Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 30

by Theresa Sederholt

  “Anna, what have you found out for me?”

  “Apparently, Maxwell has gotten back together with Jacquelyn Gerhard.”

  “I thought he threw her out like yesterday’s trash. When did this happen?”

  “From what I can gather, Jax and Cara brought her back from Switzerland.”

  “What were Jax and Cara doing in Switzerland? I’m sure they didn’t fly over there just to bring the little bitch home for Max.”

  “I’m trying to find out more, but right now, Jax has a wall up around everyone and everything. I did find out that he purchased a private island off the coast of Belize. There is some major construction going on there. Word is, that he is taking everyone there for a while.”

  “Anna, if he’s planning on going to that island, then that means he’s going to release the tape. Any luck on getting it back?”

  “Apparently, Max has many friends in high places. That tape has been duplicated, and word is, Scotland Yard also has a copy.”

  “Anna, I thought Cara was dead. I only found out when Duke got in touch with me that she was alive, and that I had a son. Makes me wonder what else has been hidden from me.”

  “I don’t know. All I do know is we need to figure a way out of this mess. I spoke with Duke and he is at least willing to listen. He will be keeping Deveno as his attorney, for now. I will tell you, Vince, Duke is a broken man with nothing left to lose.”

  “I know, and that’s the most dangerous type of man. I’m meeting tomorrow with Deveno and the Feds to see what they are going to offer me. In the meantime, you need to stop Jax from getting everyone to that island. If they make it to there, then he’ll release the tape. If that happens, then were all fucked!”

  MY PARENTS HAVE TRIED to get in touch with me, but I declined to have any contact with them. I’ve fucked up their lives enough; they don’t need to be part of this giant cluster-fuck. The Feds are on their way to talk to me, along with that weasel, Deveno. My father is willing to throw me to the wolves. At this point, who the fuck cares? I have my ace. I wonder about Raven and how she is doing. I hope her and the baby are okay; she deserves some sort of happiness.

  I make my way toward the holding room, hoping my plan will put an end to all of this, permanently. I enter the room, and the guard locks the chains that are around my ankles and wrists to a ring on the floor. They act like I’m some sort of deranged serial killer. Maybe in their minds, I am. In walks the weasel and the Fed; let the games begin.

  “Hello, Mr. Jensen, I’m Leo Hage, Federal Prosecutor for the United States government. I’m here to discuss your options. I understand you have retained Mr. Deveno as counsel?”

  “Call me Duke and yes, Deveno is representing me at this time.”

  “Duke, as I informed Mr. Deveno, at this point, we are prepared to offer you diminished capacity with a prison term of twenty-five to life. Originally, it was life without parole, however, upon speaking with Mrs. Philips, I believe that you were under an extreme amount of pressure. Part of the agreement is you must sever all ties with the Giaconna family. You must also, undergo counseling. Do you agree to these terms?”

  I’ll play along with him, letting him think he’s got a win. “So, Raven went to bat for me. When did she get married?”

  “I’m not here to discuss Mrs. Phillips.”

  “Where will I be held?”

  Deveno grabs my arm; the thought of him touching me makes my skin crawl. “Duke, does it matter to you where they hold you?”

  “Well, seeing how my father is probably going to sing like a fucking canary, I don’t think my life will be worth much. So, yeah, it matters, Deveno, it matters a lot.”

  Hage, shakes his head and mutters something under his breath. Clearly he despises Deveno, about as much as I do. “I’ve already made one concession on your sentence. Do you have something to offer me that would make me want to put you someplace easier?”

  “Yeah, Mr. Hage, I do.” Deveno’s face turns red and he’s about ready to stroke. Hage smiles, and I venture to say, he will be smiling even more.

  Deveno jumps up, “Until I have time to talk to my client alone, this meeting is over.”

  “Mr. Hage, can you guarantee my safety? Not that it means much, look how well the Feds protected Raven.”

  “That would depend what you have to offer us, Duke.”

