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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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by Theresa Sederholt

  Nothing. Not even a flinch. Time seems to crawl by. Nicky, the nurse, checks his vitals every hour, while Jax and Raven come in and out, all day long. Mrs. Phillips comes by once a day with food, usually around noon. Today, she’s been here twice and she brought Mrs. Osla again. They are probably here to try and scare Max in to waking up. I look at the two of them and I can’t figure out why Max is so afraid of these sweet ladies. Okay—maybe Mrs. Osla—but I don’t understand a word she says anyway.

  “How’s our boy doing today, Jackie?’

  I smile. “He woke up for a few minutes, but then he went out again. The doctor said we have to wait, so wait, I will. You’re here twice today, Mrs. Phillips, is everything okay?”

  She nods, “Yes, dear. Please, call me An. I figured I would come back with Mrs. Osla and check on Maxwell again.”

  “Would you like me to step out?”

  She takes my hand, “No, dear, you can stay. I just need to say something to Maxwell.”

  She leans down and whispers something in his ear, and then steps back. Then Mrs. Osla, takes his hand and says something, but I’m not sure what. I couldn’t hear, and even if I did, Max is the only one who can understand her. They turn to leave and I can see tears in their eyes. “Oh, Max, I hope you realize how many people love you. You might not have any blood relations but you have something so much more, something people search for their whole lives, and it’s right in front of you—pure love.” I put my head beside his, trying to sleep, but the only thing that comes are more tears.

  I WAKE FROM MY nap, feeling flutters. I realize the baby is moving! I go to look for Jax and see him sitting by the bar, staring out the window with a glass of scotch. He seems lost and so very sad; it breaks my heart to see him like this.

  “I know you’re there, sweetheart.”

  Hmm, “I know you do . . . you always do. I have something that might cheer you up a little.” I walk up to him, take his hand, and place it on my tummy. His eyes widen as he gazes at my tummy, seemingly fighting to hold back the tears. “That’s our baby, Jax.”

  He pulls me closely, “Sweetheart, it’s so amazing that you have protected this little one through so much. I’m in awe of you.”

  I pull his head up towards mine. I need to see his eyes; they say so much. “Jax, what’s got you so sad today? Max is starting to come to. I thought you would be happy.”

  “You know I’m not good at waiting.”

  I kiss him softly. “I knew you and Max were close, but I never really knew how close. How did you meet him?”

  “I met him at a Pub in London.”

  “I know that already, but how?”

  He takes a deep breath. “I closed a major deal, and I was out on the piss.”

  “You were what?” I can’t help my confusion. I have no idea as to what the hell that means.

  He laughs. “I forget that you don’t know all my slang. Drinking—you know—celebrating. I got into it with a group of people; booze was flowing and it soon became a brawl. Max stepped in to help me, and made sure I didn’t get into it with the coppers. I offered him a job, and he joked that I couldn’t afford him. He called me ‘pretty boy,’ dropped me off at my hotel, and told me to go back to the States. The next day, I saw him on the local news while guarding one of the Queen’s grandsons. I stayed in London until I was able to find and convince him to work with me—not for me. We became closer than brothers. And honestly, I never thought friends, like Max, even existed. That man would lay down his life for me, and I would do the same for him. I have so few people that I trust; I can’t lose him.”

  I hug him. “He will be okay, Jax. I know it.”

  “How can you know that?”

  “I have faith.”


  “Yes, Jax, faith.”

  “Jax, what else is bothering you? Don’t say nothing because I can tell; your eyes give it away.”

  “I’m juggling a lot of balls right now, and I can’t afford to have anything slip through the cracks. Lives are at stake. I usually have Max watching my back, but that’s not an option right now.”

  “What do you need me to do for you . . . to lighten the load,” I offer.

  “Just having you here safe with me helps. God how I love you, Raven.” The sincerity in his voice is almost too much for me to handle.

  “What did the doctor say today after he examined Max?”

  I feel his whole body tense. “Everything is positive.”

