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Exposure_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel

Page 16

by Kaya Woodward

  “She never wanted anything from you; she wanted me involved, something tells me you knew that,” he says.

  Corban is worried.

  I know the light is missing from my eyes, I know my forehead has creased because I can see my reflection in the plated glass windows, as I look down on the beach.

  I won't tell him anything I don’t have to.

  I can't because that's my daughter down there.

  “I'm not going to tell you the whole story because that's my burden to bear,” My voice is dark.

  They're riding horses, Ava and Tinsley.

  That's Ava.

  My Ava.

  I knew she was my blood since I saw her the first time, I didn't need to meet her twice.

  She's got my eyes, and my fire, my passion.

  She's a Stone at heart.

  It doesn't matter if Elizabeth Darlington gave birth to her, she's been a piece of me, and I've spent my whole life searching for her.

  With Elizabeth fucking everything up at every single turn.

  Only Ava fucked her.

  Ava disappeared the moment she was eighteen. She wanted out.

  Elizabeth got lucky when she found her again, that's when I stole the birth certificate before Elizabeth could burn it. I did my best to stop her at every turn.

  I realized after that made it difficult for Ava to find me, but it also made it impossible for Elizabeth to prove anything against me, should the Darlington's decide to blame me for her actions.

  But of course, it's my fault.

  She told me as much.

  It wasn't until the last year I started seeing Ava everywhere.

  I thought I saw things when Bexley Fabbraro was on the arm of these famous men. An elegant woman who looked like the girl I was looking for. I had Lucius inquire, and that's how I came across Elizabeth again.

  And then she fucking got my ex-wife's son involved, Corban.

  Whom I've tried to keep out of trouble, and under my wing since Olivia and I didn’t work.

  His father's only been dead a year, and now she's trying to rip everyone I love apart.

  Not today.

  Not now.

  Not ever is she going to win.

  I can feel it.

  This is one of those plays she's making.

  I won't let her win.

  “So, we all go together. Watch Ava and Tinsley like hawks. She's not getting away with anything. And stop fighting with your wife, that's not going to do you any favors either,” My voice is cold, because the war raging inside my head is far too difficult to manage.

  I need another drink.

  I don’t keep secrets from Tinsley, but I’m not about to tell her that Rowan works for Elizabeth.

  I’m not prepared to tell Ava, quite yet, that I’m her father.

  She would have too many questions that I can’t answer.

  I’ve failed her.

  Chapter 18: Ava

  May 13, 2017

  “The ticket says formal,” Tinsley clicks her tongue. “But I don't have anything even remotely formal. I don't have anything floor length. Who wears floor length in Fiji anyway?”

  “I bet you it's not even formal; I bet she's trying to mess with us,” I toss the tickets on the gigantic, platformed bed in the room that Tinsley has claimed as her own, wondering how one person can have so many clothes, or how this vacation is almost over.

  “I can't believe we're leaving soon,” I lament.

  “Are your tickets booked?” Tinsley asks.

  “For the 16th,” I nod sadly, noting that the party is on the 14th, and then Corban and I have one last day in paradise before it's back to reality before we must face my mother, before everything might as well blow up in our faces.

  “You can always stay longer,” Tinsley suggests. “I mean, there's a whole island, plenty of room.”

  “I'm sure Corban has work, he hasn't even touched his phones since we got here, so I'm sure his office is raging for him to come back,” I sigh.

  “And you want to go back?” Tinsley looks sad.

  “Not exactly. I don't know how we're going to face Olivia. She scares me,” I admit that Corban's mother scares me more than my own.

  “Yeah, Noah told me about that,” Tinsley smiles.

  “Oh?” I raise an eyebrow at Tinsley, patting the bed, where she falls dramatically beside me. “There have been developments?”

  “Some,” She admits.

  “You think you two can make it work?” I ask.

  She nods, and I scream.

  “Shhh…” Tinsley covers my mouth.

  “Ava!” Tinsley keeps her hand firmly clamped over my mouth.

  Until I force it away.

  “Yes!” I scream.

  How can two people who want to be together, not be together?

  I ask myself this question.

  If Corban and I can find a way to make our whirlwind of a romance and sudden marriage work, then I'm sure Tinsley and Noah will find a way to make it work.

  “You'll find your way,” I tell her, even though she is shaking her head. “You'll see.”

  Tinsley continues shaking her head when Noah opens the door.

  “Everything okay? I thought I heard screaming,” Noah looks perplexed.

  “Two thousand-dollar shoes!” I exclaim as I lie through my teeth.

  “Women,” He rolls his eyes. “One pair of shoes and you lose your minds,” He sighs. “Corban and I were thinking; we should all go together to this stupid party on a boat.”

  “If it's so stupid,” Tinsley shoots back. “Why are you two going.”

  “Just be happy,” He tells her, his voice sour.

  “Fine. I'll let you two escort us, but we won't dare be happy about it,” Tinsley tells him with authority.

  Noah winks at her, closing the door.

  This makes me smile.

  “Oh right, Olivia,” Tinsley remembers what we were talking about. “You haven't met her, have you?”

