Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 31

by Theresa Sederholt

  “I’ll give you the rest on the plane, let’s go.”

  I sign the paperwork, giving birth to Patrick Brown, and leaving a world of hurt behind.

  WE LAND AT A private hanger at Logan Airport in Boston. A car is waiting to take us to our jet. When we get on board, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Max gives customs our passports, while Raven runs to check on her mum. Jackie’s very quiet, and I’m worried about her. A lot has been thrown at this girl, today.

  Max comes back and he seems relieved. “Jax, were clear for takeoff. Let’s get everyone seated.”

  It’s only now that I take a look around and realize this is not a plane, it’s a frigging resort.

  Once we’re airborne, everyone seems to relax. “Raven, I’m going to meet with Max for a bit. Try and get some rest.”

  “Come on, Max, we need to talk.”

  “There’s an office in the back.”

  We get into the office, and I’m floored—this place is beyond words.

  “Max, are we safe here?”

  “Jax, this is the Turkish version of Air Force One. What do you want to know?”

  “Why did you keep this from me?”

  “Honestly, Jax, you had so much on your plate, and I wanted everyone to believe they were going to the island. I had to in order to pull this off.”

  “What about, Jackie? This girl has had so much shit thrown at her today.

  “Don’t you think I know that? Once we get to Scotland, she can contact her parents. I had no choice, mate. I had to keep everyone in the dark.”

  “What are we going to do about Vincent? Are we going to release the tape?”

  Before Max can answer, his Blackberry buzzes.

  “Apparently, Jax, we won’t have to.”

  “What’s going on now?”

  “Text from Mathew.”

  “Stay away from New York right now. Shit hit the fan. Duke threw Vincent and the entire organization under the bus. Feds are NOT going to make a deal with Vincent. Don’t tell me where you are. I will let you know when it’s safe. Make sure Raven and Rose don’t turn on the news; the tape has been leaked.”

  “Holy shit, Max, could this be the light at the end of the tunnel?”

  Max turns on the TV and it’s everywhere.

  “Breaking news: Mafia Drug Lord kills his Federal Agent brother as agent’s seven-year-old daughter watches.”

  “Jax, it’s not just the tape. What the hell did Duke have on Vincent?”

  “Oh my God, Max, it’s that slimy lawyer, Deveno, being taken away in handcuffs.”

  “Jesus Christ, Jax, we got out just in time. Hage is slated to give an interview.”

  “I’ll be right back I want to check on Raven.”

  “ARE THE GIRLS OKAY?” he asks as I walk back in. He hands me a scotch.

  “Yeah, everyone is asleep.”

  Hage walks up to the podium:

  “Hello, I’m Senior Federal Prosecutor Hage. Today will go down in history as the day The United States Government shut down a major Mafia crime family. It is also the day many people will be answering for their crimes. Arrests have been made, and many more to follow. If you’ve done any business with the Giaconna family, there will be no place you can hide. The United States Government is in possession of the Mafia’s equivalent to ‘The Holy Grail.’ It’s a list of anyone and everyone who has had any dealings with this family. Every payoff, every country, every government official is listed. Vincent Giaconna murdered his brother, a decorated Federal Agent, in front of the agent’s seven-year-old daughter. He kidnapped, tortured, beat and raped his brother’s wife everyday. You’ve seen the tape. At this time, Vincent Giaconna has been charged with murder, major drug trafficking, and treason. All of these are punishable by death. No more questions at this time. Thank you.”

  Max and I sit here, stunned. How the hell did Duke pull it off?

  “Max could this possibly be over for us?”

  “We need to stay clear for a while, let the dust settle.”

  “We have to tell everyone. I don’t want them to see that tape!”

  “Jax, we might not have a choice. I’m glad we will be hidden away for a while; totally off the grid.”

  I’m swirling the amber liquid around my glass, trying so hard to keep it all together. “Max, do you think everyone will like this place?”

