him so much.” Ailen said.

  “Oh I do, I miss him more than you could imagine.” Heather commented. “Tell me some of the tales from your adventures with Byron.” H
eather said.

  Ailen sat thinking about past things and then shook his head. “I’m sure he’s told you all the ones that are good anyway. Instead why don’t you tell me more about you, I’d love to hear it.” He said.

  Heather told him a few stories of her childhood, and how she had loved to play in the woods. “It even carried over to the first time I met Byron. I was out in the woods and he came upon me, told me I wasn’t safe by myself. I got upset when he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back home.” She laughed at the memory.

  “That’s funny. You are so beautiful when you laugh. You get these amazing little dimples on the sides of your cheeks when you smile too. Byron really is a lucky man. Just so you know if something was to happen to him while he was gone, well I would take care of you.” Ailen said.

  She wasn’t sure if he was offering out of his friendship for Byron, or something else. She was getting all kinds of mixed singles from him. “Thank you, I’m sure Byron would appreciate it too.”

  “I would simply be doing it out of selfishness. To have a woman who is as charming and as beautiful as you on my arm. Any man would be an idiot who didn’t think that was the life.” Ailen said.

  Heather was flattered by his compliments. But she had a feeling he was getting the wrong idea of her kindness. “I really love my husband. He’s everything to me.” She said it as if she was simply thinking it out loud and not addressing Ailen. However, she looked over to ensure he was paying attention to her words. She saw a sour look cross his face quickly, but then he put a smile back in place.

  “He’s a fine man; you are wise to love him.” Ailen stated. His words though sounded more pretend than anything.

  She looked at him again, but didn’t say anything right away. “Yes he’s a good man I agree.” She said finally.

  Heather excused herself and took Samuel into the study. She had thought it would be nice to have Ailen around, but honestly his constant compliments were tiring. Heather wasn’t some young girl; she could tell that he was also hitting on her now. This she felt was not something that one should expect from a friend of her husbands. That was why for so many times she had ignored the compliments as simply being nice. Now she knew without a doubt that Ailen was attempting to seduce her into his open and waiting arms.


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