  “No. What is she like?” I ask.

  “Corban's mother is a headache, I’m not going to lie. For me anyway. When Noah and I first started our little romance, she caught us in his penthouse, and she’s been a basic bitch ever since then. Of course, I’m sure she’ll love you, you didn’t sleep with her ex-husband,” Tinsley laughs.

  I shake my head at the thought.

  “What will she think? Of me? I mean… I can't believe I'm more worried about his mother than anything else,” I tell her.

  Then out of nowhere, I think to ask Tinsley something. She'll tell me what I need to know.

  “What do you know about the Darlingtons?” I query.

  “Your family? The Darlingtons?” She repeats the word over as if I should know. “Yes…” She pauses for a moment, looking slightly upset.

  “They're almost like...” She looks for the right word. “You know like, Astor, Rothschild? Old money? They’re like Noah. They're right up there with the Stones, you know. Ava Darlington, she shares your name, is famous for looking for her long-lost granddaughter. Which would be you, actually,” Tinsley finishes.

  I stare at her, for a good few minutes.

  “What?” she looks confused.

  “Noah and Corban know this?” I ask

  “Both of them are very aware, I thought you knew too. Considering your family,” Tinsley goes on talking, but I don't hear anything.

  I swallow hard.

  I'm not just anybody.

  I belong to people.

  People who have been looking for me.

  People from money?

  This doesn't change anything about me.

  But this changes a lot.

  Do I want to be part of that?

  Part of the Darlingtons?

  “Ava are you alright? Is there something else?” Tinsley looks as though she's about to cry. Something about the Darlington's puts her on edge.

  “Tinsley… you can tell me, if you want.” I offer.

  “Your mother caught Noah and I in
bed together the first time we ever… you know.” Tinsley cries as she says that.

  “So?” I ask. “If she did anything after that because of you, it’s really just because she’s obviously seeking vindication when nothing’s been done to her, really.” I shrug. “Honestly Isa is so messed up, I wouldn’t even think that has anything to do with what she’s done. What does that even have to do with Noah?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

  I wait for an answer.

  Tinsley looks so relieved that she cries, she cries right in front of me as I hug her.

  Once she calms down she looks so much more relaxed.

  I’m still confused as to what Noah has to do with Elizabeth.

  But my friend comes first, I won’t push it.

  “It’s old news,” I declare.

  “It is,” Tinsley nods.

  Then I have a thought.

  “Tinsley, I married a man I barely knew. Do you think Olivia is going to be angry with us?” I worry.

  “If she is,” Tinsley says.

  “It’ll be because Corban got engaged right before her next wedding. He took the spotlight off Olivia, she hates that,” Tinsley laughs.

  Then we both start laughing.


  When I confront, well ask really, Corban about the Darlingtons his admission is shocking.

  We are sitting on the rooftop patio admiring the sunset.

  “I thought if you knew, you wouldn't want anything to do with me. You'd leave,” his honesty is confusing.

  “Why?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “Because… they're everything I'm not,” He shrugs at me. “I don't know Ava. They're your family. Your real family. They have everything to offer you that I can't. It's been rocky from the start. Your trust, what you stand to inherit, that's more money than I've made since Clint and I started this business.”

  “That has nothing to do with us,” I shake my head, sitting beside him on the rooftop patio as we sip lemonade. “You've done more for me than anyone ever has. It's not about the money. I don't care about any of that, that has nothing to do with us.”

  “You don't care about the money?” He raises an eyebrow.

  How much are we talking about exactly?

  “I care about you. I love you, money or not,” I tell him. “Even if we had nothing, you’d find something, I could become a nurse, we’d find a way to make our lives work.”

  “A nurse?” he stares at me.

  “I was going to go to college to become a nurse, on a scholarship, before I ran away,” I explain. “But that’s not the point, we have each other, that’s what matters.”

  “I'm delighted you said that,” He laughs a little at himself. “Makes me feel, a little stupid. But, I want you to have a family, regardless of us, because if anything happens to me-”

  “What's going to happen to you?” I cut him off to ask.

  “I'm saying if this doesn't work. If we can't make it work,” Corban explains.

  “Ugh,” I pinch my nose.

  Why does he have to sting me like that?

  Every time things are going well, we must fight.

  It's like his rule.

  “I'm not saying it's not going to work,” Corban tells me.

  “Then why are we going down this road?” I stamp my foot to make a point.

  “I'm saying everyone needs a support system. I want you to have that,” He explains.

  “Well, then stop fighting with me, be my goddamn support system. Stop bringing up stupid crap. You want us to work, right?” I ask

  “Yes,” he sounds hesitant.

  “You just hesitated,” I accuse him.

  “I didn't. I just… that was a trap,” He tells me.

  “That wasn't a trap. Do you want our marriage to work or have you changed your mind already?” I ask firmly.

  “Ava stop asking questions like that!” He's near yelling, and I can feel the heat between us building already.

  “So, what, did you think I was with you for the money?” I accuse.