  “I have to object. Duke, stop talking, you’re digging yourself into a hole. Let’s talk about our options privately.”

  “Deveno, you’re fired. I told Annabelle I would keep you, as long as you were useful. That usefulness just ran out.”

  “Hage, I’m filing an objection with the judge. Apparently, if you’re willing to give him diminished capacity, you’re aware he is unstable.”

  Hage’s eyes light up, “Duly noted, Mr. Deveno. However, your client still fired you. Goodbye.”

  Thank God, that weasel is gone. I’m not going to rot here and be someone’s bitch for the next twenty-five years.

  “Okay, Duke, you do understand that you have the right to another attorney, and that you’re waving your right to new counsel?”

  “Yes, Hage, I understand. I will tell you what I have, but I won’t show you everything, until I have a signed deal.”

  “What do you have that you think is so valuable?”

  “I have the original FBI file on the entire Giaconna, family. I have Gabriella’s hand written journal, detailing everything that Vincent did and said to her. He raped and tortured her. Made her watch her husband’s murder over and over again. He made her believe he still had Cara, and he threatened to rape Cara if Gabriella didn’t comply. I have journals and files that I lifted from the villa in Italy, when my father was fleeing the country. There are details of wire transfers, and lastly, there is a thumb drive. On that drive is a list of all of my father’s business contacts; dealings and holdings that I conveniently copied. Hage, I’ve got the Holy Grail. You can lift your chin off the ground now and let’s discuss what I want.”

  “How do I know you actually have all of this?”

  “I have a sample saved in a drop box online. I will give you the passwords and you can confirm the information. I want total immunity, name change, and relocation. I don’t trust your witness protection program. I’ve seen how well that worked for Raven. I want $20,000,000.00 in an off shore bank account and a clean passport. I also want safe passage out of the country to anywhere I choose. I want to stay in solitary until everything is done; it’s my only chance to survive.”

  “GIVE ME THE INFORMATION and let me verify it. If it checks out, then we have a deal.”

  Duke gives me the information and heads back to his cell. This day just keeps getting better and better. I hope, for his sake, he can deliver the goods. I’m sure Deveno is on his way now to deliver Vincent the bad news. I would rather have Vincent locked away for life than give him any sort of deal.

  VINCENT’S GOING TO GO fucking ballistic when he finds out what went down with Duke. I don’t have a clue what the fuck this kid has that makes him think he can get a deal. Time to face the music; Vincent enters the room.

  “Deveno, what the fuck is going on? Hage, was supposed to be here today to discuss a deal and the last minute, he canceled.”

  “We met with Duke this morning. Apparently, he has something on you. He fired me and struck a deal with Hage. Before you even ask, I have no idea what the kid has. I have asked every one of my contacts at the bureau, but it’s on tight lockdown. Whatever it is, it’s big. Do you have any idea what it could be?”

  “How the fuck would I know? I picked the kid up with Cara at that dump in Woodstock. We were at the villa the whole time, until I had to flee. I told the kid we would go our separate ways, and I would hook up with him in the states. Everything happened so fast; Jax and Max’s men were all over the place.”

  “Was there anything at the villa he could have gotten his hands on?”

  “There were some banking ledgers that I had to leave when we fled. I keep everythin
g that’s important on a thumb drive but I grabbed it when I left.”

  “Could he have gotten a copy of it?”

  “I honestly don’t think so. But if he did, then I’m fucked—which means—you’re fucked too, Deveno. Everything you have ever done for me is also on that drive. All of my business dealings and contacts are on that drive. Judges, politicians, leaders in other countries, bank accounts—everything. You better fucking find out what the kid has, and then how to get your hands on it—now!”

  “Why the fuck would you put everything on there?”

  “Well, would you rather I kept written copies? It was easy and I could carry it everywhere.”

  “Where is the drive now?”

  “I put it someplace safe before that fucker, Max, came after me and shot me.”

  “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “No, there is no reason for you to know where it is. Find out what is going on and get back to me.” Vincent gets up and walks away, leaving me sitting here, holding my dick.