  “Yeah, mate, it’s beautiful. There is so much to do. I think Junior is going to love it there. Once everything gets settled, if anyone wants to leave, they can.”

  “Do you have everything set up for the baby?”

  “Of course, that’s the first thing I took care of. Hold on; let me pull up the pictures. The main house looks like an old castle and has enough of room for all of us. There are a dozen cottages that are for the staff. There are stables, a lake, and an airstrip.”

  “What were you planning on doing there?”

  “Do you really want to know this?”

  “Of course, I want to know.”

  “I was going to make Scotch whisky. It’s something I always wanted to try.”

  Jax is stroking his chin and sipping his scotch. I think the simple life I was dreaming of just got a whole lot more complicated.

  “Jax, I have something else to tell you. I asked Jackie to marry me.”


  “She said yes, as long as we can have a long engagement.”

  “Congratulations, mate, and to think, you owe it all to me and my negotiating skills.”

  “Did you get her a ring?”

  “Jax, it wasn’t planned from the first day I met her.”

  “Nonsense, that night on the dance floor, you were done. It just takes you longer to see the light.”

  “I have one question for you, why Mrs. Osla? For fuck’s sake, Max, you’re petrified of the woman.”

  “Have a seat, Jax. I’ve got something to tell you.”

  What the fuck else could possibly be thrown my way today? “You’ve got my full attention now.”

  “You’ve never once asked me how I found Mrs. Osla.”

  “That’s because I trust you blindly, so why would I? Where are you going with all of this?”

  “You know that she’s a widow? Her husband was killed by a drunk driver, and she never had any children. What you don’t know is Mrs. Osla is, Samantha’s, aunt. When my family was murdered, it not only destroyed me, but Mrs. Osla, too. She was like a mum to Samantha, and she doted on Elliot. She came to see me when I was at the lowest point in life. It was with her help and support that I pulled myself together and joined the Special Forces. I never forgot her and when you were in need of a new assistant, I reached out to her. I knew I could trust her, and I respect her. In a way, it was like having a part of Samantha with me. She knew my past and never told anyone, not even your mum.

  “Why are you telling me this now?”

  “Raven and Jackie have taught me a lot, mainly that there can’t be any secrets amongst us, our family. True love is about honesty, trust, and respect. I need you to understand Mrs. Osla is a very special lady, and without her help, none of this would have happened today.”

  “Have you told Jackie?”

  “Not yet, but I will when Mrs. Osla feels comfortable with everyone knowing.”

  “One more question, are you really afraid of her?”

  “Hell yeah!”

  “ After we land, we should let the family know what’s going on.”

  WE ARE GOING TO be landing soon. Max and I watched the news all through the flight. So many people, arrested for having any dealings with the Giaconna family. The last one we watched was Annabelle. If I have learned anything in my life, it’s that there is no easy way. Work hard and stay true to who you are, everything else will follow. Gaining power any other way but honestly only puts you at the top of the house of cards, waiting for it to tumble. Watching that tape, and seeing what Vincent did to Raven, made me want to kill him. If I personally went after him, it would have made me no better than him. I
need to be better than that. I hope that I’ve set an example for Junior. I know I will for my own children.

  I find Raven in one of the many suites in this flying palace. She’s still asleep, in my dress shirt, of course. I undress and crawl in bed next to her, pulling her in my arms. Even in sleep, she wraps herself around my body. I know the next couple of months are going to be very emotional for everyone. I can finally say I have faith, the same faith that she has. We will get to the other side of this. I gently kiss her lips and her eyes flutter open.


  “Hey, yourself, sweetheart. We’re going to be landing soon.”

  “Jax, you look different, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m great, actually.”

  She reaches up and kisses me, pulling my lower lip between her teeth. “I know you’re great, but what happened?”

