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The Game of Networking_MLMers ARE MANY. NETWORKERS ARE FEW.

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by Rob Sperry

  “The best book on networking I’ve read in a LONG time! Rob shows you how to win in every aspect of life by teaching you how to be a master at the networking game… and does it in a book that can be read in one sitting. Read it… use it. Win!”

  Todd Falcone, Network Marketing Speaker, Coach and Author

  “The Game of Networking is the modern day book for How to Win Friends and Influence People. It dives deep into specific skills that are all too often just skimmed over. And most of all, this book is REAL LIFE. After building a network of over 150,000 distributors in 5 countries, I can tell you that Rob knows the game of networking. His examples are real and his stories are compelling. Great book!”

  Jordan Adler, Author of the Amazon Best Seller, Beach Money, Network Marketing Millionaire

  “Unique, well written, simple to read, everyone on the journey to a better life will find nuggets to better their effectiveness in the world!!”

  Dan McCormick, 35 year industry leader, multi-million dollar earner and co-author of Lessons from Great Lives

  “Rob Sperry’s The Game of Networking is a wonderful tool to add to your business toolset. His formula makes the necessary, but often times difficult task of networking obtainable. Sperry’s principles are easy to understand and this book will certainly give you the skills to improve your networking ability in all aspects of life, not just business.”

  Ty Bennett, Author of The Power of Storytelling

  “It is rare that I get an opportunity to read a fresh new powerful material on the subject of networking. This book is rich with stories, research and powerful distinctions. Studying it (vs reading it) will result in a quantum leap on your leadership, reputation and success. When it comes in print I will be gifting one to all of my teammates.

  Congratulations Rob. This is a fantastic work of art.”

  Richard Bliss Brooke, Bestselling Author of the Network Marketing book The Four Year Career®

  “The Game of Networking is not a good book… it’s a GREAT book! It’s one of those “buy first” books that literally stands out among it’s peers. I love the constant references to history, to current influencers and the wisdom they all bring to this great profession.

  But it’s the mindset training that makes this book stand out. It goes beyond the necessary skill training to that never talked about area of why we need to learn it to do it. The actual science behind it all. And with his real time references, the reader can see the results of doing what it takes!

  I have been doing this for a very long time and I learned a ton. What was exciting for me was knowing my new people and my biggest leaders are going to get great benefit from the same book!

  My advice. Buy it. NOW.”

  Tom Chenault, Host of The Tom Chenault Radio Show and million dollar annual earner in Network Marketing

  “The ONLY book you ever need to read about MLM and building a real business fast and solid. No fluff- the real stuff. Simple and straightforward. Rob is the REAL DEAL.”

  Lon A. Wardrop, 30 year Network Marketing veteran, multi-million dollar earner and legendary recruiter

  “Rob’s book is filled with insight and strategies that can be used in any industry. Rob lays out a thoughtful formula for increasing likeability, which in turn equates to higher credibility. I’ve been able to follow his strategy to successfully increase my own networking reach and influence within my industry.”

  Trent Lee, Multimillionaire, Serial Entrepreneur

  “Entertaining and easy to digest. The intent behind this book is genuine and oozes off every page: to share what works, what’s fun, what duplicates, and what’s profitable so you can shorten your growth curve in the exciting profession of network marketing.”

  Josephine Gross, Editorial Director, Networking Times

  “Finally a book that drops the hype and gets right to the essentials of network marketing! Rob Sperry is a master at breaking down the things that matter most in simple ways that you can apply and benefit immediately. Must read for any professional at any stage of their career!”

  Brandon Carter, Owner, Solar Company

  “These time-tested techniques need to be in every Networkers pocket if they wish to uplevel their business. I only wish I had had a copy a decade ago!”

  Rachel Jackson, Internet network marketer. Has made $3.5 million in 6 years in the network marketing industry. Rachel is a masterful online builder who bridges the gap between “high tech” and “high touch.”

  “Having worked with Rob on a daily basis for most of a decade, I can attest to Rob’s metamorphosis into one of the great networkers of our time.

  His ability to not only transform himself into a great networker is amazing, but his ability to break down the steps into a duplicable game so that others can do the same is truly remarkable.

  This book will teach you how to create, maintain and grow meaningful connections. Rob will teach you how to provide value for others so they want to be in your network. He will teach you the skills and disciplines to begin your own metamorphosis today!!

  If you are going to only read one book on networking, this is that book. It will help you not only become successful in your MLM business, it will help you become successful in all aspects of life.”