  I NEED TO TALK to Jax, something doesn’t feel right.

  “Jax, am I on speaker?”

  “No, what’s up?”

  “Come next door, and bring Raven.” I don’t give him a chance to answer.

  Within a few minutes, Jax comes flying through the door. “What’s the problem?”

  I begin my usual pacing which I find a comfort. “Jax, it’s my tingle sense, it’s firing up again.”

  “Oh fuck, no!”

  Raven and Jackie have a deer in the headlight look. “Raven, Max’s tingle sense was the key to finding you in Sicily.”

  “And I’m just finding out about this now!”

  Max holds up my hand, “In Jax’s defense, a lot has been going on, Raven.”

  Jax sits on the arm of the club chair and pulls Raven into his arms. “Go on, Max.”

  “I don’t think it’s safe to go to the island. I think we need to go with plan B. Let everyone think we’re going to the island. And yes, Jax, I have a plan B.” I hand Jax a scotch and the ladies water. “When Jax was holding me hostage, I was determined to leave here. With the help of a friend, I made a purchase abroad.”

  Jax looks like he’s about to explode. “Who’s the friend, Max?”

  “Mrs. Osla.”

  The shocked look on everyone’s face tells me that my plan worked. “I knew that above everyone else, I could trust her. With the help of Mrs. Osla, I purchased a 2700-acre equestrian farm in Angus, Scotland. When I realized I was never leaving my family, I figured, eventually, I would do something with it. Then when everything got crazy at the deposition, I knew I needed to do something. So I had the place updated. It has been equipped with everything we will ever need, including a clinic for the baby. It has its own airfield, and it has been completely staffed. I made the purchase in Mrs. Osla’s maiden name. Vincent and Duke are getting a deal. The island is too isolated; we would be like sitting ducks.” I look at Jax, and he’s pulling his hair every which way. “Jax, if you keep pulling that hair, you will be bald, mate. Talk to me.”

  “Max, you’re sure about the tingle sense?”

  “One-hundred percent, Jax, I can’t let the family go to the island, I just can’t.”

  “Max, does my dad or Sammy know?” Jackie asks.

  “No one but Mrs. Osla and us.”

  Jackie closes her eyes, “Will I be able to tell my father where I’m going?”

  “Not until we are all safely tucked away.”

  “Max, how are you going to get us there, it’s not like it’s just the four of us.” Jax brings my attention back to him.

  “Well, we aren’t getting on that plane tonight, that’s for sure. I think if we do, it’s game over. I called in a favor from a certain Turkish Prince. His private jet is waiting for us. I will let Mick in on what is going on. He can get the rest of the family to the hanger. We will be leaving by helicopter from the roof.”

  “What about Sammy? He’s not going to be easily fooled.” Jax throws his hand out.

  “You’re right, Jax, he won’t be. Do you remember the night we first met? I was on assignment, protecting the Queen’s grandson. Well I helped him out so many times that now, he has agreed to help me.”

  Jax gets up still keeping his arm around Raven. “Wait, Max, how will Mick know where to bring the family?”

  “By now Mrs. Osla has everyone at Bella’s house. Mick is on his way to pick them up and bring them to the airport. Mrs. Osla has his new instructions and a burner phone, so he can call me to verify.”

  Everyone is quiet, seemingly processing everything. “I’m sorry I had to keep everyone in the dark for so long. I needed to make sure I could get everything done as quickly and as safely as possible.”

  Raven lets go of Jax, comes over and pulls me into her arms. “Max, I could never repay you for all that you’ve done for my family and me. I know how hard this must have been for you. The added stress probably didn’t help with your healing. Thank you.”

  “Raven, you’re my family, I would lay down my life for everyone of you.” I hit the remote and the TV comes on, showing the entrance hall.

  The only thing we see is Sammy, and some of his guards waiting for us.

  Raven gasps, “Max, when were these cameras installed? Are they all over the flat?”