  “It’s over, Raven. The tape was released. Apparently, Duke had some sort of evidence that the Feds are calling, ‘the holy grail.’ They charged Vincent with numerous crimes, and they are seeking the death penalty. We don’t know everything yet, but so many people were arrested, including Annabelle. We will stay in Scotland until the dust settles, unless you love it there and decide you want to stay.” I look down and I see the stunned look on her beautiful face. “I know it’s a lot sweetheart, but it’s all good. We’ll be okay, I have faith now.” I smile and plant a kiss on her nose. “I have some other news. Max asked Jackie to marry him and she said yes. She wants a long engagement.”

  “I know she told me. So much has been thrown at her today.”

  “I know I was worried, too. I know that Max had Mathew check on her family, and they are fine.” I rest hand on her growing belly and I can feel my baby kick.

  “Max showed me pictures of the place and it looks surreal. The main house looks like a castle. Junior is going to have a blast.”

  “Jax, is there anything else?”

  God, she knows me even when I don’t. “I decided I’m going to read the file.”

  “Did you talk to your mom about it?”

  “No, it has to be my decision, not hers. I’m the one that needs to see this through. She’s made peace with her decision when she moved to the States. I need to find that same peace.”

  I’ve made love to her in so many places, and in so many ways, but right now, I need her. Our room is beginning to fill with a golden hue as the sun starts to rise. I shift so she can climb on top of me and slowly lower herself onto my cock. She stops, takes my hands, and kisses each palm.

  “God, Raven, how is it you always know what I need?”

  “Because I need you too, Jax, just as much as you need me.”

  She kisses me, our tongues doing their dance. Maybe now, with all of this behind us, we can finally relax. I watch her as we unravel together. I’m buried deep within her, knowing that she can be safe, sends me over that cliff of extreme pleasure, taking her with me as I fall.

  Were both quiet for a while, enjoying the calm, and watching the dawn of a new day on the horizon.

  “Raven, how do you feel about making scotch?”

  “Excuse me.”

  “Let me tell you a story.”

  ALMOST THREE MONTHS HAVE passed since we got to Scotland. Junior is in love with the castle. Everyday, I take him to explore the different secret rooms. Bella and Michael went to Italy to tend to Michael’s winery, but I asked them to leave Junior with me. I love our private time together. Construction to add more homes on the estate has started. With Mrs. Osla in charge, I don’t doubt they will be ahead of schedule. Between this place being so big and Raven, nearing the end of the pregnancy, I now have everyone carrying two-way radios. While Raven is resting, I decide to find Max and give him my decision. I radio him to meet me in the study.

  He comes racing in. “Hey, Raven okay?”

  “Yeah, nothing yet. Everyone in her family went early except for her. I want to talk to you about Raiders. I want to sell it. Before you say anything, hear me out.”

  “Go ahead, Jax, I’m listening.”

  “I’m tired of that lifestyle. We’re young and I think we are due for a new adventure. I know that everyone loves it here. I spoke to Jackie and she wants to teach children with special needs how to ride and take care of the horses. I really want to get this Scotch idea of yours off the ground. It would also be easier for Michael to run the winery. Mum, Rose, and Mrs. Osla agreed to it, as well. Jackie would be closer to her parents, too. All the way around, I think it’s a great idea. If you don’t want to sell, you can buy my shares at whatever you think is fair. Are you just going to sit there or are you going to say something?”

  “Well, it sounds like you have everything already planned out for everyone. How does Raven feel about this? Did you run any of this by her?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I’m really trying hard not to bully anyone, Max. She wants to stay here. She loves the country. She wants to be a full-time mum.”

  “I’m okay with it, Jax. I would be very happy, living out the rest of my days here. We can keep the flats in New York for vacations, along with the island. What else is bothering you? I can tell, so don’t even try to hide it.”

  “I also decided that after the baby comes, I want to read the file. I need answers.”

  “Jax, what if the answers you’re seeking aren’t in the file?”

  “Then, we will find them out together, but either way, I need to know.”

  “What about, An, have you spoken to her about it?”

  “She made her peace, now I need to make mine. Does that make sense?”

  “Okay, get the ball rolling on everything.”

