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Forgiveness and Second Chances

Page 10

by Ancelli

  “He’s such a cutie,” Malanie said, touching his tiny hands.

  “So…you and Jeremy, finally.”

  She felt herself blush. “Yes.”

  “Girl, I’m so happy for both of you. I saw the way he looks at you.” She patted the baby’s back, burping him.

  “I tried everything to forget him, but he was always there.”

  “And you were always there in his heart, too.” The baby burped and she turned him over and continued to feed him. “I felt some tension between you two and Alanie.”

  “I’m not sure. She’s acting strange, ’specially when I’m around her dad.” She leaned on the crib.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When we’re alone she’s wonderful, but when he’s around she’s a brat.”

  Stefanie smiled. “She’s jealous.”

  “Of what?”

  “You and him.” Malanie looked at her with a questioning expression. “Before you came into their life it was Jeremy and her. She had his full attention and now she has to share it with you and she doesn’t like it. She’d always been daddy’s little girl, never had to fight for his attention, and when she’s with you, you give her your full and undivided attention. She was getting the best of both worlds and now she has to share the two of you, and she doesn’t like it. But she’s the child, and she has to learn to share.”

  “I just want her to be happy.”

  “Malanie, she is happy. You can’t give her everything she wants to make up for the past. You’re her mother. It’s not the first time she’s pulled this.”


  “Jeremy was seeing a woman named Laura. Alanie liked her, but when they got engaged everything changed. She was competing for her father’s attention, and she won.”

  “Thank God she did.”

  Stefanie laughed. “Laura wasn’t the one. He was just trying to find a mother for Alanie. I think he was trying to replace you, but never could.”

  “Was she a sister?”

  Stefanie giggled. “Yes, she was.”


  “Don’t worry, she never had a chance. Back to the subject at hand: Alanie will be okay, because deep down this is what she wants…her parents together. She just always thought she would be number one, which she will always be for both of you. But if you guys were to go your separate ways, she’ll regret it.”

  “I didn’t know you knew each other that long.”

  Stefanie got up and placed the baby in his crib. “Girl, we go way back. Since you’re going to be part of our circle, I’ll tell you how we met and why we love Jeremy so much.” They walked out to the formal living room and sat across from each other.

  “Derrick and I married straight out of high school, and he joined the Navy. I didn’t know he had emotional issues from his past. While at boot camp, he was always in trouble. He couldn’t handle the instructors yelling at him. They warned him one more incident, and he would get kicked out.”

  “But isn’t yelling part of the boot camp thing?”

  “Yes, but he thought he would be able to handle it. Let me tell you how they met.”


  Ten years earlier

  “What did you call me?” Derrick shouted.

  The recruit division commander got in his face and yelled, “Ni___ like you don’t deserve to be in the Navy.” The man spat in his face and pushed him with so much force that he stumbled.

  Without thinking, he slammed his fist into the man’s left eye.

  “Who’s a ni____ now? Petty Officer!” Out of nowhere, Jeremy ran in between them, grabbed Derrick into a bear hug, and dragged him to the berthing.

  “Let me go!” Derrick yelled, trying to break free from his hold. Once inside, Jeremy released him. “Don’t fucking touch me, you guys are all the same. You think because you’re white you have the all the power.” He charged at Jeremy.

  Jeremy pushed him back. “What’s your problem? I just saved your sorry ass.”

  “I didn’t ask you for help, white boy.” He stepped back. “I don’t need anybody’s help.”

  “From where I’m standing, you do.”

  “I can handle things by myself,” he said, puffing.

  “Why did you join the Navy then?” Jeremy asked him.

  “None of your fucking business, white boy.”

  Jeremy just stared at him, his nostrils flaring. “I’m not going to take too many white-boy digs from you. In here, you’re not black and I’m not white. I only see blue.”

  Derrick just stared at him. “What’s your deal, dude?”

  Jeremy ignored his question and continued. “I joined to be a better man and father for my little girl, because I didn’t have the chance to prove it to her mother. So why did you join?”

  Derrick sat on his bed and put his hands over his face. “I joined to give my wife a better life.”

  “Then be better for her, because what you did out there isn’t better for her. Now you’re looking at being discharged, before your career even starts.”

  He started shaking his head. “I can’t be discharged. What will I tell her?”

  “You should’ve thought about that before you threw the first punch.”

  He sighed. “I have issues….”

  “Maybe it will help if you talk to someone. I’ve been told I’m a good listener. I won’t tell anyone.” Jeremy sat next to him.

  He opened up about the abuse he’d suffered at the hands of his stepfather. “The memories of my stepfather calling me names and beating me all came back. I saw red when he touched me. I wish I could take it back. I can’t go back empty-handed. She deserves more.”

  At that moment the military police, a drill instructor, and their master chief entered. “Recruit, I told you you had one more chance.”

  “What happened?” the master chief asked Jeremy.

  Derrick was about to answer, when Jeremy spoke up. “I threw the first punch.” They all just stared in disbelief, especially Derrick.