  “Raven, your privacy is intact. I had these installed after the night you pulled a runner on Jax. I’m sorry, but I had no choice; you were driving me nuts.”

  “Max, part of me wants to hug you and part of me wants to wring your neck.”

  “Well, Raven, I would much rather have the hug.”

  Jax and Raven are staring at the screen. We all see it at the same time, the elevator doors open and out steps the director of MI6 and a half a dozen guards. They block the door to my flat and that’s our cue.

  “Jax, grab Raven and Bo, we’re heading up the back stairwell to the roof. NOW!”

  SOMETIMES IN LIFE IT seems as if time is standing still. This is one of those times. Max scoops up a shocked Jackie as Raven gives Bo a hand signal to run. I realize Raven doesn’t know where the stairwell is. Instinct kicks in as I reach down grab her hand to lead her. We run into the kitchen, behind the pantry door. We hit the stairs, taking them two at a time. When we get to the roof, there is a chopper waiting, along with a slew of men, guns drawn. I freeze, but Max grabs my arm. “They’re ours, Jax, get in the chopper now.”

  It seems like forever to get us in the chopper and airborne, but in reality, it’s seconds. These men are trained for this sort of thing, we, on the other hand, are not. Max is co-piloting, which makes me feel better. All we can do is pray his plan works.

  I’VE TOLD THEM NO one is to divert from the plan, so what do they do? Divert from the fucking plan. Just as I get most of the family loaded into the van, Mrs. Osla tells me they are going back to Bella’s house for some shit they forgot. That woman is a pain in the ass and she doesn’t back down. I instruct their driver to take them to get whatever it is they forgot and head straight to Teterboro Airport and we will meet them there. The elevator doors open and I’m in shock. The Chief of MI6 steps off with an elevator full of guards. They form a barrier in front of Max’s door. “Sir, what are you doing here?”

  “Special request from the Queen. You need to stand down.”

  “Sir, what about, Miss Gerhard?”

  “She’s already been removed and is being transported to safety.”

  “Does Mr. Gerhard know, did he order this?”

  “For everyone’s safety, we are going dark. Let’s go.”

  I’ve been at this long enough to know when to shut up, and now is the time.

  WELL, THE LAST THING I ever expected was to walk out of Sing Sing with the gift that Duke just handed me. If this checks out, it’s going to catapult my career. I open the drop box and there it is, a file and a video. The video is a short clip showing the FBI file and the Journal. I open the file and Bingo; it’s a nice portion showing Vincent’s holdings. Som
e of his contacts in other countries. Holy shit this is big. I need the rest of this list and I need to keep this all a secret, not just for Duke’s safety but for my own, as well. This kid just bought himself a deal. If this is going to work, it needs to go down fast.

  I’M BEING PULLED FROM solitary. Apparently, Hage is back already. For once, the tables of luck are on my side. They bolt me to the table, yet again, before they let Hage come in. “So, you’re back? Guess you’re happy with the information.”

  “You delivered, Duke, now how do I get the rest?”

  “As soon as you get everything else I requested, then it’s yours. Do you have the immunity agreement?”

  “Yes, and the offshore account has been funded. You never said what name you wanted so I picked something simple. Patrick Brown, easy enough to remember. Due to the extent of high-level people in the information that you provided, only three people know of this deal: myself, the President of the United States, and the Prime Minister of Great Britain.”

  “How’s Raven?”

  “Mrs. Phillips is fine. You understand you can never have contact with her or any of the Giaconna, family?”

  “Hage, I get it. Duke Jensen dies when I sign those papers. She was innocent through this whole mess. Even at the worst point, when she thought her and her baby would be a prisoner for life, she tried to help me. I just want to know that she’s safe and happy.”

  “I assure you, with a husband like Jaxson Phillips, her safety is not an issue. How do I get the rest of the files?”

  “I have a letter I want you to personally deliver to Raven.”

  “That was not part of the deal, Duke.”

  I slide the letter in front of him. “Yeah, well without this, there is no deal.”

  I grab the letter, “Fine, now give me the rest of the files.”


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