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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

Page 6

by Theresa Sederholt

  “One day in the early fall, Samantha took Elliot to the park; he always loved to be outside. When they were leaving the park, Samantha was taking Elliot out of his buggy, and two drugged-up punks’ carjacked her. I was called to the scene, not realizing it was my wife and son. When I reached them, I found Samantha with Elliot in her arms . . . both of them were dead. I lost it. I was a crazy man, out for revenge. My whole world shattered that day. I quit my job, and took to the bottle.”

  Jax pours us another scotch. “My grams finally got me to a point where I could function and give up the drink. Then I joined the Special Forces. I didn’t care about my life anymore. I didn’t care where they sent me or what they asked me to do. I figured if I died, then I could be with my family. That’s all I ever wanted—my family. The thing is, I never died. Oh, I was hurt a lot . . . probably should have died . . . but never did. One day, I was asked to guard one of the Queen’s grandchildren. He was wild and they thought I would be able to tame him, or if nothing else, keep him safe. Then, you came along. I took your offer because I had nothing to keep me in the UK. My grams was there, but she pushed for me to try and get a life. As much as your mum scares the crap out of me, she is the closest thing I have to a mum,” I finally finish and wait a while for Jax to say something—anything. “Jax, say something please, mate.”

  “Why are you telling me this now?” he asks.

  I take a sip of my scotch, trying to steady my nerves. “Your mum knows the story, and I never knew that she did. When she came to me today, she made me realize that you have a right to know everything. You’re all the family I have, and I don’t want you to hate me because of Jackie. I love Jackie, and I know that I broke her heart. I don’t think I have anything left inside me to give. I’m a broken man, Jax. She deserves only the best. She needs to move on with her life. I don’t want this to be a problem for you. I know she and Raven only have each other. Raven and the baby, they’re your family now. I will back away and give you back the portion of the company that you gave me. I am also going to move back to Scotland as soon as I’m healed. Tony can take over for me.”

  He jumps up, “So that’s it? You think you have this all figured out. Just like that and you’re going to write me off? Well, guess again, mate. You’re like a fucking brother to me, not some random employee. We’re in this to the bitter end—so, enough!” He throws his glass across the room and storms out.

  I KNOW THE WAY I just responded to Max was not the adult way to respond to things. Ha—fuck that! I’m not feeling like one right now!

  I go across to my flat, only to find it pretty lifeless. I check on Raven. She must still be shopping for the trip. I told her not to bother; we can get whatever we need when we are there. I think it is a way for her to settle her nerves, though. I’m glad she is not home right now; I need to be alone. I need to process all this shit and I know just where to start. I need to call my mum and find out exactly what she knows. I can’t believe she has never said one word about this.

  “Mum, I need to see you right now, where are you?”

  “Why do you need to see me, Jaxson?”

  I growl, “I just spent the last two hours with Max.”

  She lets out a deep sigh. “I’m on my way.”

  I always know I can count on her no matter what. I just wish Max could see that. How could everything have gotten so cocked-up for us? How did Max ever go on after his family was murdered? Three months without Raven nearly killed me. At least I had hope; hope that she was alive. Max had nothing.

  The elevator opens, and my mum comes speeding in. “Okay, what happened?” She sits next to me. I see something in her eyes—fear maybe—I’m not sure.

  “Max told me everything about Samantha and Elliot. He told me that you knew his grams. Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  She fidgets with her bracelet, seemingly trying to find her words. “I made a promise to his grams, many years ago. Besides, it was not my story to tell, son, it was his heartache. He is like a son to me, and I want him to be happy. I tried to make him understand that what happened was a random act of violence. He can have love again, and a family, he just needs to open his heart to it. He’s scared and lost. We need to support him.”

  She’s going to be even more upset when I inform her of the latest development. “Well, you’re not going to like this then . . . he has decided to go back to Scotland—permanently. He feels it would be better if he were out of all of our lives for good. What else did his grams tell you?”

  Mum is visibly shaking. “She said it was Maxwell who was first on the scene; they were both shot in the head. He is in such a dark place right now, and I’m so scared. He said Jackie has a bigger target on her now. I can’t imagine what he’s feeling. He’s hurting, we have to help him, son, p-please,” Mum cries.

  Oh fuck. “I know, mum. I will. Family doesn’t give up on family.”

  I know what I need to do. “Raven and I are going to Switzerland; she needs to see her mum and Jackie. I will keep you posted, but please keep a close eye on Max. As a matter of fact, just stay here.”

  She nods, “I will, son, this is far from over.”

  I GOT MY MUM settled in before Raven and I had to head to the airport, accompanied by more security than normal. I’m not taking any chances. When we get to Teterboro, we meet the pilot at the plane. Max always likes to do a walk around with the pilot, so I figure I should too. He informs me of the flight time and weather conditions as we board. Raven has a tight grip on my hand and she’s not letting go. “Sweetheart, I know you’re nervous, but I will be there every step of the way. Max and I have already spoken to the doctors, so they are expecting us.”

