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Landing the Air Marshal (Snowpocalypse)

Page 7

by Jennifer Blackwood

  He glanced at the message from his commander:

  Jake: Flights cancelled. Still need you on shift for Sunday.

  He muttered under his breath and pocketed his phone. What was he going to do now? He had a few choices. He could check into a hotel room here, one that was not on the top floor. He could go out for breakfast and pray that somehow the airlines would change their mind on cancelling the flights. Or, he could go back to the penthouse with Abby and enjoy another night with her. The last option was obviously the most appealing. The sounds that came out of her mouth last night were mentally catalogued for future reference when he was in the shower. He’d give anything to elicit another breathy moan from her. But how would he explain leaving this morning without saying good-bye?


  Abby rolled over in bed and was met with a cold spot where Gage had been the night prior. Her lips pulled into a frown. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and sat up in bed, the ache between her legs the only evidence he’d been here last night. She listened for any indication that he was out in the main room of the penthouse, but all she found was the unnerving sound of complete silence—not even the hum of a fridge or a heat vent. She expected this to happen, because Gage didn’t seem like the type of guy to stick around—exactly the reason she went along with the whole charade yesterday—let alone have the decency to say good-bye in the morning. It was probably for the best…right? The tug in the pit of her stomach said otherwise.

  Ugh. Why was she even disappointed? This was clearly just her body coming down from the high of all those orgasms he’d pulled from her body last night. It had to be. Obviously, this was all biological.

  Her gaze ran along the rich cream-colored curtains and the swirls on the four-poster bed. The fabric alone probably cost more than all her Ikea furniture combined. One day, once she worked her way up in the company, she’d have enough money to buy sheets that were higher than 200 thread count. Until then, she’d enjoy it while traveling to other peoples’ homes and luxurious hotels that she’d never be able to afford out of her own dismal bank account.

  “Right. I have work to do. No time for play, anyway,” she reminded herself. She had to prove her worth, and she wouldn’t get that done by being under the weight of Gage’s muscles all weekend.

  Rolling over in bed, she grabbed her phone off the nightstand and checked her messages.

  Of course, her inbox was flooded with texts from her nosy sister.

  Ella: So????

  Ella: He’s still there, isn’t he?

  Ella: Get it, girl.

  Ella: C’mon. just a detail or two. Your poor sister is tired of reading romance novels.

  Abby shook her head and huffed out a laugh. If and when Abby ever entered another relationship—Ha! When was there time for that?—her sister would probably never leave her alone on the topic.

  She scrolled down and found an email from her coworker, Jeremy. Yeah, that one could wait until later. Probably just another attempt to throw her off her game with his not-so-humble bragging. Honestly, it surprised her that he had time for emails since it seemed his lips were permanently connected to her boss’s ass.

  A soft knock echoed through the vast space and carried into her bedroom. She shot out of bed and pulled on clothes, worried that she’d missed checkout and the cleaning staff would promptly kick her butt out. Crap. She hadn’t even had a chance to take pictures yet. That would sure make a great impression, especially with Rob. She wanted to give him ammo to push her toward promotion, not take it away.

  Abby hiked her skirt up her legs, grabbed a sweater from her carry-on luggage, and bee-lined for the door. She just got a hairband around her sleep-mussed hair before she pulled open the door and found herself face to chest with Gage. He smiled down at her, and held a cup of coffee in either hand.

  “Oh.” A swell of relief flooded her. Whether that was because it hadn’t been the hotel staff, or because he was the one man she did want to see, she didn’t really know. Jeez, one-night stands were confusing. Her gaze slid up his Carhartt jacket, his stubbled jaw, his sleepy eyes, and a warmth spread through her.

  “Weren’t expecting me?” He smirked.

  He was the last person she expected to come knocking at her door, literally. It wasn’t even her door. “Should I have?”

  “No.” He frowned. “Did you look outside?”

  She shook her head and made her way to the expanse of windows in the main room and looked out at the city blanketed with snow.