  The drill instructor was going to object and Jeremy glared at him. “What you called him was degrading. I lost my cool, and punched you. I believe it’s against military code of conduct to say anything racist against anyone. It’s punishable,” Jeremy said, still glaring at him, making sure he got the point it was in his interests to keep quiet.

  The man remained silent.

  “Recruit Wood, you will be reprimanded for your actions,” the master chief said.

  Derrick started to talk. “Master Chief, I was—”

  Jeremy cut him off. “Yes, Master Chief, I understand.”


  “Jeremy took the fall for Derrick, saving his career. He’s always been there for us. He encouraged him to finish college, to submit his package for officer, and because of him we are where we are, literally. Everywhere Jeremy goes, Derrick is somewhere behind. You see, that’s why we will do anything for that white boy.”

  “My white boy.” Malanie chuckled. “He’s always been so kind.”

  “What’s this I hear about a white boy?” Derrick asked, walking in. “Only I can call him that.”

  Jeremy came behind him, laughing. “She said I’m her white boy. I like the sound of that.”

  “Stefanie, what crazy stories have you told her? Malanie, don’t listen,” Derrick said, kissing his wife.

  “Alanie is asking for you. She wants you to meet her friend.” He helped Malanie up.

  “She wants her friend to meet me?”

  “You’re her mom, Lanie.” Jeremy squeezed her hand. “Come on.” They walked out to the back yard.

  “I really like her.” Stefanie told her husband.

  “Me too. She makes him happy. It was about damn time,” replied Derrick. “I hope you didn’t tell her that sob story about boot camp and me following him around.”

  She giggled. “But you did.”

  “I did not. It just happens we always get stationed together.”

  “Yeah, right, baby.” She grabbed his hands. “Whate
ver you say. Let’s go eat.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “I won!” Malanie laughed at Jeremy after she threw the last basketball through the hoop.

  They were at Chuck E. Cheese with Alanie and her friend, spending some family time together.

  “You cheated!” he said, grabbing her waist. “You pushed me.”

  At that moment, he remembered how much fun they used to have as teenagers. This was what he’d missed the most during the years apart: his best friend. They always seemed to be able to make each other laugh.

  He could see Alanie looking at them, giggling with her friend.

  “I love to see you laugh,” he said, turning her around, fixing her hair.

  “It’s all because of you guys,” she said, gazing at him. “I missed so much.”

  “Don’t you dare get sad.” He took her hand in his and pulled her to the hockey table. “New memories, remember.”

  She smiled. “New memories,” she said, and began playing without giving him any warning. “Score.”

  “Cheater!” He laughed.


  Malanie invited Jeremy to Tabú, an upscale seafood restaurant. Things never seemed to change. It had been over twelve years and he still couldn’t say no to her. She wore a conservative but sexy black suit and he wore black slacks and dress shirt without a tie. As he looked around, he felt a little out of place.

  “You look great.” She must’ve sensed how he was feeling. “Remember what I always said, as long as were together, that’s all that matters.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Do you want to go somewhere else?”

  “No, this is fine. I think I can afford it.” He chuckled.

  Malanie stopped, and got serious. “I invited you, so I’m paying.”

  A woman that was more successful than him never intimidated him, but he wanted to give Malanie more. “I was kidding, Lanie. I understand that you make more than me, and that doesn’t bother me, but I make enough to take you out and give you what you want. Even if it breaks my bank account.” He laughed. “Just kidding.”

  She smacked his arm, and continued walking. They strolled up to the hostess stand hand in hand.

  “Good evening. Welcome to Tabú. My name is Amy. Do you have a reservation?” the vibrant hostess asked, gawking at Jeremy.

  “Yes,” Malanie answered.

  “Under what name, ma’am?”

  “Jeremy Wood.”

  The hostess stopped what she was doing and stared at them, holding her hand to her mouth. “Oh my God.”

  He could tell Malanie was getting a bit frustrated. “What’s wrong?”

  Amy turned to the other hostess. “Cover for me. You guys don’t recognize me?” she asked them. “It’s me Amy Carter from high school.” She ran from behind the podium and hugged Jeremy. “It’s been so long.”

  Jeremy smiled. He finally recognized her under all the makeup. She’d changed a lot. Her hair was no longer blond, it was auburn, and she’d gained a couple of pounds and tattoos, but she was still pretty. “Amy, how have you been? It’s been over eleven years since I last saw you.”

  “It has. I have four kids!” She dug for something in her pocket and pulled out her key chain to show them a picture of her kids.

  “They’re beautiful,” Malanie said looking at the two boys and two girls.

  “Life can’t get any better. I can’t believe you guys are still together,” she said, now hugging Malanie. “I see life has treated you good…you’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you. You look beautiful, too.” Malanie replied honestly.

  “What have you two been up to since high school? Malanie, I know you didn’t graduate with us, but you were still a part of us. Jeremy missed you a lot. You were all he seemed to talk about when you left to live with your dad.”