  Lance Conrad, Entrepreneur, Network Marketing multi-millionaire, Consultant

  “Every once in a decade a new book comes out that changes an industry. The Game of Networking is that book for this decade. Rob as pulled together the steps to go from where you are to where you want to be.”

  Woody Woodward, Author, Success Strategist, Film-maker

  “Put simply, Rob Sperry loves people and has a passion for service to them. That love and passion fills every page of his new book, The Game of Networking. Rob dives deep into what it takes and exactly how to become a great networker. He shares real life experiences mixed with proven stories to illustrate the significance of (relationships/friendships). This a powerful, must-read book.”

  Lisa Grossman, Network Marketing Speaker, Consultant and Strategist

  Download my free eBook on how to never run out of contacts

  © 2017 TGON Publishing. All Rights Reserved

  Reproduction or translation of any part of this book beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and may constitute a felony with a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine. Request for permission or further information should be addressed to TGON Publishing:


  The purpose of this book is to educate and inspire. This book is not intended to give advice or make promises or guarantees that anyone following the ideas, tips, suggestions, techniques or strategies will have the same results as the people listed throughout the stories contained herein. The author, publisher and distributor(s) shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

  ISBN #978-1-64007-484-2

  ISBN #978-0-69292-507-2 (e-book)


  During my years of research I have asked some of the top leaders in the industry for the formula for networking and I have read hundreds of books on the matter. I have come up with the 3 ½ Laws that will enhance your networking skills to increase sales, revolutionize your relationships and build a referral engine.

  The top inventors,
visionaries and mavericks all used networking to launch and leverage their companies. Whether it was Thomas Edison networking with Henry Ford to put his batteries in Ford’s cars, or it was Steve Jobs networking with George Lucas to acquire Pixar or social change like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet networking and creating the Giving Pledge, which has generated more financial contribution than any other charity in history, these visionaries used the 3 ½ Laws that I illustrate in this book.

  You will benefit in the same way they did, to create lasting change, exponential growth and massive success.



  The Law of Likeability, Law #1

  The Importance of LIKEABILITY

  First impressions Last Forever, So Don’t Screw It Up

  How I Got Out of Nine Speeding Tickets

  Leader Of One, Leader Of Many

  The Ben Franklin Effect

  The Key to Most People’s Network is their Family

  The Taker

  The Formula to Becoming More Likeable

  Create Allies

  Likeability Rule #1: Be Positive

  Positive Body Language

  Positive Attitude

  Likeability Rule #2: Be Interested

  Sincere Compliments

  Remember Their Name

  Put Your Phones Away

  Likeability Rule #3: Find Commonalities

  Show Empathy

  Be Authentic & Genuine

  The Dating Game

  The Law of Credibility, Law #2

  Create Your Greatness

  The Law of Credibility Comes Through Creating That Greatness

  The Power of Storytelling

  How to Evolve into a Conqueror

  Don’t Look at Everyone as a Prospect

  Building Credibility Through Telling Your Story

  How to Avoid the Awkward Stage

  The 100 Million Dollar Question

  Mastering the Law of Association

  Communication Conundrums

  The Worst Networker in the World

  Don’t Be the Avoider


  The 3 Versions of You

  The Credibility Code

  How to Build Credibility Through Your Appearance

  Be You!

  Modern Leadership

  High LIKEABILITY Builds High Credibility

  The Law of Recallability, Law #3

  When Getting No Is Gold

  The Host Gets The Most

  A Toast To The Host

  Yes, I Said Games

  Bigger Scale Events

  Starting Young

  The Law of 250

  What Not To Do: The Recallability Has Beens

  Ghosting 101



  Becoming Unforgettable

  The Friendship Formula Simplified

  Network Like A Professional! Social Media Strategies To Crush Recallability

  Current Relevant Platforms For Network Marketing



  Snapchat, Insta Story And Facebook Story


  Blog Or Newsletter

  Stand Out

  The Law of Profitability, Law #3.5

  The Abundance Mentality

  I Helped A Competitor

  The Law Of Reciprocation

  Giver Vs Taker

  Meet The Giver


  Mastering The Win-Win

  How to Recruit Other Network Marketers

  How To Handle Network Marketers Who Leave Your Organization

  Ego = Eliminating Growth Opportunity


  Who Wins In Networking? The Sprinter Or The Marathon Runner?

  The Deer, the Dog, the Giraffe and the Wolf


  I want you to take a few minutes right now to think about everything of value in your life. Think of your family, your relationships, your home, your car, your education, and your overall net worth. Believe it or not, all or most of anything you consider valuable came from networking. Everybody networks. However, not everyone networks well. Networking doesn’t have to be something that you are simply born great at or not. Networking can be learned. Networking is a science. Networking is a differentiator for success.