  “The thought crossed my mind, which if you had people, you wouldn't need me, okay? That's what I thought. I love you, and I want you. Money has nothing to do with anything. Money only complicates everything we have together. I wish money had nothing to do with us, but unfortunately, that's how this shit started to begin with, so we can't level that out of the equation. You can't blame me for being afraid that you wouldn't need me if you had all of that!” He raises his voice at me.

  Now I'm steamed at him

  “Corban, of course, I need you!” I scream, half my words drowned out as the wind picks up.

  There's a storm brewing.

  Not just with us.

  “Maybe you don’t,” He shrugs. “Maybe you just want me now, maybe the second we get back, and you realize what you have, and what you are, I'm toast.”

  “That won't happen!” my voice breaks.

  “You can't guarantee that!” He screams back.

  “Don't push me!” I yell.

  “I can't help it!” Corban's voice raises above the whistling wind. “Every other woman I've loved has found something better! It's easier to push you away, especially when you're going to have every opportunity you've ever wanted! You're going to realize quick; you don't need someone like me!”

  “You're all I want!” I scream passionately over the howling wind, my eyes burning with tears.

  Corban crosses the distance between us, because my words and tears are all it takes for Corban to wrap me up in his arms.

  His head is buried in the crook of my neck as the first of big fat drops start to fall on the rooftop patio, soaking us to the bone in seconds, but that only makes him clutch me closer to him.

  Until we make a run for the stairs, running for cover, our laughter covered by the first crack of thunder as we find shelter inside.

  “What were we even fighting about?” He laughs.

  “I'll always need you,” I tell him, my hands searching underneath his button-up shirt for his warmth. “Always.”

  “Would you be mad if I held you to that?” I see the fire in his eyes, and I wonder if that's always going to be there, after years of being together, after years of knowing each other, getting used to nuances of life, of living together.

  I decide it will as he wraps his arms around me.

  “No,” I shake my head. “Because I will. Darlington or not, I'll always be yours.”

  Because the truth is, I don't feel like a Darlington.

  I don't even know them.

  I know Corban though, and I know who he is.

  I know what it's like to feel like his wife, and I feel like that woman.

  He's the first person to make me feel like I'm capable of having a normal life, capable of being a real person, not one living a double life, one who has real friends, and real responsibilities.

  With him, I can be free.

  Chapter 19: Corban

  May 14, 2017

  Ava and Tinsley easily steal the show.

  The yacht doesn't even compare to the one docked at Noah's place, and I'm tempted to tell them let's ditch, but I know Ava is intent on at least saying hello to Rowan.

  She is in a silver sequin mini dress, that sparkles under the lights, coming just below her ass. It’s got one shoulder and there’s enough cleavage to garner plenty of looks her way.

  The dress shows off her tanned skin and makes me want more with her hair curled and flying all over the place as she looks around, with Tinsley on her arm.

  Tinsley is in a black sequined dress matching hers.

  Noah and I wander behind, looking like the bond twins in white dinner jackets and black pants.

  Tinsley's idea, not ours.

  We both feel stupid, but neither of us cares because Noah brought his Glock, which is easily hidden under a dinner jacket.

  “Just in case,” He explained, holding an extra gun out to me, to which I refused.

  I wouldn't know what to do with a gun, even if I had it in my

  “Point this end, and shoot. Not at me,” He laughed before he locked the other gun away.

  Noah goes to the range for practice, and he knows I'm a miserable shot.

  All I'd be good at in this situation is shooting myself in the foot.

  It’s a boat we’re on.

  This is no yacht.

  It is less luxurious, needs to be updated, and is more crowded than I expected.

  The captain however still leaves the dock, and I try not to let Ava see the worry crease my face as I bring the girls their drinks and try to enjoy myself.

  It's sort of difficult not to laugh at Noah.

  Who could probably pass for James Bond.

  He's on high alert, with that serious face of his, all eyes on Ava and Tinsley as they dance together on the crowded dance floor, pausing to snap a picture with Rowan who has finally made an appearance.

  Now we cannot escape this horror show of a party.

  “I told you it wasn't formal,” Ava announces loudly, over the crush of the party.

  It really is terribly overcrowded.

  I can’t stand anywhere without someone brushing against me.

  “The food is terrible, the drinks are watered down, and the music is too loud. I think I'm getting old,” Tinsley announces.

  “Maybe we can swim for it?” I suggest, looking over the rail, as the four of us find a spot that's a little less crowded, but not by much.

  “I'm hungry, but that buffet looks… less than pleasant,” I say as my stomach rumbles.

  “Most of it is seafood, but I wouldn't trust it,” Noah adds to the conversation finally.

  Then Noah looks around furtively.

  “Okay, Mr. Bond,” Tinsley shakes her head. “What's wrong with you?”

  “I don't like these types of things, and I feel like I'm going to be felt up by someone everywhere I go. There are people everywhere,” This is accompanied by another furtive glance around.

  “Well, it's a party dad. Relax,” Ava makes a flippant comment, turning around, dragging me with her.

  But there's no mistaking the look on Noah's face when she calls him dad, apparently making fun of him.

  Now I know there's more truth to my theory then I first suspected, because his eyes are wide enough that Tinsley begins questioning what the hell exactly is going on.


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