  I glare at him. “Jax, you are the most direct and honest person I have ever met, so what are you not telling me?” I search his eyes, looking for a way in. He leans in and gently kisses my lips, working his way towards my ear. I can’t let him distract me. “Jax, you can’t distract me with your kisses. What aren’t you telling me?”

  I KNOW I HAVE to let her in; it’s just hard for me. I’ve only shared everything with Max. I swear I’m going to kick his fucking arse! “Nothing, I’m fine.” I don’t think she believes me, however, the alarm on my phone, indicating it’s time for her to eat, has gone off. Perfect distraction. “Oh, time for you to eat, sweetheart.”

  She freezes. “Wait! First, you try to distract me with a promising visit to the happy place. Then, you have an alarm going off on your phone, reminding you to feed me? You’re not going to answer my questions, are you?” She watches as I stroke my chin. I decide to distract her further and give her my crooked smile. It always seems to do something for her. This time is no different.

  “Sweetheart, are we going to the happy place?”

  “Not if you don’t answer my questions.”

  I can be such a bastard if I have to be—she has no clue. “That’s okay, sweetheart, I can hold out—can you?”

  I lean in and nibble her ear, leaving a trail of soft tender kisses down her neck, smirking all the way down! I unbutton her shirt and latches onto one of her nipples, flicking it with my tongue. Slowly I release it and lift her hand towards my mouth and kiss the inside of her wrist—that does it—she leaps up and wraps her legs around my waist. I carry her to the kitchen and place her on the cold counter as I go back to kissing and licking one nipple, and then the other. I know I’m not going to be able to hold back much longer, so I stop.

  “Jax, what the fuck? Why are you stopping?”

  “First, no blue language; the baby can hear you. Second, I told you I can wait. You need to eat—doctor’s orders.”

  She takes a deep breath, “Okay, so let me get this straight, you can swear up one side and down another but I can’t?”

  I smirk again, and I swear, I think she wants to pull my hair out. “Sweetheart, I only swear when you’re taking me to the happy place; that doesn’t count.”


  I need to make her see reason here. “Why, what?”

  She huffs like she’s getting more frustrated. “Why doesn’t it count, Jax?”

  “The baby is sleeping then.”

  Her eyes go as wide as saucers. I can tell she thinks I’m crazy. “Raven, don’t look at me like that. I know what you’re thinking.”

  “Oh trust me, Jax, you have no idea what I’m thinking right now.”

  I bite back a smile. “Let’s eat. I have mac and cheese, tomato soup, or peanut butter and jelly. Which would you prefer?”

  I OPEN MY MOUTH to speak, but nothing comes out so I shut it again. He’s nuts. “What happens if I swear in my head?”

  I watch as he mulls over my question. He cocks his head to the side, and gifts me with such a beautiful smile . . . Oh fuck, I’m done. “Raven, I don’t want our baby’s first word to be fuck. I don’t think I’m being unreasonable.” God bless him; he’s serious.

  I throw my hands up in the air. “Fine, I’ll take the mac and cheese, please.”

  As he dishes out the dinner I go and curl up by the fireplace. We eat, both of us quietly lost in our own thoughts.

  “Jax, since we’ve been back, our lives have been like a whirlwind. And then, everything with Max . . . we really
haven’t had any time to talk.”

  “Where would you like to start?”

  I put my food down. “Well, maybe we can start with Erica.”

  “What about her?”

  He’s not going to make this easy. “How did you meet her?”

  “I met her in a bar. I thought it was random, only to find out much later that she had set the meet up. Did she say anything to you while you were being held captive?”

  “Only that she was surprised you would fall for someone like me. She still believed you belonged to her. What exactly did she do to you?”

  WELL, ASIDE FROM FUCKING with my mind, which she doesn’t need to know. “She stole millions of dollars, and put me in a position that could have sent me to prison. It was only with Max’s help that we unraveled everything she had done before it couldn’t be reversed.”

  “How did you find out what she was doing?” She pushes her plate away, and I want to argue with her to eat, but I’m not going to push my luck.

  I smile, remembering those events. “It was Junior.”

  Her eyes grow large. “Michael? What did he do?”