  “Don’t see that in L.A., do you?”

  “Uh, no.” L.A. pretty much stopped with a heavy rain. If there was snow, it might as well be the apocalypse.

  “The airport’s shut down for today. Checked the weather forecast and looks like there’ll be more rolling in this evening.”

  “But I’m supposed to catch my flight this evening. I have paperwork to fill out. I can’t do that from three thousand miles away.” Well, she could, but it was easier to do in the comfort of her office.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. Afraid you’re stuck here.”

  Well, crap. There was so much to do. Pictures to send, her boss to woo. At least she could send the pictures, but wooing was a little hard to do from across the country.

  Then again, there were worse places to be. And worse people to be stuck with. In fact, in terms of her luck, things were looking up. Guess those lucky earrings were paying off. Her hands absentmindedly found their way to her ears and a spear of anxiety ran through her when her left hand roamed over smooth skin instead of metal.


  She swiped her hand over it again, just to make sure, and again came up empty.

  No. No. No.

  Anything but those. She’d set her whole wardrobe on fire if it meant saving the one gift she still had from her dad.

  Okay, no need to panic. It had to be somewhere in the penthouse. It couldn’t be gone. No, there had to be an explanation.

  She rushed to the bedroom and immediately began tossing off sheets and rutting through pillowcases, but came up empty. How could this be happening? Maybe she dropped it in the bathroom when she took a shower last night? She smoothed her hair into a ponytail and took a quick breath before speed-walking toward the bathroom. It just had to be here. No need to freak.

  “What’s going on?”

  “My earring.” She didn’t bother explaining any further, just continued on a warpath to the bathroom.

  She checked under the sink, in the bathtub, in the shower, everywhere. And still no earring. Did she have it when she got off her flight last night? She’d been too focused on…other things to check.

  “You lose it?”

  She swallowed back a frantic sob and masked her expression, the same way she did when her coworker came up with a stupid idea at work. She barely knew Gage and wasn’t about to bare her soul to him over something he couldn’t possibly understand. The earring was gone. There was nothing she could do about it now, and breaking into a puddle of tears in front of the hottest guy she’d seen naked, well, that wasn’t going to happen. “Yeah, it’ll be fine. I’m sure I can replace it.” Each word felt like a mouthful of glass.

  The earring may not be replaceable, but Abby was sure as hell going to make the best of the time she had left with Gage. Before a colossal shit storm of negativity could rain down on her happiness, she grabbed Gage’s hand and led him to the bedroom. “I think I know what we can do for the next few hours.”

  Chapter Seven

  Gage knew something was up with Abby when she realized she’d lost the clover earring. He could tell she was playing it off like it was nothing, but her furrowed brows and clipped responses said otherwise. Wasn’t his job to pry, though. That was the nice thing about a one-night stand—you didn’t have to care. Even if one night was turning quickly into two.

  Gage sat on the couch as Abby bustled around the penthouse, her camera clicking as she took pictures from every angle, turning lights off and on as she decided what type of lighting to use.

p; Watching her work might possibly be just as hot as her on all fours naked on the four-poster bed. She sucked on her bottom lip as her gaze wandered around the kitchen. She’d put on a pair of tight-fitting sweatpants that hugged her ass. And when she bent over to reposition a vase on the floor, the top of her lacy black thong peeked over the top of her pants. The zip-up did nothing to hide the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her mouthwatering tits bounced whenever she walked. Jesus. He shifted and readjusted himself before she could notice he was sitting on the couch staring at her with a boner.

  Even though he’d had her last night, and again a few hours ago, the need to have her hammered him like a torrential downpour when she was around. If she was going to get any work done, Gage needed to get the hell out of the room and pound one out before he threw her over his shoulder and had his way with her on the couch.