  She’s holding my hand so tight. “I know, Jax, I’m just scared. I don’t want to traumatize her anymore than she already is. I’m also very worried about Jackie and Max. I know something happened because your mom is staying close to him, which means you’re worried. Why won’t you tell me what has you so upset? I thought we weren’t going to have any secrets?”

  I look into those eyes, and I try to find the calm that she always brings me. “Yes, I’m upset. Actually, very upset. Secrets were kept for the past eight years, not only by Max, but also by my mum. It’s Max’s story that he should have told me eight years ago. Raven, Max thinks he can just walk out of my life, but he can’t. I’m not about to lose the closest thing to a brother I have. I told you, I can be a real bastard, Max, knows this, and I will throw everything I have at him if necessary.”

  “Does this have to do with why he pushed Jackie away?”

  “Yes, it does, and also why he is so overprotective.”

  She squeezes my hand. “I won’t push for answers, but I hope you know I’m not giving up on Max and Jackie. I told you, Jackie and I were roommates in collage. She is two years younger than me, so I always felt like her big sister. Did Max tell you about her family?”

  I shake my head, “Not much, just that she has an older brother, but there is a large age difference. When you graduated, why didn’t you continue to room with her?”

  “I got the job teaching at the school about six months before she did. Marco followed me up to New York from D.C, and we moved in together. I wanted Jackie to live with us too, but she didn’t like Marco. At times it was difficult, but she would make herself scarce when he was around, so I wouldn’t have to choose. Jackie’s parents are very nice; her mother is a traditional Japanese woman, always putting her husband first. If I didn’t know her father on a personal level, I would be very afraid of him.”

  Well that’s a surprise. “Really, why?”

  She bites her bottom lip. “Maybe I should let you experience him for yourself?”

  I lift her hand and kiss her wrist, “Oh no, sweetheart, you opened this door; no turning back now.”

  She takes a deep breath. “He is a quiet man, but he is very powerful. When he walks into a room, he doesn’t need to say a word; his presence demands respect and he gets it.”

  “Max said Jackie has
an older brother that owns a computer software firm. Are they close?”

  “No, Dylan is much older than her, he lives in Japan.”

  “When was that last time you were at Jackie’s parents’ house?”

  “I usually went home with Jackie during Christmas break. I wasn’t able to go last year, but I was with them the year before. It gave me some sort of family for the holidays.”

  She unlatches her seatbelt and crawls into my lap. She begins kissing me with those soft lips, very gently.

  “You know you should have your seatbelt on?”

  “Yep, I should.” She kisses me again.

  “You know the flight attendant can see us?”

  “Yep, I know.” Another kiss.

  “You know there are quite a few people on this flight that can see us?”

  “Yep, I know that too.”

  She swipes her tongue over my lips, and I moan. “You know I could make you get back into your seat and buckle up?”

  “Yep, I know, but you won’t.” She deepens the kiss again, swirling her tongue around slowly.

  “How do you know I won’t?”

  “Because I can feel how much you need me,” she whispers into my ear and gives me a little wiggle and let’s out a moan.

  I smile and unlatch my seatbelt. “Did I tell you that there is an office on board and a master suite?”

  “No, but I think it’s time for a tour, don’t you?” she laughs.

  “We have at least another six hours of flight time, I’m sure we could find lots to pass the time, sweetheart.” I lift her up and carry her into the master suite.

  “Wow, Jax, this is beautiful.”

  I lean in and gently kiss her. “Sweetheart, you’re beautiful, and all mine.” I need to be buried deep within her, blocking out the rest of the world.

  “Let me take care of you, Jax,” she pants. She always knows when I need her like this.

  I rest my forehead on hers, and I kiss her so softly. “Sweetheart, I’m all yours.”

  I SHOULDN’T BE SURPRISED, but I am. Jax had the balls to have his mum stay next door to watch me. He’s such a bastard. It doesn’t matter, my mind is made up. As soon as I can, I will be moving to Scotland. I don’t know how she did it, but Jackie broke through all of my walls. I didn’t realize it until the night Vincent tried to take her. Everything came flooding back that night, the fear of devastating loss; real pain. Thanks to me, Jackie’s in more danger now than before. She needs to stay at her father’s compound, where she will be safe. I was hoping to be gone by the time Jax returned. Now with his mum here, I doubt that will happen.

  It’s a nice day outside so I think I might go for a walk around the park; clear my head. I put on my gear and head out towards the elevator only to see Mrs. Phillips sitting in a chair with her book.

  “What are you doing, sitting out here?”

  She looks up at me, “Maxwell, what do you think I’m doing?”

  I grit me teeth, “Spying on me for Jax.”

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I’m trying to be calm here. “I’m going for a walk in the park.”

  She gets up. “Did the doctor say you could?”

  I’m so busted. “The therapist started me out in the gym. I’m bored; I know my limits.”

  She shakes her head, “You’ll do no such thing, get back inside, right now.”

  I open my mouth to speak and she yanks on my ear. “Do I have to tell you again?”

  I know better than to test her limits. “Ma’am, do you want to have tea with me? Or are you just going to sit out here and spy on me for Jax?” As much as I want to be left alone, I love having her here. I would never tell her that . . . but I do.