  Jeremy’s cheeks turned red and Malanie kept quiet as he answered. “I joined the Navy and Malanie is an accountant,” he said proudly.

  “Wow, big shots.” She giggled. “You two deserve it, after what some of the kids and teachers put you through because of your relationship. I say you can’t help who you love.”

  “You’re right about that. You can’t help who you love.” He gazed at Malanie. “And we have a beautiful daughter.” He pulled out his wallet, showing her a picture of the three of them together.

  She took his wallet away from him and stared. “Oh my, she’s beautiful. She has your nose and dimples, but she looks like her momma,” she said, giving it back to him.

  “I have to say thank you again.” She looked at him. “Because of you, I graduated high school. If it wasn’t for your tutoring, I would’ve failed.”

  Malanie just gazed at him. He’d been wonderful then, and he was more than wonderful now.

  She walked them to their table. “Amy, it was nice seeing you again. Take care.” Jeremy said, giving her a kiss on her cheek, making her blush.

  He pulled the chair out for Malanie and pushed it in once she was seated. He’d always been a gentleman. He moved his own chair a little closer to her and sat.

  “You were her tutor?” Malanie asked.

  “I guess so. She could never really grasp how the teacher explained it, so I just helped her in a way she would understand.”

  “She must think I’m a horrible person for what I did,” she said, turning away.

  He tilted her face so she had to look at him. “No one in high school knew you were pregnant. We only had a few months left to graduate, and Carmen told everyone you went to Canada to live with your dad. So you see, you shouldn’t let this little reunion with Amy get you down.”

  She stared at him with all the love she felt for him but was afraid to voice. Her first love had become the love of her life. He accepted her with all her faults and baggage. With him, she could be herself.

  He caressed the side of her face. “Lanie, you’ve become such a wonderful woman. I’m so grateful you gave me a chance to get to know you.”

  “You already knew me.”

  “As a teenager.”

  “I guess I’ve changed,” she whispered.

  “Yes, you have. As a teenager you were awesome, but as a woman you’re amazing.” He took her hands in his. “Lanie, the last couple of mouths have been amazing, getting to know each other all over again.”

  She squeezed his hands back. “I know what you mean. All these years, I pictured the young boy I fell in love with, but you’re not the same boy anymore. You’re more than I ever thought you would be.” She leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you for becoming the man of my dreams.”

  He couldn’t help it, he was in love with his first love all over again. “I thank God for believing in second chances.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Alanie, be a good girl for your grandparents,” Jeremy said over the phone. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, Daddy.” Alanie was spending the weekend at his parent’s house.

  He had a romantic evening planned for Malanie. Not wanting to confuse her daughter, she’d never spent the night when she was around.

  He got his dining room set up for two, with candles and champagne. He couldn’t believe it had been months since they’d started dating again.

  The doorbell rang. He walked over and pulled it open. Malanie had her back turned, making sure she set her car alarm.

  He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck, inhaling her scent. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Mmm, I missed you too.” She turned and kissed him. Jeremy pulled her closer, opening his mouth, allowing her tongue to take control, tasting every corner of her sweet mouth. “We should move this inside. Won’t want to give your neighbors a show,” she whispered against his lips.

  “I don’t mind letting them know you’re mine,” he said, being naughty, nipping at her bottom lip. He pulled her in, closing the door behind them, leaning her against the wall, kissing her, making love to her tongue. He pulled away slightly. “I wanted to wait
until later, but I can’t. I need some of your brown sugar now.” He caressed her ass.

  She giggled.

  “I want you so bad, Lanie,” he said, leaning her up, rubbing is erection against her crotch.

  She placed her hand in his pants and stroked his cock. “I can’t wait.”

  He gasped, picking her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He took her to his room, never breaking the kiss, and laid her on the bed he’d covered in rose petals.

  “Mmm…roses.” She smelled one. “Nice touch.” Then she looked on the nightstand, where he’d set out cherries, strawberries, and whipped cream. “Mmm, fun.”

  He grabbed a cherry by the stem and dipped it in cream and brought it to her lips. Seductively, she wrapped her lips around it and began licking the cream.

  “Damn, baby….”

  He began stripping her clothes off, her pants, then her shirt. He paused, gazing at her sheer black lace bra and panties. “I like these,” he said, taking them off, observing her body. “Beautiful….”

  She sat up, pulling him closer, helping him pull his shirt over his head. She ripped his belt off and unbuttoned his pants. He stepped out of his pants and she caressed his cock through his boxers.

  “All this is for me.”

  He seductively stripped off his boxers and climbed on the bed with her.

  She pushed him down in the middle of the mattress and placed wet kisses from his lips all the way down his waist, stopping at his cock.

  “Mmm…” She took a strawberry and dipped it in cream, making sure to get cream on the base of his cock. She gave him feathery kisses until she reached his lips, then fed him the strawberry. He opened his mouth and bit a piece, spilling some of the juices on his chin, and she licked them off and passionately kissed him. Then she made her way back to his cock, and stroked it, making him exhale.



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