  I push my plate out of the way, as well. “I went to take a shower, leaving Erica to keep an eye on Junior. She had to make a phone call when I wasn’t around. She gave Junior my phone to play with, hoping it would keep him quiet. He didn’t realize what he was doing, but he recorded everything. The next day I noticed there was a video on my phone. It was of Erica on her phone, plotting her next move. I gave it to Max and the rest, as they say, is history . . . a history I wish I could erase.”

  “Why didn’t you prosecute her?” I watch her eyes pierce mine as she’s trying to understand this cluster fuck of a mess.

  “Joseph asked the same thing. With the American justice system and her money, she wouldn’t have gotten much jail time—if any. I decided I was going to black ball her from the very thing she loved most—the business world. When her grandfather found out what she had done, he disowned her. She lost everything.”

  She seems speechless and I’m not sure if she’s mad or trying to understand. “So she opted for revenge, and that’s why she went after Junior and ultimately . . . me.

  “I can’t change the past, sweetheart, all I can do is go forward with the knowledge I have, and try to protect everyone as best as I can.”

  “Now that Vincent is in custody, do you think I can go home?”

  Home? Is she out of her fucking mind?! Okay, I need to remain calm here. I don’t want to freak out and scare her. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  I have to pause, and take a few calming breaths. “Just because Vincent is in custody, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be safe. He is the head of a major crime family. There are other people out there that might think—to get to him—they should get to you. We don’t know who else knows your true identity. We also need to consider your mother’s safety and the safety of our baby. Vincent’s people went after Jackie just to get to you! Why do you even want to go back to your apartment?” Her eyes burn into me.

  “Jax, I would never put anyone else in danger. However, I need to get on with my life. I can’t and I won’t live in fear. You are the one who told me, if I let fear rule me then fear wins.”

  I get up, “I need to go check on Max.” If I don’t, I know I will come unhinged.

  I NEEDED TO WALK away before I blew a gasket. The last thing I need is for her to pull a runner. I need to make her see the light—my light. We will be together forever

  Arriving over at Max’s, I walk into his bedroom to find Jackie, diligent as usual. “Hey, how’s he doing?”

  She looks so sad. “No change, Jax. Do you want me to give you some private time with him?”

  She really is such a sweet girl. “Yes, please. I promise not to be long.”

  “It’s okay, Jax, I’ll go next door to see Raven.” And with that, she’s gone.

  I stand here looking at my very broken friend, and I can’t help but feel so responsible for all of this. “Max, you fucker, you need to wake up. I can’t handle this on my own.” I pace with my hands in my hair. Suddenly, I hear him.

  “At this rate, you’ll pull all your fucking hair out.”

  I freeze. Is my mind playing tricks on me? I stare at him. His eyes are still closed. “Max?”

  He growls, “Who the fuck else were you expecting, mate?” Only Max would go from unconscious to fucking cheeky in no time flat!

  “How long have you been awake?”

  He takes his time answering me. “I came to earlier and then went out again. Calling in your mum and Mrs. Osla? That was low, even for you, you bastard.”

  I laugh. “I was desperate. Why didn’t you say anything to Jackie? She’s been here the whole time, crying and praying for you. Who’s the bastard now?”

  He clenches his jaw. “I need you to do me a favor.”

  I step closer to the bed, “Of course, what do you need?”

  He barely opens his eyes, “Help get rid of Jackie.”

  I’m stunned. Did I hear him right? “Why?”

  He’s fisting his hands, and I swear he wants to punch me. Which all things considered, it wouldn’t be the first time. “Why can’t you, for once in your fucking life, do what you’re told without questioning it?”

  I smile at him, “Because that’s not me, and you know it. Now why, damn it?”

  His breathing is becoming rapid; this can’t be good for him. “She deserves to be happy and safe. I’m in no position to offer her either one of those things. I don’t know if I will ever be whole again. I’m better off alone. This is another reason why I don’t do relationships.”

  I’m searching his face for an answer I already know. “You love her, I know you do.”

  He doesn’t say anything for a while. I think he might have fallen out again, but then he opens his eyes. “Just get her to her parent’s compound. She will be safe there.”