  This woman was driving him crazy and she didn’t even know it. She was completely in the zone with her work. He knew the feeling. It had to be similar to each flight, watching passengers. He didn’t want to disturb her while she worked. In fact, his muscles still ached, and there was a seven-person tub with jets in the bathroom, which he hadn’t even gotten to break in last night. Might as well make good use of his time and give Abby a chance to get some work done.

  “I’ll be in the bath if you care to join me,” he called as he got off the couch. There—an open invitation. Because, normally, it’d be a cold day in hell before Gage ever took a bath. But it’d be much more interesting with Abby in there.

  She didn’t even acknowledge as she kept taking pictures. He smirked. Damn. That focused intensity could set a room on fire.

  Gage strode into the bathroom and drew the bath. It had been a long time since he’d taken one. Last time was when he’d killed his knee in a basketball scrimmage a few years back.

  The water curled around him as he stepped into the tub and sat back against the porcelain. He let out a moan, the heat already starting to relax his aching muscles. Abby was the first image that came to his mind as he closed his eyes. Something about this woman made his system go haywire. That take no shit attitude fucking did it for him. Her directness. That did it for him, too. Oh, and those fuck-me stilettos. Yep, add that to the list. The way she submitted to him in bed, let him take the lead. Nothing was hotter than seeing her give up control, come undone at his touch, scream his name in the most desperate way possible.

  Seriously, he was so fucked after this weekend ended. His buddies back home had all settled down and married. Gage could see the appeal, especially if they had even a tenth of the connection he had with Abby. Unfortunately, all he’d be getting with her was one more night.

  His hand slid under the water and found its way to his stiff cock. His fingers wrapped around it and he gave one hard stroke. He let out a groan and tightened his grip, trying to recreate the feel of Abby’s sweet pussy tightening around him, her soft curves under his grip as he slammed into her over and over. No matter how he changed the pressure of his hand, nothing matched how Abby felt. He had that put to memory, and nothing else would compare. Dammit, at this rate, he’d never be able to get her out of his head. His head knocked back as he replayed the sound of her soft gasps.

  He needed her touch so fucking bad it physically hurt.


  Abby paced the span of the penthouse, not sure what to do. She’d checked in with her boss and assured him she was indoors and safe, not stuck in the blizzard that was wreaking havoc on the city. Even if he was her boss, he’d become more of a father figure over the years. He was about the same age as her father would be if he were still alive, and even if it did sound a little daddy-issue-ish, she could really use advice sometimes, even if it came from the person who wrote her paycheck. She hung up and stood in the bedroom. The door to the bathroom was closed, and she wasn’t sure what Gage was doing.

  While she was taking pictures of the penthouse, he’d said something to her, but she’d been engrossed in finding the perfect angles and lighting to really capture the beauty of the space. Anything to increase her odds of landing this deal for the movie.

  She hadn’t heard water in a while. Was he done in the shower? Was he taking a bath? Maybe she should check in on him in case he bumped his head and was drowning.

  She glanced to the bed at his unopened suitcase and decided that he’d probably not taken clothes in there with him. Maybe he was dripping wet. Possibly naked. A strike of heat zinged straight between her legs, and her hands trembled as she grasped the door handle. Did she really want to catch him in a compromising position? Um, duh. Of course she did. She wanted to see the Maglite in all its glory. Again. Because that was a sight she’d never get sick of.

  “Gage?” she called, lightly knocking on the door. Better to be safe than sorry and not catch him totally unprepared.

  She heard a muffled grunt in response.

  She thought to ask permission to come in the bathroom, but really, what reason did she have? Saying she needed to go to the bathroom was dumb, because there was a powder room in the entryway. Her finger chipped at the polish on her thumb as she decided on a good excuse. Nothing came to mind except I want to see if your bare ass was chiseled from granite. The way it looked in his dress pants, it very well might have been. She hadn’t managed to catch a glimpse last night because she was too busy with her face shoved into a pillow screaming out his name. Checking out his ass was the least of her priorities at that point. Now, though, it skyrocketed to the top of the list. Her fingers slid down the door, and before she could say anything, it unexpectedly popped open.