  “Have you and Jackie thought about setting a date? I know she was relieved that the pregnancy test was negative, but that doesn’t mean she wants to wait forever. Bella can’t have any more children, and I want lots of babies in this house. That leaves me and you, mate.”

  “Actually, Jax, we’re thinking late spring. Does Raven know you want lots of babies?” he chuckles.

  “Stop laughing at me. Yes, she knows. She probably figures after this one I might not want lots more. I think I’ve calmed down a lot since we’ve been here. All the arrests have helped to calm me down.”

  “Jax, you can’t possibly be serious. You’re a crazy arse fucker and you always will be!”

  “Thank you very much, Max. On that note, I’m going to bring my lovely wife some freshly squeezed juice.”

  As I get up to leave my radio goes off, “Jax, help me!”

  Max starts barking orders behind me as we’re flying up those steps three at a time. As I burst through the door, I see Raven, kneeling on the floor. “What the fuck are you doing on the floor?!”

  “I’m having a damn party, Jax! What the hell do you think I’m doing? I don’t think I can make it to the clinic.”

  “What the fuck do you mean, you can’t make it? You have to make it to the clinic, that’s the plan! The plan is in place for a reason!”

  “Max, please call my mother and the doctor.”

  “I already did, Raven, they are on their way. Jax, snap the fuck out of it and get her on the bed. Where is your labor bag, Raven?”

  “It’s behind the door.”

  Max grabs the bag and pulls everything out, finally finding a nightshirt and tosses it to me. “Jax, help get this on her now.”

  As I lift her up, there’s a gush of water. Raven is screaming and panting. My heart is ready to leap out of my chest. I’m never going to survive this. Fuck all that is holy, stop this ride, I want to get off!

  “Jax, what are you waiting for? Help her get undressed.”

  “Turn around, Max. Don’t roll your eyes at me, I’m serious, mate, turn around.”

  He turns around and I quickly help her change. I get her comfortable in the bed with the sheet pulled up.

  “Can I turn around now, Jax?”

  “Don’t be a wise arse, yes, you can turn around. What’s the status on the doctor?”

“He’s still a few minutes out.”

  “What do you mean, a few minutes out? He was supposed to be here on standby.”

  “One of the staff’s children fell and broke her arm. He was tending to her. Look, forget about that right now, and start timing her contractions.”

  Raven is following her Lamaze lessons, doing all the breathing we learned. She has a death grip on my hand and the other on Max’s.

  When the contraction finally passes, Raven leans back into my chest. “Oh no, Jax, I feel like I have to push.”

  “What the fuck do you mean? The doctor isn’t here yet! The. Baby. Has. To. Wait. For. The. Doctor!”

  Max grabs my arm, “This baby is not going to wait for anyone, Jax, and that includes you. Get your head out of your arse—now! Raven, I need to see if the baby is crowning. I know this is not the ideal situation, but we are out of options.”

  “Max, do whatever you have to but please make sure our baby is safe.”

  “I promise, Raven, I will. I’m going to pull the sheet up and take a look at what is going on okay?”

  Max rolls the sheet down and gently pushes her legs apart. His eyes become wide as he announces the baby is crowning.

  “Looks like I’m delivering my niece or nephew. I’ve done this before, don’t panic. Raven, I’m going to need you to pant and then push. Jax, you need to help her with this. Massage her back like you learned in class. Talk her through it. I’ll tell you when.”

  “Max, can’t we wait for the doctor, he should only be a couple of minutes.”

  Raven grabs my hair and pulls my face to hers. “So help me God, Jax, you do what he tells you to do. If you don’t, I will pull every last hair out of that glorious head of yours!”

  “If you two are done arguing, it’s time to deliver. Raven, do you feel the urge to push again?”


  “Start now. Jax, count it out for her.”

  “Raven, you’re doing great. Now pant like you’re blowing out a candle.”

  “Jax, you need to breathe. If you pass out, you’ll miss this. You need to help her with the breathing.”

  “Jax, so help me, if you pass out, you and Mr. Cock are never going to cock heaven again!”


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