  “Maxwell, I would love some tea.”

  She heads to the kitchen, and starts puttering around. “Ma’am, you know I’m quite capable of making tea.”

  “Yes, dear, I know that. But this is what I do, so behave and let me do it.” I sit and watch her work her way around the kitchen with such ease. I will really miss her, but I have to do what’s best for Jax; he deserves his shot at happiness. She sets everything up and sits next to me. She always gives me Jammie Dodgers with my tea, just like my grams did. “Jax, said you want to go back to Scotland, can I ask why?”

  What do I say? I don’t want to hurt her. “I was waiting to see how long it was going to take you.”

  She glares at me. “I was giving you some space.”

  I start to laugh, and I can’t stop. Bless her, she is just sitting there with a straight face, waiting. “I’m sorry, ma’am, sometimes you’re just too funny.”

  She rolls her eyes, “Well, I’m glad I can be your source of amusement, however, you still haven’t answered my question.”

  I take a breath. “Jax has a shot at a happy life with a wonderful girl. He has a baby on the way. Raven’s only friend is Jackie and vice versa. The situation with Jackie makes it hard for Jax, and he doesn’t need or deserve that. He deserves to have his slice of heaven. Besides, if I’m in the picture, it puts a bigger target on Jackie.”

  She takes my hand and squeezes it. “What about you, Maxwell, what do you deserve?”

  I stir my tea that’s now cold. “That ship sailed a long time ago.” We sit in silence for a while, sipping our tea. “Ma’am, can I ask you a question?”

  She nods, “Of course, what is troubling you?”

  I need to know this, but I don’t want to upset her. “How did you know my grams?”

  Her lip begins to tremble. “I knew it was just a matter of time before this story would have to come out.”

  A tear rolls down her cheek. Oh bloody hell, what did I do? “Please don’t cry. I’m sorry. You don’t have to say another word.”

  She shakes her head, “Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. This story should have been told a long time ago, but I made a promise to your grams so I kept a lid on it. I knew who you were from a very young age. I was dating a young man, and I thought it was true love. I went against my parents’ wishes and dated him. I fell in love; foolishness comes with youth. I found myself unmarried and pregnant. My father pushed for him to marry me right away, which he did. He said he was in sales and had to travel a lot. I was very young and very naïve, so I believed him. Things were good for a bit. He always made it home for the weekends to spend time with Jax. Then along came Isabella, and she was such a handful. After that, my husband came home less and less, until finally, he just never came back at all. I decided I would search for him, and what I found was his other family; you and your mum.”

  She stops talking, and watches me as if waiting for my reaction. Talk about dropping a bomb—Jax, Bella, and I are siblings!

  “Your mum knew. He came home and told her everything, right before he left her, too. It wasn’t too long after that, she overdosed. In the meantime, I decided to pack up my family and move to the States. When I found out about your mum’s passing, I decided I wanted to take you with us. I wanted to raise the three of you together as a family. I went to speak to your grams; she was such a kind woman, Maxwell. Your grams was very gracious, but she wanted you with her. I couldn’t blame her, you were all she had left. She promised me that she would keep me updated on everything in your life, and I kept her updated on Jaxson and Isabella’s. When you married Samantha and had Elliot, she was so proud of you. Then when everything happened, she contacted me, thinking maybe I could bring you back to the States to live with us. She talked about maybe telling you the truth, but then you joined the Special Forces.”

  I take the rattling teacup from her hands. “Take as much time as you need, ma’am.”

  “Your grams wanted you to get to know Jaxson and Isabella. I think she wanted to know you had some sort of family before she died. You being in that bar on that night was not an accident, your grams and I arranged it. We couldn’t think of any other way. And I knew how wild Jax would get after he closed a deal. We knew you would look after him.”

  I can’t believe wha
t I’m hearing; these two kind little old ladies totally pulled the wool over our eyes. “Does Jax know any of this?”

  She shakes her head, “No. I would appreciate it if you let me tell him. He deserves the truth, and he deserves to hear it from me.”

  I stare into space, my mind racing, until I finally find my voice. “Of course, but why did you wait so long to tell me?”

  “Shame.” She looks down.

  I don’t know if I want to know this next answer, but I have to ask the question. “Of me?”

  Her eyes grow wide. “Never, Maxwell! Oh, lad, never of you! Only of me.”


  I see her lip begin to quiver as she fights to hold back the tears. “No one likes to admit they were made a fool of. I fell in love with a man who was already married. I didn’t know it, and I married him. My marriage was a sham, and my children would have to bare the shame of illegitimacy. It’s my shame to bare—not theirs. I know in today’s world it’s not a big deal, but I’m from a different generation. Your grams never wanted him to know where you were, or anything about your life. I don’t know where he is, or if he is even still alive. I really don’t care. I made a promise to your grams that I would keep this secret as long as you needed me to. I tried so many times to convince her to tell you. Not just for you, but for Jax and Isabella. Your grams left a letter for you and told me that I would know when to give it to you. I have never read the letter. It’s in a safety deposit box. When you’re ready, I will give it to you.”


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