  He closes his eyes and lets out a low growl.

  I WAS GOING NEXT door to visit Raven, but then I remembered I needed my phone for when my parents call. And that’s when I heard it. Max was awake and talking to Jax about me. He wants me gone! My heart feels like it’s shattering into a million slivers of broken glass. I run next door to Raven’s. She takes one look at me, charging through the door and her smile drops.

  “Oh my God, Jackie, what happened?”

  I can barely get the words out. “I heard Max talking to Jax, but you can’t say anything. He wants me gone, Raven.” I fall apart in my best friend’s arms.

  “Jackie, no. What do you mean, he wants you gone?”

  “He said he’s better off alone, and this is another reason why he doesn’t do relationships.”

  “Maybe that wasn’t what he meant. He’s probably scared he won’t be himself again. I think you need to talk to him.” She tries to comfort me.

  “No. I will not be humiliated. I don’t have to beg someone to love me. I can’t believe I gave myself to him, and now he wants nothing to do with me? I thought what we shared was special. How stupid and naive was I?” I sob.

  “You are no such thing. Are you sure I can’t talk to Jax about this? Maybe I can find out what’s really going on,” she offers.

  “No. I’m going to my parents for a while,” I say adamantly.

  “I’m here for you, no matter what you need, Jackie. Please don’t forget that.”

  “I know, but right now, I think what I need is time and space. Can you arrange the flight for me?” I ask, wiping my tears away and trying to pull myself together.

  “Of course.” She hugs me.

  MY HEART BREAKS AS I watch my only friend’s life and dreams crumble around her. The worst part is, there isn’t anything I can do about it. She heads off to the bathroom to freshen up and collect herself.

  Jax comes back, and he looks about as bad as Jackie does. “Jax, I need you to do something for me, and please don’t ask questions. Call your pilot and arrange Jackie’s flight home.”

bsp; His eyes shoot up to mine, “She knows?”

  I nod, “Yeah, she knows.”

  “Okay,” he whispers. He makes all the arrangements.

  JACKIE AND I HEAD out to the airport. She’s about to board the plane, when I take her hand and stop her. “Jackie, before you get on that plane, I need to know one thing—do you love him?”

  Her eyes fill with tears, “Raven, what do you think? I’ve only ever given myself to him. I love him with all of my heart and soul. But I won’t beg to be loved back; it’s his choice.” And with that, she is gone.

  The ride back to The Tower is a long one. When I finally get there, I head upstairs to find Jax. I see him sitting in the dark, staring out the window. I walk up behind him, putting my arms around him. “Hey, do you want to talk?”

  He shakes his head. “No, I just want to hold you in my arms all night long.”

  “Eventually, we will have to talk about it.”

  He sighs. “Eventually, doesn’t have to be tonight. Tonight, I need to hold you in my arms, and make sweet, passionate love to you.” He gets up and lifts me into his arms. He carries me to our bedroom, undressing me as we go. He lays me gently on the bed, cocooning me with his body. He sinks into me so slowly. When he’s all the way in, we lock eyes. “Please don’t ever leave me. I think I would die.” With that, I’m done. I pull him close and let him lose himself, knowing we both need each other.

  I PUT MY SEATBELT on, and listen to the flight attendant give me instructions about my safety. Can she give me instructions on how to save my broken heart? I watch the lights of New York City fade away into blackness; a blackness that clouds my heart and my soul. How could I have been such a fool? For the first time in my life, I actually wanted to give myself so totally to someone. Yet, he tossed me out like a pair of old shoes. I thought I really knew who he was. I thought he had morals, and valued the gift I gave him. He couldn’t even tell me himself, he had Jax do it! I feel like such a fool. All those months, I shared so much of myself with him. All of my hopes and dreams, tossed aside. I’ve shed so many tears for this man; I don’t think I have anything left. I feel so empty inside, like something died. I put my IPod on and hit shuffle. The first song that comes on is “Never be the same” by Red. Oh how true—I never will be. I curl up, close my eyes, and let the darkness take over.


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