  Apparently it hadn’t been shut all the way—not that she was complaining. As the door cleared her view of the bathroom, Gage was laying in the bathtub. Water lapped over his bare chest and his legs, which were propped up on either side of the tub. His eyes were closed, long, dark lashes fanning over his cheeks, his head leaning back against the side of the tub. Water outlined each notch of muscle, every bit of tanned skin. The entirety of his body was on full display except for the patch of soap and dark water pooling below his waist. Where his hand was. Wrapped around his cock. Moving up and down in slow, deliberate movements.

  Abby’s breath caught in her throat as she regarded him. His strong hand, the one that wasn’t servicing himself, gripped the side of the white porcelain tub, and his teeth grazed his bottom lip. He looked lost in the moment, his eyes squeezed shut. A stuttered breath flew from his mouth as he uttered, “Fuck.”

  She cleared her throat, and Gage opened his eyes, a smile playing at his lips. “I was wondering when you were coming to join me. Ready to help me out a little?” He didn’t bother to stop rubbing himself, his hands making a slick wet sound as it slid through the water. Something about the lewd gesture sent a crack of heat splintering straight through her bones.

  “Oh. Um. I don’t know.” She suddenly felt a little out of her depth. It was different last night, when he’d ordered her around. Now that he was giving her a choice, the same self-doubt that plagued her any time she was in the bedroom crept through her, taking over like ivy on a lattice, even as she regarded the hottest thing she’d ever seen in real life.

  “The water’s nice,” he mused, and made a gesture of slipping his hands under the surface and then raising them up so the water drizzled down his biceps and dropped back into the tub. His movement in the tub stirred some of the soap. The foam edged to the flesh between his legs, giving an outline to a massive bulge.

  She swallowed hard and considered his offer.

  “Maybe I should rephrase.” He opened his hooded eyes, and his gaze pierced straight through her. “You have ten seconds to undress and get in the water, or I’m going to drag you in here with your clothes on.” His voice held the authority she craved. The kind that made her damp between her thighs. A voice she was more than happy to obey.

  Pants, panties, and shirt off in record time? Check. She didn’t even need the full ten seconds. More like six, and that included the time spent climbing i
nto the tub. Speaking of which, the porcelain monster was big enough for at least a few people. She sat opposite of him, her legs grazing his.

  Desire flickered in his eyes as his gaze raked over her naked body. How did women date him on a regular basis? It was unnerving how he was able to discombobulate her thoughts. He’d be dangerous for her in large doses because, dammit, a girl needed to get work done, and she couldn’t think anything but do me now when he was around.

  “What were you thinking about?” she asked. She couldn’t help it, her gaze swept to where his hand had previously been, to the erection that pierced through the now milky water. Her tongue ran over her lips and she wondered just how good he’d taste.


  She jutted her chin to the water. “When you were touching yourself.”

  His teeth pulled across his bottom lip as he studied her. “You.”

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  “Me doing what?”

  “You really want to know?”

  Um, hello, hot dude fantasizing about her while masturbating in the tub. Who wouldn’t want to know every nitty-gritty little detail? “Yes.”

  “I was imagining you on your knees. Sucking me off with that pretty little mouth of yours.” He looked up through long lashes. “Think you could take me?”

  “I—” The question caught her off guard. Did she think his cock would fit in her mouth? Certainly not all of it, but something about the question made her want to attempt it. “I’d try.”

  Heat stirred in Gage’s eyes as he regarded her. Without further prompting, he stood in the tub, water droplets cascading down his chest, trailing down the contours of every muscle. The water around her sloshed about, slicking over her nipples. Her breathing turned heavy, and need once again laced through her. Her tongue darted along her lips, and she’d give anything to be a water droplet on Gage’s body.

  Really, right now, she’d participate in whatever fantasy he could conjure up. With that in mind, she still needed to be responsible. “You’re…um, I don’t know how to put this tactfully…”


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