  This book will teach you all that life can offer you as a professional networker, including: learning how to get out of speeding tickets, how to maximize social media, how the Law of Credibility will help you get to the top ranks of your profession in half the time, how the Benjamin Franklin effect will help turn foes into friends with one question, the importance of building your brand, where and how to meet people, how to become the host of events (even if you are an introvert), how to network like a superstar without being that annoying schmoozer, how to make a great first impression with a few simple tips, how to effectively communicate with anyone in any situation, and much, much more.

  Additionally, you will learn networking skills from legends such as Johnny Appleseed, Bruce Wayne, James Bond, Katniss Everdeen, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Jay Gatsby. I will use real-life examples from my own personal experiences as well as experiences from many of the world’s top network marketers who have collectively earned well over hundreds of millions of dollars. Simply put, you will learn the best from the best. Not only will you learn from this book but I have a Facebook group called The Game of Networking. In this group you will not only learn from me but from many other top industry leaders. This is where you can stay plugged in on the latest content.

  Jimmy Fallon once sat crying in the back corner of a Carl’s Jr. restaurant. He had been rejected for yet another acting gig, and his future looked bleak. Even though Jimmy is currently the widely viewed, super successful, and downright hilarious host of “The Tonight Show,” he struggled massively at the beginning of his career.

  In this particular situation, although Jimmy was struggling he was not out. He continued to submit audition tapes to different agencies, hoping for something to stick so he could finally launch his acting career. He had submitted an audition tape to Saturday Night Live, and he got the call back saying that he had been accepted to be in the cast. While on SNL, Jimmy made sure to thank its creator, Lorne Michaels, after every single show. This built a strong relationship that helped Fallon when he left SNL to pursue a movie career many years later. Even years after SNL, Fallon made it a point to stay in contact with Lorne Michaels.

  After a few unsuccessful years in the movie business, Fallon felt stuck and reached back out to his mentor, Lorne Michaels, for some advice. When Michaels was looking for a replacement for Conan O’ Brien’s place in his “Late Night” TV show, he offered Fallon the position immediately because of their relationship. Years later, when Jay Leno was retiring from “The Tonight Show,” which aired an hour before “Late Night,” Fallon was promoted and took over the spot, and the rest is history.

  Jimmy Fallon’s story is a perfect example of how well-maintained relationships can help someone pursue their happiness and leverage their talent. He developed relationships and grew a network that ended up contributing to him reaching the pinnacle of his career. Even though Jimmy was turned down again and again, he made sure to be a likeable person with a good attitude; he built his Credibility by never giving up and continuing to work in the broadcast and media industry. He made sure to increase his Recallability by staying in the minds of those people important to him, and all of these things together led him to eventual success and profitability. Jimmy purposefully set himself up in positions to network so he could advance his career. He used what I call the “3 ½ Laws of Networking” to do so, which you too will learn about by reading this book.

  This book isn’t about how to invite, follow up, or close. It’s about putting the networking back into network marketing. You will learn very specific, proven strategies throughout the book, and many of these strategies will be brand new to you.

  How can you NOT be that crazy anno
ying type of network marketer?

  How can you recruit the masses?

  How can you have unlimited contacts?

  How can you turn enemies into friends?

  How can you connect with successful leaders?

  How can you brand yourself?

  How can you partner with other network marketers and learn from them?

  How can you build a true residual income and achieve your goals?

  How can you expand network marketing into an incredibly larger network?

  You may not realize it now, but everyone loves networking. Yes, even you. To me, networking is creating, developing, and maintaining relationships to create opportunities to enhance your life and the lives of others. Throughout the networking process, you will gain a set of skills that can be applied to any situation and improve your chances of having a multitude of success.

  So, go ahead and ask yourself this question: Why are you networking? It seems like a simple question, but this is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself. If you set out to network primarily to find new prospects for your network marketing business, then you are going to learn a lot from this book. There is so much more to your networking than just a potential person for your downline, and this book will give you that better and broader vision; guaranteed.

  I have been writing this book on and off for over seven years. I don’t know if you should be embarrassed for me or impressed by me. Can you imagine writing a book for seven years? I have read hundreds of books to better understand the theories behind many of the concepts in this book. The more I wrote this book, the better I understood what networking is all about. I began to think about networking in depth and ask myself these questions:

  How did I meet my wife?


  How did I get involved with network marketing?


  How did I find where I wanted to build my house?


  How did I build a large tennis program?


  How did I find a great deal on my car?


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